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Having listened to all the crazies, I think I know what my choice is :hmpf:

Who are you calling crazy?! :angry:

Why are you so secretive about whats in your handbag? :wacko: I can't really think of anything you'd need to keep secret unless it was a weapon or personal items.....still.....

You really want to know what's in my handbag? Okay, I'll show you...

*pulls out a long, white garment and puts it on*


Yes, it's my wedding gown. I keep it with me wherever I go to remind me of the day I lost Eric. So I wouldn't forget to make the person who took him away from me to suffer. :devil:

... enough crap to weigh the train down. No wonder we didn't make it to LA. It's a good thing this wasn't a Mystery Cruise or we'd be sloshing on the bottom of the ocean by now. :hmpf_bad:

I didn't bring that much really, only the basic necessities plus a couple of advanced extras. :blush: I left the majority back at home, I sure do hope I brought everything I will need if I ever get to play a game. :look:

Do you have any little painted valkyries in there? You know, the kind with the ... oh, um, nevermind. I don't know anything about that stuff. :blush:

I got a couple in a Harbinger Expansion Pack, they're really rare! Unfortunately I didn't bring them though. I knew I would need them! Why do you ask? :sweet:

*pulls out a long, white garment and puts it on*


That's really pretty! :wub: I can understand why Herman is always chasing after you, you look gorgeous in that dress. :blush:

I think I will go with Group 3 if there is still room, this farm sounds interesting. :sweet:

Sorry but since Austin, Herman and I are already in group 3, we are breaking the Nerd Mafia up, find another group of Hillbillie psychos locals to hang with Marky Mark.

Y'all make up your minds yet? It get's dark here real quick like. Can't really see much of nothing when it's all dark outside. We should get a move on here, I got my still up and runnin' which means fresh firewater for us! And you boys with your game...well, I'm always lookin' for some new form of entertainment, so maybe you can teach me how to play?

We have 6 or 7 in our group now? I'm confused, but then that happens a lot.

Well I think 6 is enough for the ute ride.

Which other locals are with Jethro?

I got a couple in a Harbinger Expansion Pack, they're really rare! Unfortunately I didn't bring them though. I knew I would need them! Why do you ask? :sweet:

No reason. :blush: Oh, well, you know, valkyries are hot, not like elfgirl hot, but pretty hot and all with their big, round, firm ... shields. :wub:

Ok, seriously, we've go to get started on our various tasks before someone says something embarrassing our poor black death patient dies in the train there. We can't forget about her. Er. Him. Yeah, him. :sceptic:

That's really pretty! :wub: I can understand why Herman is always chasing after you, you look gorgeous in that dress. :blush:

*whispers incredibly quietly* Watch her, she's as crazy as the townfolk ... *

Eleanor, girl, you look as pretty as a pixie in that wedding dress. I'm sorry you lost your Eric. Perhaps you'd like a hand with dealing with his ahem, killer? Or did he not kill him?

Either way, you look lovely, girl.

Eleanor, girl, you look as pretty as a pixie in that wedding dress. I'm sorry you lost your Eric. Perhaps you'd like a hand with dealing with his ahem, killer? Or did he not kill him?

He drove over my poor Eric with a horse carriage, so yes, I'd call him a killer. And he is with us here now, he's just too cowardly to step forward.

Dear lord! Who could it be?

This is most interesting...

I think my head injury is getting worse. I can either relax and keep my mouth shut, or....

While the City Slickers mingle with the Kin Folk, the warm sun is quickly cooling and fades in the distance. It'll be evening soon in Willoughby, and that's not a good thing... :devil:

Who are you, the narrator? Oh...wait, I guess you are. Well, shut up anyway.

Dear me, I didn't think I was in the bathroom that long. What's going on here? We're splitting into groups? Right then, let me see, I think I will go with Group 3 if there is still room, this farm sounds interesting. :sweet:

In this time and place, we need to band together and be strong. This is an adventure the likes we have never seen before, unless you play D&D like Herman and I. Clearly, we are prepared for this. :grin: These townsfolk may be strange, but they are our only hope if we ever want to get back on track to LA and back on the case of our missing host Elizabeth, who's whereabouts is still a mystery.

You read my mind brother! :sweet: Together we can defeat any foe. The heart of the cards will guide us. *Shakes a deck of cards theatrically.*

Remember everyone, may' Daa jaHDI' SuvwI' juppu' Daj lonbe.

Yay! We're nerds! Awesome. Shake cards!

ATTENTION!!! Mr. Brakes or Mr. Butcher, I require your immediate assistance to retrieve my belongings from my private locker. And you may not look what it is.

*Dynamic Movement (as allowed by the Brickster): Eleanor retrieves the contents of her locker from the Luggage Carriage, and puts them in her handbag*

So I have a handbag now, you've got a problem with it? :tongue:

So far I have only Lorraine and Old Jebediah McFarlin here in my group. I thought we who were on the train were supposed to split up into groups of three, with up to three townies assisting us. Can't you people count?

This one is seeming more pretentious and annoying by the minute. It's clear she has an inflated sense of self so I hope someone tells her to shut up.

But I have the only key to that locker. :tongue:

I have my thingamabob securely in my purse, and nobody can take it from me. Nobody!

