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Remember, LEGO is meant for kids :pir-tongue:

But I agree some names are ''childish''.. :pir_laugh2:

Since this topic is about names, how about the meaning/etymology and translation of the actual word "PIRATE"?

It's interesting i think.CLICK

  • 1 year later...

One thing I have been wondering about for a while is how many named figures there are in the pirates theme, and where some of the names used on the forum come from.

I do know where some figures are named though.

The pirate comic 6255 is the most obvious source for names:

Rummy and Will are obviously the two figure included with the comic, even though Rummy has white hair in the comic.

Among other pirates in the comic are Roger (who has a figure, even if it has a much fuller beard than his comic counterpart), Flashfork (no direct figure), Foul (no figure), Culverin (no figure), Bessie (no direct figure), and the Blackdeed cousins (no figures). Some of these could be built, Flasfork is basically grey legs, red and black striped shirt (in the comic it’s red and blue) and maybe the head from the Adventures Gabarros figure with a blue bandana, Bessie could be the basic wench with the head from the queen in the 6098 castle.

Among the soldiers we have Broadside (he has a figure), Camilla (no figure), Aunti (no figure) and De Martinet (no direct figure). De Martinet would be easy to build, take the figure from the 6245 Harbour Centry and give him a 90’s town fire chief head (like the one from 6407).

There is also Spinoza the monkey, you average LEGO monkey would be a fine representation, maybe a rubber band for the collar.

Some characters are mentioned in the set names:

6236 King Kahuka

6243 Brickbeard’s Bounty

6259 Broadside’s Brig (although he is not included in the set)

6262 King Kahuka’s Throne

6289/6290 Red Beard Runner

There have also been some video games where pirates have been named:

There are quite a few in LEGO Racers (I’m going with the Danish version here):

Captain Roger

King Kahuka (or Kanuka, his name changes if you create a figure with his name)

Governor Broadside (the RED?! commander like the one in 6263)

Uhu (islander like the one in 6246)

Black Jack Hawkins (like the figure from 1802 or 6248, I can’t remember if he has a peg leg)

There is also a Spaniard in Rocket Racers level simply called The Admiral (If I remember correctly he has the body of a normal Spaniard, but the head of the one with the silver armour).

There are also a few other odds and ends.

The red guard commander is often called Admiral Woodhouse or something like that on the board, but I do not know where the name comes from. Then there is Steve, the rare pirate with the brown west and white shirt, but I guess that is more of an in joke. There is also Iron Hook, again I don’t know where the name comes from and the figure is not all that consistent. I guess the original pirate captain must be named Roger Red Beard since they could never be consistent about the name.

There are also several figures that look like they may be someone rather than another generic. There is the female islander (example 6256), the unique islander from 6264, the lady from 6243, the new blue coated commander (10210 and 6242), the lady from 10210 (is it supposed to be the captains daughter or wife? The hair suggests that she is relatively young, but she has wrinkles around her eyes like the recent castle queens), the green shirted and the silver armoured Spaniards (6280) and the old and new wenches (examples 6251 and 6253).

I’m sorry if this has been done before or if the is some sort of very easy way to find a list, but I’m quite curious about this.

Edited by Runamuck

The interpretation depends on imagination, Personally, judging from the set names, figs look and some raw guesses I tend to think about Iron Hook as a captain of renegades that betrayed Roger (hence Renegade's Runner), but one can imagine that they are brothers or something.

Steve may be connected to Evil Stevie and his pirate game. Tribute, anyone?

Thanks for the replies so far.

I have heard the idea about a renegade pirate faction before, and it makes sense with the set names, we also have the Renegades Raft.

I knew that the Steve thing had to have some sort of origin, I mostly knew it from the "A Guide To The Pirates Minifigures".

I was mostly wondering if some of the names came from sources that I know very little of, stories printed on the boxes, picture books, comics, old catalogs, official websites etc.

For that matter I would also like to know if there are more named pirates than those I have mentioned.

Be prepared for a LONG reply...I love keeping track of these things. :pir-classic: We really need an encyclopedia of all the Pirate characters, minifigure and otherwise.

