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Dynamic Movement to the luggage/supply car.

Dynamic Movement Talk to Grease and Jim in dining car please. Bulldog has a question or two.

*calls from staff car* Be right there!

Dynamic movement: Once I'm done in the staff car, I'll go with Grease and Bulldog in the dining car.

Hi Eleanor.

Dynamic movement: I'd like to answer my door and have a conversation with Eleanor. I'd like to know more about her fiance.

I had finished speaking with Max regards to all of the routine stuff. Looks like it's going to be more work to be carried out later. Now, where did Herman and Mark go to? I want to see those dice.

Dynamic movement: Head back to the cabin and find Herman and Mark.

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Dong!

"Lunch is now being served in the Dining Car", Shmelt's voice is heard through the train's stero system. "You may resume your private conversations and shnooping after desert please", he adds with more Euro-wit. Then he looks at himself with a huge Regis Philbin grin and says - "God I'm Good"!

Dynamic Movement: Private talk with grease then lunch

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"More vishpering", Schmelt says again, "ze food is getting cold. The last persons on the table will have to do the douches". (Ameri-wit from the All Seeing Eye)

Then he looks at himself with a huge grin and says - "God I'm Good"!

It's true :sadnew:

And, anyvone that doesn't get to the table in the next ten minutes doesn't eat! :angry: I am sick of letting my lovingly-prepared meals go cold while the passengers stand around and quack like baby ducks!

Mmmmmm, time for some lunch, I wonder if I will get to have my chat to Grease in private after lunch? Take a number Steve I was first. :tongue:

The voice in the sky has spoken to me! (As opposed to the voice in my head.)

As head chef aboard the Emerald Express, I demand that the people here start bringing some FACTS to the TABLE! (My dining table, that is.)

There is a lot of vishpering going on, not to mention enough dynamic movements to galvanise Frankenstein's Monster!

Perhaps some sharing of these private discussions and clue finding over my deliciously prepared lunch might be a good idea and benefit us all on zis mysterious journey.

I zink we shoud all share one FACT (not opinion, rumour, innuendo or gossip) that we have learned since we have been on board. To facilitate discussion, maybe we should also ask one QUESTION that has been concerning us.

I will start first.

FACT: Conductor Max was discovered rifling through the passenger lockers in the dead of night. QUESTION: why???

I agree, we (or maybe just a few of us...) are getting nowhere in solving these unusual problems we've been having aboard. Herman, I see you've taken some interest in privately speaking to several other passengers. Though I doubt it (hence the private conversations), would you care to share anything that you have found out? I'll throw in a few ultra-rare cards if you do... :wink:

I shall dynamically move to eat lunch, then have discussions privately in a first come, first served order.

Please take a number!

Now serving, #1! :grin:

I shall dynamically move to eat lunch, then have discussions privately in a first come, first served order.

No private discussions at lunch! It's what the Voice would want.

Of course, if you refuse to share anything with the rest of us, it just makes you look more suspicious... Not that I'm hinting at anything mind you.


*hint* *hint*

The voice in the sky has spoken to me! (As opposed to the voice in my head.)

As head chef aboard the Emerald Express, I demand that the people here start bringing some FACTS to the TABLE! (My dining table, that is.)

There is a lot of vishpering going on, not to mention enough dynamic movements to galvanise Frankenstein's Monster!

Perhaps some sharing of these private discussions and clue finding over my deliciously prepared lunch might be a good idea and benefit us all on zis mysterious journey.

I zink we shoud all share one FACT (not opinion, rumour, innuendo or gossip) that we have learned since we have been on board. To facilitate discussion, maybe we should also ask one QUESTION that has been concerning us.

I will start first.

FACT: Conductor Max was discovered rifling through the passenger lockers in the dead of night. QUESTION: why???

I think we both know what Max was doing and why......but I don't understand why you two were suprised with each other.... :look: Anyways...I'd like to know what those other people were talking about...

Anyway *grabs some food*

Thanks for the lunch Schmelt! :sweet::thumbup:

Dynamic Movement: Engine (Its my shift again...) (Also ignore my last dynamic movement it didnt work out...)

I think we both know what Max was doing and why......but I don't understand why you two were suprised with each other.... :look: Anyways...I'd like to know what those other people were talking about...

Anyway *grabs some food*

Thanks for the lunch Schmelt! :sweet::thumbup:

Dynamic Movement: Engine (Its my shift again...) (Also ignore my last dynamic movement it didnt work out...)

Well at the moment I have been in conversations with a lot of the staff as to who they think the knife belongs to. So far there is a strong feeling that it belongs to Arin.

Does anyone have a theory on this?

Pass the potato salad Regis Schmelt, youre my only hope!

No private discussions at lunch! It's what the Voice would want.

Too much talk of this 'voice' will get you locked away. :wacko:

And then what would we do for food? :cry_sad:

Of course, if you refuse to share anything with the rest of us, it just makes you look more suspicious... Not that I'm hinting at anything mind you.

