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We're almost at the farms...About 200 meters left.

While we're walking, we could start working on a plan to get out of here...

Ret out of here? Jeb, raf you rost it? Where would you wanna go anyway, you were rorn and raised in ris rillbillie rown!

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Hey Scruffy, boy... So, where'd you hide my rifle this time? Last time I finds it, he hid in the bushes near the well. Damn mystery pooch!

We're gett'n close now. You can make out the roof of the silo over yonder (points toward the sunset).

It's just a path through a field people. I've been quiet because I'm actually quite amused at you city folk. You get out here in this field and you get all antsy-in-the-pantsies. Farm is just up ahead now. Can you see the lights on at the house yet? Gets mighty dark out here at night don't it?

Naw, I ain't never heard of this Elizabeth Thornton lady, or whatever her name is. As for these stories about magic, and birds, and murder, no clue...There's always ramblings by crazy old people in town(shifts eyes to Jeb), but as far as I know, they all be just ramblings. I keep my nose out of that kind of business.

Anyone hear that funny sound?

Well there was the whole "not-so tighty-whities booby trap" thing, that's enough to unnerve anyone.

Oh that? I learned that from my Captain Underpants books. :blush: I mean, my nephew's books. And I wonder how you'd respond if someone went through your luggage and took your knife and the whole train was acting goofy about it. I just wanted to make sure the person who went looking for my knife didn't come looking for me too. I don't get out of the house much, except to go to work, and while this adventure is exciting, it's scary too! Especially in this town...and this field...

Seriously though it is hard to trust others on this journey, we were all invited for a reason after all. For all we know some may even have killed the original owners of the tickets just to get on this train :oh3:

I don't necessarily need everybody to trust me. I just want to get out of this town alive, for now. I trust you and Austin, too. And Ruffy, so I guess that helps. You need help with anything, Bulldog-I'll do it. I certainly trust you. I hope you can learn to trust me, because I think we'll make it out alive if we attach your brawn to my brains.

@ Rerman: It's rice to have round a reemingly rormal rerson around rese parts. I'll be rookin out for your rack ( :look: OK, I mean your BACK!) ruddy. Us Reat Danes make rerfect rotchdogs. Oh, and about that rettle - I just found it lying around in the rields an hour or so ago. Very weird - rocal reople ron't normally throw out their ruff... In any case, I'm roing to hold on to it for now, you rever know when you right need a nice ol rettle.

What a good boy. Would you like some more Eggo waffle? What a good boy. Smart boy, yes. :sweet: *scratches Scruffy behind the ear* May I take a look at your kettle if I promise to give it back?

*to Austin and Bulldog* The kettle. I wonder if someone used it to dump something over the coals and then threw it off the train. Good dog here, huh?

@ Brixley: I ron't rink I've seen a rainsaw in the hands of either Rethro or Jeb here... Rut I think I can remember Jeb using a regular saw when he rast fixed that stable of his... that rust have been about a recade ago tho. In any case, I'm retty sure you should check out the stable and the rarden shed in the rorning, rerhaps you right find something useful for your train rere... Of course, if your hosts ron't mind.

That's great advice, Ruffy! Good boy! What a good boy!! *scratches him behind the ear again*

Well you are a might bit creepy, and seem ta be disturbing quite a few passengers with ya antics. My apologies if they are just harmless gestures, but for all we know on this train in such a serious situation, you could be up ta something.

I'm socially awkward, and nerds tend to make people uncomfortable. I mean dorks! Dorks make people uncomfortable. :blush:

I'm guessing Ms Elizabeth invited me because she wanted someone not strung too tight, though sad to say I think you have everyone that way.

No but seriously Herman, maybe I just need to get used to ya, you're as un-Texan as Scooby Doo here!

I think I said Ms. Thornton hinted at danger on the trip in her invitation to me. She said she needed me because of my brain and my code-cracking skills, my ability to solve puzzles. Not much else was said...

We're almost at the farms...About 200 meters left.

While we're walking, we could start working on a plan to get out of here...

Ret out of here? Jeb, raf you rost it? Where would you wanna go anyway, you were rorn and raised in ris rillbillie rown!

Do you guys know another way out of town? And do you want to leave as well, Mr. Jeb?

