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Murder on the Emerald Express

Chapter 6C: Visiting the Friendly Farm

- Herman (P) - Team Leader

- Austin Parker, Jr. (P)

- Bulldog (P)

- Jethro (T)

- Jeb McFarlin (T)

- Scruffy (T)



Jeb McFarlin and Jethro eagerly offer the abundant resources of their farm to help the wayward passengers. "Got some eggs", Jeb says. "Got some milk too", Jethro adds.

"We got lots", Jeb states, "perhaps we might even have another way out of Willoughby for you boys and bulldogs. Even gots a nice warm stable filled with hay should you decide to spend the night. You likes it real well, boys. Jethro, Boy! were'd that mangy flee-bit'n dog take my gun. You better find it boy! Now let's get a mov'n. Our farm's a bit away from this here train. You likes it though; you will"!

Rat "flee-bit'n rog" rould rather rend the night outside, rank you very ruch. The rest of you can ruit yourselves at the hay-rilled rable. I rill accompany you to the rarm though. Rowing how good Jeb is with rathfinding, I sometimes wonder row he still ranages to find his own rackyard.

So are we roing then?

* Picks up kettle once again after having finished the rant and waits patiently for the other guys to decide where they're going*

Yeeeuuupppp! I'm ready to head on down to the farm. Too bad my old delusional father will be goin' with us. What the hell you need a dang gun for you crazy old coot!?!?!? You seem real eager to overly help all these people out Dad (Jeb). Why is that? And be nice to the dog!

*huh*...a talking dog? ...



...what the?? *huh* *huh*

OK... *to Bulldog and Austin* Ever hear the expression, don't drink the Kool-Aid?

So, Jethro, do you have any coal here?

OK... *to Bulldog and Austin* Ever hear the expression, don't drink the Kool-Aid?

*I only drink Beer Herman, but I think I know what you mean, these guys are a few strands short of a Texan mustache*

Anyway, thanks for bein' so kind to us Jefro, is there anything you would wish for us to do in return? Or should I just lie hear drinking my last....last...beer..... :cry_sad:

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The ragtag group leaves the train track following a small winding path that leads into a dense corn field.


I'm getting a funny feeling about this.


Rut Ro!

Nope. I ain't got no coal on this here farm. My old man is a few bottles short of a six pack, if ya' know what I mean!

Hey Jeb, sphincter says what?

Nope. I ain't got no coal on this here farm. My old man is a few bottles short of a six pack, if ya' know what I mean!

Hey Jeb, sphincter says what?

Rut-Ro Jeb, don't say "what?" And cover your ears, for some reason this one's always followed with a wet willy.

So, this corn field. It's...yellow...and green, huh? Pretty cool.

Jethro, now that we're not around the mayor or the crazy person Zepher is, can you explain to us what's going on? What's this story about magic, turning people into birds, and the mayor murdering the townspeople who try to move away?

  • Author


As the sun sets in the distance, the sky seems to turn an almost yellow color, similar to the hue of the golden-brown corn. It is late in the afternoon and you're wondering how much longer will the walk to the farm take. The dense rows of corn seem to be getting more dense as you continue walking, the path narrowing every few yards.


It's easy to get lost in this here corn field folks, esp. if you don't know where you're headed. You might also watch out for scarecrows, because if you're not a look'n, you may just run right into one, and get a blade stuck in your belly!

It's easy to get lost in this here corn field folks, esp. if you don't know where you're headed. You might also watch out for scarecrows, because if you're not a look'n, you may just run right into one and get a blade stuck in your belly!

Wait, what? :look: Do the scarecrows stab? And what about my questions about the town and the mayor? Will you please answer those? And how big is the farm?

  • Author


I heard'ya boy! You City folk ask too many questions. I was wait'n for Jethro to tell you all about the Mayor, seems he's the one that wrote the book. I admit that I don't always agree with the Mayor, but that don't mean he's a do'n nuttin' wrong. He likes to see new blood come into town, but can't say that I feels the same. I think it's best that you City folk stays out'a Willoughby. It's a nice place, and a whole lot better without you all.

What boy, did I spook the pants off ya? You've heard of Children of the Corn, aint ya? Seems there's some stories about the same in this here corn field. I've got some scarecrows set out in the woods, and I hav'em hold'n a few blades to help me and Jethro. They won't hurt you though, 'long you don't get near 'em by accident.

