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Oh there you are doggie! This in my dog. I talk to him when there is no one else to talk to. I think that I drove him insane, and now he can talk to humans too! Sometimes, I swear I'm magic! Oncew when I was angry, I turned everyone on my block onto birds. It was very sad, becuase I didn't remember how to turn them back, so I ate them instead.

*Puts on orange sweater and absurd glasses*

Jinkies, Scooby! This mystery keeps getting crazier and crazier... and no-one's a janitor wearing a mask! :oh:

Oh no, rot more of the same!!! ...Repher here, bored as rell, roams the fields on a raily rasis just to find romeone to ralk to. And then - ro and behold - the guy recides it is his MAAAAAGIC which has turned me into a talking dog.

You, rir, are a rooney. Roof!

Holy crap, it's a talking dog! *runs like hell*

*Looks in the direction of Mr. Greaseman quickly vanishing in the horizon*

Ain't ruthin good to see there, you scary ol rool. Most refinitely not after dusk...

Jinkies, Scooby! This mystery keeps getting crazier and crazier...

And it's Scruffy, not Scooby! Scooby is a rucking retard.

Who's Repher? Im Howard Snitchman.


I can't understand the dog always. He says the craziest things. Next thing you know he'll be saying the Mayor's evil! What an idea! *Luaghs and looks nervously at the mayor*

Nice cover Scruffy. We can't let the Mayor in on our little secret. You know, that I'm magic. Shush.

Edited by Zepher

"Scooby is a rucking retard"


Damn mister Scruffy, your harsh!

Comes back from the farm with a Winchester Model 9422

I'm back guys! With my trusty Model 9422! .22 caliber, scope and has killes many wild animals. :devil:

So, who wants a piece of me? :devil:

Nah, just kidding, it's for your safety, there can be some angry wild animals around the farms.

Rer's no retter man than our rayor here to run this city. Otherwise it would be rimming with the rikes of you, creepy guys rinking they've got magical rabilities.

* Aside * Can't you reep that rig mouth of yours rut for one recond!?

Damn mister Scruffy, your harsh!

Rust ron't talk to me about Scooby and we'll be rine.

pit-pat-pit-pat... *Runs ahead*

Huh, what's that shining in the bushes over there?

Holy crap, it's a talking dog! *runs like hell*

Am I seeing things?? Or am I drinking too much?? :wacko:


Am I seeing things?? Or am I drinking too much?? :wacko:


OK, ret's get this over once and for ro.

I can talk. Just rike any other animal around you relf-centred reople, except most animals have other animals to ralk to. See any other dogs around rere?

Recisely. Mr "Me and my trusty Rinchester" ain't exactly one to ask refore shootin...

Rere, I hope now rat's out of your rystem, you wouldn't mind rellin what you're roin in the riddle of nowhere just roin through the rields?

* Turns around with something shiny in mouth *

And what's this kettle roin here?!

Don't make me pull the trigger Scooby! Just be a nice talkin' dog!

  • Author
Comes back from the farm with a Winchester Model 9422

I'm back guys! With my trusty Model 9422! .22 caliber, scope and has killes many wild animals. :devil:

So, who wants a piece of me? :devil:

Nah, just kidding, it's for your safety, there can be some angry wild animals around the farms.

Scruffy the Mystery Dog sees your rifle, immediately pounces on you grabbing the gun between his mouth. :oh3: He then runs off toward the farm.

You won't be needing that now.

Scruffy comes running back about 10 minutes later and says, "Ruh Roh, Rarmer Rohn rusn't rave ris RUN rany rore"... :laugh:

*Eleanor walks to Max, holding her dress by the hem to avoid mucking it up*

Mr. Conductor, a word with you please...

It has come to my attention that you've removed an item that belongs to me from my private locker. It was placed there along with my wedding gown, but when I went to fetch it with Mr. Butcher, it wasn't there.

You know what I'm talking about. Now I demand you return it to me instantly.

Jeb, I'm rure you won't be reeding rat run of yours!

Resides, don't forget who watches after your sheep & rattle, ol pal... What's rotten into you anyway, I rought our arguing rays were rehind us! Rese people make you act weird, Jeb...

None of ya have any idea where ris came from? Rell then, ruess it's mine row!

* Goes back, picks up kettle once again and starts running with kettle in mouth *

Wait a minute! Did the staff go open my private locker?! The outrage!

I'm not telling what's in my handbag, though. :tongue:

Nope, I don't think anyone has. Again, I'm not sure who has a master key among the staff.

*Appears out of the nearby fields and starts running along Herman and Jethro*...


Roof! Rot room for ron more? ...It's kinda roring ritting all ray rong out there in the fields roin' nuvvin.


What, you aren't raying me any attention? No roblem, I'll rust rag along to the farm with you ruys then.

(edit: font style)

Rut the ruck? Where did this talking dog come from? This journey is becoming weirder and weirder...

