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I didn't expect to be treated so rudely by the staff. I simply want to talk with my new friends about some lady troubles I'm having... Sheesh.

Didn't you read the fine print on your ticket? Part of the Emerald Express Experience includes constantly drunk engine staff amd a demented, dramatic European chef. Just be thankful I have a civil tongue in my head unlike that horrible Gordon Brown who is always with the F-word in his restaurants!

For a shy, retiring lad you certainly know how to be lippety to your elders :sceptic:

Didn't you read the fine print on your ticket? Part of the Emerald Express Experience™ includes constantly drunk engine staff amd a demented, dramatic European chef. Just be thankful I have a civil tongue in my head unlike that horrible Gordon Brown who is always with the F-word in his restaurants!

For a shy, retiring lad you certainly know how to be lippety to your elders :sceptic:

I thought his name was Gordon Ramsey...

I'm a nerd, but I'm not shy. :hmpf_bad:

I'd kick your goofy chef megablocks...

I thought his name was Gordon Ramsey...

Ramsey, Brown - those snaggle-toothed pasty-eating Brits look all the same to us cultured and classy Europeans.

Which reminds me... did anyone here watch Eurovision? :laugh:

I thought his name was Gordon Ramsey...

I'm a nerd, but I'm not shy. :hmpf_bad:

I'd kick your goofy chef megablocks..

You keep insulting/threatening us staff I'll literally kick you off this train! :hmpf_bad: I don't put up with this bs. First you get mad at us for trying to investigate possible occupational health and safety violations (In other words TRYING TO PROTECT YOU! :hmpf: ) Then you think we're secretly plotting all your deaths. Then you expect us to not care when you go on having private conversations. :wacko:

I'm going back to the engine. where things make sense and run smoothly. :hmpf:

You keep insulting/[/color]threatening us staff I'll literally kick you off this train! :hmpf_bad: I don't put up with this bs. First you get mad at us for trying to investigate possible occupational health and safety violations (In other words TRYING TO PROTECT YOU! :hmpf: ) Then you think we're secretly plotting all your deaths. Then you expect us to not care when you go on having private conversations. :wacko:

I didn't say any of those things! I've been very polite, except for the megablocks kicking comment, which you can't prove I said anyway. :tongue: I'm very excited and grateful to be on this train. I haven't been mad at anyone...except that goofy chef, but that was only for a moment. So, please try to be more polite to people. You're on one of the coolest trains in the world! Be a happy guy.

Eurovision? I've read a lot about that competition. Recently, actually. Sounds like a gay old time.

Dynamic Movement: Go to second car and ask Mark and Bulldog to join me, in private...

I will of course join you my friend, I want to see your decks. :sweet:

Dynamic Movement: Go with Herman.

Ramsey, Brown - those snaggle-toothed pasty-eating Brits look all the same to us cultured and classy Europeans.

Which reminds me... did anyone here watch Eurovision? :laugh:

I did! I stopped watching when that one contestant had to grab his ... *glances around the room, noting the relative distance of the ladies in the group* ... ahem, rocks, to reach that high note. :sceptic:

You wouldn't happen to have anything besides rabbit, would you? I'm allergic to cute little furry animals who have been cruelly slaughtered. Maybe a steak. I'll eat a big, stupid cow any day.

Eurovision? No I didnt see that....Not like i want to see guys gropping themselves..... :wacko::look:

Oh I forgot to mention

Dynamic Movement: Engine

(Just for the heck of it)

Ok Master Chef, please take the knife to my Office and lock it up. Now, if you guys wish to retire for the evening, you may do so. The staff aboard the Emerald Express wish to apologize for the somewhat anxious start of our trip, but we'll make it up to you guys.

And I wouldn't worry too much about Mrs. Thornton, I'm sure she just missed the train.

Now good night, and get ready for another day of Aussie Hold 'em, train trivia and rock sampling *cough* tomorrow.

Sleep well!

Ok Master Chef, please take the knife to my Office and lock it up. Now, if you guys wish to retire for the evening, you may do so. The staff aboard the Emerald Express wish to apologize for the somewhat anxious start of our trip, but we'll make it up to you guys.

I will like to follow Schmelt too. It's better to have a fellow staff to tag along together. Couldn't want much misunderstanding occur among us.

Dynamic movement: Follow Schmelt to the Train Conductor's office.

You wouldn't happen to have anything besides rabbit, would you? I'm allergic to cute little furry animals who have been cruelly slaughtered. Maybe a steak. I'll eat a big, stupid cow any day.

Great, despite the fact I've been asking for *hours* if anyone has special dietary requirements, now you want steak! Fresh, juicy steak!

I know, why don't we stop off in the middle of nowhere and see if I can round up some cows. I can store them in the Passenger Cabin! It's not like the passengers are using it! Yes, that's practical. Just what I thought!


:angry::wacko: *mutter* *steak* *mutter*

Dynamic movement: I'm locking the knife up and then retiring to bed. I have to get up early to start making fresh choux pastry for breakfast anyway.

Actually, I do recall something slipping out of a bag as I was carrying them to the cabins. I wasn't really paying attention, because I was too busy with the bags, and I wasn't too sure if anything did actually fall out. But, there might have been something, and I think it might have been from Mark William's bag, or maybe Arin Schafer's, but I can't say for sure.

I do, however recall that Mrs. Grigsby was carrying a large suitcase at his arrival. Not that it is of any importance, though.

Well there is a start, either it came from Mark or Arin's bag! What say you Arin?

I'm not "blaming" anyone, it's just thought that I thought it would be a good time to point it out. I thought I was carrying either your bag or Mister William's bag, but I can't say for sure.

Why aren't you blaming someone, when you just said it fell out of one of two peoples bags :wacko: Either it was one of them, or you were the one who had the knife!

