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Murder on the Emerald Express

Chapter 5: Disneyland or Deliverance?

The train has made an abrupt stop in the strange town of Willoughby! Engine trouble or sobotage? Who knows... but what the passengers and crew do know is that they will be here for some time longer than they originally suspected, until repairs can be made, or... or... or something else... :cry_sad:

And there's something not quite right about these friendly towns folk that have just about jumped on the train to assist, wanting to tell so much in just a short time. Who are these people really? and what is their motive in assisting with repairs? You do not know, but Conductor Max is recommending that since there's no use staying with a train needing extensive repair, that everyone attempt to explore the town a bit with some of the locals.

At this time, the format of this mystery will have a Dynamic Spin! What's a DYNAMIC SPIN, you ask?

Passengers and crew must divide themselves into groups of three with assistance from three of the towns folk (forming four groups of 6. One group will only have 5 individuals)

The Groups

Group 1: Looking for Repair Parts

Group 2: Exploring the Mysteries of Main Street

Group 3: Visiting the Friendly Farm

Group 4: Getting Out of Town

You can form your teams in this thread whose mission will be to FIND A WAY OUT OF WILLOUGHBY. The first team that successfully finds a way out of town will win, followed by any of the other teams. Watch out though! Not all the towns folk can be trusted. Some of them want to leave, others want to stay. Their mission is a bit different and that is to either help your team or to harm it. Either way, you will need to rely upon one another to get out alive! Each team must elect a team leader who must be a train passenger or crewman. Your Life Points as well as your ability will soon be tested.

This mystery will soon Dynamically Spin into four separate sub-chapters (the groups mentioned above), each with their own thread. Dynamic Movement will be eliminated with the new threads. All posts are to be made openly withour private messages or dynamic movements. You can PM me with questions at any time.

Now, feel free to form your groups in this thread as you discuss "who will be with who" in this rather bizarre Dynamic Spin!

The story will continue after each of the four team leaders state, "Our Team is Ready".

EDIT: Oh, and each team gets to choose which group/sub-chapter they wish to be part of (from the list above).

Okay, if I really have to get out of this train, I want to go find a way out of this godforsaken town. So, who's with me?

Dynamic Spin: Eleanor joins Group 4, whose goal is getting out of the town.

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Please Note: the goal of all teams is to get out of town (just not all the townsfolk). Group 4 is simply called "Getting out of Town".

Well, since I live over on that there farm, I choose to go and take any of y'all people over to the farm on a tour (option 3). Might as well keep y'all happy and occupied while you're here in my town. I've got my still up and runnin'...and um...yeah. I got cows, and some horses, and a big barn too. Anyway, where is my good friend Howard at?

Well now, it seems we must ally ourselves. I understand y'all don't like us townfolk, but we gotta work together!

-Whisper- If its all the same to you folks, I've gotta get outta here! We must find a way out... -Whisper-

Dynamic Movement: Allies myself with Eleanor, in Group 4: Getting Out Of Town

Since I am in charge of maintain and repair train brakes, I will like to look for train parts to help out the repair of the Emerald Express. Anyone care to help me out with this?

Dynamic Spin: Grant aka Brakes joins Group 1.

Dynamic Movement: Talking to Eleanor

We must think of new ways to get out of here. Many attempts have been made, I can tell you!

Maybe we could use my here truck?

Edited by AwesomeStar

Maybe we could use my here truck?

Excellent idea, but let's wait to see who else comes with us.

Not you, Herman.

I would go with you, Eleanor, but I think my abilities are better put to exploring the Mysteries of Main Street.

Dynamic Spin: Go with Group 2

Joining Group 4

I just want to get the hell out of here! I can store some food in some boxes for the trip. I've got a reserve in my own bomb shelter, in case WW3 brakes out. Deal?

I'm surprised Ms. Puzzle Solver Mystery Lover didn't want to join Group 2. :wacko: I'd like to join group 2! :wink:

Dynamic Spin: Join group 2

I'm surprised Ms. Puzzle Solver Mystery Lover didn't want to join Group 2. :wacko: I'd like to join group 2! :wink:

I would've, but I reckoned the mysteries around this town don't go deeper than "who stole eggs from the chicken yard". :wink:

Well, I wanted to stay on the train, but since no group is doing that and Arin is burning so hard for me that she can't seem to stay in my presence. So since I'm forced onto this adventure, I may as well be brave. I've never really gone this far from my front door even, so if I die, it was an exciting adventure and I made new friends. :cry_happy: If I had to say I trusted anybody it would Jethro, so I'll take group 3: Visit the Friendly Farm I might like to bring my knife, though. Schmelt said I could have it back whenever I wanted. I think it might come in handy.

Personally, I think group 3 will have it the worst. The title is probably misleading. Why are we all leaving the train anyway. Don't you guys remember the screwy farmer telling us that the mayor tries to kill anyone who leaves? :wacko: :wacko:

Glad to see you comin' on a visit to my farm Nerdman, I mean Herman. I've got a still, which makes some of the best Moonshine around. We shall have a ding-dang of a good time. Anyone else joing us on this here trip to the farm?

What Herman-The-Nerd says is true. The mayor does indeedy try to kill all leavers, but those who stay lead a comfortable life.

