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I wouldn't count on that shot being included. But we'll soon see. Although I wouldn't shoot everyone - you'll only have a limited supply of ammo.

Ok, someone else in Party C finish the limerick please. I'm too tired, i need to go to sleep.

LOL, get away from the keyboard...I hope she smacks ya for that one!

Ok, someone else in Party C finish the limerick please. I'm too tired, i need to go to sleep.

LOL, get away from the keyboard...I hope she smacks ya for that one!

Maybe she did :devil:

I wouldn't count on that shot being included. But we'll soon see.

Why not? Why would TheBrickster have given me a hand gun if I wasn't allowed to use it?

You should also remember the Life Points system. While I doubt the shot killed George, I'm quite certain he at least lost some LPs. If the characters couldn't harm each other, then there wouldn't be a point to the LP-system at all.

I've just took the gun off you, Eleanor. Sorry for punching you, but I believe that its in my nature to do un-ladylike things with a suppressed amount of force :grin:

If its counted in, this whole, kill Lego12 thing, I expect you'll lose at minimum half a life point for my super-punch :grin:

I've just took the gun off you, Eleanor. Sorry for punching you, but I believe that its in my nature to do un-ladylike things with a suppressed amount of force :grin:

If its counted in, this whole, kill Lego12 thing, I expect you'll lose at minimum half a life point for my super-punch :grin:

Godmodding much, AwesomeStar? :tongue:

Eleanor still had the gun, so how did your character even got to punching range? Whatever, I could just post Eleanor punching Lorraine and take the gun back from her, but I'm better than that.

Let TheBrickster solve this situation. I suggest nobody posts in our topic before he finally does that.

Yes, I agree. No-one post in our topic :classic:

I wasn't god-modding. I'm a trucker, I'm a hell lot stronger than you, little missy :grin:

You could punch me I guess, but now I'm pointing the gun at you, and I was desperate for a hot dog!


Let's just wait for our Lord and Master to sort this out.

Why not? Why would TheBrickster have given me a hand gun if I wasn't allowed to use it?

You should also remember the Life Points system. While I doubt the shot killed George, I'm quite certain he at least lost some LPs. If the characters couldn't harm each other, then there wouldn't be a point to the LP-system at all.

But surely if he doesn't die immediately you could just shoot him again, no?

I just really hope that amidst all this scheming and violence people will remember that this is roleplaying. I personally am not after anyone's blood, but I'm trying to portray Eleanor (who's quite a psycho, if you haven't noticed) in a believable way.

So Sandy apologizes, Eleanor doesn't. :tongue:

Captain Zuloo, you yourself reminded that the gun has a limited amount of ammo. :wink:

Yes, this is an RP, so don't get upset about stuff people. :wink:

Eleanor you psycho! :grin:

I hope this is all allowed, otherwise we're gonna get shut down again :sceptic:

You're starting to make a mess of the thread again, jumping ahead of the storyline and all that. Now we'll have to wait for our host to sort things out. Again. :hmpf:

AwesomeStar, you can't just make presumptuous posts like that. Sandy has a pistol and knows for a fact she can use it however she pleases. You, however, haven't been told you possess super-human strength and reflexes. You're jumping the gun, again. Correct me if I'm wrong please Brickster, but I don't think a post like AwesomeStar's is allowed, sorry. :sceptic:

I'm not sure any of the murderous posts are allowed. I suggest we shut down our own topic for a while so that TheBrickster doesn't do it for us! :sceptic:

I'm not sure any of the murderous posts are allowed. I suggest we shut down our own topic for a while so that TheBrickster doesn't do it for us! :sceptic:

Indeed, we should let the host make a decision on the most recent actions before proceeding.

As well as answering my questions about the passenger lists. :grin:

I suggest we shut down our own topic for a while so that TheBrickster doesn't do it for us! :sceptic:

Hey, I suggested it first! :tongue:

I don't want the topic shut down, though, I just want it resolved. We've been stuck ever since the meat cleaver incident, and TheBrickster hasn't given us any clue where to continue from there. I interpreted his silence that we have to find the culprit, and all evidence points to George.

For all I know, it could've been a set-up, though.

But again, I beg of you, TheBrickster, relieve us from this situation! :sing:

Yes, I'm sorry for my post. I just got a bit confused, seeing as suddenly one of our members is half dead and I reacted how I thought would be most realistic in that situation (i.e. taking control of the weapon).

I'm not going to edit my post, because of what happened that last time. Sorry, Dragonator and you guys. This game is confusing, partially because its very different from the others, which is a great thing IMO, but can get confusing.

Seems we're in a sticky again.

Sorry, guys.

(I didn't say I had super-strength or reflexes, though. I'm just a trucker, therefore a bit beefy :classic:)

Edited by AwesomeStar

Girls! :hmpf:

If you're going to waste time fighting, I suggest you at least find some hot oil and make it interesting. Otherwise, CUT IT OUT! :angry:


And you'd know all about oil, hey Shadows? :grin:


Hey Iz!

