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Harry Potter 05: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Reviews

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SPOILER WARNING!!! This WHOLE THREAD will contain informations about the movie you might not want to hear before watching it yourself! So don't read anymore of it if you don't want to see spoiler informations!


(I think this spoiler warning should be okay as the only one, so please discuss freely from now on ;))



















Hey all,

I saw the movie yesterday together with Aredhel and I thought that I should share my opinion!

Overall impression: Great movie, great effects, BUT finally the Potter series lost almost everything of the "family fairytale" feeling it had in Potter I and II (and slightly in Potter III)...

It deals much more with "serious" thoughts and happenings which in many ways can be directly converted into things from our real world. Many scenes are really dark and we can see all those people (especially Potter) suffer from the circumstances.

The whole Potter world seems to become less and less life friendly, especially the fact that they lead kids (and yeah, a 17 year old also should be considered as a children) into situations (dragon duel, merpeople) that can easily become dangerous to life makes the Potter universe look somewhat cruel! (and will finally kill one person)

The look of the movie supports in most cases this feeling, passages with bad happenings always seem to be really dark (not only from the happenings, but also from colors and music and such), especially the graveyard scenes and the attack at the Quidditch Championship seem to be completely out of the universe of the previous movies!

The Death Eaters itself remind very much of the Ku-Klux-Klan (spelling?) and the ideology behind them is not only cruel by itself, but they are also showed in a very scary and shocking way (Quidditch Championship assault!)

Nonetheless all those things doesn't make it a bad movie, it's just a bit different from the others. Actually I really enjoyed it!

Having that said I would like to note down some pros and cons ;)

Details I liked: (y)

- The effects are really great! To name only a few: The dragons are animated just great! When the horntail walks around Hogwards roof it looks just so realistic! :oo Everything else like the merpeople and such are also greatly done! (y)

- The American Pie influences are just so ridiculous! It's so fun to see how Harry behaves when he sees the asian girl. The scenes where the boys have to ask girls for the dance - just funny! The ending of the dance itself is such a clich


i've not seen the movie but i read the book(and the sticker one) its the best one me thinks.

EDIT: seen it. i liked but it was rushed.

EDIT(again ;) ):it di have its funny moments. but it's definitely the best one!!!!!


im leaving in 10 minutes, to see this movie. I cant wait, some friends of mine(who saw the movie at the midnight premiere) told me that the movie was very good.


I just got back from the cinema. overall it was a very good movie, with both lot of humor and darkness.

I only have few things to complain about, which is that Voldemort wasnt scary enough, I had hoped for him to be just a little more scary. Also, the beginning was very rushed, which i think is negative.

the movie also has its moments, like when they are practising for the yule ball, which was a very funny scene(everyone in the cinema just laghed out a lot).

If you not already have seen the movie then do it asap, and remeber that this is no childs movie anymore, actually it is very dark.


The things Apo said about the movie are completely right. As he said, we saw it together and it was great!

We discussed about the movie at our way home.

THAT was very interesting because I know the book and he does not, but the things we liked and disliked where similar!

Really great movie!!! *y*


I saw the movie today, and I must saw it was great! Much better and darker than the other 3.

I thought that this film was much closer to the book than the others have been and it only left a few minor details out. I was disappointed not to see the quidditch match but I guess it didn't really add to the overall storyline.

- The magical championship (no idea, what it is called in english) isn't explained really good. I never was sure when it will be finished, how many tasks they have to do and so on. The periods between the single tasks are a bit long, but regarding that the book / movie must cover a whole year there had been no other choice than letting it run over the whole year...

As I have read the book I understood the sequence of events and I thought the plot worked well and ran smoothly, I agree with Apo that the film should have started at the Dursleys for completeness sake, but I see why they chose not to.

The graveyard scene was perfect for me, I just wish Voldermort had said that line about there being one of his servents at Hogwarts for reference to future books.

Overall a great film! I will probably go see it again as I thought it was the best HP so far!


Overall a great film! I will probably go see it again as I thought it was the best HP so far!

I think we (Apo and I) will see it again, but then in die original version. We have some cinemas which show the original versions of the movies and we have the luck that Harry Potter is one of those few movies (AND it is without subtitles... :D )

(BTW: This is my 100th post!! ;) :-D )


i am a huge harry potter fan. I really like the books and am okay with the movies, but this movie was the worst when it came to the book. Unlike the movie there was something that happened between the second and third tasks in the book and they left out the part that i was most looking foward to Crouch's confession


i saw the film today and it was most defenitely the best hp yet! Finaly hp-films are evolving into more serious hp films. especialy the first 2 films were still very much like fairy tales, you tell your children before they go to sleep... i wouldn't do that with this film. this was also the first hp film that did not annoy me at some point, so this must be a good film!

the film is, like the story, a lot darker, after all, Voldemort is alive and kicking, ready to change the world for the worse. Surely, no one would accept a bright, shining film when a story is that dark. i've read the last book, i guess that would be hp5, and that's even darker than hp4. i guess we'll all leave the cinema hugely depressed after having seen hp5. :P

i can't really think of a major bad thing... there's the question of the Malfoy family. Lucius will be, that's in the hp5 book, brought to azkhaban, but a few other people are hardly in this film: snape for instance, or malfoy junior... but they're not particularly important for this section of the hp-story, anyway...

snape for instance, or malfoy junior... but they're not particularly important for this section of the hp-story, anyway...

You read book 6 yet? These two characters begin to become important then! ;)


  • 2 weeks later...

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