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Jeb, have you ever seen these tracks before? If we were to follow them, which way into town?


My Grandpappy who some knew as "Old Rivers" use to tell me a story about how there use to be an old train that ran through the woods not fer from here, some sorta 'logg'n train. I even reckon I heard it once or twice grown'up. Never done saw it though.

Before we go though, do you have a garden shed?

Yep I do. It's not quite a garden shed. I gots a one room wood shack in the back. I'll even show you what I'been building over the last few years. I'm gonna drive it out of Willoughby one day.

The group follow Jeb out to the wood shed where you discover what he has been building. It's a train handcar. Everyone helps lift it on to the hidden tracks as you wonder if this may be your ticket out of Willoughby???


A strange song begins playing in the distance.

Ruffy, is this what you wanted us to see in the shed? I'd explore it myself, but I'd probably get bit by a brown recluse or step on a rusty nail... :look:

So Jeb, you have been planning to skip out of here, huh? What's so bad about Willoughby that you want out? Were you going to bring your son with you?

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So Jeb, you have been planning to skip out of here, huh? What's so bad about Willoughby that you want out?


Let's just say that some people want to keep us here, dead or alive. :skull:

Were you going to bring your son with you?

Daft as he is, I suppose. The boy is my 'kin. :hmpf:

:look: ! I just got another bad feeling about Mark! I remember putting it together when I was suffering from blood loss. I think Max took my knife...


Let's just say that some people want to keep us here, dead or alive. :skull:

Let's say more. Why on Earth would anybody be so intent on keeping you here?

Alright, a hand car. Now this is a job for Bulldog!

Step aside my infirmed colleagues I got my guns all warmed up, you can tell cause all my tats are bulgin.

Shame none of those women return my calls anymore, should really get them laser'd off one day.

Good work Ruffy, Jeb and Jethro. Now tell us more about the townsfolk that may wish to keep all residents here, is there some mystical coven thing going on or just a lunatics ideals at play?

Roof roof! I'd been rondering for so rany years rot that thing rarmer Jeb'd been rorkin on was... rurns out it wasn't ranything as rary as I'd rought. Rut Jeb, you retter be rarefulwith ris ringamabob of rours, you ron't want Mr. Rown seeing you ry to skip rown on this and resert your farm!

Rat randcar sure rooks unsafe to me though! Ranyone wanna use my rucket as a helmet? No? Then I'm rutting it on, you rever row rot might happen... Are we roing to the roods then? I ron't usually head out rere by myself, but I'd rove to join you... A rog needs to rexpand its rorizons, ya know! So are you rakin me? Retty please?

* Assumes the "good dog wants to come along" pose, wearing his kettle as a helmet

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A few of you do decide to take a peek inside the wood shed. Aside from a large work bench and misc tools, there isn't anything of interest.

Sounds like we have searched enough to find the johnson rod, some moonshine and a handcar (as well as a myriad of injuries) So what say we give this handcar a try? Or would it be better to travel at night?

by myself, but I'd rove to join you... A rog needs to rexpand its rorizons, ya know! So are you rakin me? Retty please?

* Assumes the "good dog wants to come along" pose, wearing his kettle as a helmet

Of course! What a good boy. Good boy! You're so cute with your helmet. Now, please tell me who this Mr. Rown is! And why he doesn't want people leaving town. Good boy!

Before we leave, should we check back in the stables for anything? Our investigation was cut short and we don't really understand what was causing that green glow... I don't want to leave if there's more to discover. Maybe Alex aka the Voice in the Sky can give us a little guidance? :blush:

*assumes "good dog" pose as well...wearing his johnson rod. :laugh: *

I think he means the mayor....He doesn't liek poeple to leave this ''good'' town.. :sceptic:

I've heard stories you don't want to know :look:

Why not use the engine of my tractor to motorise the car? And maybe ad another car so that we all can go in 1 time?

I think he means the mayor....He doesn't liek poeple to leave this ''good'' town.. :sceptic:

I've heard stories you don't want to know :look:

Why not use the engine of my tractor to motorise the car? And maybe ad another car so that we all can go in 1 time?

Well that's mighty helpful, but are you sure its safe to add a motor? We all saw what happened to the distillery after all, and where does the second car materialize from?

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Unless one of you have a special skill related to mechanics or engine repair, I don't think you'll be able to remove a tractor motor to make it work on the hand car. I've got your Mississippi soup bones right here (begins flexing his muscles). These will have to do for now. :hmpf_bad:

Herman decides that one bear trap was not enough, so he returns to the stables to inspect (really look for a Johnson Rod) what he may have missed. By all indication, the stables are in fact empty and aside from hay on the ground, that's about it.

Jeb, you're the only one who hasn't answered directly (at least I don't think so or can't remember). Did you recognize any of the train passengers? Do you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton? What causes your farm to glow green? You must've known these tracks are here? Where do they lead? One way leads into town, how about the other way? Also, please don't worry about our psyches. We can handle these stories about the mayor and are very curious to find out what it is that people are so afraid of. Please tell us and spare no detail. After that we can decide if we're going to take this hand car into town.

*achieves consciousness*

I'm feeling better now guys, but still a bit ill. Nice hand car there Jeb, though just in case I might take Scruffy's bucket as a helmet, I've been too callous already with that still explosion.