There's one now! BOO! :oh3: Silly City folk, what'd you think I meant it was alive? Let's stop talk'n and get to walk'n. It'll be dark soon...

Rupid ol man... What's the roint in raring reople off!? The roys are from outta rown, and as far as I can rell, the further the retter for them! Rilloughbie ain't rexactly the rost rexciting place to be. Resides, I ron't think anyone would believe your Rildren of the Rorn stories ranyway... You're rettin old, Jeb. Rood thing Jethro is not rollowing in your rootsteps.

Ro, and ry the ray, I could show ru a rortcut rough the rields. It's rettin rark and the nights rout here get righty cold, so you'd retter get runnin or rollow my read.

You romin' then?


I heard'ya boy! You City folk ask too many questions. I was wait'n for Jethro to tell you all about the Mayor, seems he's the one that wrote the book. I admit that I don't always agree with the Mayor, but that don't mean he's a do'n nuttin' wrong. He likes to see new blood come into town, but can't say that I feels the same. I think it's best that you City folk stays out'a Willoughby. It's a nice place, and a whole lot better without you all.

What boy, did I spook the pants off ya? You've heard of Children of the Corn, aint ya? Seems there's some stories about the same in this here corn field. I've got some scarecrows set out in the woods, and I hav'em hold'n a few blades to help me and Jethro. They won't hurt you though, 'long you don't get near 'em by accident.

There's one now! BOO! :oh3: Silly City folk, what'd you think I meant it was alive? Let's stop talk'n and get to walk'n. It'll be dark soon...

:cry_sad: EEEEEEEEEEE! Oh, :blush: how humorous. Do you have an extra pair of pants? I appear to have pooped a little in mine.

I agree that we don't belong here Farmer John, and I do hope we can be out of your hair as soon as possible. So, the mayor stopped the train because he wants new blood in town? How on Earth would he do that? Does he have an inside operative on the train? Sounds like something Alex would do... What does this have to do with Eleanor's husband? Or our missing host? Say, have you ever heard of a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton?

Rupid ol man... What's the roint in raring reople off!? The roys are from outta rown, and as far as I can rell, the further the retter for them! Rilloughbie ain't rexactly the rost rexciting place to be. Resides, I ron't think anyone would believe your Rildren of the Rorn stories ranyway... You're rettin old, Jeb. Rood thing Jethro is not rollowing in your rootsteps.

Ro, and ry the ray, I could show ru a rortcut rough the rields. It's rettin rark and the nights rout here get righty cold, so you'd retter get runnin or rollow my read.

You romin' then?

OK, Ruffy. I think we should follow you. Are you guys with me? I have this d20 to stab children with, so don't be afraid. Say, Ruffy? Do you know Elizabeth Rose Thornton? Rose Thorn...:laugh: Can you explain why you're town is so crazy and defies the laws of Science? Devil children in the fields, talking dogs, a magic nerd who turns people into birds and eats everything. You seem to be the most rational. How can all of this be happening? As one of the anomalies, what's your take on the matter?

Jethro, do you know Elizabeth Rose Thornton? Do you have answers to any of the questions I've asked?

As one of the anomalies, what's your take on the matter?

Rell, I ron't know about the rothers, but I ruess I rimply got rored, so I started ralkin to people. As I rold your other rals, you won't rind any other rogs within a looooong ristance from here. Guess most rogs ron't really rike Sierra Revada.

...Oh, and mind rour step, rere's plenty of snakes around rere, even rough most of rem must be asleep by now. We're almost rere, just a rouple more minutes...

As I was raying, Riroughbie is a retty rorin place to be. Rut I guess I ron't mind it. Reople rend to go ronkers around these rarts, but I reary can't blame em... Ry the way, Rerman, what are you roin rossing the corn rields roin to an unrown fella's farm? Ridn't you guys rave a train to fix?

* Constant metallic sound of the kettle's handle hitting its body due to Scruffy's ranting seems to disturb the last few crows flying overhead as they decide not to accompany the small gang making its way through the corn fields*

As I was raying, Riroughbie is a retty rorin place to be. Rut I guess I ron't mind it. Reople rend to go ronkers around these rarts, but I reary can't blame em... Ry the way, Rerman, what are you roin rossing the corn rields roin to an unrown fella's farm? Ridn't you guys rave a train to fix?