It's just a path through a field people. I've been quiet because I'm actually quite amused at you city folk. You get out here in this field and you get all antsy-in-the-pantsies. Farm is just up ahead now. Can you see the lights on at the house yet? Gets mighty dark out here at night don't it?

Yes, sorry. I don't get into many corn fields at night. The most I've seen darkened corn fields are in horror movies.

Naw, I ain't never heard of this Elizabeth Thornton lady, or whatever her name is. As for these stories about magic, and birds, and murder, no clue...There's always ramblings by crazy old people in town(shifts eyes to Jeb), but as far as I know, they all be just ramblings. I keep my nose out of that kind of business.

Really? Did you notice the talking dog who's walking with us? That's not ramblings, clearly-it's real. If there's something you need to tell us about someone in our group, I would certainly appreciate knowing (shifts eyes to Jeb).

Anyone hear that funny sound?

Yes :cry_sad:

Before we get killed by devil children or scarecrow sentries, or whatever the hell is out here, Jeb, Ruffy will you please tell me if you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton??

Austin, Bulldog thanks for letting me in on who you are and junk. That's really nice of you. I encrypt software for a video game company. Sometime I write dialogue for games as well since I have such an extensive knowledge of Star Wars, D&D and LOTR canon. I'm the president of an online LOTR club-Bilbo's Lineage. We have internet chat room parties where we talk all night about LOTR and sometimes other stuff too. Did you know Peter Jackson is making two new Hobbit based movies? :sweet: You guys should come to the chats some times. I think it's exciting. I stay up all night eating cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew. Sometimes I have to switch to seltzer water because I get a little goofy with all the sugar. I went to a bar once with some friends from college. We had a LOTR costume night and went to our local sports bar. I had some alcohol and it made me really social...and that scared me. Plus I ended up hanging from a coat hook by my underwear after asking a local steel worker who his favorite LOTR character was. So I only drink around friends in safer private settings. But Mountain Dew will give you a hell of a sugar hangover if you're not careful. Oh! And in my spare time, I restore LOTR collector chess sets and sell them on eBay! You guys should come visit me. I think you'd have a blast! :sweet: If we ever get out of this weird town... :look:

Do you guys know another way out of town? And do you want to leave as well, Mr. Jeb?

Yes, I want to explore the world...Before it's too late.

If there's something you need to tell us about someone in our group, I would certainly appreciate knowing (shifts eyes to Jeb).

What? Could you be a bit more specific?

Before we get killed by devil children or scarecrow sentries, or whatever the hell is out here, Jeb, Ruffy will you please tell me if you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton??

That won't happen, becuase we're almost there...I can see my sheeps. So don't be scared.

And no, I've never heard of that woman....Is she inportant to you?

  • Author
Before we get killed by devil children or scarecrow sentries, or whatever the hell is out here, Jeb, Ruffy will you please tell me if you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton??


Is she one of those fancy-shmancy hollywood stars? Or some hippidy-hop singer that sings about guns and crime? Are you some kinda paparazzi who's out to take a picture?

I don't trust you City folk...

Who the ruck is that Relizabeth lady anyway!? And ry should I know her? Rerman, I was roping you were rormal... but I think I'm rarting to see the right now... Oh, and ry the ray, back in the ray I used to carry around a small sign rat read "Ron't pet the rog". It's not that I've rot the rabies or romethin, and I think I'm quite riendly. It's just that I ron't like reople messing up my hair alright? Resides, I'm a Reat Dane! I'm almost as tall as you, if you raven't noticed so far! Ro you really find that I am a roper object for petting?

Here, Rerman, you can reck out my rettle. Fancy, eh?

* Puts kettle down on the ground for Herman to examine it *

* Nighttime has fallen and the field suddenly gets extremely quiet *

Well, rere we are then. I ron't know about that roise you think you heard a minute or so ago, but sometimes during righttime the silence out rere is reafening. Ranyhoo, are you ravin a rinkin session or do you refer slumber parties? (I think I know rot you're roing to say, Rerman...) What are we roin, now that we're at the rarm, it's retting rate, so some of you right wanna hit the sack raight away! And I've got to keep my roptions ropen - you know, I right never see so rany new reople in one place again!