IIRC, Ironhook is official; coming from an alternate set name for Raft Raiders...but someone else will have to confirm that, I can't find my original source. The Admiral Woodhouse character was identified in a UK catalog, IIRC, but again, I can't find my original source on that one. (EDIT: DK's The LEGO Book calls him Woodhouse, so that's one official source.) Here in the states he was simply identified as another incarnation of Broadside.

I think it's probably safe to say that De Martinet was intended to be the brown mustached lieutenant figure that came in most soldier sets. True, he doesn't look much like the comic version, but then again, neither did Rummy, Will, or Roger. (EDIT: The LEGO Book identifies the Harbor Sentry figure as De Martinet, so I suppose that settles it.) Flashfork too is probably any of the generic mustached pirates with a blue bandanna wearing a red or blue striped shirt with gray legs, such as the minifigure in Castaway's Raft.

Camilla was a character created for the comic, but the Lego Battles game identifies the Admiral's Daughter minifigure from Brickbeard's Bounty as Camilla. Again, the minifigure differs considerably from the illustration, but I'm inclined to accept that they are one and the same. The game also has the leader of the 2009 soldiers as yet another incarnation of Broadside. Given that Camilla is Broadside's niece, and that the minifigure has been called both an Admiral and a Governer, and that the Camilla minifigure is more commonly identified as the Admiral's Daughter, I'd like to suggest that Broadside has a brother who is an Admiral and is also Camilla's father.

Bessie, as you pointed out, has no direct minifigure analogue...but I'd always assumed that the wench figure from 6273 Rock Island Refuge was her, since she has a red bandanna. The wench with the blue bandanna from the first wave of sets is identified as Anne, Bessie's daughter, in the Ladybird series of books that continued the Pirate storyline from the comic. Those books also introduced a Captain Jonah, who has no minifigure.

The set 6235 Buried Treasure also (IIRC) went by the name Bo'sun Will in other countries, and I've seen at least one catalog calling that minifigure Will. I don't know whether you'd want to consider him the same character as the clean shaven Will from the comic and Lagoon Lock-Up, but he's definitely a named pirate.

The 1996 Pirate issue of the U.S. LEGO Mania Magazine is noteworthy because it includes names for every pirate included with the Red Beard Runner ship. (It's at home, so I can't check, but I will provide scans at some point.) The leader of the Armada is also given a short biography here; it is revealed that he was raised by Islanders and that he does not know what his name is. Thus, he is known only as "the Admiral". The magazine ran a contest to determine his real name, but no single winner was ever chosen.

The 1995 Pirates issue had names for the parrot and monkey included in the Skull's Eye Schooner set, but I can't remember them right off the top of my head.

The 2004 4+ Pirate sets also named just about every figure that came with the sets. These aren't traditional minifigures, true, but the leader of the Pirates is named Captain Red Beard, and bears enough of a resemblance to our Red Beard that we should assume these characters inhabit the same LEGO Pirate world. The official site for this theme is still floating around on the internet somewhere, and it has names and short bios for most of the Pirates.

LEGO Island and the upcoming LEGO Universe both have pirate characters that are named, but were never minifigures.

The Roger/Red Beard situation is an interesting one...first of all, the name "Red Beard" for a LEGO Pirate captain seems to actually predate the release of the Pirate theme. The companion book for the LEGO World Showcase: Ships and the Sea mentions a Pirate named Red Beard...I'm pretty sure I went to this tour in 1987, a full two years before any Pirate sets were released, but I could be wrong.

Red Beard was always known as Red Beard in the US, but he was called Captain Roger for years in other countries. I'm not sure why, although LEGO might have been wanting to avoid confusion/copyright issues with the unrelated Captain Redbeard pirate comics. They even went so far as to avoid showing Roger without the minifigure's striking red beard at LEGOland and in the Pirate storybooks and comics. This was particularly perplexing when the comic was released in the US--the name was changed to Red Beard throughout the comic, but the character had no beard, red or otherwise! To complete the confusion, some references to Captain Roger went unchanged.

I would suggest an easy "fix" for the two names: Roger is the Captain's real name, while Red Beard is the name by which he is known on the high seas--much like the historical Blackbeard, whose real name was Teach or Thatch.


Edited by TalonCard

This is exactly the kind of stuff I was hoping for. Thank you very much.