Back in Dining car.

Well, the presence of this knife has got me a little agitated. I mean, I don't like random unexplained weapons. Still, there doesn't seem to be anything to worry about at present, so perhaps we should have dinner, and then a quick game of cards, before retiring for the night? I'm looking forward to that rabbit. :sweet: I must appologise for my earlier behaviour, I think that the presence of the knife plus the failure of our host to turn up has me on edge.

As for the origins of the knife, I can confirm that yes, I have many in my bag. In fact, I'd say I have a couple in each of my D&D decks. :sweet: However they're drawn on cards, so that probably doesn't help this situation. :grin:

In all seriousness though, I wonder who dropped it? :look:

Why are you so agitated Mark? Because the knife is yours?

Dynamic Movement: Go to second car and ask Mark and Bulldog to join me, in private...

Dynamic movement Go to second car with Mark and Herman (now lets see what fun happens)

I know, why don't we stop off in the middle of nowhere and see if I can round up some cows. I can store them in the Passenger Cabin! It's not like the passengers are using it! Yes, that's practical. Just what I thought!

Now we're finally getting some decent service around here! :thumbup:

Mmm, that first one looks absolutely delicious. :wub:

I do, however recall that Mrs. Grigsby was carrying a large suitcase at his arrival. Not that it is of any importance, though.

You say "his arrival"? Now I see why why Herman's advances were unsuccessful, she's a he! :look:

Plus, she he she he she they could be the one who dropped the knife. So that means we have 3 possibilities to explore. A few more if you factor in the other part ... :wacko:

On a side note, Eleanor and I are equals to you men. Ms. Thornton would be as well if she were here. We are working together on this mystery and I think I can speak for Eleanor as well when I say, neither of us is looking for a love interest. We can all be more effective if we view each other as equals. :hmpf_bad:

Thank you, Arin. I think that reminder was necessary for some of these guys. :wink:

As far as that knife or dagger or whatever it's called goes, I certainly have no use for something like that. Besides, I'm one of those people who make sure their luggages stay closed, so it's not my nature to just leave a trail of my belongings where-ever I go. :hmpf_bad:

But if this weapon was really meant to harm someone, I say we should all stay alert. That means you too, Herman, so stop drooling on my shoes and watch your back!

Oh, and also be on the look for any cryptograms. I can solve those in a whiff!

Why are you so agitated Mark? Because the knife is yours?

I was trying to make a joke my friend. :laugh: I'm not very good at it though, I don't get much practise with real people. :blush: Would you like to see my cards? :sweet:

Wait a moment! Turns out a Texan CAN get drunk, so can someonep lease update me on the knife situation? Please?

Oh, and I don't like Herman, he totally did whatever bad thing we're talking 'bout.

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There is nothing special about the knife and it lacks any identifiable marks.

Dynamic Movements in Progress

- Herman, Mark Williams, and "Bulldog" have left the Dining Car to discuss some of Herman's "girl issues". They went through the forward entrance/exit.

- Engineer Steve Thomas has decided to go check out the Engine through the forward entrance/exit as well.

- Schmelt and Brakes take the knife and leave through the rear of the Dining Car.

The Conductor recommends that it has been a long day and a good nights rest may help everyone. Passengers may go to their cabins or choose to have a nightcap in the "self-service" Observation Lounge toward the rear. Everyone is getting pretty sleepy.

So that means we have 3 possibilities to explore. A few more if you factor in the other part ... :wacko:

Really, it doesn't need to be narrowed down to those three. I see no solid evidence we should suspect them. I especially don't think Mark or Arin would be carrying a knife. It could be any one of us. Are there other passengers on this train besides us? Perhaps it came from one of the crew members. Anyway, no reason to make such a big deal. The knife wasn't blood stained, was it? It was just lying on the floor. Just a misplaced knife, nothing to get so worried about.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm moving dynamically. :sadnew:

*moves dynamically*

Really, it doesn't need to be narrowed down to those three. I see no solid evidence we should suspect them.

I wasn't really saying that it was even suspicious, but I do think that there is some indication that the knife belongs to one of them. They may have it for their own protection or any number of other reasons, I just think it's something to keep in mind as we travel along together.

It would be unfortunate not to observe as many potentially important things as possible.

Like that banana peel you're about to step on as you move so dynamically. :oh3:

After seeing if hilarity ensues, I think I'd like to dynamically move on to my cabin, lock the door, wash up a bit, unpack and read a few pages of The TV Guide 50th Anniversary Edition, it always helps me sleep. But not too soundly.

Night everyone!

I wasn't really saying that it was even suspicious, but I do think that there is some indication that the knife belongs to one of them. They may have it for their own protection or any number of other reasons, I just think it's something to keep in mind as we travel along together.

I doubt it belongs to any of them and making random accusations based on assumptions is dangerous.

I doubt it belongs to any of them and making random accusations based on assumptions is dangerous.

Did I mention that it might also belong to the train employee who suggested them? The whole lot of them drink and seem slightly nefarious anyway. You've got to watch those drinkers. :grin:

Now isn't about time for you to be slipping out of here, Mr. Dynamic Movement? :tongue:

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Greaseman excuses himself and proceeds to his cabin in Passenger Wagon #1, toward the front of the train.

I will retire to my cabin as well, I have an especially cryptic crossword puzzle I want to solve before going to bed. You're only allowed to knock on my door if there's an emergency or you've found a cryptogram, remember that!

*dynamically moves to her cabin*

  • Author
*dynamically moves to her cabin*

Also in Passenger Wagon #1

Dynamically moves to cabin.

Goodnight guys! Please don't kill me overnight, and I'm only kidding Herman, we all love you!

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