May 19, 200915 yr OK, I rated this 'below average' but I don't hate it, it's just below average for Lego's standards. Like others, it's the technic construction of the vehicles I don't like, but the figs are good and I love the gold dinosaur, in fact, this alone might encourage me to get the set if it's fairly cheap. But thanks for the review which showed us everything clearly so we could make up our own minds about it. Thanks for spending your time and effort on it.
May 19, 200915 yr Not as good as I thought. I'll probably only get this for the tan hair, golden dino, armor, gold gun and gold hair. Goodbye... *Mr. Disappointed* Hail Trashcat!! Edited May 19, 200915 yr by YG-49
May 19, 200915 yr I couldn't care less about the vehicles, but the minifigs and the golden statue are certainly must-get. Exclusive and rare pieces with such a low price - I say it's a bargain, even though the technic parts go largely unused in my collection.
May 19, 200915 yr Revival of the late 90´s sets like this: These vehicles really are just technic parts with some weird add-ons. They don´t look like anything real. Everyone who buys this set has to be aware that doing so encourages TLC in producing crap like this.
May 19, 200915 yr Golden gun, bullet proof vest, golden dinosaur, BLACK motorcycle chassis. Im gonna buy this!
May 19, 200915 yr I'm disappointed that the vests have printing on them. I hope Lego releases these in PAB w/o printing.
May 19, 200915 yr Oky Wan Kenobi, thanks for sharing this review with EB Community. I had mixed feeling about this set, taking into consideration that most parts are rather technic and the built of the cycles are not really what I had expected. I could prefer more quad bikes design than this. On the other hand, this set is the smallest among the upcoming Agents 2.0 sets. The good thing about this set, which I may consider to get, is the "Golden Dinosaur" idol which can be very useful for Indiana Jones adventure, the new Agent Swipe hairpiece, Goldtooth's hairpiece and weapon. I don't know what else to said about this.
May 19, 200915 yr Thanks for the review! I wouldn't have expected for LEGO to try and ruin the Agents line like this. The first sets were absolutely fantastic, but this year it looks like they're just not trying hard enough to justify this new batch of sets. As far as I'm concerned, I can't see why anybody would buy the set just for a couple of new pieces - after all, isn't that what Bricklink is for?! That's definitely one of the worst sets I've seen in recent years!
May 19, 200915 yr As far as I'm concerned, I can't see why anybody would buy the set just for a couple of new pieces - after all, isn't that what Bricklink is for?! Hah! Taking the shipping into a count, I would have to pay twice or thrice the price of this set to get all the new pieces I'd want from Bricklink!
May 19, 200915 yr Ah great! This little set will probaply lower the prices on the gold hair An the same piece in tan? This made my day =D Although the set itself mainly consists of technic parts, it's use is a bit more limited... TT
May 19, 200915 yr Thanks for the review Oky, I voted average for this set, but honestly feel it is below average. This is not to say I don't like the set, but I like it only for the sweet pieces and cool figs. Love Agent Swipe (he uses too much on his credit card), that hair will be useful, and the new Agents armour piece is sweet. I wish it wasn't printed though, I don't think the mech one is anyway. Gold Tooth is awesome as always, I welcome another of him, the hair and gun and gold dino especially are all sweet. Overall though, the other sets kick this out of the park. Batbrick Away!
May 20, 200915 yr I like this set. I loved it when I first saw it, now I only like it. It's still great, but the lack of handlebars has lost some points with me. But I will still definitely get it, as Agents is my favourite theme, and I can only afford the cheaper sets. IMHO, it's worth the money....though I'm not sure why the agent has lost his gun from the prelim pics. I'll probably end up moding the bike, either finding some way to give it handlebars, or just converting it to a "normal" bike. And the Agents vehilce, in my opinion is fine as it is. I just wish we'd get an Agents 2.0 set with Spyclops in it. Preferably a cheap one. Anyway, great review, very well done :) thank you. Kind regards Will/Rocketbilly
May 20, 200915 yr Wonderful review again, Oky. I don't like this set much, either- both vehicles will find there way into my parts bin. The figures are excellent, though, I like the new Agent Swipe and all of the gold (metallic! ) pieces he comes with. As for the lack of handlebars, I would like to think that the bike is high-tech, and there's some sort of plasma energy or something. Or you just listen to this.
May 20, 200915 yr As far as I'm concerned, I can't see why anybody would buy the set just for a couple of new pieces How do you think Bionicle stays in business?
May 22, 200915 yr great review of an absolutley horrible set! this set has a few nice parts but is absolutley horrible overall. when i fist saw this set i was thought it was horrible but now i know that is is horrible. the design seems childish (which is why no one here likes it) note: putting big wheels on tiny vehicles does not make them look cool. it would have been cooler if gold tooth had a regular black motorcycle and the agent had a more complicated vehicle. (like the bat dragster and catwoman set, but not a dragster, just a more complicated vehicle than the one he already has.)
May 24, 200915 yr great review of an absolutley horrible set! this set has a few nice parts but is absolutley horrible overall. when i fist saw this set i was thought it was horrible but now i know that is is horrible. the design seems childish (which is why no one here likes it) note: putting big wheels on tiny vehicles does not make them look cool. it would have been cooler if gold tooth had a regular black motorcycle and the agent had a more complicated vehicle. (like the bat dragster and catwoman set, but not a dragster, just a more complicated vehicle than the one he already has.) Monster Trucks have small chasis and big wheels! If I were to buy this set, then it wouldbe for the motorbike, body armour and Agent Swipe! Great Review Oky-Wan Kenobi, Edited May 24, 200915 yr by CloneCommanderDelta7
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