* Constant metallic sound of the kettle's handle hitting its body due to Scruffy's ranting seems to disturb the last few crows flying overhead as they decide not to accompany the small gang making its way through the corn fields*

Ruffy, what's the kettle for again?

Anyway, I thought I heard something else out there. And those crows flew off when I heard it. The kettle's been clanging the whole time and it didn't seem to bother the crows...

In answer to your question, Bulldog, Austin and I thought it would be a good idea to talk to Jethro about the town and what we might be up against. It seems some trouble has already started on our train and this stop seems bizarre. Jethro seemed trustworthy, but he's been quiet ever since we've been out here. I trust you too, I suppose, Ruffy. Dogs are man's most loyal friends! But, I hope you're loyal to good people here and not people who want to hurt us. Do you think anyone wants to hurt us, Ruffy?

And do you know Elizabeth Rose Thornton?

*huh* I can't believe I'm talking to a dog. You're cute, though. *scratches Ruffy behind the ear* Good boy. I saved some Eggo for you. Can you have table food?

Bulldog has roused from his apparent time zone problems

Well it seems strange to me too all these weird goings on in this town of Willoughby. People turning to birds. Maybe scruffy was a person once as well?

Jethro, do you guys own a chainsaw? Austin should know how to use it I suppose coming from Texas an all.

Whats this talk of the Mayor stopping the train!!! Seems like a hard thing to achieve without someone on the train to help him out. :sceptic:

...and exactly how is going to a farm helping us find a way out of Willoughby, unless you actually live in a different zip code! Man I am getting a tad confused.

So do you have some things to tell us Jethro? some sort of secrets that couldn't be revealed around the others?

...and exactly how is going to a farm helping us find a way out of Willoughby, unless you actually live in a different zip code! Man I am getting a tad confused.

So do you have some things to tell us Jethro? some sort of secrets that couldn't be revealed around the others?

As I already told Ruffy, we thought we should find out from Jethro what we can about the town to see what we're up against and if there's an operative on the train. Also, as they're on the outskirts of town, they may know a quick way out in case we need to take it, should there be any trouble. Dogs know great shortcuts, after all...

As I already told Ruffy, we thought we should find out from Jethro what we can about the town to see what we're up against and if there's an operative on the train. Also, as they're on the outskirts of town, they may know a quick way out in case we need to take it, should there be any trouble. Dogs know great shortcuts, after all...

Good work shaggy! Now where is Fred

Makes a bit more sense, perhaps I am looking for sense where there is none, maybe we need to just see how the fire whisky tastes first.

Say we going near Wolf Creek?

Scarecrows? Hah! I laugh in the face of danger, why there was this one time where I got so drunk - What the frack!? That dog talks! Holy shoot, now I've seen it all!

And where were you Bulldog? And while I don't know anything about how to use a chainsaw, I'd be pretty happy to try! Just kidding pardner, 'course I know how ta use one!

We should be to the farm by now, right? Are we almost there, Ruffy?

I hope Mark's OK. I just got a bad feeling... :look:

It's very odd that Max never gave me my knife back after I requested it so many times...

It's very odd that Max never gave me my knife back after I requested it so many times...

It might have something to do with the fact that no one trusts you pardner. Heck, I'm not sure I can trust you, and back in Texas I'm known as the friendliest cowboy there is. Maybe if you would tell us a bit about yerself I could relax a bit around ya.

It might have something to do with the fact that no one trusts you pardner. Heck, I'm not sure I can trust you, and back in Texas I'm known as the friendliest cowboy there is. Maybe if you would tell us a bit about yerself I could relax a bit around ya.

I don't trust anybody except Mark and Bulldog, so no offense taken. What would you like to know about me? Besides bringing the knife on the train, which isn't against any law, I don't think I've done anything to lose others' trust. So why do you think it is that nobody trusts me? I think I'm pretty harmless and honest.

Perhaps you could tell me a little more about yourself while we're at it.

