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Hi Bulldog. What an excellent name. Have you been to prison? Do you play Rugby? I'd imagine a man named Bulldog did both. I'd be interested in playing 52 pickup. How do you play? :sweet:

Hi Herman, good to meet such a smart young fella (rubs his hair around)

So are you rich from all your intelligence yet?

Welcome onboard, everyone. :classic:

My name is Grant Buell. Just call me "Brakes" for short. Me is the one and onlyyyyy Brakesman in the Emerald Night Express payroll. I might look a little crude, just don't let appearance deceive my heart of gold. Well, I always conduct regular maintaince checks on our trains' brakes. These brakes are very vital. We can't afford to have any faulty brakes at those sharp corners. Can I help with those suitcases? Watch your steps.

Hello Brakes, its good to know we are in safe hands whilst onboard, all the staff seem so nice

if anyone tries anything i know karate. :devil:

Maybe we should wait till after dinner and drinks before anyone starts trying to sing, my karate isn't much chop without some social lubricant!

Oh, that's all right then Steve, nice to meet you by the way. I'd be happy to have a game latter on, Poker is just the game to help us all get to know each other. :classic:

Excellent, though I only seem to have a little money on me at the moment, perhaps the lovely shirt off my back will make good collateral?

I myself have spent too many hours with my nose buried in Nigella Lawson to learn about such things.

I think I feel a dynamic movement coming on at the thought of that, can anyone point me to the latrines?

Hello all, I'm Gary Greaserman, but you can call me Grease, everyone does.

I'm a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law. :wink:

I admire a fellow man on a mission, I myself find it distressing to see all the moral ills of society too.

Does anyone know where we are headed? will we stop anywhere on the way?

Could someone show us all to our quarters after stowing our luggage?

This will be fun, I plan to retire to the games carriage later after dinner.

Hi everyone! I am Arin Schafer. Most of you probably haven't heard of me as I try to stay out of the limelight. Well, none of you have probably heard of me. I feel honored to be on such a prestigious journey and look forward to getting to know you all. Dinner sounds delicious! :sweet: I came here directly from a spelunking expedition where I gathered some very interesting rock samples that I haven't had time to identify. I brought along the samples and my field guide so if that interests anyone instead of cards, I'll be happy for some help.

...I plan to retire to the games carriage later after dinner.

Excellent, I will be running a game of blackjack in the entertainment lounge at about 10pm.

Hi everyone! I am Arin Schafer.

Nice to make your acquaintance.

Excellent, I will be running a game of blackjack in the entertainment lounge at about 10pm.

Excellent, anyone else up for Blackjack at 10pm?

Hi everyone! I am Arin Schafer. Most of you probably haven't heard of me as I try to stay out of the limelight. Well, none of you have probably heard of me. I feel honored to be on such a prestigious journey and look forward to getting to know you all. Dinner sounds delicious! :sweet: I came here directly from a spelunking expedition where I gathered some very interesting rock samples that I haven't had time to identify. I brought along the samples and my field guide so if that interests anyone instead of cards, I'll be happy for some help.

Nice to meet you Arin! My what an interesting hobby you have! That would certainly rock! Though for the life of me I can't figure out your samples, I must have been living in a cave! Haha!

Ehh...not funny? Sorry fellas, I tend to blurt out whatever crummy joke comes to mind. Now let's get tihs Texas Hold 'Em game going! I'm betting $100 and my left shoe that I'll win!

Let's see, we've got cards, the nerdtastic duo over there playing with their 182 sided dice, an amateur comedian and ...

I'll be happy for some help.

You've got some nice boulders there, big and round. I'll be glad to help you out, depending on what you want out of first. :devil:

You've got some nice boulders there, big and round. I'll be glad to help you out, depending on what you want out of first. :devil:

You will be show to your sleeping quaters later. :pir-tongue:

You will be show to your sleeping quaters later.

Indeed, because first, we must eat! And then play cards. :sweet:

...wait, isn't there some sort of orientation first? :laugh:

...wait, isn't there some sort of orientation first? :laugh:

True the guest of honor hasn't met us all yet.

According to the manifest, we still have one passenger to arrive before orientation begins.

In the meantime, enjoy a complimentary waffle courtesy of the Emerald Express management team.

True the guest of honor hasn't met us all yet.

Yes, where is this pretty gal? I do wish to meet her.

According to the manifest, we still have one passenger to arrive before orientation begins.

