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Phew! Rood thing we rurvived that one! Rad thing I rost my rettle though :cry_sad:

Row then, anyone else ranna ry and convince me rat rettle was useless!?!

* Starts sniffing around...

Ruh, weird... This ranker reems to be full of romething... Romething that refinitely roesn't smell like ruel!

* Heads off in the direction of the tanker in order to investigate.

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Herman, Bulldog, Scruffy, and Jeb anxiously climb off the hand car. They walk over to the fuel tanker to have a closer look. It appears to be an Octan tanker judging by the worn signs attached to each side of the car.


(a complete review of 10016 Fuel Tanker can be found in the Trains & Town forum)

Herman climbs up the center to have a look inside. Popping the latch, he realizes that the tanker is full, with diesel fuel (less some evaporation).

Jeb says, "appears this tanker never made it into Willoughby, or maybe it did and was hidden here for some reason. Perhaps another scheme by the Mayor or his henchmen to keep us from getting out of town".

Further investigation of the tanker does not reveal anything special.

Well, a tank full of Diesel fuel won't help a steam engine. Too bad we don't have a diesel engine somewhere... Oh well.

Ruffy, if Austin and Jethro are walking towards us, and I have a distinct impression that they are, they can pick up your kettle along the way. And then you can play tennis with it or whatever sort of racquet you wanted it to be. What a good boy.

Shall we hop back on the handcart and see what else is down this way? Perhaps we'll find a hopper, a passenger wagon, a caboose and a open freight wagon. That's just a wild guess though. :tongue:

Im up for more hijinkery! Lets do a bit more exploring down the line.

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After several minutes of examining the fuel tanker, Austin and Jethro catch up with the hand car, out of breath from the long run. The group decides to lift the handcar off the track placing it past the fuel tanker that blocks the line.

Bulldog and Herman begin pumping the hand car slowly as Austin and Jethro start running after again. "Do you think we could have a ride", Austin pleads as he catches his breath.

Bulldog starts pumping faster...

Tell me what goes nicely on a steak Austin?

any ideas?

Maybe a large bowl of ketchup catchup!

We gotta keep moving, especially when the guns are warmed up!

Wipes his face with a sweaty handkerchief. Wait a minute this is one of Hermans not-so-tighty-wighties, eeeeeeewwwwww!

Gross! :sick:

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Tell me what goes nicely on a steak Austin?

any ideas?

Maybe a large bowl of ketchup catchup!

+1 Life Points for Schmelt-like wit! :thumbup:

*Starts a running rant*

That's it, I consider myself a nice guy, but I've had it! I thought you guys were my friends but clearly not! That's right partners, I'm going to get you, Texan style! There will be not a tanker or tree to hide behind because I've got hunting skills like an eagle! I'll get you! And when I do, I'll put your flipping guns to shame Bulldog, and bash you and Herman's faces together with the power of that locomotive we're trying to repair! And don't even think yer gonna get that kettle back, or any of my get-rich-quick schemes, my father will see you burn for this! He's a rich and powerful oil tycoon, you'll never leave the state! In fact, yer will, straight ta Texan jail ya morons! See? Ya underestimate me ya see? Ya think that just by peddling inta the distance you'll be a free of me boys? Think again if you can manage it! Like I said, my father'll her bout this, have you got power equal to his? I don't think so! I don't think so, that's power not even money can buy, though it helps! And I doubt you got that kinda money! You hear me boys! You take on this Texan and win? no way! You may be a bulldog, Bulldog, but I'm a raging BULL! you are the dogs, and I will run you down! Don't think I'll get tired and let up! Not even a gallon of beer will drown out this memory, it certainly didn't the last time I ran over someone, and that was at a wedding! So don't think you can go to any harmonious place to escape my wrath! Because I will shoot you down! That' right! SHOOT. YOU. DOWN.

So ya better stop that there handcar, because that's the only way yer gonna be able to live this down, and by extension, live at all!

OK! WOW! He's angry.

Hey, please stop!

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Austin begins yelling as he runs faster, followed by Jethro...

The rail car continues to increase speed.

Austin yells, "I'll geeeeeeeeeetttttttttt y.........."

Faint screaming can be heard in the distance. :laugh:

*Starts a running rant*

That's it, I consider myself a nice guy, but I've had it! I thought you guys were my friends but clearly not! That's right partners, I'm going to get you, Texan style! There will be not a ta... money can buy, though it helps! And I doubt you got that kinda money! You hear me boys! You take on this Texan and win? no way! You may be a bulldog, Bulldog, but I'm a raging BULL! you are the dogs, and I will run you down! Don't think I'll get tired and let up! Not even a gallon of beer will drown out this memory, it certainly didn't the last time I ran over someone, and that was at a wedding! So don't think you can go to any harmonious place to escape my wrath! Because I will shoot you down! That' right! SHOOT. YOU. DOWN.

So ya better stop that there handcar, because that's the only way yer gonna be able to live this down, and by extension, live at all!

Maybe you should shut up and just jump on... :hmpf:

OK! WOW! He's angry.

Hey, please stop!

OK, let's stop. They asked nicely.

Perhaps we should see if we can install this johnson rod into the hand car somewhere and get it to stop picking up speed so easily. No offense bulldog, but your guns aren't that big.