Who the ruck is that Relizabeth lady anyway!? And ry should I know her? Rerman, I was roping you were rormal... but I think I'm rarting to see the right now... Oh, and ry the ray, back in the ray I used to carry around a small sign...u heard a minute or so ago, but sometimes during righttime the silence out rere is reafening. Ranyhoo, are you ravin a rinkin session or do you refer slumber parties? (I think I know rot you're roing to say, Rerman...) What are we roin, now that we're at the rarm, it's retting rate, so some of you right wanna hit the sack raight away! And I've got to keep my roptions ropen - you know, I right never see so rany new reople in one place again!

I'm sorry Ruffy! I don't see how asking a question doesn't mean I'm normal. You see, she invited all of us on this train trip and it turns out she never showed up... :look: Do you guys think that the mayor sent us those invitations? To get people to come to the town and then sabotaged us here? Maybe he killed Eleanor's fiancee too? :sceptic: But why? But maybe there's something there. Ruffy, tell me what you think of the mayor, please.

But, you are a good boy, Ruffy and I do like you. Can I give you the rest of these Eggos? I promise not to mess up your hair anymore. Does you like a belly scratch? Can I scratch you belly? Want to play some fetch? You seem too smart to play fetch, but it sure is fun. I bet it's a guilty pleasure. We can play Chess, Ruffy! Do you like Chess.

*Herman wonders if Elizabeth Rose Thornton could be a cover by this crazy mayor to trap us in this crazy town... While waiting for Ruffy to get a chess board or a ball he examines the kettle and hopes Alex will tell him what he finds sooner than later. :wink: :wink: *

I have no idea about anything you just said about yerself Herman, but I'll go ahead and say thanks anyway.

I'm sorry Ruffy! I don't see how asking a question doesn't mean I'm normal. You see, she invited all of us on this train trip and it turns out she never showed up... :look:Do you guys think that the mayor sent us those invitations? To get people to come to the town and then sabotaged us here? Maybe he killed Eleanor's fiancee too? :sceptic: But why? But maybe there's something there. Ruffy, tell me what you think of the mayor, please.

*Herman wonders if Elizabeth Rose Thornton could be a cover by this crazy mayor to trap us in this crazy town... While waiting for Ruffy to get a chess board or a ball he examines the kettle and hopes Alex will tell him what he finds sooner than later. :wink: :wink: *

I like your style of thinking Herman, I'm also thinking a portion, if not all of the crew could be in on it too. Someone had to sabotage the train for it ta conveniently stop here, and it seems forces wanted to break us up inta groups. There's a deal of mystery here, and I don't like it.

Hey, I just thought of something, remember that old Twilight Zone tv show? That had an eerie town in it called Willoghby too! And in that same episode the characters were aborad a train that stopped there! Maybe I'm just a bit drunk, but it is an eerie connection!

(I'm not kidding, I just remembered this episode and thought it was odd: Link

  • Author

As you walk toward Jeb and Jethro's rather remote farm, you eventually come to an open clearing. "There's my house", Jeb says with excitement, "not much, but's got all the amenities of a warm home. You city slickers hungry"?


A cow "moo's" in the distance.

(I'm not kidding, I just remembered this episode and thought it was odd: Link


Interest'n. You don't say...

As you walk toward Jeb and Jethro's rather remote farm, you eventually come to an open clearing. "There's my house", Jeb says with excitement, "not much, but's got all the amenities of ...

Say, Alex...I wonder what I saw when I examined the kettle.

Jeb, Jethro, Ruffy...since you stood on the platform so long staring into the train, did you recognize any of the passengers? Are any of them Willoughby residents or anyone who has been here or that you know?

(I'm not kidding, I just remembered this episode and thought it was odd: Link

I had thought to google willoughby, but my blackberry didn't get a signal. Oddly enough, I have a signal now and just checked out the link you posted...in the air.

Opening narration

“ This is Gart Williams, age thirty-eight, a man protected by a suit of armor all held together by one bolt. Just a moment ago, someone removed the bolt, and Mr. Williams' protection fell away from him and left him a naked target. He's been cannonaded this afternoon by all the enemies of his life. His insecurity has shelled him, his sensitivity has straddled him with humiliation, his deep-rooted disquiet about his own worth has zeroed in on him, landed on target, and blown him apart. Mr. Gart Williams, ad agency exec, who in just a moment will move into the Twilight Zone—in a desperate search for survival. ”


Gart Williams is an overstressed New York advertising executive who has grown exasperated with his career. His boss, angered by the loss of a major account, lectures him about this "push-push-push" business. Unable to sleep properly at home, he drifts off for a short nap on the train during his daily commute through the November snow.

