Posted May 18, 200915 yr The Brick Testament website has been updated today with five new stories from Revelation, bringing the total number of illustrated Bible stories on the website past the 400 mark: God Tortures Everyone Except 144,000 Jews, God Kills One Third of Remaining Humans, Satan Thrown to Earth, Alternative to God Proves Very Popular, and Remaining Humans Doomed to Torture. Here are a few preview images: Enjoy, -The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith The Brick Testament - The world’s largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible
May 18, 200915 yr Absolutely amazing. This is bone-chilling. Thanks for sharing. I grew up BAC and although I've moved away from literal translation, this book still freaks my megablocks.
May 18, 200915 yr 'Alternative to God Proves Very Popular' must be one of the very best chapters you've ever done The Brick Testament has always been a considered and orderly work, even in depicting the excesses of the text, so it's brilliantly entertaining to see you truly let fly with the carnival madness of Revelation. That beast is pure genius
May 18, 200915 yr Excellent , this is just excellent^^ and for a reason I don't know I love this picture : Anyway great job on it, as usual
May 18, 200915 yr This is a work of fantastic quality. I just don't understand why you would concentrate so much on the Bible. Surely there are a lot of other books and interesting stories to be told.
May 18, 200915 yr This is a work of fantastic quality. I just don't understand why you would concentrate so much on the Bible. Surely there are a lot of other books and interesting stories to be told. Excuse me? That's the whole purpose of the Brick Testament: to illustrate the Bible with LEGO. He's not even nearly finished yet, and you want him to move on to other projects! I'd find it extremely odd if suddenly one day there were chapters of LotR released in the Brick Testament. Anyway, excellent imagery, once again. The Book of Revelations is so messed up...
May 18, 200915 yr The book of Revelation is one of my favourite books (I like Daniel's Prophecy also) this is an interesting interpretation. One of the first MOCs I made after getting lego Horses were the Horsemen (In fact I think I have pictures somewhere...). My Father thinks these are brilliant and looks at them in work during his lunch. I'll have to let him know that there are updates
May 18, 200915 yr I have to add that I laughed out loud so many times during the newest chapters. This is really a very clever illustration of the story of Revelation and your sense of humor is killer. I think I've told you this before Reverend, but I have a friend who does Improv in Chicago and she didn't know the bible stories and she couldn't play along when the other actors would reference bible stories. So I bought her your books for Christmas.
May 18, 200915 yr Wow! not only have you created my favorite part to date but I also think that you may have created the nerdiest minifig ever (the guy in blue in the third pic. on the far right is wearing his pants a little high) Edited May 18, 200915 yr by Tom Bricks
May 19, 200915 yr Author @Hinckley: Thanks! I'm not sure what "BAC" means. Being a Christian? Blood alcohol content? (I suppose either of those could help one accept a literal interpretation of Revelation.) Thanks for turning your evangelical powers toward spreading the word about The Brick Testament to your improv friend. :) @svelte_corps Glad you liked the beast. Before starting in on Revelation--which seemed like a very daunting task--I tried tackling some of the key characters and creatures I knew I would need. So the beast was the first thing I made and he's been waiting patiently for a couple months for his "screen time". I tried out all sorts of ways to give him a "body like a leopard" before settling on just using the alternating 1x1 yellow and black plates. The lion heads are just a variation on the lion I made for the Sampson story. Been loving your reviews of the new Indy sets, btw! You must get asked this all the time, but how are you getting your hands on these sets so early? Would have loved to have had some of those parts available for these Revelation stories. @Guss Glad you highlighted that photo. That made the shortlist of ones I was going to include in my post, but didn't quite make it in. @Yloquen Thanks for the compliment. I have a pretty high interest in illustrating other non-Biblical works or subject matter, but until I finish with the Bible, it would take a lot for me to prioritize something else above it. I am driven not by religious devotion, but by the conviction that everyone, religious or not, benefits from a greater knowledge of the contents of the Bible. If I was born into a world where the Odyssey, Illiad, or Lord of the Rings was taken by millions and millions of people in my society to be the word of God, our best moral guide, etc, and were equally as unread, I am sure my efforts would go toward illustrating those texts. @Sandy I have wondered what boundaries I shoud draw for material to include within The Brick Testament. For instance, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox Christians disagree over exactly which books are accepted as "part of the Bible". I also have a high interest in the early Christian gospels, epistles, and apocalypses that did not get included in the eventual New Testament canon but were used as scriptures by Christian communities for hundreds of years. But I'm not sure how it would affect things to suddenly add something like the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, the Acts of Paul and Thecla, or the Apocalypse of Peter in with the rest of The Brick Testament, as much fun as those would be to illustrate. I'd probably start a sister site for apocryphal works if/when I illustrate those. @Etzel I'm inclined to agree, but we all know what happens to "that guy" in the next panel. @Tom Bricks Can the nerdiest minifig ever not wear glasses? That seems wrong. I made some effort to make the 144,000 male virgins look sort of nerdy/dorky, but the high-pants wearing happy face guy was more of a fluke. :) Thanks to everyone for the comments! -Brendan
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