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I'm sorry, I realize I am being rude, but I just need to vent off my frustration. The whole point of my wall of text is to ask what we players should do exactly, since there's awfully few pointers. :sceptic:

Wasn't it you who told me I should lay off the two other mafia games being run right now and try new things and not expect every game to be exactly the same?

I never once told you to end the existing games! :oh: You must've misunderstood me big time... I said that this forum should be open to other types of games as well. This is a new type of game, and I'm appreciating TheBrickster's creation very much. It just doesn't change the fact that I feel it isn't working that well for me.

Now is the chance to do something about it, so I can't just stay quiet about my feelings.

Please try to complain a little less and just have a good time. It's a game, after all.

I have been having a good time, but now it's come to the point where I'm just confused.

I never once told you to end the existing games! :oh: You must've misunderstood me big time... I said that this forum should be open to other types of games as well. This is a new type of game, and I'm appreciating TheBrickster's creation very much. It just doesn't change the fact that I feel it isn't working that well for me.

You've misread what I wrote. You got the complete opposite point, somehow...

You've misread what I wrote. You got the complete opposite point, somehow...

Sorry, English isn't my native language, but as far as I know, "lay off" is equal to letting go. When you "lay off" employees, you fire them, right? :tongue:

Gawd, I just want to laugh with this game again, and not get so uptight about it! :laugh:

There's a difference between characters' actions affecting the story arc and players adding plots like "Solve this: The train need to be repaired. So, I'll just bring in a new train." That's not solving anything. The character can't make a train appear and it's outside the story. TheBrickster set up a world where trains rarely come by. So when you have a BNSF come by 15 minutes after the Emerald Express comes by, it's not respecting the game host's world and rules. Killing another character is the same thing, even if you do have the gun.

Personally, I think you're being impatient and rude. You signed up to play TheBrickster's game and you're deconstructing the entire thing and double-guessing him instead of just playing and having a good time. Wasn't it you who told me I should lay off the two other mafia games being run right now and try new things and not expect every game to be exactly the same?

Please try to complain a little less and just have a good time. It's a game, after all.

I agree with Hinckley.

Although it's true that TheBrickster has held a firmer grip over the game these past few days, I don't believe that his action are as totally unjustified as you suggest.

Part of the angst you and some other players are likely feeling is due to the removal of the 'Dynamic Movement' feature, which was what really gave you the so-called freedom you're missing. This feature enabled you to basically do whatever you want short of blowing up the whole train, and now that there's a highlighted story you're supposed to follow, that kind of freedom has to be disregarded.

It's also important to note that some of the game threads, yours specifically, have gone completely out of line, what with hand guns, truckers, superhuman strength, and whatever the heck else. Each group has a set goal, whether it's to get out of town or to find repair parts, and if that's what you're trying to do, it makes no sense to go shooting willie-nillie or to start wrapping people in your lace vest.

Each of the town residents received a special PM explaining facts about the town, and from it I've gathered that there's a story that has to be completed here, so we all have to be patient and trust TheBrickster with his decisions.

Sorry, English isn't my native language, but as far as I know, "lay off" is equal to letting go. When you "lay off" employees, you fire them, right? :tongue:

Gawd, I just want to laugh with this game again, and not get so uptight about it! :laugh:

lay off=back off/stop being critical of

I just realized that I posted a little late, and missed some of the following discussion. I'm sorry if I re-opened the little controversy, and think we should all just enjoy the game as it flows along. :classic:

I agree with all of you, Hinckley, Sandy and Adam. Shows how open I can be :grin:

And me having super-human strength was never stated. I just punched Eleanor, but apparently thats all void now :wink:

And I wrapped Max in my lace vest to stop him bleeding, which was accepted. :classic:

I for one enjoy this game, albeit a bit confusing, but its the first time its ever been done in such a format so its bound to be a bit touch and go, even with such a great host like TheBrickster.

Just my two-pence.

Now, lets move onto something light-hearted!

Edited by AwesomeStar

Listen, if the game ain't what you want, and you don't like it, then just quit. Politely tell The Brickster that you want out. It's better that someone leaves the game than brings everyone else down by all of their complaining. Otherwise be mature and let the host know, and only the host, of your displeasure in his game. Thanks!

Listen, if the game ain't what you want, and you don't like it, then just quit. Politely tell The Brickster that you want out. It's better that someone leaves the game than brings everyone else down by all of their complaining. Otherwise be mature and let the host know, and only the host, of your displeasure in his game. Thanks!


