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Thanks for the info TalonCard. It is nice to see that the thread hasn’t been forgotten. Funny little show, the narrator reminds me of Garry Chalk.

This is very interesting; I hadn’t thought that stage shows would hold some new names. If I remember correctly LEGOLAND in Billund also has a stage in the old pirate part of the park, but I have never seen any of the shows.

Is it just me, or does Miranda Valentina bear a rather striking resemblance to the female figure included with Brickbeard’s Bounty? Admittedly we never get at that great look at her in the video, but white dress and blue pants match the figure, even the details I can make out on her torso match the figures. Sawtooth also matches the shark that is included with BBB. The female figure is, as far as I remember, called the admiral’s daughter in the set description, so does that mean that we also have an unseen admiral Valentina among the pirate characters?

I was actually considering digging up this thread again anyways, since I have noticed that the LEGO wiki lists a few Pirates of the Caribbean figures from other ports of the game that aren't on my list that was based on the PC version. Morey, Palifico,Manray and Greenbeard, some of Davy Jones goons, appear in a different version of the game. Monk, one of Barbossas goons, also appears in the DS version.

Considering that I have already mentioned characters from licensed sets, let’s just also mention The Flying Dutchman, Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star for good measures.

Edited by Runamuck

Is it just me, or does Miranda Valentina bear a rather striking resemblance to the female figure included with Brickbeard’s Bounty? Admittedly we never get at that great look at her in the video, but white dress and blue pants match the figure, even the details I can make out on her torso match the figures. Sawtooth also matches the shark that is included with BBB. The female figure is, as far as I remember, called the admiral’s daughter in the set description, so does that mean that we also have an unseen admiral Valentina among the pirate characters?

Interesting! I hadn't thought of that. It's great to see more characters introduced; there were so many with the first wave of LEGO Pirates.


I think it is very interesting that we can now officially call the red coats British becuase of the POTC sets.

Is it just me, or does Miranda Valentina bear a rather striking resemblance to the female figure included with Brickbeard’s Bounty? Admittedly we never get at that great look at her in the video, but white dress and blue pants match the figure, even the details I can make out on her torso match the figures. Sawtooth also matches the shark that is included with BBB. The female figure is, as far as I remember, called the admiral’s daughter in the set description, so does that mean that we also have an unseen admiral Valentina among the pirate characters?

Miranda valentina has blue pants...the girl from BB has a long white skirt...so i think they are not the same girl. By the way, Miranda valentina is a female soldier, and the girl from BB is a helpless girl

I think it is very interesting that we can now officially call the red coats British becuase of the POTC sets.

That is interesting, I hadn't thought of that. Unless they state that they are two completely unrelated figures, I would think the red coast must be British. That debate might be settled.

Miranda valentina has blue pants...the girl from BB has a long white skirt...so i think they are not the same girl. By the way, Miranda valentina is a female soldier, and the girl from BB is a helpless girl

Well, I guess they had to take a few liberties for the sake of the waterski show. Pants are probably a bit more practical in that situation than a petticoat, and so is the ponytail hairdo compared to the braid and free flowing combo.

Miranda does still have the white skirt; she just wears it over blue pants instead of a blue petticoat. As for female soldier vs. helpless girl, Miranda was captured by the pirates and forced to walk the plank in the show and was rescued by her soldiers as far as I remember.

As for the redcoats, they are definitely British now, so British in fact that they were sent by King George personally to capture Jack.

i haven't seen the full show because i am from spain and i can understand written english easily, but not talked english. I didn'tknow she was forced to walk the plank.

In any case i am not sure both girls are the same.

