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Charming, quite charming!

*whispers* Room 6 is closed, eh? Is it any coincidence that 6 is the number of the Beast? :oh: I think we should check it out and see what we can find out, who knows what may be inside. We should decide on one person to investigate by breaking into Room 6 while the others catch up on their beauty sleep. I get the feeling this town is like a giant game of Russian roulette, so either Arin or I should go, since Jimbee investigated the Mayor's car. That seems fair. *end whisper*

Yes, as I was just saying to my friends here, this is quite a delightful old hotel. I can see why you might need some renovations with the open-backed walls. Chilly in winter! I pick Room 5, since it is near the empty Room 6, and that way the others can hear the screams don't have to put up with my snoring.

EDITED to add:

Oh, Arin. I didn't know you cared :wub: How about we share Room 5? *wink* *wink*

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Do we stay alone or can I bring Schmelt with me?


I sympathize with the fact that you might like to "double-up" for safety; but unfortunetly, the rooms here are single bed occupancy. :grin:

Just to prove that the hotel is safe though, I'm going to take a room here as well.


I sympathize with the fact that you might like to "double-up" for safety; but unfortunetly, the rooms here are single bed occupancy. :grin:

That's not a problem, the bed only needs to be wide enough to fit one. Haven't you heard of bunking up?


Fine, I'll be in Room 5 :sadnew:

Should I stay here for the night as well, or can I go sleep at home? I need my blankie........

Since the mayor will stay I'll take room 1

I guess I'll just sleep in room two then, seeing as everyone else is staying here.

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The Mayor takes Room #4 and Jim Butcher Room #7.

Everyone signs in as follows:

Constable O'Reilly, #1

Charlie Williams, #2

Arin Schaffer, #3

Mayor William Brown, #4

Schmelt, #5

Jim Butcher, #7

The group separate to their individual rooms for some "shut-eye".

Each room within the Willoughby Hotel is pretty much the same and contains:

1) Single queen bed

2) Night stand with lamp

3) Dresser w/ 6 drawers

4) Small table w/ 2 chairs

5) Bathroom with shower, sink, and toilette

6) Simple non-ornate light fixture above ceiling


At this time, you may send me a private message with your "Hotel Movement" to include two things:

1) You may make one observation within your room (example: I will look under my bed).

2) Providing me an exact time between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am, you may perform one action within the hotel (to include you leaving your room to do xxx). Please be as specific as possible regarding this action. I will guess or add-in story if I did not understand what you were wanting to do. This is similar to Chapter 3 (Working on the Night Moves).

See you in the morning! (or not :skull: ) :laugh:

  • Author

You awake at 6:00 in the morning as the bright sun shines through the unclean windows of the Willoughby Hotel. It has been an interesting night.


11:00: The night moves began at 11:00 pm. Jim Butcher begins looking through the drawers of his 6-drawer dresser finding ony sock lint, a pair of dirty underwear, and a black Gideon Bible. He unplugs the lamp of his dresser to use as a weapon and sneaks into Room #6.

The door is hard to open, but after pushing extensively, he is successful. Upon entering the room, he hears a strange rumbling sound above. As he looks up wondering what the noise is, a large piece of drywall comes crashing down on his head. The accident inflicts two Life Points damage. Jim is able to stand up, brushing off all the white powder from the dry wall, and stumbles back into his hotel room. He passes out on the bed.

12:00: Peeking under her bed slowly, Arin does not find anyone waiting to "pounce on her". She is; however, a bit hungry and sneaks out of her room looking for the hotel kitchen. With an insatiable appetite for some Ritz Crackers, she desperately walks up and down the stairs and through the halls looking for the non-existent kitchen. Finally giving up, she returns to her room where she falls to sleep.

1:52: Mayor Brown examines his bathroom, realizing that his toilet is clogged. With no plunger in the nearby vicinity, he walks through the hall looking for a public restroom. Unfortunately, he does not find one, nor a bathroom, and returns to his room.

2:00: Constable O'Reilly checks his 6-drawer dresser to find a small piece of paper in one of the drawers. It appears to be a letter that reads:

The Town Council suspects that I am attempting to leave Willoughby. They are trying to kill me and will stop at nothing! If you find this note, know that I have left clues for you to follow my trail. Must go now! Good Luck. X.

The Constable then tucks the letter into his shirt pocket and sneaks into Room #6.

2:00: Schmelt stands on his bed to look at the light fixture thinking that there may be a hidden camera within. While he struts and smiles into the light as if making a home-made adult film, he doesn't find anything of interest. There is; however, a small piece of paper that says "WhiteFang was here". (NOTE: this is not a clue :laugh: )

He then sneaks into Room #6 where he runs into Constable O'Reilly. The two men nearly scare the "crap out of" one another as both stand in the entry way. After a quick inspection of the room, they do discover a lot of white dust and a mysterious piece of drywall on the floor. They return to their rooms.