Now can we please change the subject, this topic is depressing this thread up! Whats good about the game, hmm?

I for one like the the different types of characters and their personalities.

What about you?

It's better that someone leaves the game than brings everyone else down by all of their complaining. Otherwise be mature and let the host know, and only the host, of your displeasure in his game. Thanks!

For one, I don't want to leave this game. I've had much fun, and I still feel the game has loads of potential.

And secondly, if something bothers me, I'll say it out loud. I'm sorry if that's not what you're used to, but that's the way I am. Remaining silent never helped anyone. Nor does holding back issues help to improve the game in any way.

I stated what I feel is the problem here, and others have done the same. I believe this has cleared the air quite a lot, and I myself feel much more comfortable continuing the game now. :wink:

Now I only feel sorry for TheBrickster, because he has to wade through all this text and all these emotions when he logs in. :tongue:

EDIT: AwesomeStar, you just agree with everyone, don't you? :laugh:

AwesomeStar, you just agree with everyone, don't you?

Hell yeah, keeps me out of trouble :grin:


Honestly, this is the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time, probably since Mystery Ship or Mystery Manor. There's something fun for me in the setup of playing a character and improvising with fellow EBers. It's the hardest I've laughed in quite some time. I enjoy the mafia games, but they're just different. This is more free-form and much more fun because of that, plus I'm not worried about being voted off. I also like being part of it when a fellow game host is trying something new and being part of the creative process. Anything I can do to help further TheBrickster's creativity and fun is time well spent in my book. I think this is great so far. The farm sub-chapter is a blast and I'm having a great time. For me, whatever complaints I may have are far outweighed by the positives here. Great fun! :sweet:

AwesomeStar, you just agree with everyone, don't you?

To echo Hinckley, anyone who doesn't use the quote tags when quoting someone is untrustworthy. :tongue:

First of all, I don't think its polite and fair by blatantly lashing out views and comments about the host not giving his best.

TheBrickster, deserves credit for able to organise and dedicate his combined time and effort to deliver an incredible interactive gaming experience so far, for these very special group of players whom have submitted a written invitation, stating your interest and willingness to participate. It's not and never easy, to coordinate such high commintment involvement for us, fellow players.

Imagine "You" as TheBrickster's position, host of this very game, ask yourself these questions, your plans and time, of able to coordinate both Primary and Secondary characters at different stages of this game, by allowing it to progress in ideal plotting sequence, developing the entire plot, doing up those beautiful graphics to place ourselves in that very scenario, understanding various stages of communication via pm or main topic, delivering clues to various players at different stages depending whether the players want to share their clue or not, checking whether inactive players are active or not, making sure that all various main plot and sub plot is in sync and etc.... These are just some basic questions of what TheBrickster is facing...

He is kind and hardworking enough to check on the progress of this game, on a daily basis at 2 different timing which is morning and night over the past weeks. We have players residing in different time zones, and one of the essential progress of this game is definitely needs time for one player to progress another level, as we need each others' action and conversation, to allow the game to procced further, in an enjoyable fashion. He been reading and reading the entire main and sub chapters to ensure that the recorded actions are not dupe or wrongly written. He has to understand various characters' way of writing and jargon being used, in order to excerise necessary actions in his plot. All of these events doesn't happen in one night.. He has a masterplan in mind, and I trust him completely, by able to participate in his story, waiting patiently for his update, following most of the chapters and progress of this game, as I know these entire sub things will eventually make sense in the end. What is a mystery if you know everything at the start. Come on everyone, what fun and joy could we have if we know everything by the start. Does it even make a big difference in our experience just because TheBrickster modified some part of the rules. It doesn't change anything, but to ensure we can move in an organised fashion, to get things done in the quickest way.

I am extremely disappointed with players whom has taken their views far too much and in my honest opnion, it's not fair to TheBrickster at all. Why don't we just sit back and relax, and trust TheBrickster way of doing.

It's not meant to target at anyone, but I feel there is a need to bring this fair point across to every single players in this game...

Thanks, WhiteFang, for your thoughts, but that train has already left the platform, at least on my behalf.

As I said earlier, I just needed to vent of my frustration. I still feel TheBrickster could give us some more pointers as to where we can go and what we can do, but I'm sure he'll get around to it, after all this hubbub. I never once said I think he has it easy, on the contrary.

