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Chapter 1: Departure

The air is cool and damp, and the night sky is filled with dark, ominous clouds. The scent of burning coal is thick as the noise of an oncoming train can be heard in the distance. It is the arrival of the Emerald Express that seven eager passengers await. All of them hold a mysterious invitation sent to them by an unknown woman known as Elizabeth Rose Thornton, who is in fear of someone who has been following her. Her letter states that she will be carrying a "very valuable" possession, but does not mention what the item is. Who is it that she fears, and is this person among the seven passengers, or perhaps one of the crewman aboard the train? Intrigue... mystery... or even murder... What will the passengers discover aboard this mystery train?


Steam fills the air as a dark green locomotive comes bellowing into the station, it's beautiful paint almost black in the starless sky. Illustrious gold trimming and hand-painted markings bear the regal insignia of the Emerald Line, ridden only by the wealthy and influential. These passengers are fortunate to be among the few that did not have to pay full-fair for a voyage among opulence and prestige. They may; however, discover the true price for a ride in such luxury.


The seven passengers are immediately greeted by the Emerald's crew, the conductor, chief steward, engineer, brakeman, and chef, all of them eminating with the utmost grace and class that makes the Emerald Express truly unique among other train lines. Their luggage is quickly taken to the baggage car by the steward as they board the dining car for a welcome and brief orientation. As a loud bell rings toward the front of the train, the Emerald Express begins to move slowly. The mystery has begun...

whoooooweeee This is one sweet ride! I must remember to thank Elizabeth Rose Thornton for the invitation to such a classy maiden voyage. Gee I hope my attire is suitable, I scraped up the finest flannelet shirt I could find too, hardly any marks on this one. Say I could sure go for some grub. Schmelt my good man, what will we be dining on this evening?

Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. All of us on the Emerald Express are very honored to have you all here. Allow me to take those bags for you, and if you'll please find your seats, I will serve you drinks.

I hope you all find this journey a comfortable one. :classic:

What a beautiful train, this should be an enjoyable ride. I hope there is a games carriage, I presume you all play cards? It'll certainly give us something to do while on board for... wherever we're going. :look:

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mark Williams, glad to meet you all. :classic:

Welcome, welcome to the dining car of the luxurious Emerald Express! I am told the passenger orientation will begin shortly.

I am Schmelt Borganson, your five-star chef and ze master of culinary delights aboard this fine engine! I am half-Belgian on my mother's side, which accounts for both my erratic accent and taste for eels.

Tonight on the menu we have rabbit in fermented beer shipped from Brussels (lapin à la gueuze), served with a salad of green beans, bacon, onion and vinegar (Salade Liégeoise), and a selection of exquisite and mouthwatering Belgian chocolates for dessert. Wine and drinks are of course available to suit any palate.

Vegetarians, omnivarians, fruitarians, breathairians and your typical garden mouth-breathers are kindly requested to make any special menu requests to the dining car one hour prior to normal dinner service.

Thanks and velcome again!

Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. All of us on the Emerald Express are very honored to have you all here. Allow me to take those bags for you, and if you'll please find your seats, I will serve you drinks.

I hope you all find this journey a comfortable one. :classic:

Why tank ye very much sir!

What a beautiful train, this should be an enjoyable ride. I hope there is a games carriage, I presume you all play cards? It'll certainly give us something to do while on board for... wherever we're going. :look:

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mark Williams, glad to meet you all. :classic:

I do believe I know a few card games mahself, is anyone familiar with "52 Pick up"?

snip...... fermented beer shipped from Brussels .....snip

So you have beer, splendid! I am also quite partial to a fine piece of rabbit (minus the buckshot of course :wink: )

Allow myself to introduce myself, I am Billy Bulldog Brixley, but since I am amongst friends you can call me shugah Bulldog or Billy

Tonight on the menu we have rabbit in fermented beer shipped from Brussels (lapin à la gueuze), served with a salad of green beans, bacon, onion and vinegar (Salade Liégeoise), and a selection of exquisite and mouthwatering Belgian chocolates for dessert. Wine and drinks are of course available to suit any palate.

Well hello there, I think I like you already Schmelt, that sounds delicious! :sweet: I wonder what orientation is all about? I guess we'll find out soon enough, once everyone has arrived.

I do believe I know a few card games mahself, is anyone familiar with "52 Pick up"?

I was thinking of something a little more refined for this company, such as say Poker. Good game Poker, 'tis very thrilling indeed, for a card game that is.

Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. All of us on the Emerald Express are very honored to have you all here. Allow me to take those bags for you, and if you'll please find your seats, I will serve you drinks.