Jeb, you're the only one who hasn't answered directly (at least I don't think so or can't remember). Did you recognize any of the train passengers? Do you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton? What causes your farm to glow green? You must've known these tracks are here? Where do they lead? One way leads into town, how about the other way? Also, please don't worry about our psyches. We can handle these stories about the mayor and are very curious to find out what it is that people are so afraid of. Please tell us and spare no detail. After that we can decide if we're going to take this hand car into town.

I agree there partner, grateful as we are for yer help with everything, and this lovely rail contraption here, it would be great ta get some answers.

I agree there partner, grateful as we are for yer help with everything, and this lovely rail contraption here, it would be great ta get some answers.

Yes it would be rude to leave without some more knowledge of this town.

Is there radioactive soil round these parts, would that be the green glow we saw?

Continues to flex muscles I wish Eleanor was round to see the guns, that may almost make up for barging into her cabin.

I wish Eleanor was round to see the guns, that may almost make up for barging into her cabin.

Ew, last time we saw her she was wearing her wedding dress and brandishing a gun and droning on and on about a manservant or something weird and annoying. What do you still see in her? Now Arin, there's a hotty! Give me a spelunker who can talk about Science any day! :wub: I hope Schmelt is scoring with her...for the pony's sake.

Doot de doo. You know what would be great right now? If Jeb answered our questions so we could move forward...

I done told you he's a kooky ol' man! Turn up your hearing aid you old fart!

I think if you are thinking of doing any investigating, you might want to ride the handcar after the sun goes down...less eyes at night.

I done told you he's a kooky ol' man! Turn up your hearing aid you old fart!

I think if you are thinking of doing any investigating, you might want to ride the handcar after the sun goes down...less eyes at night.

Until your Dad replaces that battery, tell me, please: where do you reckon this here hand car will take us? I thought just into town. I'm sure by now, the whole town knows we're here...

Hey Jeb, you up and running yet? You got an answer to all those questions, please? :sweet: *waits patiently*

Jeb, you're the only one who hasn't answered directly (at least I don't think so or can't remember). Did you recognize any of the train passengers? Do you know a woman named Elizabeth Rose Thornton? What causes your farm to glow green? You must've known these tracks are here? Where do they lead? One way leads into town, how about the other way? Also, please don't worry about our psyches. We can handle these stories about the mayor and are very curious to find out what it is that people are so afraid of. Please tell us and spare no detail. After that we can decide if we're going to take this hand car into town.

I didn't recognized any of the passengers, and I don't know a Elizabeth Rose Thornton..As I told earlier. As for the glow..I have no idea.. :sceptic: I know the tracks since I was young, I used to play with some friends here. 1 way goes to town, the other goes to a mine I think..Atleast it's heading into the mountains..

Here's a thing I've heard...

A shopowner who didn't agree witht the Town Council wanted to leave..The mayor didn't liked that....When the poor fellow was packing his things and was getting ready to leave, the mayor came by his house..That night I heard 2 gunshots and the man was never seen again.. :sadnew:

I didn't recognized any of the passengers, and I don't know a Elizabeth Rose Thornton..As I told earlier. As for the glow..I have no idea.. :sceptic: I know the tracks since I was young, I used to play with some friends here. 1 way goes to town, the other goes to a mine I think..Atleast it's heading into the mountains..

Here's a thing I've heard...

A shopowner who didn't agree witht the Town Council wanted to leave..The mayor didn't liked that....When the poor fellow was packing his things and was getting ready to leave, the mayor came by his house..That night I heard 2 gunshots and the man was never seen again.. :sadnew:

Well which way do we go? Do we steer clear of crazy mayor, or ride into town and get killed save the day? Maybe we need to eat some radioactive corn first to grow stronger like the Hulk? Or is there a UFO there?

If we aren't heading out till dusk, lets take a look in the fields then, maybe the 'ol smell hound' can find something besides rabbits and vermin?

* Takes off improvised helmet.

Hmmmm, sniffing round a reen rield, you say... Not quite as rilling as a rain ride, but I'm in revertheless! Ron't forget rat you may rot be able to see quite as rood after rightfall, but I can rill sniff out ranything within a rile, just in rase you recide to go on that rain ride after rusk. And I rink rat if anybody rants to shoot you, rey'd have to come to within a rile, so you're retty safe with me. :wink:

Well, rot's gonna re then?

Scruffy! When we're going with the train...I want my Winchester going with me..Can you get it when the time has come?

You know I ron't rike raving runs around, Jeb! Resides, you're a bit too rigger-happy for my riking... I'll give it some thought, rut I might as rell have ronveniently forgotten where I put away rat Rinchester of yours. :wink:

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What causes your farm to glow green? You must've known these tracks are here? Where do they lead? One way leads into town, how about the other way?


Boy, you city slickers sure are persistent, aint ya? Well, listen up close. You know that Stephen King book called Tommyknockers? The one about that lady in the woods that was digg'n up some kinda alien ship - make'n everything in the town green? WELL, IT AINT THAT! Ya silly boy! You're as daft as my Jethro here. That green color happens everytime it's overcast outside and the light from the moon hits the trees. Nutt'n to worry about, okay?

As far as the train track, as I said before, I use to play on the rails as a kid, but it has been a long, long time ago. There was one track that use to lead toward town, and another that went up into the mountains - never knew where that one led to though. Now let's get a mov'n - or are ya wat'n for the Tommyknockers to KNOCK on your door. BOO! :laugh:

Oh, and would someone get me my Annie Oakly decoder ring, and set the damn thing for "R" so I can understand what this here mystery dog be say'n? :angry:

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