This is very interesting. So all the soldier/guard commanders are called Broadside, that is a bit inconvenient. Although I like the idea of one Governor Broadside, one Admiral Woodhouse and a different Admiral Broadside (must be the guy from the flagship).

Anyone else who thinks that De Martinet looks like Dick Dastardly in the comic? The Flashfork thing makes sense.

Are there any pictures of the new Camilla? I think I have seen a picture of her head once where she had brown hair. Otherwise she has gone from a blonde kid to a black haired teen I guess. Admittedly a bit of a change but not an impossible one, my father has had his hair change like that too.

So the old wench is named Anne, very interesting. I wonder if we could call the new wench Mary (like Anne Bonny and Mary Read).

Bo´sun Will, seems like we have more than one pirate name Will. The Will in the comic looks like he is too young to grow any kind of fuzz on his face.

Is The Admiral the green or the silver Spaniard?

I’m very curious about the pirates from the Red Beard Runner, because I actually have that ship. Also while not all that important it would be nice to know the names of the pirate pets.

I did actually know that the 4+ pirates had names, but I didn’t include them mostly because of lack of interest and because I only have one that I got by accident (7290). Brickset.com does appear to list their names, so maybe we could make a list later. I wonder if someone could be bothered to make customs or stickers of them in traditional minifigure size.

I actually also knew that the LEGO Island games had at least a few pirates. The first one has one who is only heard and never seen and some undead Spaniards in the race. The second one has a few skeleton pirates in the castle level if I remember correctly. I know that the unseen pirate has some kind of name, but I can’t remember what it is.

I wonder if anyone could be helpful and put some pictures to some of the names, personally I’m not good at that so I just used the set numbers as a sort of picture source.

Edited by Runamuck

As a funny fact I want to add that Brickbeard was named Blackbeard (Czarnobrody) here in Poland.

Edited by Lordofdragonss

So Brickbeard is also called Blackbead, that makes no sense since the figures beard is brown.

So, what do we have so far?

Original pirates:


Captain Roger Red Beard (not that he needs an introduction, but 6251 among many others)

First mate Rummy (6237 among many others)

Flashfork (possibly one of the guys in 6257)

Will (6255 and 6267)

Bo´sun Will (6235 among others)

Anne (6251 among others)

Ironhook (6260 among others, many variants)

Blackjack Hawkins (6289 Edit: Just found out that he has grey legs)

No figure:

Captain Foul



The Blackdeed cousins, John and Brian

Captain Johan



Governor Broadside (6274 and 6276)

Lt. De Martinet (6245)

Spinoza (6235?)

No figure:



Admiral Woodhouse (6263 among others)


King Kahuka (6236 among others)

Uhu (6246 among others)


The Admiral

4+ pirates:


Jolly Jack Crow (7070, 7075)

Harry Hardtack (7071, 7075, 7081)

Captain Red Beard (7073, 7075)

Cannonball Jimmy (7074, 7082)


Drake Dagger (7071, 7073, 7074)

Captain Kragg (7072, 7074)

Scurvy Dog (7075, 7080, 7290)

New pirates:

Captain Brick beard/ Klodsskæg(Denmark, his name translated from English)/Czarnobrody(Poland, Blackbeard) (6243 among others)

New guards:

Admiral(?) Broadside (10210 among others)

Possibly Camilla (6243)

I hope that I haven’t forgotten anybody.


A few more odds and ends I have found:

Uhu is only called by name in the Danish version of LEGO Racers, in most other languages he is simply called Islander. Another funny thing from LEGO Racers is that the pirate captain is called Roger in the Danish version while he is called Red Beard, or local equivalent, in some of the other languages.


According to Brickipedia the parrot that Roger has is called Popsy.

There is a character in LEGO Universe called Captain Jack Knife who resembles Ironhook.

Edited by Runamuck

Is The Admiral the green or the silver Spaniard?

I’m very curious about the pirates from the Red Beard Runner, because I actually have that ship. Also while not all that important it would be nice to know the names of the pirate pets.

I did actually know that the 4+ pirates had names, but I didn’t include them mostly because of lack of interest and because I only have one that I got by accident (7290). Brickset.com does appear to list their names, so maybe we could make a list later. I wonder if someone could be bothered to make customs or stickers of them in traditional minifigure size.