I would if I knew anything. As for the conductor, he's been suspicious since the start. I'm a little confused by "passenger lockers" as I don't recall getting one personally, and since we have our own cabins, I don't think I have one.

I believe you mean crew lockers, and if so, that's something you might want to take up with the crew. We were told that he was putting away the knife and nothing more. Maybe he was looking for something? Perhaps one of the crew isn't to be trusted (or maybe it's just him, which still means one of the crew isn't to be trusted)... :hmpf_bad:

I would if I knew anything. As for the conductor, he's been suspicious since the start. I'm a little confused by "passenger lockers" as I don't recall getting one personally, and since we have our own cabins, I don't think I have one.

I believe you mean crew lockers, and if so, that's something you might want to take up with the crew. We were told that he was putting away the knife and nothing more. Maybe he was looking for something? Perhaps one of the crew isn't to be trusted (or maybe it's just him, which still means one of the crew isn't to be trusted)... :hmpf_bad:

There are passenger lockers, Although theres only 1 or 2 passengers on this train who have asked to use them.....

Who has asked to use them?

Like I said, I have no use for knives and the only sharp objects i brought along were the artist's pencils I have to draw horses. I like horses. They have such pretty faces. If I dropped a weapon.. well I wouldn't drop it, because safety and security are first, but if I had a weapon, it would be a gun. Not that I think guns are always weapons, but neither are knives.

The staff has been acting odd. They drink too which very much disturbs me. I'm interested in knowing more about all of the staff.

Who has asked to use them?

Like I said, I have no use for knives and the only sharp objects i brought along were the artist's pencils I have to draw horses. I like horses. They have such pretty faces. If I dropped a weapon.. well I wouldn't drop it, because safety and security are first, but if I had a weapon, it would be a gun. Not that I think guns are always weapons, but neither are knives.

The staff has been acting odd. They drink too which very much disturbs me. I'm interested in knowing more about all of the staff.

Nope! You'll have to tell us some juicy info in exchange! Since everyone was "Bringing FACTS To the table" I brought something. :tongue: You're always talking about not carrying a weapon......

Acting odd? Hah!, You should see it from out perspective. I dont drink that much. :tongue:

What else is there to know?

That question about the lockers is a good one...

The staff has been acting odd. They drink too which very much disturbs me. I'm interested in knowing more about all of the staff.

Actually, I don't think you'll find any reference to me drinking anything. (Well, apart from the kirsch in the mousse.)

Your powers of observation being what they are, what else would you like to know? :hmpf:

And then what would we do for food? :cry_sad:

I haven't the faintest idea... :skull:

I agree, we (or maybe just a few of us...) are getting nowhere in solving these unusual problems we've been having aboard. Herman, I see you've taken some interest in privately speaking to several other passengers. Though I doubt it (hence the private conversations), would you care to share anything that you have found out? I'll throw in a few ultra-rare cards if you do... :wink:

Wow, I'm surprised it took someone so long to notice. If you go back and look, it's quite obvious. Nobody really picked up on the timing and subtle clues. But here goes...I'm in love with Eleanor. :wub: I can't help it. No female has ever paid so much attention to me. The voice in the sky, or Alex, hinted that she may find me interesting if there were a puzzle to solve. So I've been looking for puzzles to solve. There isn't much going on except that goofy knife which actually belongs to me. But I've gotten lots of good advice from new friends and I bet we'll see Eleanor leaving her fiancee and ending up with me in the end. It'll be so awesome.

I bet we'll see Eleanor leaving her fiancee and ending up with me in the end. It'll be so awesome.

Congratulations! May you be blessed with many baby Her-mans and He-womans! :wub:

Actually, now that I think of it, since the knife has been locked up, and it doesn't appear as if harm has befallen anyone we know or don't know, the only mystery would be 'Who or where is Elizabeth Thornton'?

I heard rumours that she may have been travelling with a valuable possession on board. But if she's not here, then that is irrelevant, no?

Good point Shmelt. And speaking of good points, that knife is safe. I've found through dealing with things yesterday that Shmelt here is very trustworthy. I also discovered that there's nothing suspicious in Grease's cabin...except elephant slippers. :laugh:

Wow, I'm surprised it took someone so long to notice. If you go back and look, it's quite obvious. Nobody really picked up on the timing and subtle clues. But here goes...I'm in love with Eleanor. :wub:

NOOOOO? REALLY? Well, hat's off to you for being so smooth and subtle. Damn fine job! :hmpf:

I can't help it. No female has ever paid so much attention to me.

You know, I bet if you hit on women more often, they'd pay just as much attention to you. It isn't really love until they get a restraining order. :devil:

There isn't much going on except that goofy knife which actually belongs to me.

So you figured that by hiding the truth from everyone and allowing people to worry, you'd endear yourself to her heart. Yeah, that's quite the plan there. :laugh:

I'm reminded of a song that exemplifies the love and devotion you've shown toward your beloved.


I love that song... :laugh:

I also discovered that there's nothing suspicious in Grease's cabin...except elephant slippers. :laugh:

They were out of bunnies. :cry_sad:

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