Thank you, sir! How very exciting. I've read all about this type of train and even toyed around with a model. Unfortunately, my track radius was too low and I miscalculated the trajectory of the train's path and it went over a curve and Pop! right into my cat's eye. Had to take her to the vet. Now she wears a patch. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Herman everybody. My friends call me Herm...well people call me Herm. Might say I don't have many friends. Unless cats are friends? Or librarians! But, please don't call me Nerdman. It hurts my feelings.

What a beautiful train, this should be an enjoyable ride. I hope there is a games carriage, I presume you all play cards? It'll certainly give us something to do while on board for... wherever we're going. :look:

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mark Williams, glad to meet you all. :classic:

Nice to meet you Mark! I've read about some card games but I prefer Chess myself. You might even say I'm somewhat of an expert. Oooh, there's a chess board here in the Dining Car. I do hope someone will be willing to play a round with me.

m Schmelt Borganson, your five-star chef and ze master of culinary delights aboard this fine engine! I am half-Belgian on my mother's side, which accounts for both my erratic accent and taste for eels.

Tonight on the menu we have rabbit in fermented beer shipped from Brussels (lapin à la gueuze), served with a salad of green beans, bacon, onion and vinegar (Salade Liégeoise), and a selection of exquisite and mouthwatering Belgian chocolates for dessert. Wine and drinks are of course available to suit any palate.

Hello, Schmelt. I have a number of food allergies, but am excited to say I'm allergic to nothing in our first meal. Except the beans, bacon and onion. But I've read about rabbit in fermented beer and am very eager to try it! :sweet: I am a big fan of expanding my horizons. I once ate at a Korean restaurant in the inner city and had a splendid time and enjoyed the food too.

I do believe I know a few card games mahself, is anyone familiar with "52 Pick up"?

Allow myself to introduce myself, I am Billy Bulldog Brixley, but since I am amongst friends you can call me shugah Bulldog or Billy

Hi Bulldog. What an excellent name. Have you been to prison? Do you play Rugby? I'd imagine a man named Bulldog did both. I'd be interested in playing 52 pickup. How do you play? :sweet:

Welcome onboard, everyone. :classic:

My name is Grant Buell. Just call me "Brakes" for short. Me is the one and onlyyyyy Brakesman in the Emerald Night Express payroll. I might look a little crude, just don't let appearance deceive my heart of gold. Well, I always conduct regular maintaince checks on our trains' brakes. These brakes are very vital. We can't afford to have any faulty brakes at those sharp corners. Can I help with those suitcases? Watch your steps.

Hello everyone, Welcome aboard the Emerald Express. :sweet:

I'am Steve your Maintinence Engineer and will make sure things are running smoothly for your trip. :classic:

Anyone want to watch a karate movie? :classic: Preferable something with Charlie Chan in it.. Jim could you please put one on? I love those movies... :wub:

I'am Steve your Maintinence Engineer and will make sure things are running smoothly for your trip. :classic:

Hey Steve, glad to see you here. I thought you are away for a holiday. We need to check those mechanical stuff later, before we get the train on the moveeee. By the way, where is our train conductor, he need to check those tickets... Can't afford to let laggards to hop on to this luxury Emerald Express.

Nice to meet you Mark! I've read about some card games but I prefer Chess myself. You might even say I'm somewhat of an expert. Oooh, there's a chess board here in the Dining Car. I do hope someone will be willing to play a round with me.

Hey Herm, nice to meet you too! :sweet: Chess aye? Well I can't say I don't know the game, and I consider myself to be fairly good. Perhaps I'll learn a bit from you. I'll teach you how to play Poker if you like, it's a great card game. I don't suppose you've ver played any role-playing games? Now those are real games my friend.

Well it's nice to be meeting lots of our crew, you all seem like a good bunch. :thumbup:

I don't suppose you've ver played any role-playing games? Now those are real games my friend.

:wub: :wub: :wub: I'm a Grand White Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons! Oh, did you bring your cards. I have 15 decks!!

Hey Steve, glad to see you here. I thought you are away for a holiday. We need to check those mechanical stuff later, before we get the train on the moveeee. By the way, where is our train conductor, he need to check those tickets... Can't afford to let laggards to hop on to this luxury Emerald Express.

Good to see you too! Yeah my holiday got cancelled since they couldnt find anyone else to replace me.

He's always late, Dont worry I'll make sure no one gets on without a ticket till he comes. :wink: if anyone tries anything i know karate. :devil:

Good to see you too! Yeah my holiday got cancelled since they couldnt find anyone else to replace me.

That's sucks.. Go and apply your leave again, or get your buds to cover you for your next duty.