This is the discussion topic to discuss the game, after all, so I think it's natural that people discuss the game here. I may have crossed the line, I'll be the first to admit it, but it would seem very odd to me if nobody would be allowed to say anything negative about the game here. :sceptic:

Again, I apologize for seeming unappreciative. I just want the fun to continue - even if I don't get to shoot anybody after all. :wink:

Great post WhiteFang! :wub:

Sandy, you made your point. Perhaps you should consider taking it up with Brickster by PM.

As I said earlier, I just needed to vent of my frustration. I still feel TheBrickster could give us some more pointers as to where we can go and what we can do, but I'm sure he'll get around to it, after all this hubbub. I never once said I think he has it easy, on the contrary.

This is the discussion topic to discuss the game, after all, so I think it's natural that people discuss the game here. I may have crossed the line, I'll be the first to admit it, but it would seem very odd to me if nobody would be allowed to say anything negative about the game here. :sceptic:

Again, I apologize for seeming unappreciative. I just want the fun to continue - even if I don't get to shoot anybody after all. :wink:

Regardless of positive and negative feedbacks, it will always be good feedback as long it's constructive and meant to provide good advice. I always appericate good feedback of value that is able to made my experience to share with others, a positive experience in the future as I learned from it. However, the point which I will like to made above and reinforce it again, it's not as if TheBrickster is ignoring the progress and experience of the players' experience in this discussion or the actual main or sub chapters when he is here almost everyday to provide updates for us, or leaving to us to wander around aimlessly without any guided directions. We should be having fun in this game especially when I heard about such similar games are conducted once in a blue moon. :wink:

To echo Adam...

I agree :grin:

Some good points have been made here, however, just want to say, though I may also thing Sandy stepped the line a wee bit, it isn't necerssarily fair that you're all ganging up on her...

However, you are ALL right, IMO.

To echo Adam...

I agree :grin:

Some good points have been made here, however, just want to say, though I may also thing Sandy stepped the line a wee bit, it isn't necerssarily fair that you're all ganging up on her...

However, you are ALL right, IMO.

It doesn't help much to add such agreeable comments whenever someone adds iin their own views by simply jumping onto their views. I strongly believed that this discussion may started off negatively, but at least we are having a common understanding between fellow players to prevent much further misunderstanding as well. Most of the members here are relatively adults and are able to hold an educated matured discussion added to this intended context, and such discussions may deemed necessary to get each others' views to be understood at certain times, by coming to a general understanding agreement with least negative impact for fellow players to endure.

I suggest we give this issue a rest.

Thank you for your comment WhiteFang.

I appreciate your views also, and what I'm saying is that I simply do agree with you all. I believe that I have chosen not to pick a side and simply stay neutral, because this topic can possibly get a bit dark with the current subject matter, and am trying to lighten things up a bit.

I can assure you that my maturity is there, and therefore I will steer clear of this conversation until the subject matter changes. Doesn't really concern me much anyway, I suppose.

I'll post here again when the subject matter changes, or if I have something different to bring to light.

Once again, thank you for your comment, WhiteFang.

EDIT: Just seen what Hinckley said. That's what I've been trying to say all day long! But people listen to the Admins :wink:

Edited by AwesomeStar

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Wow! I don't know where to begin after reading all of these responses (compliments and complaints).

First, let me say that I'm really enjoying the game and the participation so far. While I admit that I don't exactly appreciate the negative comments (while maybe constructive), I do accept this feedback for what it is, and I believe that the comments do represent the strong interest that you have in the mystery. Let me explain a few things:

1) In regard to my participation, while some might not think so, I have been married to this game over the last few weeks in reading the numerous threads, updating the situations, and making sure that the story continuously flows (not to mention the photo editing). I'm also responding to ongoing questions as well as the tricks and traps that the "sneaky characters" have been plotting against the groups. Some of you do not realize how long this takes. I'm on Pacific Time here in the U.S. and I begin posting at 5:30 in the AM before going to work and in the evening when I get home (so that each thread generally has at least one if not two updates per day). In addition, a few characters have been replaced requiring me to gather all the information and provide these messages to the new participant. I didn't even eat dinner just last night so I could make a few responses (particularly relating to one of the more "troubled" groups). I don't generally have the ability to post during the day while at work. I do not appreciate those that are complaining that due to differing time zones or my lack of posting, the story is dragging - sorry.