I wonder if anyone could be helpful and put some pictures to some of the names, personally I’m not good at that so I just used the set numbers as a sort of picture source.

The Admiral is the Spaniard with the silver chestplate. The fancy green one never got a name, which is too bad--he's one of my favorite Pirate figures!

I'll be sure to post all of the Red Beard Runner names when I get back home and can look at my magazine. I know Black Jack Hawkins was one of them. (Interesting that you found that one as well; I assumed that the names were randomly given out by that particular magazine...) Other names were Jake "the Snake" Blake and Parma Sean LaFeet, but I can't remember the specific Pirates that went with those two. There was also a Pirate named George in the comic.

A sort of Pirate visual guide would make for an interesting summer project...hmmmm...

Other characters from the Ladybird books:

Old Binnacle

A neutral fisherman who sells fish in Port Royal, to Roger's Pirates, and, in an interesting early reference, the "islanders".

The King

The ruler of whatever fictional European country begat the bluecoats/Imperial Guards. This could also be the king referred to on the box of the old Imperial Flagship.

It's also worth noting that in the American comic, the names of the two pirate cousins were "Blackheart", not "Blackdeed".


Edited by TalonCard

Old Binnacle, is the they guy with the missing leg and crutch that tells the story about the Blackheart/Blackdeed cousins?

If the neutral fisherman has an eye-patch and a large grey moustache then I know who he is.

I might have found another pirate if TV-Tropes.org is to be trusted. LEGO Rockband appears to have a pirate called Gingerbeard.

Anyways, I know this is not the finest way, but this post is mostly for bumping and prevention of double posts.

  • 2 weeks later...

I recently found some of my Lego Mania Magazines from the 90's and I found the March 96 issue about the new Pirate line. Here are the names of the crew of the Red Beard Runner:

pi055.jpg Captain (Roger) Redbeard

pi012.jpg Tattoo McGoo

pi013.jpg Parma Sean LaFeet

pi024.jpg Jake the Snake Blake

pi035.jpg Black Jack Hawkins

And here are the rest of the names for Runamuck:

pi004.jpg Governor Broadside

pi064.jpg Lt. De Martinet

pi074.jpg Admiral Woodhouse

pi081.jpg Brickbeard

pi016.jpg The Admiral

pi046.jpg Bo'son Will

pi023.jpg Ironhook

pi008.jpg Rummy

pi021.gif Flashfork

pi054.jpg Steve

pi058.jpg Anne

pi068.jpg King Kahuka

pi066a.jpg Uhu (the princess)

pi069.jpg the prince

pi100.jpg I think this is Ben Gunn from Treasure Island

2550c01.jpg?0 Spinoza

2546p01.jpg?0 Popsy

I think that is about it, hope this helps!

Edited by Captain Grog

  • Governor

I recently found some of my Lego Mania Magazines from the 90's and I found the March 96 issue about the new Pirate line. Here are the names of the crew of the

Any chance of getting scans of those pages?

TalonCard has provided us with scans for the Peril in Pirate Cove comic and I've almost got time to put them on Classic-Pirates.com. Should have it done by the end of the week and after that we can keep adding scans from other media.

Any chance of getting scans of those pages?

TalonCard has provided us with scans for the Peril in Pirate Cove comic and I've almost got time to put them on Classic-Pirates.com. Should have it done by the end of the week and after that we can keep adding scans from other media.

Sure, do you want pdf files or should I post a new thread with the pictures?

  • Governor

We should create a thread as well as a webpage on Classic-Pirates.com.

But to be fair I've got to put TalonCard's comic scans on Classic-Pirates.com first since he sent them weeks ago, but you can create a new thread whenver you like.

Alternatively you can Email the scans as as images to administrator@Classic-Pirates.com and I'll take care of it for you, but that won't be until later in the week.

Nice to see that the tread lives on, I was considering to bump it with a ”missing minifigs” style guide on how you could build some of the figureless characters.

It is good to see some names assigned to the RBR crew, but as far as I can see we are missing two figures (black bandanna, moustache, white shirt with green west and black pants guy and blue bandanna, eye patch, black and red striped tank top and red pants guy).

I thought Flashfork had grey pants, oh well.