3:00: Charlie Williams goes to his bathroom where he checks out the back of the toilet. Finding nothing of interest, he sneaks into the Constable's room to see if there are any clues that link him to the town council. He doesn't find any clues but he does find a rather nice shiny "Town Moderator Badge" that he decides to leave alone.

3:30: Jim Butcher feels a strange tingling in his ear, followed by a more painful ear ache. He starts to feel extremely nauseous and runs to his bathroom where he vomits profusely. After hugging the toilet for nearly an hour, he passes out. When he awakens, he is laying on the bathroom floor and has suffered three Life Points damage. He stumbles out of his room at almost 6:15 where the others find him lying on the ground.

Everyone is now in the lobby with poor Jim white as a ghost. :sick:

3:00: Charlie Williams goes to his bathroom where he checks out the back of the toilet. Finding nothing of interest, he sneaks into the Constable's room to see if there are any clues that link him to the town council. He doesn't find any clues but he does find a rather nice shiny "Town Moderator Badge" that he decides to leave alone.

Show o- *plughhaughhackblech*...

Ohhhh.... :sick: Five life points damage...

Okay, this is not cool. A piece of drywall? I'd like to check out that room again, if that's okay with everyone. Who wants to come with?

Something more sinister is also at play here. That horrible *bleckhaughugh* ohhh... sound in my ear was not *blauuugh* from the dry wall. Someone (or something) did it, I'm sure of it. A device of some sort was used *yuckbluckshmuck*... Do any of you wish to confess? Ugh... who... who... *blech* did that?

By the way, did I recover any life points (from my head injury) while I was asleep?


Jim, perhaps you should take it easy right now and rest while some of us explore more. :sad:

We should probably keep an eye on the townspeople right now. It would seem unlikely at this point that the Mayor or Constable is part of the town council. Our other townsman may be. I think we should keep them all close. I'd like to keep the letter in mind that the Constable found when searching for clues. It makes me wonder about the people who told us the Mayor was trying to kill them. Apparently, its not the mayor that kills people as they leave. Sorry for calling you Mayor Murder.

Can't a girl get a snack in this town? I'm hungry.

Jim, you should really rest up. I do agree that we should check out room #6 as a group now, and I think that all of us except Jim should go? Yes? No?

I think we might should explore it further. I would like to know more about a lot of things in this town and yesterday we were going to explore the offices in town hall. I think that's still a good plan. I would also like the Constable to take us to the jail.

Jim is our team leader. It's important that he lives. It sounds like he has a closed head injury which can be pretty dangerous. Is there a doctor around here, anywhere? Also, if we let him sleep, we should probably check on him and wake him every few hours so that he doesn't slip into a coma.

Jim, perhaps Schmelt could help you check for any signs of any other things that might cause the nausea such as a spider bite.

I think we might should explore it further.

I agree that we might should! ( :grin: )

Jim, perhaps Schmelt could help you check for any signs of any other things that might cause the nausea such as a spider bite.

Good thinking :oh: ; Shcmelt would know many ways that animals, humans included, can die!

Thanks for your concern, Arin and Charlie... I think I'll feel better if I rest up a bit in one of the rooms. Just keep a close eye on each other while you explore that room and the rest of main street. I'll be in my room until I regain some health, then I'll join you...

I agree that I should check for marks on myself. Good thinking, Arin. Schmelt, do you care to help? Anything on my neck?

Ughh... :sick:

Good thinking :oh: ; Shcmelt would know many ways that animals, humans included, can die!

I definitely don't trust you to do it. Can one of us stay with Jim? He believes he may have been attacked. If the attacker comes back to finish the job, he will be successful if someone doesn't stop him.

AND! What I meant with my horrible grammar was that I think the townsperson is correct that we should explore Room 6 before venturing out of the hotel. Can we also look around at the front desk for some sort of log of check ins/outs to see if there are any names that we recognize? I have a feeling that Ms. Thornton or one of our aquaintances might have stayed in this hotel. I'd also like to see who the last person was to check in to room 6. Did they check out? Who was the last person to stay in the Constable's room where the letter was found?

Again, good thinking, Arin. This could lead us to this "X" person. I would appreciate it if someone stayed with me while I rest, to make sure whichever one of you has made an attack. If it's going to be Schmelt or Arin (which would be better than a townsperson), I suggest a townsperson also stays back. I'm not pointing any fingers here, but Schmelt or Arin would be safer if it wasn't 3 townspeople to 1 train passenger.