In the meantime, enjoy a complimentary waffle courtesy of the Emerald Express management team.

Haha! The poor lad must have missed the train! Haha.....wait - Have we even began rolling yet?

Does anyone want to hear one of my get-rich-quick schemes? Worked for my father!

aha! The poor lad must have missed the train! Haha.....wait - Have we even began rolling yet?

Does anyone want to hear one of my get-rich-quick schemes? Worked for my father!

The lad is a lady... and it's not your mysterious hostess :grin:

Just quietly, I wouldn't mind getting some financial advice, truffles don't grow on trees you know :wacko:

The lad is a lady... and it's not your mysterious hostess :grin:

Just quietly, I wouldn't mind getting some financial advice, truffles don't grow on trees you know :wacko:

Oh.......well, er.....CARDS!!!!

Anyway my good cook, y'see, the trick is, especially in Texas, is to find oil. Yessireee! You go find yerself some oil, and you'll be booming like my daddy! Simple as that!

  • Author

As the passengers aboard the Emerald Expess introduce one another and talk of cards, wealth, and rock collections, the evening quickly approaches. They eagerly wait with anticipation for a brief orientation promised to the by Chief Steward Jim Butcher. What will happen tonight? some of them wonder. Will they begin to understand why they are aboard this mystery train? or will their curiosity "get the better of them"? as some might say. Chapter 1 of Murder on the Emerald Express continues...

Chapter 1 of Murder on the Emerald Express continues...

*looks around for the strange voice in the sky*

Hmmm... this always seems to happen to me, but usually it's followed by a commercial. :sceptic:

Steve, the engine brakes are all checked and ready. It seemed there are more and more passengers, and glad to see our fellow colleagues are ushering them well to the seats. I heard there was a game later on, count me in. I am not very good with poker though. I love to play dices. Love those numbers.

By the way, Schmelt can I have that waffle with super duper delicious tasty ice cream on top as well? I am famished..

Steve, why don't you head off to the engine so I can be here for orientation?

*looks around for the strange voice in the sky*

Hmmm... this always seems to happen to me, but usually it's followed by a commercial. :sceptic:

Did someone say commercial? :sweet:

No, definitely not! Please, leave me in peace, just for one game... :cry_sad:

I heard there was a game later on, count me in. I am not very good with poker though. I love to play dices. Love those numbers.

Poker is good, but I enjoy playing with dice as well, my friend, they are essential to any good role-playing game. I've got my full set in my bag here; d4s, d6s, d8s, d10s, d12s, a few percentiles... not to mention a couple of big d20s. :devil:

:wub: OMG, that's like my favourite game ever! :wub: I can't believe someone else here plays too! You sound pretty Hu'tegh good, pardon my Klingon, but then, so am I. :wink:

Of course I brought my cards, I take them everywhere. I only have 13 decks with me, but I have more back at home. Man, you're awesome!!

Buy' ngop! :laugh: You are the coolest person ever! Want to be best friends?

I was just pointing out we have diffrent passengers from normal today......

What's so different about us? What are your passengers normally like?

Ah, welcome everyone! Now let me see your tickets so we can be on our way. We don't want any stowaways ruining your trip!

And did you know that the original locomotive number on the Flying Scotsman was 1472 rather than the better known 4472? In fact, I once rode on the Flying Scotsman when I was in London... But anyway, welcome aboard the Emerald Express, today pulled by LRTS loco no. 10194!

Aye aye Captain! Permission to come aboard. :laugh: :laugh: Can we call your train the Enterprise? I can be Chekov. Sounds like you have your own Scotty. That's so cool. Is there a doctor on the ship? :laugh: Bones! Who wants to be Bones. This is so much fun! :wub:

Hello all, I'm Gary Greaserman, but you can call me Grease, everyone does.

I'm a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law. :wink:

Hi Grease! I've read books about loners who crusade the cause of the innocent. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance.

Hello Mark Williams, shall we play Texas Hold 'Em? Or is that a little biased? Haha!

Thankyou good man! I'm sure your food will be very tasty Shmelt!

I've read several books about Hold 'Em. I love to watch it on ESPN3. Can we play a bit. Probably after Bulldog's game of 52 pickup. We don't want to be rude. He called first game.

Hi Herman, good to meet such a smart young fella (rubs his hair around)

So are you rich from all your intelligence yet?