In the idea book (set 260, 1990) there were supposed to be a few named pirates but got later scrapped like all other text. Or that's what I read in some old LEGO magazine around the time the idea book was released. But yeah, rumor or not. It still doesn't count I guess since it was not released. Nor the names were pulished. :pir_laugh2:

That's still an interesting piece of information...you wouldn't happen to still have the magazine, or know the title/issue number? Those old LEGO magazines had a lot of interesting info, but they can be hard to find nowadays.


unfortunately my mom used it to light the fireplace with :pir_bawling::jollyroger: So i'm affraid I can't help much in that. Those things were pretty much the same as newspapers, same material, same style. So easy to use for a fireplace.

well, if you look into the idea book. You will find on pages 38 and 39 instructions for a tiny ship based on a rowboat. If i understood and remember correctly, it was supposed to be the pirate in the rear on the final instruction image. With the tricone had and red feather. This was a pirate that was supposed to get a name. Think I written it in the copy I have of the idea book, but no idea where that idea book is atm. Likely can't even reach it.

  • 1 year later...

New names!!! New names!!!

As I posted here, the site miniland.nl has been posting scans of old LEGO Club magazines. These have yielded some new Pirate names.

From a winning poetry competition in Bricks 'n Pieces Autumn 1992 we have Jake the Peg, a pirate whose peg-leg is made of LEGO rather than wood.

The,Bricks 'n Pieces Spring 1994 has an alternate name for King Kahuka: Chief Quextil. (Or perhaps they're just cousins?)

The May/June 1996 issue actually has names for the Armada characters! Captain Valiant is the green shirted figure, while Sergeant Speedy (oh dear) is the red shirted soldier.

The March-April Mania Magazine has, as has previously been reported, names for every figure from the Red Beard Runner. I finally found the missing one: Gonzo Goldbar, the patch-eyed pirate with the blue bandanna. This page is missing from my copy, and I've been wondering what that last name was for YEARS! :)

There's also a contest to name the Armada Admiral--the options were "Billy Cannonball Cordoba", "Don Diego de LEGO" (my personal favorite) and a write-in option. The winner was never announced, but some of the write-in names were printed in the July-August issue: "Sir-Sail-a-Lot", "Don Juan DeMented", and "Chrislego Columbia".

Like the Admiral, the new collectable minifig Pirate Captain lacks a name, but it's part of his character. Until he finds a good Pirate name, he'll be the LEGO equivelent of Gideon Defoe's equally nameless Pirate Captain.

Finally, the new LEGO Friends Brickmaster book briefly mentions a pirate called Dark-Eyed Kate.


Edited by TalonCard

Ok, thanks for the update, I hadn’t noticed that yet, thanks for remembering this old thread.

Also the POTC wiki has a list of all characters present in the various versions on the LEGO video game:


I haven’t gone through it yet and sorted it out, but at least there is a rather thorough list.

  • 2 weeks later...

A few more named Pirates from the LEGOLAND theme parks...

Captain Cranky, of Captain Cranky's Challenge at LEGOLAND California.

Captain Red Brick and Captain Blue Brick, of the Pirate Reef, also at LEGOLAND California.

of the Pirates of Skeleton Bay stunt show at LEGOLAND Windsor.

(and former pirate) from the pre-show to the Battle for Brickbeard's Bounty at LEGOLAND Florida.

Pepper the Parrot (from the same show)

Is it just me, or does Miranda Valentina bear a rather striking resemblance to the female figure included with Brickbeard’s Bounty? Admittedly we never get at that great look at her in the video, but white dress and blue pants match the figure, even the details I can make out on her torso match the figures. Sawtooth also matches the shark that is included with BBB. The female figure is, as far as I remember, called the admiral’s daughter in the set description, so does that mean that we also have an unseen admiral Valentina among the pirate characters?

The pre-show confirms that Miranda Valentina is the admiral's daughter, so yep, there's an Admiral Valentina somewhere abouts. :classic:


  • 2 months later...

Someone really needs to make a master index with pics and names and sources for names for each chacater :grin: They will be loved.

I don't know if anyone caught these over here? But in the Ninjago TV show they featured the Pirate Captain Soto, who is a near match for the CMF Pirate Captain fig, and "No Eye Pete" the Helmsman (and his seeing eye Parrot) who sadly we have no fig of.