I don't trust anybody except Mark and Bulldog, so no offense taken. What would you like to know about me? Besides bringing the knife on the train, which isn't against any law, I don't think I've done anything to lose others' trust. So why do you think it is that nobody trusts me? I think I'm pretty harmless and honest.

Perhaps you could tell me a little more about yourself while we're at it.

Well there was the whole "not-so tighty-whities booby trap" thing, that's enough to unnerve anyone.

Seriously though it is hard to trust others on this journey, we were all invited for a reason after all. For all we know some may even have killed the original owners of the tickets just to get on this train :oh3:

Since you are both holding back a little, and the townsfolk have stopped talking to us, I will start us off. I run a small Private Eye business busting infedility and other small cases that people have. I think Miss Elizabeth needed me along for the ride for these attributes of investigating the inner workings of peoples minds, my ability to hang on to a suspect tenaciously and my ability to pick the odd fight now and then. Bulldog is a doer not a word cruncher, so if you to have somethin to add then lets hear it, otherwise my fists are gonna get all riled up like.

Woah sorry about that! sometimes the old anger seethes up in me. Must be all the fresh air. sniff sniff no thats just Scruffy again.

Woah sorry about that! sometimes the old anger seethes up in me. Must be all the fresh air. sniff sniff no thats just Scruffy again.

I'm so rappy I'm able to ring our the best in you! Obviously, rost of you ruys have some rerious rissues you really reed to work on...

Rowever, I'm retty rositive that either Rethro or Jeb needs to finally rake an appearance and ronfirm we're already rere, since after all I'm not the rowner of the rarm and even if I rot you rere, just standing outside won't be too ruseful.

@ Rerman: It's rice to have round a reemingly rormal rerson around rese parts. I'll be rookin out for your rack ( :look: OK, I mean your BACK!) ruddy. Us Reat Danes make rerfect rotchdogs. Oh, and about that rettle - I just found it lying around in the rields an hour or so ago. Very weird - rocal reople ron't normally throw out their ruff... In any case, I'm roing to hold on to it for now, you rever know when you right need a nice ol rettle.

@ Brixley: I ron't rink I've seen a rainsaw in the hands of either Rethro or Jeb here... Rut I think I can remember Jeb using a regular saw when he rast fixed that stable of his... that rust have been about a recade ago tho. In any case, I'm retty sure you should check out the stable and the rarden shed in the rorning, rerhaps you right find something useful for your train rere... Of course, if your hosts ron't mind.

I don't trust anybody except Mark and Bulldog, so no offense taken. What would you like to know about me? Besides bringing the knife on the train, which isn't against any law, I don't think I've done anything to lose others' trust. So why do you think it is that nobody trusts me? I think I'm pretty harmless and honest.

Perhaps you could tell me a little more about yourself while we're at it.

Well you are a might bit creepy, and seem ta be disturbing quite a few passengers with ya antics. My apologies if they are just harmless gestures, but for all we know on this train in such a serious situation, you could be up ta something.

Me? I'm the son of a rich Texan oil tycoon, so I didn't take this trip for the money, but for a bit of a thrill. I'm no daredevil myself, but growin' up rich ya tend ta want ta get out and do something that money can't buy. So here I am, enjoying myself. I tend to think I'm rather friendly, though that may be because I simply can't stop drinkin. I remember once I was so drunk I practically run over some fella, so I cut back then you understand haha!

I'm guessing Ms Elizabeth invited me because she wanted someone not strung too tight, though sad to say I think you have everyone that way.

No but seriously Herman, maybe I just need to get used to ya, you're as un-Texan as Scooby Doo here!

Since you are both holding back a little, and the townsfolk have stopped talking to us, I will start us off. I run a small Private Eye business busting infedility and other small cases that people have. I think Miss Elizabeth needed me along for the ride for these attributes of investigating the inner workings of peoples minds, my ability to hang on to a suspect tenaciously and my ability to pick the odd fight now and then. Bulldog is a doer not a word cruncher, so if you to have somethin to add then lets hear it, otherwise my fists are gonna get all riled up like.

Nice to hear about ya Bulldog, thanks for sharing, I like you already! We should have an ole fashioned Texan showdown one day you and me, but I'll have to be sober! Get it? Because I'm never sober and....yeah I know, not my greatest line ever...

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