*fixes hair and glasses* :blush:

Hi Bulldog. I read a book about winning friends and influencing people that says you should never discuss your income level with new friends. You are a new friend, right? Can I call you my friend? :look:

Hi everyone! I am Arin Schafer. Most of you probably haven't heard of me as I try to stay out of the limelight. Well, none of you have probably heard of me. I feel honored to be on such a prestigious journey and look forward to getting to know you all. Dinner sounds delicious! :sweet: I came here directly from a spelunking expedition where I gathered some very interesting rock samples that I haven't had time to identify. I brought along the samples and my field guide so if that interests anyone instead of cards, I'll be happy for some help.

Uh-oh :cry_sad: A woman. I'm very awkward around women. :look:

Oh, you're a cave explorer! I've read many books about spelunking and watched a bunch of documentaries on Discovery. I would love to explore a cave, but after seeing The Descent I don't think I could bring myself to. That movie made me pee myself...just a little though... :blush: Um... I need to pee right now. nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'? :laugh: That's klingon for "Where is the bathroom?" :laugh: Seriously, where is it?

Let's see, we've got cards, the nerdtastic duo over there playing with their 182 sided dice, an amateur comedian and ...

I'm not a nerd. Nerds wear pocket protectors. :hmpf: I'm more of a dork, I guess. :sceptic:

You've got some nice boulders there, big and round. I'll be glad to help you out, depending on what you want out of first. :devil:

Wow, you've got a way with the ladies, Grease. I should take notes.

*Takes pen out of pocket*

Aw, nurts! It exploded. I need to get a pocket protector...

Steve, the engine brakes are all checked and ready. It seemed there are more and more passengers, and glad to see our fellow colleagues are ushering them well to the seats. I heard there was a game later on, count me in. I am not very good with poker though. I love to play dices. Love those numbers.

By the way, Schmelt can I have that waffle with super duper delicious tasty ice cream on top as well? I am famished..

Hi I'm Austin Parker Jr, who the heck are you? :grin:

I've read several books about Hold 'Em. I love to watch it on ESPN3. Can we play a bit. Probably after Bulldog's game of 52 pickup. We don't want to be rude. He called first game.

I agree, whatsyername, but before we get serious here we simply must play Texas Hold 'Em! Then someone could teach me it!

Hi I'm Austin Parker Jr, who the heck are you? :grin:

I agree, whatsyername, but before we get serious here we simply must play Texas Hold 'Em! Then someone could teach me it!

Oh, I'm Herman. I brought a book. I wonder where my suitcase is. I love to read. I've never played either, just read and watched. :blush:

By the way, Schmelt can I have that waffle with super duper delicious tasty ice cream on top as well? I am famished..

Mon Dieu! Staff do not get to taste ze leftovers menu until *after* the passengers have been served.

However since I am a caring and patient man, and we have been waiting a little while, I will allow you a waffle. We have several types here - organic, gluten-free, Canadian Maple and the EB member special ROFL-waffle.

Just wash your hands first. And maybe shave. And get a haircut. You look a little disreputable, don't get any of your engine filth on my lovely French table linens, Christofle cutlery and Baccarat crystal candlesticks.

Just wash your hands first. And maybe shave. And get a haircut. You look a little disreputable, don't get any of your engine filth on my lovely French table linens, Christofle cutlery and Baccarat crystal candlesticks.

Please gentlemen, save it for when the passengers aren't around.

Now, are we ready to take the roll call?

Steve, why don't you head off to the engine so you can be here for orientation?

Good idea, Dynamic Movement: Excuse me, I'll just go to the engine *takes waffle for the trip :tongue: * mmmmm......these are great as usual schmelt! :thumbup:

What's so different about us? What are your passengers normally like?

Upper-class wine sipping, poker playing rich people. :tongue:

Buy' ngop! :laugh: You are the coolest person ever! Want to be best friends?

Oh course! This trip is going to be more fun than I first thought, I'm glad I came now. You want to see my d20s? I've got this one that's over an inch and a half thick! :sweet:

Aye aye Captain! Permission to come aboard. :laugh: :laugh: Can we call your train the Enterprise? I can be Chekov. Sounds like you have your own Scotty. That's so cool. Is there a doctor on the ship? :laugh: Bones! Who wants to be Bones. This is so much fun! :wub:

:laugh: Yes, yes, Hijol. :laugh: That means beam me aboard, for those who don't know. :grin: I love this train ship! :wub:

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