So, now we have our team, with me as leader for some reason... Welcome, Mr. Brown, Mr. Williams, and Mr. O'Reilly. Since you're a cop, Constable, would you have a gun on you?

Resides, don't forget who watches after your sheep & rattle, ol pal...

Me and the Model 9422. Not you. :tongue:

What's rotten into you anyway, I rought our arguing rays were rehind us! Rese people make you act weird, Jeb...

Okay..I'm sorry...Do you want some food?

None of ya have any idea where ris came from? Rell then, ruess it's mine row!

* Goes back, picks up kettle once again and starts running with kettle in mouth *

Let me see that....Please?

What the fudge?!

Where the heck did the dog come from?

O Godly Mannish voice from the sky, is this the sacred 12th townperson?

Well, I think the six of us are officially scee-rewed. I do hope we can make it out of this place......

  • Author
*Eleanor walks to Max, holding her dress by the hem to avoid mucking it up*

Mr. Conductor, a word with you please...

It has come to my attention that you've removed an item that belongs to me from my private locker. It was placed there along with my wedding gown, but when I went to fetch it with Mr. Butcher, it wasn't there.

You know what I'm talking about. Now I demand you return it to me instantly.

Conductor Max responds, "I suppose I can not keep it from you now that we are outside the train". He then goes inside the train and returns shortly with Eleanor's gun handing it to her reluctantly.

Eleanor looks and Scruffy :look: and very quickly hides it in under her shirt.

O Godly Mannish voice from the sky, is this the sacred 12th townperson?

Not exactly a "person", but yes. :laugh:

Eleanor looks and Scruffy :look: and very quickly hides it in under her shirt.

Hehe, I guess those bra-strap gun holsters come in handy more and more each day. I'm suprised Eleanor has enough room in there with her knives, frying pans, and her... smoke grenades.

What did you think I was gonna say? :tongue: God, you guys are such pervs. I'm not that kind of guy. :hmpf_bad:

Not exactly a "person", but yes. :laugh:

Fine, fine, townsdog.

Psst, hey, Eleanor, you have a mallet or hammer I could borrow? I need to, uh, fix something... :skull:

Oh, Conductor Max, I have a special present for you...

Edited by Strikerâ„¢

Oh my god, a talking dog!? Now we seriously need to get out of this hellhole!

I thank you for giving me my gun back, Mr. Conductor, although I would've appreciated if you hadn't shown it to everyone. :tongue: Anyway, the revolver's a... err, family heirloom, nonfunctional. It doesn't work at all, no.

Now lead us forward, Mr. Conductor! Dear Lorraine here already promised we could use her semi-truck.

And as far as you go, Mr. Snitchman, my name is Eleanor Grigsby, not Mary, and you'll do well to remember that. :wink:

Thats right Eleanor, she's already to go. I believe J's got supplies, and I'm about to pop down to the Gas Station to fill up a couple of bottles should we need it...

*Runs down to Gas Station with two bottles*

  • Author

At this time, the mystery will resume momentarily within sub-chapters 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D.

I understand that some of you are new to these types of mystery/mafia games over the internet. In addition, I'm trying a few new things to help make the mystery a bit more fun and interesting. Here's a few rules/items that will help with game flow:

1) Each of the next four sub-chapters, 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D will take place in different threads.

2) For story purposes, the sub-chapters are taking place simultaneously.

3) Only the six individuals mentioned at the beginning of each sub-chapter may post in that thread. This means that you can NOT post in another sub-chapter.

4) Help cut down the chatter. I love the wit, but let's keep the additional jokes and comments down to a minimum and focus on the mystery and/or actions. Unless you are sharing something for the benefit of the group in gathering or analyzing clues, speculating about what's going on, or performing an action, don't respond. This will help prevent a lot of useless messages that people in different time zones have to read/sift when catching up with what is going on.

5) Dynamic Movement has been suspended/turned off. Please do not PM me with Dynamic Movement messages. If you have something to say or do, you must do so in the threads. Townies have received some additional information regarding this for story purposes.

6) Have fun! This is just a game. Don't get mad or take it personal if another character tries to harm or even kill your character.

7) Your character has X number of life points listed on your Character Card. When your character is harmed, I will tell you how many Life points you have lost. When you are at zero, your character has died.

8) Dead characters can not post. If you are dead, your character is not to tip off other players by doing so.

9) Please do NOT assume that you have a knife, a gun, a pitchfork, or any other weapon at any time. If you have a question, send me one before you say something like, "I pull out my antique dagger that I was hiding in my pocket and throw it at Scruffy (sorry Scruffy, just an example).

10) I make it a habit of posting at least twice a day, once in the early morning, and again in the afternoon. Please do not get too far ahead of me or the story if you are on a different time zone. This will allow others to catch up and have a chance to respond.

Sub-Chapters 6A, B, C, and D will be open shortly.

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