So Uhu is the princess? Odd, the Uhu I know from LEGO Racers is a dude. By the way, is the prince and princess thing form the LEGO Mania Magazines?

Sure it is Ben Gunn? On the other hand it can’t be Herman Toothrot, his is wearing pants after all.

Scans of books and comics? Now that sounds really interesting.

Sorry, I thought your other post referred to Uhu as the Islander princess. I believe Brikpedia names Flashfork as the one I posted.

Nice to see that the tread lives on, I was considering to bump it with a ”missing minifigs” style guide on how you could build some of the figureless characters.

It is good to see some names assigned to the RBR crew, but as far as I can see we are missing two figures (black bandanna, moustache, white shirt with green west and black pants guy and blue bandanna, eye patch, black and red striped tank top and red pants guy).

I thought Flashfork had grey pants, oh well.

Sure it is Ben Gunn? On the other hand it can’t be Herman Toothrot, his is wearing pants after all.

I'd be really, really interested in seeing a "missing minifigures" guide, particularly now that we have all kinds of heads and torso designs (1996 pirates, 2009 pirates, and soon POTC) to work with. I remember trying to build my own Captain Foul when I was little, but I had very limited materials to work with. Nowadays you can make almost anyone. (I saw someone online build all eleven Doctors from Doctor Who very effectively, and without any specially made parts or stickers.)

I could be wrong, but I think those two figures had names as well. They're hard to find, as that issue had the entire crew spread throughout the magazine instead of naming them all on the first two pages. All the listed names match up with my memory, though--is this the American Mania Magazine?

It should be noted that Anne appears in the Ladybird books with a blue bandanna. If a name is attached to the red bandanna wench, Bessie is a good choice, as she is presented as being Anne's mother and in fact has a red bandanna. The family resemblance is obvious. :pir-tongue: Of course, they could just as easily be the same character, but I have so many wenches I like to think of them as different pirates. :pir-sweet:

As far as Flashfork goes, Brickpedia is often accurate but not infallible. The comic has Flashfork wearing a blue bandanna, grey pants, and (just to completely confuse things) a red AND blue striped shirt. I should check and see what he looks like in the Ladybird books too...

Ben Gunn wouldn't be a bad nickname for the castaway pirate (much as "Steve" seems to be that pirate's de facto name) but I don't recall it being used in a source published by LEGO.

The Lego Book from DK seems to have a lot more Pirate info than I would have thought. I'm going to have to look into buying that at some point...


  • Governor

I think I remember the Talking Skull saying it was Ben Gunn included with Loot Island

Pay no attention to the Skull... Along with all the factual information it provided, it also came out with some misinformation. That is one such example.

I have not been too sure about Brickwiki’s reliability after looking at the article about the female figure from the new Imperial Flagship, it switches back and forth between calling the figure the governor’s daughter or the admiral’s daughter.

What is the Talking Skull? Is it that thing that you could win in a contest recently?

Ok, so let’s see what I can think up to the Missing Minifigs:

Let’s start with a few “improved figures”, it’s more or less to make the sand out from the masses and make them a bit more accurate to their comic appearance.


Replace his head with:


He does have white hair in the comic.

Lt. de Martinet:

Replace head with:

http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx158 or http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx166

Just to get the Dick Dastardly look.


Blue bandanna

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpab he has a brown moustache in the comic.

Black and red striped tank top torso to resemble the blue and red striped one he has in the comic.

Gray legs

Now for those who don’t have any figures:

Captain Foul:

Black bicorner, dark gray would be closer to the comic but I don’t think that actually exists

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx30

Torso: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973p3d maybe we should ad one of those new POTC saber holders when we get our claws on them.

Orange legs


Brown tricorner, green would be closer to the comic, but I don’t think it exists.

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx153

Torso: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973p3c with green arms

Green legs


Red bandanna

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx67

Torso: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973p38

White legs or maybe a white “dress slope”.

The Blackdeed/Blackheart cousins, I don’t know who is John and who is Brian:

Brown tricorner, green in the comic.

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx132

Torso: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973px604

Blue legs

Green bandanna, or a cheaper dark green one.

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx133

Torso: A custom sticker and the CMF mime arms would probably be the best solution.

Red legs

I have no idea what Captain Johan looks like, so I can’t make a parts list for him.