However, life is dull. I yearn for adventure.

You, the unlucky few, those who are trapped here in Willoughby, you do not belong here, and you should leave. You have lives outside, we do not. But we used to, so will you take us with you? Or will the Big Voice In The Sky condemn us to stay here?

Herman, you choose the easy path, inventing some made-up story about danger. Do you know what danger means, other than being branded "retarded" by those women who you attempt to swoon?

You brand us as weird, strange townfolk. We're not. The reason we were so eager was because you have the chance to save us from this life on insane dullness.

Think about it.

*Fiddles with my truck keys, inspirational pep-talk outburst over.*

Edited by AwesomeStar

What Herman-The-Nerd says is true. The mayor does indeedy try to kill all leavers, but those who stay lead a comfortable life.


Herman, you choose the easy path, inventing some made-up story about danger. Do you know what danger means, other than being branded "retarded" by those women who you attempt to swoon?

You brand us as weird, strange townfolk. We're not. The reason we were so eager was because you have the chance to save us from this life on insane dullness.

Think about it.

*Fiddles with my truck keys, inspirational pep-talk outburst over.*

:look: Um, are you going to the farm, Lorraine?

Hey Hernan! I'm no farmer! I'm just a gossiper. I actually have been unemployed for 90 years... oh wait, no, 90 days. No... I'm not sure if a I ever even had a job. The mayor seems content on just giving me a house. Or maybe I inherieted it!

Jethro's a good guy, really, even though sometimes he may try to stab people with his pitchfork or something! What am I saying! That never happened! Well, I heard it happened, but I never saw a dead body!

I'm willing to go with whoever wants me! Usually the people just ignore me, but today's my lucky day. Greasey seemed interested in what I had to say! Maybe I'lll go with him! Just not with the mayor please. I'm sure he'll be very angry that I let slip that he's trying to kill people, oh, and that he may of borken your train. But again, that doesn't make sense to me. Maybe he wants to leave town, but kills other people for a ironic sense of morbid humour! I think I'm the smartest person in this town sometimes.

Hey Hernan! I'm no farmer! I'm just a gossiper. I actually have been unemployed for 90 years... oh wait, no, 90 days. No... I'm not sure if a I ever even had a job. The mayor seems content on just giving me a house. ... slip that he's trying to kill people, oh, and that he may of borken your train. But again, that doesn't make sense to me. Maybe he wants to leave town, but kills other people for a ironic sense of morbid humour! I think I'm the smartest person in this town sometimes.

:look: Um, Grease told me he wanted you to go with him.

:look: Um, are you going to the farm, Lorraine?

I'm gettin' the hell outta here!

Oh really? Good, becuase I didn't want to travel with you! Jethro's actually kind of scary sometimes, and every time I go to his farm I end up breaking something. I also made his 12 year old daughter go mad after I talked to her for 12 hours striaght on her 12th birthday and she ran away from home! Also, you have no luck with the ladies, and if we have visitors I don't see why I shouldn't try my luck. The only girl in this town drives a truck.

*Walks up to Schmelt with his new tank top*

Hey honey. Want to come with me and... your not a women... never mind.

*Walks back over to Hernan*

Yeah. I think I'll go with Greaseman.

I think I like to dynamically spin to group 3, and visit the farm. Though I've never known what ol' Jethro's a'keeping on the farm.

I'm gettin' the hell outta here!

Oh, good. You certainly know a lot about me for just peering through the train window for a couple of hours. :look:*huh* Weird-megablocks town.

Yeah. I think I'll go with Greaseman.

I'm so grateful. Thank you very much. :sweet:

I think I like to dynamically spin to group 3, and visit the farm. Though I've never known what ol' Jethro's a'keeping on the farm.

Great. :look: Anybody who isn't a townie want to go to the farm? :cry_sad: And Schmelt, can I have my knife already? *whispers* but be discreet about it... :look:

But, if Greaseman goes to the farm then we could go together, right Hernan? See, it could still work out that we go together. Don't worry about it. I may still be able to tell you a bunch of juicy facts about most people in the town! Boy, are they great. I remember the time that the mayor disappeared for three weeks and then a bunch of people died. That was funny.

I'll join group number 2 and explore Main Street. I'm sure my extensive knowledge of the town will come in handy in helping you all find what you need.

I vant to visit the Main Street too, to see Sweden's famous Eiffel Tower! There seems to be much history here. Also I am curious about this mayor, he sounds so interesting! Perhaps I can pick up some supplies since my Eggos stock has been depleted. I join Group 2: Exploring the Mysteries of Main Street. Perhaps there will be time to stop off at the beach. I will bring a towel and sunscreen!

Great. :look: Anybody who isn't a townie want to go to the farm? :cry_sad: And Schmelt, can I have my knife already? *whispers* but be discreet about it... :look:

You'll have to ask Max. When the knife was in his office, I had the key. But I don't have the key to any of the passenger lockers. Jim Butcher might also be able to help, I know one of the other staff members has a key, I can't remember who but I know it's not Steve.

Perhaps the kitchen should issue one knife to the Emerald Express nominated leader per group? I mean, they're just lying around in the kitchen anyway...

Also, I'd like to remind anyone with sinister thoughts that if I die, you'll all starve. The pony has my last will and testament.

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