He's always late, Dont worry I'll make sure no one gets on without a ticket till he comes. :wink: if anyone tries anything i know karate. :devil:

Anyway, not all of them had arrived. I heard these passengers are specially invited. I wonder how special truly they are.. Some of them just look like kids. Just look at that kido with that wide brim specs. :tongue:

:wub: :wub: :wub: I'm a Grand White Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons! Oh, did you bring your cards. I have 15 decks!!

:wub: OMG, that's like my favourite game ever! :wub: I can't believe someone else here plays too! You sound pretty Hu'tegh good, pardon my Klingon, but then, so am I. :wink:

Of course I brought my cards, I take them everywhere. I only have 13 decks with me, but I have more back at home. Man, you're awesome!!

That's sucks.. Go and apply your leave again, or get your buds to cover you for your next duty.

Anyway, not all of them had arrived. I heard these passengers are specially invited. I wonder how special truly they are.. Some of them just look like kids. Just look at that kido with that wide brim specs. :tongue:

This train is beautiful I guess just working here is a holiday! :wub: I really enjoy my work, besides I'll just take a nap once we get going after double checking everything. :wink:

Apparently... I wonder who'd invite these people anyway? They're not exactly upper-class. :tongue:

Yeah those nerds, Always playing Dungeons & Dragons...Play a real game like Poker! :tongue:

Apparently... I wonder who'd invite these people anyway? They're not exactly upper-class. :tongue:

Yeah those nerds, Always playing Dungeons & Dragons...Play a real game like Poker! :tongue: [/color]

That wasn't very nice. Really, I would expect the staff of a train like this to be a little more respectful. And I'll take you on at Poker any day and wipe the floor with you, you miserable korut. :devil:

That wasn't very nice. Really, I would expect the staff of a train like this to be a little more respectful. And I'll take you on at Poker any day and wipe the floor with you, you miserable korut. :devil:

I was just pointing out we have diffrent passengers from normal today......

also I'm just slightly annoyed about missing my holiday. :sadnew:

Once everyone is aboard and I finish my checks of the train I'd love to play. :classic:

I was just pointing out we have diffrent passengers from normal today......

Oh, that's all right then Steve, nice to meet you by the way. I'd be happy to have a game latter on, Poker is just the game to help us all get to know each other. :classic:

Oh, that's all right then Steve, nice to meet you by the way. I'd be happy to have a game latter on, Poker is just the game to help us all get to know each other. :classic:

How interesting to have such a diverse array of passengers on board who take pleasure in games which exercise, how you say, the little bley cells. I myself have spent too many hours with my nose buried in Nigella Lawson to learn about such things.

Whilst we wait for our other passengers, let me quiet those tummy rumblings with a tray of juicy Escargot in garlic. Ah, and here is a tray of drinks and cocktails. Lovely! Superb!

Ah, welcome everyone! Now let me see your tickets so we can be on our way. We don't want any stowaways ruining your trip!

And did you know that the original locomotive number on the Flying Scotsman was 1472 rather than the better known 4472? In fact, I once rode on the Flying Scotsman when I was in London... But anyway, welcome aboard the Emerald Express, today pulled by LRTS loco no. 10194!

Well, this is quite a train and assortment of interesting characters. Looks like I was lucky to get a ticket to travel in such luxury.

Hello all, I'm Gary Greaserman, but you can call me Grease, everyone does.

I'm a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law. :wink:

Hello all! My name is Austin Parker Jr, you may have heard of my father the oil tycoon?

Anyway, sorry to banter so late, I must admit I got all caught up in the beauty of this train!

Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. All of us on the Emerald Express are very honored to have you all here. Allow me to take those bags for you, and if you'll please find your seats, I will serve you drinks.

I hope you all find this journey a comfortable one. :classic:

Thankyou very much sir! I appreciate the welcome, may I ask your name?

What a beautiful train, this should be an enjoyable ride. I hope there is a games carriage, I presume you all play cards? It'll certainly give us something to do while on board for... wherever we're going. :look:

Hello Mark Williams, shall we play Texas Hold 'Em? Or is that a little biased? Haha!

Welcome, welcome to the dining car of the luxurious Emerald Express! I am told the passenger orientation will begin shortly.

Thankyou good man! I'm sure your food will be very tasty Shmelt!

Thankyou very much sir! I appreciate the welcome, may I ask your name?

Hello Mark Williams, shall we play Texas Hold 'Em? Or is that a little biased? Haha!

Thankyou good man! I'm sure your food will be very tasty Shmelt!

Welcome aboard Austin :classic: Also the Conducters name is Jim Butcher ( :tongue: )

You fellows can start a game, I'll be in for the next round once everyone is aboard & i finish checks. :classic:

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