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I think we might find some answers at the jail. Perhaps Jennifer was held at the jail.

Good thinking! She may have etched some coded message in her cell.

Brains and beauty - what a combination! :wub:

I still think we must have missed something in the Mayor's office, but short of taking it apart plank by plank, I can't think what...

Brains and beauty - what a combination! :wub:

You mean me, right? Aw, thanks, Schmelt. :wub:


I still think we must have missed something in the Mayor's office, but short of taking it apart plank by plank, I can't think what...

I have that feeling, too, but I think that invoice of the oil tanker might be useful after all. I don't know why, but something tells me that there's more to this than meets the eye.

Okay, let's go (don't worry if you can't find the set, Brickster Thou Voice- you could just use this one:)


Unless, of course, you want thy humble servants to be in it, instead of thou cowboys...

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The group walk toward the end of Main Street to find the Constable's Office, an incredibly old wodden structure that has definately seen better days. "This was one of the original buildings here in Willoughby", Constable O'Reilly tells, "we never had the heart to break it down - some might even call it a Legend."


You step up to the porch as the wood flooring squeaks loudly, and open the front door. Inside is a single small chair and desk, as well as a locked gun cabinet with two rifles. The room is separated by iron bars forming a small two-person cell.

I'd like to take one of those rifles for self-protection, and I suggest Jim take the other, as he is the team leader. BUT, before I take them, I'd like to check in and around the gun safe for any clues or ammunition.

I don't imagine there's anyone in the cells?

Anyway, I'd like to sit at the desk and feel under the chair, under the desk, in any drawers of the desk, and on top of the desk. Constable, do you have a key to the gun safe?

EDIT: Let's see if there's a key, first, Charlie. If so, I'd like to have one, if that's alright with everybody. If you have a key, please open it, Mr. O'Reily and hand the gun to me. Also, do you have a handgun on your person?

Who wants to check the cells? Return... return... return what?

Inside is a single small chair and desk, as well as a locked gun cabinet with two rifles. The room is separated by iron bars forming a small two-person cell.

Guns don't kill people; people kill people :sadnew:. Ok, they do it with guns, sometimes. Or knives. Knives are popular too. Or strangulation. Or smothering. Or poison... uh... I'm off track. Anyway, I don't want to touch the guns. There might be some kind of touch-trap where they are spring-loaded and go off in your face :oh: I've seen that happen on TV.

I think I will try and open the cell and have a look around, if the door is unlocked. I tell ya, everything in this town is locked! It's worse than a nun's chastity belt around here.

Uh... not that I would know anything about that either... :blush:

  • Author

The gun rack is locked.

Schmelt sees the key to the cell hanging outside on a nail in the wall, and opens the door.

Inside are two small cots and a toilet.

Well there goes our protection :hmpf: . I'd like to check the back/tank of the toilet for anything, as well as looking under the cots for some clues. But Schmelty, could you please hand me the keys before I go in, so that nobody can lock me inside. Thanks dearie.

Well there goes our protection :hmpf: . I'd like to check the back/tank of the toilet for anything, as well as looking under the cots for some clues. But Schmelty, could you please hand me the keys before I go in, so that nobody can lock me inside. Thanks dearie.

My pleasure. Here you go!

Don't forget to feel around the mattress for any unusual lumps too. Jim might be able to give you some tips. I hear he's very deft.

The gun rack is locked.

Schmelt sees the key to the cell hanging outside it on a nail in the wall, and opens the door.

And Constable doesn't have key? I would like to try the cell key on the gun safe.

Is there anything interesting about the desk/chair?

  • Author

A thorough search of the cell does not reveal anything other than a small "X" chiseled in one of the bricks.

There is nothing unusual about the toilet in the cell or the desk and chair within the office area.

The cell key does not unlock the gun cabinet.

Well then, I'll try and lift up the floor boards and see what's under them.

  • Author
Well then, I'll try and lift up the floor boards and see what's under them.

The floor boards are not movable.

The floor boards are not movable.

Yet...they creak? Those are some weird floor boards.

  • Author
Yet...they creak? Those are some weird floor boards.

The ones outside on the porch do creak - there's nothing under them however.

Ahhh... that makes more sense. Now, if we're still inside, the chair and table haven't goten their cavity searches yet, and I think they need them :wink: . No need to worry, I'm willing to do it.

Edited by Ricecracker

Well, there must be a key somewhere, does anyone have one (constable, Mayor?). Otherwise this might be another dead end... we must have missed something somewhere. If we don't find anything else (any ideas, Arin?), let's head back to the hotel. There might be something interesting in one of the rooms that someone isn't sharing with the rest of the group.

  • Author

(cough!) There's an X (cough) on one of the bricks (cough!) (cough!)

Jeez guys - what do you want the clue to do, reach out and bite you?

I'd like to push on the brick with the X on it.

You mean, X marks the spot?

Brilliant! :wub:

*Schmelt stands behind Arin in the event of sudden ejection of nerve gas, poison blowdarts, TNT, rabid prairie dogs and suchlike*

  • Author

Arin pushes the brick etched with an "X" discovering that it is loose. Wiggling the brick back and forth, she is able to pull it out of the wall revealing a small piece of folded paper.