2) In regard to the story/theme, while this story is "open-ended" and characters do have a lot more lattitude than you realize. Many of the clues are set in specific buildings and/or places, and also become available when a certain chain of events occur. While I can not tell you what specifically triggers an event/clue (to not reveal the story), I will point out that sometimes "Action A" must occur before B. Timing does influence actions and clues. Some of these clues are "dynamic" vs. "static" and aren't just pieces of paper that you find pinned to a wall. This story is much more dynamic. For those of you who have been complaining that you seem "stuck", I have been adding choices for you to make, to help guide you (Example: you can examine the wall or you can leave the building). This is because you are not always making the best of decisions in your clue finding. At the same time, when I do this, some of you complain that you are not free to do what you want. Well, then go do it and ignore the clues which I have set for you to find. I don't know how else to convey the story to you.

3) Inappropriate Actions: I have allowed a few things that participants "write-in" to the story keeping the "open-ended/open-action" concept. At the same time, you are not writing the story, I am. The train out of no where is an example. While this is a fictional story (even with the name "murder" in it's title), could you imagine someone pulling out a gun and shooting a suspect who you believe threw the meat cleaver? Perhaps; everything is possible, but I don't think so. I think this is out of the scope of the character, and as narrator, I have adjusted the story as needed. The gun given to this character was intended for protection, not for murder. That's not to say that a murderer might not be able to steal it from you and shoot you (which would be within the scope of a character who is a murderer).

4) For those of you not sure what you are suppose to be doing, you are looking for a way out of Willoughby. Clues will help you do this. Some are slight, some are more obvious, but this is your goal. When you are stuck, I will help guide you, but be a little patient, and give others an opportunity to post their response (me included), understanding that we are all in different time-zones. When I have to read all of these responses and questions, it does take away from the time I have for the story.

With that said, remember, this is entertainment. It is a "fun thing". Do not let the mystery or the other participants make you angry, frustrated, or "stressed". Let's keep this light and fun. And thank you Hinckley, WhiteFang, and others who come to my defense. These mysteries are difficult and require an incredible amount of time.

I'm not going to quote that lovely (yet mammoth) reply there, The Brickster, but I do want to say two words (different from 'I agree' :grin:)

Here here!

I think thats a really good post and updates us all on the mystery, keeping us up-to-date and cranking up the moral. Cheers, Brickster :classic:

(Please note: The topic's changed, thats why I post :wink:)

Don't skp dinner for us The Brickster. We're not that important! :oh:

I partailly agree with Sandy. I'm kind of lost with what to do, and without PM ,I can't do my character's job too hot. However, I have been enjoying the game a lot. My problem is that I simply don't see a way out of town. Trains broken, and the only way out is a rickity bridge, and an unfinished plane. Should we be looking for more ways out?

On the other hand, I think that the game thus far has been steller! It's been very confusing, but that's really something that I've liked. I feel that we need a little more direction, but other than that, I've loved being able to see what other people do, and what I do!

Thank you for your patient and thorough answer, TheBrickster! :wub:

I'm not going to give you any more hard time, but I do want to explain why I made Eleanor try to shoot George.

While this is a fictional story (even with the name "murder" in it's title), could you imagine someone pulling out a gun and shooting a suspect who you believe threw the meat cleaver? Perhaps; everything is possible, but I don't think so. I think this is out of the scope of the character, and as narrator, I have adjusted the story as needed. The gun given to this character was intended for protection, not for murder. That's not to say that a murderer might not be able to steal it from you and shoot you (which would be within the scope of a character who is a murderer).

From my perspective, it went like this: I was given a gun, so knowing about the Life Points -system and that this is a murder mystery where people tend to get harmed, I automatically assumed I have a right to use the gun when I see fit.

Now, one of our group is assaulted right in front of our eyes, and it becomes clear that the assailant is among us. Of course I thought you wanted us to find the culprit, since in reality, no-one could be able to just look past THAT. To me, all your clues lead to George, so I used what was given to me, partially to eliminate a threat to my character and partially to test if I was right.

The reason I was so dumbfounded by your nullifying what I've just done was that I thought you were going to post something like "George loses 3 Life Points, and pleads to his innocence." So I began thinking why did you put us in such a stalemate situation if you wanted us to do nothing about it. :sceptic:

None of this is of course your fault, I myself was misinterpreting your intentions, but I hope you now better understand my confusion.

Now, let's hassle on! :wink:

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