Welcome to MOTEE, have a great time here!

Don't mind the pervs, they just get away with it because they're Mods/Admin :tongue:


Who you telling? IZ's more of a perv than any of us staff! :wub:

Why not? Why would TheBrickster have given me a hand gun if I wasn't allowed to use it?

You should also remember the Life Points system. While I doubt the shot killed George, I'm quite certain he at least lost some LPs. If the characters couldn't harm each other, then there wouldn't be a point to the LP-system at all.

True. You know they call guns the ultimate wounding machine. There are more gun wounds than gun deaths in life, I'm sure. :hmpf:


Yes, this is an RP, so don't get upset about stuff people. :wink:

Who's upset, except you? :wacko:

Maybe TheBrickster will choose to tie the both of you up and gag you so we don't have to hear your bickering, in the discussion thread or in the game thread. Yikes! :look:

We're not bickering, just working things out :wink:

We're not bickering, just working things out :wink:

We've been watching the two of you for days. You're like a married couple. It's bickering. :tongue:

That was cheap, TheBrickster. :tongue: It got us out of the mess, but it was still cheap.

So despite this being a murder mystery, there has yet been no murdering at all (only good attempts), and the most mysterious thing in the game is that the train stopped in a ghost town. Can we get this game on, some day? :sceptic:

Yes, I'm a whiner. Deal with it. :wink:

That was cheap, TheBrickster. :tongue: It got us out of the mess, but it was still cheap.

So despite this being a murder mystery, there has yet been no murdering at all (only good attempts), and the most mysterious thing in the game is that the train stopped in a ghost town. Can we get this game on, some day? :sceptic:

Yes, I'm a whiner. Deal with it. :wink:

*huh* Why don't you call him ugly while you're at it? Constructive criticism is always appreciated. "I'm having fun playing your game, but is there going to be a murder?" I know the comment was directed at TheBrickster, but a more positive attitude towards others would be appreciated, in general.

Who says there hasn't been a murder? Who says there won't be? :angry:

Would you like to kick Scruffy now, too? :hmpf:

Ruck roo! :angry:

Sorry, Scruffy. :blush:

Not roo. :wink:

Oh, haha. :laugh:

*whispers to Herman* I have an idea for the first victim... :devil:

I needed one more emoticon in there.


I will apologize for what's to come beforehand, and I want you to know that I'm a very frank person who likes to say things like they are. I expect no less from people when they respond to me, though.

Anyway, here's some constructive criticism for TheBrickster:

In the beginning of the game, you yourself said you wanted to give us players freedom to take the story onwards. Yet, on several occasions, you've held us back, saying we need to wait for your approval on things. Now you've taken a habit of not only holding us back, but nullifying our actions as well. As it turns out, we players have no freedom left in this game.

I feel we players are stuck in a tunnel going straight where you want us to go. I would have no problems with that, if you had made it clear from the get go. But you said that the story could change according to our actions. I just feel it's not true.

My other problem is that you have just too many characters, too many plotlines and too many topics to keep up with, so that even the slightest deviation to your plan seems to throw you off. To me it seems that's the reason why you closed our group's topic before, and that's why you chose to ignore most of our actions.

I may have not run any games here, but I've ran and supervised dozens upon dozens on another board, so I do know it's not easy. I just don't know why you're making it harder for yourself than it should be, TheBrickster?

As a player, I like to get the feeling that the host is on par with the game. You said you're short of time, but still you should make the effort of posting more often, just to ensure us players that you know what you're doing. You should make clear to us what you want us players to do.

In my case, I have no idea what I should be doing in this game. You've given our group no real clues to work with. We went to a house and found nothing there except a meat cleaver in Max's chest, and even that didn't lead us anywhere.

Hinckley's right, I've had fun in this game, but now I'm mostly confused and a bit sad that nothing I say or do has any effect on the flow of the game. My impressions when we started this game were the opposite. :sceptic:

In the beginning of the game, you yourself said you wanted to give us players freedom to take the story onwards.

There's a difference between characters' actions affecting the story arc and players adding plots like "Solve this: The train need to be repaired. So, I'll just bring in a new train." That's not solving anything. The character can't make a train appear and it's outside the story. TheBrickster set up a world where trains rarely come by. So when you have a BNSF come by 15 minutes after the Emerald Express comes by, it's not respecting the game host's world and rules. Killing another character is the same thing, even if you do have the gun.

Personally, I think you're being impatient and rude. You signed up to play TheBrickster's game and you're deconstructing the entire thing and double-guessing him instead of just playing and having a good time. Wasn't it you who told me I should lay off the two other mafia games being run right now and try new things and not expect every game to be exactly the same?

Please try to complain a little less and just have a good time. It's a game, after all.

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