He wakes to find the train stopped, and changed into a 1880s railcoach, deserted except for himself. The sun is bright outside, and as he looks out the window, he discovers that the train is in Willoughby, and that it's July of 1888! He learns that this is a "peaceful, restful place, where a man can slow down to a walk and live his life full measure." Being jerked back awake in the real world, he asks the conductor about Willoughby. There is no such town on any rail timetable, and never has been.

That night, he has one more argument with his shrewish wife. Selfish, cold and uncaring, she makes him see that he is only a money machine to her. He tells her about his dream, and about Willoughby, and she ridicules him as being "born too late."

The next week, Williams again dozes off on the train and returns to Willoughby, where everything is the same as before. As he is about to get off the train, it begins to roll, he returns to the present, and promises himself to get off the next time he is in the village.

Experiencing a breakdown at work, he calls his wife, who abandons him in his time of need. On his way home, once again he falls asleep, to find himself in Willoughby. This time, the conductor warmly beckons him to the door, and Williams discards his briefcase.

Getting off the train, he is greeted by name by various of the inhabitants, who welcome him while he tells them that he's glad to be there and plans to stay and join their idyllic life.

The swinging pendulum of the station clock fades into the swinging lantern of a train engineer, standing over Williams' body. The modern-day conductor explains that Williams has "shouted something about Willoughby," just before jumping off of the train, to be killed instantly.

His body is loaded into a hearse, and as the back door closes, we see that it was sent by the Willoughby & Son Funeral Home.

Closing narration

“ Willoughby? Maybe it's wishful thinking nestled in a hidden part of a man's mind, or maybe it's the last stop in the vast design of things, or perhaps, for a man like Mr. Gart Williams, who climbed on a world that went by too fast, it's a place around the bend where he could jump off. Willoughby? Whatever it is, it comes with sunlight and serenity, and is a part of the Twilight Zone.

Gart Williams? I wonder if he's a relative of Mark Williams? :look:

Gart Williams? I wonder if he's a relative of Mark Williams? :look:

The plot thickens....nah! A Texan can't pull that line off.

But seriuosly, Jeb, Jethro...Ruffy, I must repeat Herman's question, do you recognise any of the train's passengers or crew?

*To Herman* I'm beginning to not suspect you anymore, sorry about the paranoia before, but it seems we've walked into some sort of conspiracy!

*To Herman* I'm beginning to not suspect you anymore, sorry about the paranoia before, but it seems we've walked into some sort of conspiracy!

That's OK! Clearly, we need to be careful. Makes sense to earn trust, I say. I trust you as well. In this situation, anything seems possible. According to that link you sent me, we might actually all be dead. :look:

That's OK! Clearly, we need to be careful. Makes sense to earn trust, I say. I trust you as well. In this situation, anything seems possible. According to that link you sent me, we might actually all be dead. :look:

I doubt that, I read somewhere that ya can't get drunk when yer dead. Ya also can't move. Incidentally, that reminds me of one of my genius get-rich-quick schemes, I'll tell ya one day when we aren't so darn cautious.

So nothing with that kettle then?

*out of game* Oh, and let's just say I told you the story, since the only thing my character has on him the entire story was a beer bottle, but that's finished now.

Jeb, I'm so fascinated with farms. I know it's late, but would it be OK if we check out the barn and the stables? I've read so many books about farms and I'm so excited to see a real one. I doubt I could sleep from the excitement if I couldn't take at least a quick peek now. Please? :cry_happy:

  • Author
Jeb, I'm so fascinated with farms. I know it's late, but would it be OK if we check out the barn and the stables? I've read so many books about farms and I'm so excited to see a real one. I doubt I could sleep from the excitement if I couldn't take at least a quick peek now. Please? :cry_happy:


Dang nab it! I just sorted out all my Farm House pictures, now I need to break out some of the stables! Okay, if you must... (begins sorting out stable pictures as you walk toward it). We'll be there soon! Damn indecisive City Slickers. Give 'em one thing, and they want another. Next they'll be asking me about that kettle! :angry:

Jeb, I'm so fascinated with farms. I know it's late, but would it be OK if we check out the barn and the stables? I've read so many books about farms and I'm so excited to see a real one. I doubt I could sleep from the excitement if I couldn't take at least a quick peek now. Please? :cry_happy:

We should have tea first Herman, it would be rude to turn down.