Unfolding the piece of paper, it appears to be a note:

If this letter shall find you, I have been locked up in jail where I now plan my final escape from this wretched place. I believe that I have successfully devised a plan to leave Willoughby. I have hidden clues in each of the four corners of the town, for you to follow. The difficulty will be for you to piece them together while some will attempt to stop you. Also realize that there may be one among you who has helped them bring you to this horrible place. I wish you luck in getting out alive. -JC

*Schmelt stands behind Arin in the event of sudden ejection of nerve gas, poison blowdarts, TNT, rabid prairie dogs and suchlike*

Not to mention The Mange.

I KNEW IT! Jennifer Chamberlain was held in this very jail cell. Her or.. Jesus Christ.. or Julius Caesar. I'm betting it was Jennifer. I wonder what kind of clues the others have found. I think we are going to have to pool all of the information in order to figure out the mystery. Constable, do you remember Jennifer? Can you tell us anything about her? Did anyone share this cell with her?

Schmelt, is that a banana in your pocket? Why are you standing so close? If that is a banana, I'd like a snack. Otherwise, I am uninterested.

Schmelt, is that a banana in your pocket? Why are you standing so close? If that is a banana, I'd like a snack. Otherwise, I am uninterested.

*Hands Arin a banana*

There you go, my sweet. I have many tasty snacks in my pants hamper. If anyone else is feeling fruity, they can come and have a date behind the palms :wink:

To business. It seems that Jennifer Connolly's message confirms what we suspected earlier - one of the townsfolk is a member of the shady Town Council! I think we should band together to expose the traitor. Just remember, it's 5 against 1, so we should be able to easily physically overpower the shady troublemaker if we all stick together.

I think we should look at the facts now, since we're conveniently in a gaol, and then lock up the member of Town Council that has infiltrated us. I suggest we all lay our suspicions on the table and make an accusation. Just think carefully about who you suspect as we don't want to lock up the wrong person!

I would like to note that Mayor Brown hasn't lied to us as far as I can tell. He told us about the Town Council, which is confirmed by Jennifer Connolly's letter, and an exhaustive search of his office produced nothing of interest. He has been truthful in other respects, such as about the office next door to his being locked. So, I think I trust Mayor Brown which means one of the other two is working against us.

Arin, Jimbee, what do you think?

Mayor Brown, do you have any information you would like to share with us? Remember, it's 5 against 1. And Arin has the strength of ten men!

You two - Charlie and O'Reilly - what say you in your defence?

I don't think calling the town horrible was necessary. :sadnew: I understand her experience here was not the best, but she came here looking for trouble, so what was she expecting to happen? We even let her stay in the hotel for free!

*ahem* Anyway, she did seem to have incredible foresight. I wonder what she considers the four corners of this town? I think we can count the hotel as one corner, and perhaps this as another. I don't think she would have had enough access to the Town Hall in order to install a secret safe, but there might be a clue in that too.

Thanks for your support, Schmelt. I think there is a good chance someone here is part of the town council, but honestly don't know which one it would be. If I had to guess, I would say the constable, simply because he is in a more powerful position than Charlie.

Do you guys think someone in this group from the train could be working against us as well? While four against two is still favorable odds, having two people working together against us could change things up a bit.

As far as the guns go, we all would feel safer having one, but since there is only two I think it might be better to keep them away until we know who's working for who. I don't have a key to the case, anyway.

Schmelt, I don't want any fruit, but do you have a nice piece of meat in your pockets? I haven't had good meat in a while. :grin:

My brains must still be addled from last night...

So, a clue. In this clue, Jennifer said that we needed to piece together the clues. By doing this, the complete clue could lead us to the safe combination or better. She also said that there were four corners of town. There are four groups currently searching Willoughby. Main Street is one, the farm and the area around it is another, the switch tower that Eleanor, Max, Mark and friends are visiting must be three, and the parts shed (or something else unexplored) could be the last one. I don't think that the note Constable found in his nightstand was a clue, per say, rather an introduction by this shady Jennifer character. But this one of the jail cell is most likely one, and my senses tell me that other groups have found clues, too.

So now what we must do is wait for the other groups to return here. In the meantime, let's get to the bottom of the traitor in our midst. I agree that you, Mr. Brown are innocent for the time being. I also remember one of the townies saying something about who was on the council.

Town Council:

Charlie Williams or Constable O'Reilly fill one spot. The mayor is clear. He's a cool guy, and I don't think he'd blow his cover by being a mayor and a member.

Lorraine "Big Rig" Bailey or Grill'N George fill one spot. My monies on Grill'n George currently.

Jethro fills one spot.

Last spot I'm not sure of. The car? Still a suspect if you ask me.

So either Constable or Charlie are on it, and I have reason to believe that that council member is the traitor. Speak up now, you two, or forever hold your peace. We don't like being trapped, you know.

So far we have the note found in Constable's dresser:

The Town Council suspects that I am attempting to leave Willoughby. They are trying to kill me and will stop at nothing! If you find this note, know that I have left clues for you to follow my trail. Must go now! Good Luck. X.

...and this one. Actually, neither is much of a clue.

Does anyone else find it weird that this town doesn't have any telephones?

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