Captain Soto was the original Captain of the Pirate Junk "Dentiny's Bounty", later used by the Ninjago Ninja.

Edited by Faefrost

I had by coincidence actually seen the episode of NinjaGo where Captain Soto appears, but I unfortunately forgot mentioning it in this thread.

I may have said this already, but I think it could be really cool if we could make a series of PDF articles about named pirates similar to the “A Guide To The Pirate Minifigures” articles that TalonCard and Mister Phes made.

I think it could be separated into 4 parts: Classic Pirates, Modern Pirates, Pirates Of The Caribbean and Odds And Ends (4+ figures, video games, TV series, theme parks and other appearances of named LEGO pirates in plastic and fiction)

There are more or less 3 types of named pirates: Pirates with figures, shown pirates without figures and mentioned pirates without pictures.

There should probably be a standard for how the “profiles” of the characters should be made. My idea for this could be:

Name: the most commonly used name for the character in question. Captain Roger/Redbeard would probably need to have both his English names mentioned though.

Picture: A picture of the figure if possible, and a good picture of a fictional depiction of the character. An example of a fictional picture could be from “The Golden Medallion” comic. Maybe it could be an idea with picture from multiple fictional sources if the characters depiction varies noticeably, an example could be the fat, almost beardless Roger from TGM comic and the thinner, full bearded Roger from the LEGO magazine.

Bio: a small description of who this character is.

Aliases: If there are multiple English names for the character or possible international names and their meanings. All of this should of cause have solid sources to back this up.

Optional stuff or What If: It could be interesting to see an approximation of what characters without figures would look like if they were made with (mostly) existing figure parts. For character without any pictures it could maybe be interesting to see a guess on what they look like if they match an existing figures role or description. An example of that could be the earlier mentioned Old Percy who could be one of the random pirates with a peg leg that appear in the various LEGO sets. It should be made clear though that this part is just speculation because I think it would be a bad idea to spread made up information.

Personally I would be willing to help on a project like this.

Sorry about the double post, but I have some interesting new information regarding named pirates character.

Yesterday I finally got around to listening to the German audio dramas, and there have been quite a few characters in them who have been given names. I’m sorry if the spelling of the names isn’t correct, but I’m guessing on what they sound like.

Der Schatz der halben Münze

It’s an adaption of the comic The Golden Medallion, but it actually gives a few unnamed characters from the comic names. Also there are alternative German names for already named characters.

Spinoza is called Speedy.

Rummy is called Rumpott.

Will is called Bootsmann Willie. Apparently his father was locked up in the governor’s prison, and he claims to have an old mother and 3 aunts to provide for.

Governor Broadside is called Gouverneur Breitseit, essentially his name has been translated.

Lt. de Martinet is called Lt. de Martinez.

The Governor and Lt. de Martinet both talk with notable French accents.

Aunt Prudence is called Rebecca, and she is Broadside’s sister, Camilla is probably her daughter.

The Smutje, the German term for she ship’s cook, is also mentioned. In the comic this is Flashfork.

The Blackheart cousins are called McBlack, they are still named John and Brian though.

Bessie’s inn is named Das Fass ohne Boden, the bottomless barrel. Apparently she also used to be married.

Captain Foul is called Baddog, although it sounds more like Haddock starting with a B.

Culverin is called Dumbo.

Roger’s parrot is named Polly.

Some seen characters are given names. The pirate trying to steal Camilla’s pearls is named Jonathan. The cabin boy is named Roadie or maybe Raudie it’s a little hard to hear, Raudie is German for hoodlum. The one legged old man in the bar is named Peter. The fruit seller is named Skip, and he used to be a bosun for the Blackheart cousins.

Another pirate named Windy, who is probably part of Roger’s crew, is also named.

Roger is also said to be the greatest pirate since the great Pierre Lafitte.

The version I found is unfortunately missing the last few minutes of the story, it stops as the volcano is about to erupt.

