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Would one of those invoices contain a five-digit sequence, per chance?

I would like to sit down in the mayor's desk, opening any drawers, and feeling under the chair and desk.

I would like to run my fingers over the coat rack to see if there are any unusual features or hidden compartments... OK, it's a stretch for a coat rack to contain secret compartments, but you never know! (Schmelt prays that stray splinters don't lead to a sudden loss of life points!)

Are we allowed to put whatever combinations we like in the safe? I am wondering if the answer is in plain sight... 5 digits... could be a number along the lines of with 10xxx, if you get my drift.

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Charlie looks at the invoice numbers closely. They are 4-digits long.

Jim Butcher examines the desk, feeling under the desk and chair. He finds a rather nice Mont Blanc calligraphy pen. There are no file drawers attached to the desk.

Schmelt looks at the coat rack closey. There is nothing special about it.

You may try to enter any combination for the safe.

Is there any number on the pen, I.E. a product code?

You may try to enter any combination for the safe.

I would like to try


on the safe.

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Is there any number on the pen, I.E. a product code?

I would like to try 8/1/1/9/5 on the safe.

No number on the pen, and the combination you entered does not work.

Okay then, I would now like to inspect the chairs and round table, looking underneath them, on the bottoms of them, and feeling around them. After that, I would like to take a look at the bar (quite a setup you have here, Mister Mayor) and inspect it, underneath it, on top of it, etc. and check out the bottles if any of them are open. If so, I would like to try to determine anything abnormal about the boos inside. I'd also like to look for any abnormalities on the glasses and cups, and if any of them have been used recently. I would not like to taste any boos.

Also, I would like to check the file cabinets once more, and feel around the frame of the drawers for any hidden buttons, switches, or compartments.

Err, apologies for "ransacking" your office, Mayor Brown, but you do understand that this whole town is rather curious and we the passengers would like to find out about it. :classic: I hope you don't mind.

I want to try 10133 as a safe combination.

Charlie, I reccomend you unscrew the barrel of the Mont Blanc and have a look inside for any concealed notes or other clues.

I guess I'll unscrew the barrel of the Mont Blanc and have a look inside for any concealed notes or other clues. Also, is there a limited amount of tries that we get for the safe?

I'll enter the code 10194

I want to try 10133 as a safe combination.

Charlie, I reccomend you unscrew the barrel of the Mont Blanc and have a look inside for any concealed notes or other clues.

You are BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! That has to be the combination. I think I'm in love.

You are BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! That has to be the combination. I think I'm in love.

:wub: :wub: :wub:

But let's not count my brain cells before they've hatched, my sweet.

You certainly look glowing; the steam in the bathroom must have opened and relaxed your pores. Or is that just the sweet flush of luuuurve?

Yes, feel free to look through anything, as long as you're careful not to break anything. And please try to put everything back in the general area you found it in.

I want to try 10133 as a safe combination.

Great idea indeed! If that does not work, there are many other "train numbers" we could try, such 10020, 10001, 10173, etc. I believe 10173 is the number of the train in town.

Is there a way to identify how old the safe is? I'd like to examine it, before or after we try the combinations.

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Jim examines the round table and chairs looking under them, feeling them closely, talking softly to them. Nothing out of the ordinary. He then has another peek at the file cabines checking under them and inside the file cabinet revealing no secret compartments. Walking over to the bar, he checks the glasses, and the liquor, that without tasting, is somewhat difficult to check for abnormalities.

Schmelt tries the combination 10133 for the safe. LOCK! it doesn not work.

Arin looks at Schmelt and says, "that may not be the number to the safe, but you've got my number baby" :wub:

The Constable says, "move over, let me try" and enters the code 10194 in the safe. LOCK! it doesn't work, nor does it excite Arin.

Charlie unscrews the pen and squirts black ink on his shirt. "Thanks a lot Schmelt" he says after realizes it is a normal pen.

Mayor Brown walks over to the safe and tries the following three numbers: 10001 - lock, 10020 - lock, 10173 - lock. None of them work.

What about the thread number: 29323?

Good tries, Schmelt and Mayor Brown. But I wonder if there is anything useful here? I would like to check behind the bookshelf and file cabinets. Afterwords, I would like to knock on the walls of the room, noting any strange or hollow sounds, including those behind the bookshelf and file cabinets.

I don't expect this to have any results, but just in case... I would also like to look at the invoices (in the file cabinet), dates of shipments, etc. specifically.

And you two lurve birds behave when I'm not looking. :tongue:

While Jimbee shakes, contorts, compulsively taps and writhes around the room, using every foot, appendage, sensory organ and digit he has available to investigate its hidden propertoes, I will sit quietly at the table with a glass of water from the bathroom tap and flick through one of these pulp novels from the bookshelf. I hope there's something good... an Agatha Christie... Raymond Chandler... who knows?

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The Mayor tries 29323 as a potential combination - LOCK!

Jim begins knocking, touching, rubbing, and stroking the bookshelf, file cabinet, and all the walls. There doesn't seem to be any hidden passages or secret compartments.

He then decides to have a closer look at the invoices. The only one of any interest is one dated last year for a train tanker of fuel. All the others are somewhat dated and filed under "O" for old.

The invoice; however, does not contain any identifiable information, or anything else of special interest.

Schmelt decides to fill a bar glass with some bathroom water and have a drink. "Tastes most excellent", Schmelt says as he looks at Arin. "What? I'm a cheap date", he adds. :grin:

investigate its hidden propertoes,

Investigate my toes properly? Yeah, that too.

What? :wacko:

Jim begins knocking, touching, rubbing, and stroking the bookshelf, file cabinet, and all the walls.

Okay, you did that on purpose. :tongue:

He then decides to have a closer look at the invoices. The only one of any interest is one dated last year for a train tanker of fuel. All the others are somewhat dated and filed under "O" for old.

Nothing really interesting here- I think Lorianne said something about not driving her semi for a year or so. If it was a train tanker, though, Willoughby must get at least some visitors. I wonder if this information is important...

I don't think there's anything else to see here. If everyone's ready, I say we file out. Thanks for letting us take a look here, Mister Mayor. :sweet:

*Whispers* Once we leave the office, I want to try the doorknob leading to the other office.*

It looks like we are not going to figure out the combination. I can't think of any other possibilities so I'm with Jim, let's go. We can try the doorknob. Schmelt, we are not dating. I just had an insane moment where I thought you were brilliant, you are obviously not. You still better not kill the pony.

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*Whispers* Once we leave the office, I want to try the doorknob leading to the other office.*

Walking out of the office, you sneakily turn the doorknob to the other office. It's locked.

You still better not kill the pony.

But I'm hungry......

So, what should we do know? Go to the jail?

Mr. Mayor are you sure you don't have a key?

Yeah, let's head to the jail now. Hopefully we'll find some clues there.

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(begins searching for 6755 Sheriffs Lock-Up :blush: )

coming soon...

I think we might find some answers at the jail. Perhaps Jennifer was held at the jail.

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