Aunti and Camilla:

I think the queen from the resent castle advents calendar might work with some new hair, but otherwise I’m a bit clueless on this one. The same cluelessness goes for the comic version of Camilla since there are no brown or tan pigtail hairpieces, otherwise you could use http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973p72 for the torso and some bricks for her sash and the dress.

Old Binnacle, I assume, he is not named in the Danish comic:

Brown tricorner, green in the comic.

Head: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/3626bpx34

White wizard of CMF fisherman beard

Torso: http://peeron.com/inv/parts/973px519 but with matching dark gray arms.

Blue legs with peg leg on the left side, I know he has no peg leg in the comic.

Brown stick to represent the crutch.

These were the best solutions I could come up with at the moment, and I think that there is room for improvement on some of them.

I really need to keep my posts shorter...

  • Governor

I have not been too sure about Brickwiki’s reliability after looking at the article about the female figure from the new Imperial Flagship, it switches back and forth between calling the figure the governor’s daughter or the admiral’s daughter.

According to the LEGO Battles game it's Camilla (I.e. Governor Broadsides's Niece) but the Imperial Flagship page on LEGO Shop it's the captain's daughter.

But in reality there probably is no official answer.

Screen shot from game


Information on LEGO Shop's Imperial Flagship page:

Build an incredible classic sailing ship!

All hands on deck! This amazingly detailed and realistic historical ship has three removable sections. The main hull contains 4 firing cannons, ammunition crates, muskets, torches, cannonballs, a prison with a rat, a fully-equipped ship’s kitchen, working anchor, moving rudder and a saw shark minifigurehead. The front deck has an opening door to the inside of the ship and sails with masts and rigging. The back house deck has opening doors to the captain’s chambers containing a map, poison bottle, organ and a treasure chest full of jewels and gold. The Imperial Flagship has 6 opening windows, a telescope and sextant and 3 deck lanterns. Includes 9 minifigures: the ship’s captain, his daughter, a pirate captain prisoner with shackles, the ship’s cook, a lieutenant, and 4 soldiers. Measures 29.5” (75 cm) long and 23.6” (60 cm) tall.

* Includes 9 minifigures: the ship’s captain, his daughter, a pirate captain prisoner with shackles, the ship’s cook, a lieutenant, and 4 soldiers!

* Amazingly detailed and realistic ship features 3 removable sections!

* Main hull contains 4 firing cannons, ammunition crates, muskets, torches, cannonballs, prison with a rat, saw shark minifigurehead, a moving rudder and a fully-equipped ship’s kitchen with fish, turkey legs and a carrot!

* Raise and lower the working anchor!

* Open the front deck’s working doors and play inside!

* Imperial Flagship is equipped with masts and rigging!

* Open the back house deck’s doors to reveal the captain’s chambers complete with a map, poison bottle, organ and even a treasure chest filled with jewels and gold!

* Features 6 opening windows, a telescope and sextant as well as 3 deck lanterns!

* Measures 29.5” (75 cm) long and 23.6” (60 cm) tall!

OK, so this clears out a few things. The girl form the flagship is the captain’s daughter (despite the wrinkles around her eyes). Where did Brickwiki get admiral from?

It is good to see the picture from the LEGO Battles game. Another thing is that the Camilla figure does not look exactly like the girl from the flagship or the one from Brickbeard’s Bounty. A full body picture would be better for identification, but I assume it’s her standing in the background with a sabre. So her figure would more or less be the figure from the Bounty but with brown hair instead.

Edit: As confusing as Brickwiki has been earlier it has actually been helpful too. I found the name of the pirate from the LEGO Island game, he is called Captain Click and is apparently a living talking skeleton although he is only heard and not seen in the game.

Another Brickwiki thing, the LEGO.com description there says that the girl on Brickbeard's Bounty is the admiral's daughter, that leaves the question of what admiral they are talking about.

Edited by Runamuck

I think this is worth cross-posting, considering the circumstances. I made this thread:


...because I stumbled across a new Pirates publication. I mention it here, because it's almost certain to introduce new lore and character names for Pirates. Here is my original post:

I was browsing around Barnes & Noble's website (they're a book store in the USA), and stumbled across this book called "Brickbeard's Treasure":



It says February 2011, so it must be new!

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