Der Schatz des Gouverneurs

A fat monk is mentioned as a source of information in this story.

A plantation owner and slave owner who I think is named Henry Boskoff is also mentioned because Broadside buried a treasure on his land.

Rummy is given the title of helmsman.

Die Insel der schauriggen Masken

The story is said to be set in 1642.

Admiral Woodhouse is mentioned, as is captain Iron Hook.

Two runaways, the brothers Michael and Ben Raider, are the central characters of the story.

The place where Michael and Ben flee from is mentioned to have a Folterknecht, which is a man who tortures prisoners.

While Iron Hook doesn’t appear himself, two of his crewmembers of the Sea Star are mentioned. Karren Karl, Cart Karl, a friendly pirate and Narben Johnny, Scarred Johnny, a really nasty pirate and slaver.

Several of Roger’s pirates are also given names. Will and Rummy, this time called by their English names, are there as usual, but we also hear about Dick, Billie and Niels.

Four islanders are also named. We have chief Kweksil, his wife Amaritsa and their sons Tu and Kotu. I have no idea if their names are spelled correctly.

The, presumably English, king is also mentioned.

Piratensegel am Horizont

This story is said to take place in 1644.

Roger tells that he won a map from a card shark that is called One Leg.

Captain Iron Hook actually appears in person in this story. One of the pirates working for his is apparently named Bill.

Quite a few of the passengers and crewmembers of the Queen of England are mentioned in the story. The twins Susan and George Cunningham, who are being sent from India to England in order to go to school, are the main characters of the story. The first officer of the Queen of England is William Shatter. Other passengers on the ship include Mr. Davis who is the twins’ caretaker, an old colonel and the Peabody sisters.

Otherwise we also have several characters from the other who appears again. Roger, Will, Rummy, Woodhouse, Kweksil, Tu and Kotu.

If anyone would want me to try and write down a script for the audio dramas and translate it I could give it a shot.

I would definitely appreciate it! All this new information is incredibly exciting--I'm particularly pleased to see some of the previously-unidentified comic book characters getting names. :)

As expected, the dates here don't really match up with the US and Netherlands 18th century settings, but what can you do? Also, the historical Pierre Lafitte was born in 1770. :wacko:


I have started on writing the first audio drama down; it sure takes some time to do so.

But while doing so, I have noticed a few errors I made earlier. Rebecca is Camilla’s aunt, not her mother. The cabin boy is actually named Rowdy, and he is actually named in the German version of the comic. There is no pirate called Windy, the complaining pirates was actually Rummy and Will, but roger accidentally called Will Windy.

Interesting...the cabin boy's name English name is "Jimbo", he appears in several of the Ladybrid books as well.


  • 1 month later...

It almost seems like there is no end to how many named pirates there are, just waiting to be discovered.

While the LEGO Universe MMO didn’t turn out to be quite the success LEGO had hoped, it still gave us a whole bunch of new named pirates, and even better, there are also pictures of these guys.

Captain Jack Knife


Wally Hornswaggle


Burky Urchin


Swifty McGurk


Robbie Jibhanger


Enrique Tharshebloze


Arrrthur Arrrbuckle


Bert Scurvyburp


Betty Hatchesbatten


Billy Picaroon


Black-Hearted Kevin


Bonny Belay


Diablo Phil


Fermie LaBoosh


Gary Grogowitz


Georgie Timbershivers


Merciless Ned


Morty Mizzenmast


Ralphie Brig-Eyes


Rolly Jodger


Simon Soupspoon


Swabby Bilgebarrel


Toby Squidbarrel


Squall Aye


Swabbie the Monkey


Hael Storm (Actually a space pirate)


Roo Morgg


The Kraken


Kinga Hurl


Honor Accolade (at least he looks like he belongs in the pirate theme)


Gull Rawstew/ Rev Rawstew


Admiral Flogmore


Well, at least these were the Pirates related characters I was able to find during my brief search on the LEGO Universe wiki.


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