Again, good thinking, Arin. This could lead us to this "X" person. I would appreciate it if someone stayed with me while I rest, to make sure whichever one of you has made an attack. If it's going to be Schmelt or Arin (which would be better than a townsperson), I suggest a townsperson also stays back. I'm not pointing any fingers here, but Schmelt or Arin would be safer if it wasn't 3 townspeople to 1 train passenger.

I'll stay with the two of you.

Poor Jimbee! :cry_sad:

It sounds like some Shakespearean plot - poison administered by dripping it in the ear - see Hamlet! Either that, or I'm pretty sure that's how Mary got pregnant with the baby Jesus :look:

I'm no expert, but I would imagine that such a method of poisoning someone would leave little evidence. I would like to examine Jimbee's head, if I may. That didn't sound quite right :wacko: but you know what I mean! :tongue:

I really don't know much about poisons - I am more of a pepper expert - so I don't know if the effect of such a poison would be ongoing, ie are Jimbee's life points going to keep reducing if we don't find a solution? Say it ain't so!

Since nobody has mentioned qualified doctors, maybe there is something in Main Street that would help us. Mayor Non-Murder, would you have something like a medical kit in your office or at the Town Hall?

I am happy to stay with Jimbee if Arin is going to visit the Town Hall. If he is feeling better then the three of us here might wish to revisit the dreaded Room 6 since in last night's confusion neither the Constable or I had a good look around.

Anyway, as a final comment, whoever is trying to throw us off the scent is doing a damn fine job! :hmpf_bad:

He is poisoned? No one ever said that. I think he just has a concussion which can cause the ear tingle and the nausea. I wanted you to check and see if he had any spider bites or anything like that. Just for the hell of it.

Something more sinister is also at play here. That horrible *bleckhaughugh* ohhh... sound in my ear was not *blauuugh* from the dry wall. Someone (or something) did it, I'm sure of it. A device of some sort was used *yuckbluckshmuck*... Do any of you wish to confess? Ugh... who... who... *blech* did that?

Well, Jim didn't seem to think that the dry wall had anything to do with his new malaise.

The voice in the sky also said that it was later, there was a tingling in his ear, and then he felt ill and vomited everywhere. I'm not a doctor, but does that sound like concussion? I thought concussion was when you felt a bit vague and bumped into the walls a bit, not vomiting and losing most of your life-points! I mean, he's lucid and quite capable of conversation, he doesn't seem distracted or mentally impaired.

I still think you should look for a medical kit. It seems much more likely to me that he was poisoned to distract us from our investigations than some spider decided to use his ear as a poison-toilet :sick: A medical kit might be handy if we have further problems. Plus, it might contain a bottle of (purely medicinal) brandy! :thumbup:

When Jim is ready, those remaining here can go and check out room 6.

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After taking a closer look at Jim's ear, you discover a few drops of some dried liquid around the lower lobe, almost as if it dripped out while sleeping. Fortunately, by throwing up early in the morning, he actually seems to be feeling a little better, although a bit disorientated.

The group decides to take Jim with them to have a closer look at Room #6. Entering the room slowly, you discover that Room #6 is filled with numerous paint cans, ladders, sheets of dry wall, and sheets covering the furniture (the same items contained in the other rooms). This room is definately under renovation, but you do not discover anything of special interest. You decide to go to the lobby.

In the hotel lobby, you check out the guest register. The last person who checked into Room #6 was a person by the name of Albert Ginney. It appears that he stayed in the room in 1974. More recent is the name Jennifer Chamberlain who stayed in Room #1 last year (2008). There are no other names that you recognize nor find interesting.

Hmmm.... I ain't never hear of this Jennifer Chamberlain, have you Mayor?

I'm no expert either, but if I were to guess, I would say that I was given a shot (with a needle or just poured liquid) into my ear. That dried stuff on my ear could either be the "poison", or it could be that liquid in the cochlea, which vibrates when hit by the ear drum, passing on the auditory message to the brain.

...sorry about the science lesson, but it's all true.

And I don't think there is any importance in room #6. We should keep our eyes open about it, but it might just be a red herring.

I would like to know who Jennifer Chamberlian is, though.

d Jim, I'm glad you are feeling better. Also, he is correct with his science lesson which is why I said that we can't assume he has been poisoned. :classic: With that bump on the head, there was an opportunity for someone to poison him while he was passed out. Didn't we all agree to go back to town hall next to explore the office? We should be able to get a lot done today if we just get going and can all agree.

Mayor or anyone else who knows, can you give us any information about the names that were notable in the guest registration? Do you remember Jennifer? How long has room 6 been under construction? Since the last guest stayed there in 1974, I would assume a considerable amount of time. If this is true, why so long? We can talk while we walk to town hall.

We still need to find a way out of town, remember that, folks!

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