To Jethro - I would love some dinner partner, but don't go out of your way for us, we're just grateful to be here *nudges Herman* Aren't we Herman?


Dang nab it! I just sorted out all my Farm House pictures, now I need to break out some of the stables! Okay, if you must... (begins sorting out stable pictures as you walk toward it). We'll be there soon! Damn indecisive City Slickers. Give 'em one thing, and they want another. Next they'll be asking me about that kettle! :angry:

By the way, this kettle...Oh, never mind. And thanks for showing us the other places. I'm just so excited and I think your farm is about the coolest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. This is exciting. I envy the life you have out here. Must be nice and peaceful with the fields and the animals. :classic:

Of course the Texan is ignored! I'm very sorry about my friend here Jethro, he's quite unusual. Mighty thanks again Jethro.

*whispers to Austin and Bulldog*

Remember what Ruffy said:

I ron't rink I've seen a rainsaw in the hands of either Rethro or Jeb here... Rut I think I can remember Jeb using a regular saw when he rast fixed that stable of his... that rust have been about a recade ago tho. In any case, I'm retty sure you should check out the stable and the rarden shed in the rorning, rerhaps you right find something useful for your train rere... Of course, if your hosts ron't mind.

OK, guys. I got us in. Let's gather what clues we can from the shed and the stables before he kicks us out. I hope there's something to find out here and not more kettle bullcrap. :hmpf_bad:

Rerman, you rone there with my rettle? I'd very ruch rike to have it rack, if that's OK with you!

...Thank you.

Since rome of you reem to be a bit rorgetful, let me remind you that I only joined your weird lil pack o'ravelers after you rot out in the fields, remember? I raven't seen your rang rain OR any radies. I have rowever seen most of what both this ere farm and the entire Rilloughbie town have to offer... :grin:

I ron't be joining you in your tour of the rables... I'll be waiting here at the ront porch in case anyone rould rike to see how rood rogs are at chess.

* game aside *: There is no dog in Twilight Zone, let alone a talking one. So I don't really thinking it is appropriate to draw any parallels...

Edited by TheOtters

Rerman, you rone there with my rettle? I'd very ruch rike to have it rack, if that's OK with you!

...Thank you.

Since rome of you reem to be a bit rorgetful, let me remind you that I only joined your weird lil pack o'ravelers after you rot out in the fields, remember? I raven't seen your rang rain OR any radies. I have rowever seen most of what both this ere farm and the entire Rilloughbie town have to offer... :grin:

I ron't be joining you in your tour of the rables... I'll be waiting here at the ront porch in case anyone rould rike to see how rood rogs are at chess.

Here's your damn kettle, good buddy. I left an Eggo in it for you, what a good boy. Good boy! We'll play chess as soon as we're done with our little tour. Are you afraid of the stables, Ruffy? Or have you just seen them enough and aren't interested in joining us.

* game aside *: There is no dog in Twilight Zone, let alone a talking one. So I don't really thinking it is appropriate to draw any parallels...

*game aside*: Oh, shut it Kettle-head! :tongue:

We should have tea first Herman, it would be rude to turn down.

To Jethro - I would love some dinner partner, but don't go out of your way for us, we're just grateful to be here *nudges Herman* Aren't we Herman?

Of course the Texan is ignored! I'm very sorry about my friend here Jethro, he's quite unusual. Mighty thanks again Jethro.

Oh sorry. :blush: Speak up. I'm sleepy and I get a little deaf when I'm tired.

To Herman and Bulldog: Anyone see anything yet? Just looks like another stable to me, and how would a chainsaw be a clue anyway? We need ta find out the why's, not the how's, though I understand any clue is good given how little we know now..

To Herman and Bulldog: Anyone see anything yet? Just looks like another stable to me, and how would a chainsaw be a clue anyway? We need ta find out the why's, not the how's, though I understand any clue is good given how little we know now..

I don't think we're looking for a saw. Ruffy said to check out the shed and stables, though. Maybe Jeb made some sinister addition a decade ago. A trap door or a hidden room. I think we should just investigate as much as we can with Jeb and Jethro around and point out or ask about anything that seems out of the ordinary or interesting.

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