(Besides, I think I would've been informed privately if the contents of the locker were stolen.)

Shut up.

...and my D&D Icons Colossal Red Dragon miniature, Gargantuan Blue Dragon miniature, and Gargantuan Black Dragon miniature, as well as my Archfiends Expansion Pack miniatures, the Dragonmarked Eberon Campaign supplement, and my Dungeon Delve rules supplement.

That should about do it to help teach you the basics I should say. :sweet:

I also brought my entire Forgotten Realms Adventure Collection, so if you want to play a more advanced game later, then I could go get that at a later stage. I'm sure Herman would be interested in that, especially once I tell him that I brought my City of the Spider Queen miniatures. They're really rare and a real treat to play with. :classic:

You're my best friend! :wub:

*pulls out a long, white garment and puts it on*

The dress is lovely, and your tragedy palpable - but, uh, isn't it kind of itchy to wear that wedding dress over your regular clothes? *huh*

I won't ask how you managed to fold it and keep it in your handbag either, unless it's one of those 80s crushed silk affairs :laugh:

Here, have a bouquet of (slightly used) daffodils.

You really want to know what's in my handbag? Okay, I'll show you...

*pulls out a long, white garment and puts it on*

Yes, it's my wedding gown. I keep it with me wherever I go to remind me of the day I lost Eric. So I wouldn't forget to make the person who took him away from me to suffer. :devil:

Um.. thats completely insane. :wacko: I'm not going to wear traditional white if I have a wedding. I think all the symbolism and women being subservient is crap.

Since you think the person is here and too coward to step forward... just tell us! I mean no sense in keeping that secret if you want his death avenged. I could stone the person with tiny little rock samples. That would take a while and be pretty painful. :devil:

I could stone the person with tiny little rock samples. That would take a while and be pretty painful. :devil:


Actually, I have a magnifying glass. If we can pin down Eric's killer between the sun and my magnifiying glass, we can burn him to death! Yes, it will be slow. But if you keep on working it with those rock samples we could probably save, ooh, a good ten to 15 hours :wink:

Oh damn, I realised the sun is going down soon. Maybe tomorrow! Let's hope we're all still alive then.

I hope we all are too, Schmelts. You may think we're all weird, but after being trapped here most our lives, I don 't think you realise the happiness we feel for meeting you guys.

Thats another of my inspirational pep-talk outbursts.

This one is seeming more pretentious and annoying by the minute. It's clear she has an inflated sense of self so I hope someone tells her to shut up.

I'm telling you, he must have jumped under that carriage, and before it's over, we all will! :wacko:

Srry everyone. I had to go to the bathroom in my house, but while I was there my lamp attacked me. I think he was hired by Jethro. Luckily I defeated it with ease, and I stuck it's head on a stake outside my house!

And then I get back and listen to the cook guy insult me! So I sat quietly as you all insulted eachother. You don't seem to be a very organized or useful group...

My gorup is all ready! And we're the only one!

I'm very happy to see that Mary has put on a wedding dress. Greaseman has promised me your hand, Ms. Mary... Hellanor? Is that you name? That's cool. Soon your going to be Mrs. Mary Snitchman. A very preatty name. But I've got to go with that other girl for now I'll see you out of town! :wink:

And don't listen to the mayor! I'm not loony. He's the loony one.! Possibly a Loony Tune. That Devil fellow? Yeah, probaly.

I think my group is almost ready, but there is so few town people lying around, that could join my group. Right now, plus myself, there is Max, Steve and Grease being with me searching for train repair parts.

I'm off to get something you won't like from my farm. I'll be right back!

And, Eleanor, that dress is lovely!

Right now, plus myself, there is Max, Steve and Grease being with me searching for train repair parts.

Hey, you're, uh, "Brakes", right? Anyway, I could help you get your parts if you want.

I assure you all that I have never killed anyone in my life.

He's right. Now, don't you folks worry, we'll all try our best to get you all on your way. :skull:

Edited by Strikerâ„¢

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I've read through all the comments above. Most will get the team that they requested, but I did have to shift a few people. Here are the teams.

C= Crew

P= Passenger

T= Townfolk

Team 1: Looking for Repair Parts

- Steve Thomas

NOTE: Dynamic Movement has been turned off. No Private Conversations at this time.

Whoops. :blush:

(First day is going a little bumpy for me.)

I fixed it.

Edited by Strikerâ„¢

(Don't worry, its your first game, I believe :wink:)

Hello there Gaylord, nice to see you around.

Good luck with fixing your loco fellas.

So, Steve and the rest of y'all, what are the parts we need?

You can borrow my here laptop if you need to look on the interweb.

*Appears out of the nearby fields and starts running along Herman and Jethro*...


Roof! Rot room for ron more? ...It's kinda roring ritting all ray rong out there in the fields roin' nuvvin.


What, you aren't raying me any attention? No roblem, I'll rust rag along to the farm with you ruys then.

(edit: font style)

Edited by TheOtters

Looks like I'm getting out of town with my dear Mary! Yippeee!

What, you aren't raying me any attention? No roblem, I'll rust rag along to the farm with you ruys then.

Holy crap, it's a talking dog! *runs like hell*

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