Can I stick my Johnson Rod in this thing? I'm just dying to stick it in something. I've been drinking again. (Don't freak out, ya pansies. :tongue: )

OK, let's stop. They asked nicely.

Oh thanks partner, 'ppreciated! Sorry about that little spat I had earlier *gives Herman the longest hug ever recorded* :classic:

* It's at times like these that Scruffy wishes he'd never started talking to people in the first place.

Roof, row rid we ranage to stop so quickly ranyway?! :oh:

These asbestos shoe soles Scruffy! They slowed us down mighty fast, and the best thing is there is no possible side effects from asbestos!

My apologies Austin, we were always coming back this way to pick you guys up, just wanted to scout around whilst you had a rest.

So you got drunk and ran over Eleanor's potential husband hey? That's some mighty interesting news right there.

My apologies Austin, we were always coming back this way to pick you guys up, just wanted to scout around whilst you had a rest.

So you got drunk and ran over Eleanor's potential husband hey? That's some mighty interesting news right there.

No apologies needed Bulldog, bar your hard work in continuing down the tracks.

That was Eleanor's hubbie? Now I highly doubt that partner, what makes you think that?

Oh thanks partner, 'ppreciated! Sorry about that little spat I had earlier *gives Herman the longest hug ever recorded* :classic:

:look: Er... you're welcome. Let go please. You're crushing me. I love you too.

Roof, row rid we ranage to stop so quickly ranyway?! :oh:

I suspect it was my Johnson Rod...

These asbestos shoe soles Scruffy! They slowed us down mighty fast, and the best thing is there is no possible side effects from asbestos!

And apparently asbestos as well.

People say he's crazy he's got asbestos on the souls of his shoes...

Well, that's one way to beat these walking blues,

asbestos on the souls of his shoes.

Like a famous captain, I love 80's music! (+1 life point, Alex? :sweet: )

So you got drunk and ran over Eleanor's potential husband hey? That's some mighty interesting news right there.

What? Where'd that come from? Who said that? Is that true?

That was Eleanor's hubbie? Now I highly doubt that partner, what makes you think that?

You didn't know it was her? :hmpf: How many people get run over by carriages nowadays? What were you doing driving a carriage drunk? I bet if she were here she'd sit down in her wedding dress and wield her gun at you and say "You know, you're not supposed to know that. You were a pretty heavy drinker back then." Then she'd probably shoot you even if Alex didn't want her to. What a baby. :tongue: But seriously folks, what the hell was that all about? :wacko: What do you remember about killing Helleanor's husband?

She's a total loon, you know. She wants to kill you. We should come up with a plan to protect you. We could fake your death and get you out of town some other way. If you go back to the train there'll be Murder on the Emerald Express. *oh2*

Wow....This wasn't what I was thinking when I bild the handcar..

What should we do now, Herman?

Wow....This wasn't what I was thinking when I bild the handcar..

What should we do now, Herman?

Quiet, you. Where's Brickster-Jeb? I like him better than Woowie-Jeb. :tongue:

Anyway, we're talking to Austin about his drunk carriage driving habit and if he remembers it or not. After we talk about how to protect our friend from the crazy Bride-lady, we'll start moving again. Do you think if we went back to the train, you can keep Austin with you and sneak him out of town before Eleanor kills him? Hello, I'm talking to you now Woowie-Jeb.

You didn't know it was her? :hmpf:How many people get run over by carriages nowadays? What were you doing driving a carriage drunk? I bet if she were here she'd sit down in her wedding dress and wield her gun at you and say "You know, you're not supposed to know that. You were a pretty heavy drinker back then." Then she'd probably shoot you even if Alex didn't want her to. What a baby. :tongue: But seriously folks, what the hell was that all about? :wacko: What do you remember about killing Helleanor's husband?

She's a total loon, you know. She wants to kill you. We should come up with a plan to protect you. We could fake your death and get you out of town some other way. If you go back to the train there'll be Murder on the Emerald Express. *oh2*

What? I don't even remember what I was doing there that night, I was drunk! And I still find it hard to believe I it was here hubbie, she said he was dead, and I'm almost half-certain I didn't kill someone.

Listen, all I remember was havin' one mighty splittin headache, and remembering that I ran over someone in a crowd. It weren't no big hit though, I remember bein' all concerned at the time, but I looked back an he was still movin'. Now I'm a nice guy, I've had past mistakes, heck, I only drink about three fourths what I used to, are you done sure that I actually killed her hubbie?

Anyway, we're talking to Austin about his drunk carriage driving habit and if he remembers it or not. After we talk about how to protect our friend from the crazy Bride-lady, we'll start moving again. Do you think if we went back to the train, you can keep Austin with you and sneak him out of town before Eleanor kills him?

No way partner, if I done there some awful crime form way back, I wouldn't be a man to go unconfessin' it! I am not backin' down from this one, should this story be true, and I still have some doubts mind ya, then I will meet Eleanor face ta face, not be a coward. That's the first thing my father taught me.

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The hand car continues to move along the track eventually leaving the forest and farm land. It looks like there is a railroad crossing with a small switching tower ahead, with Willoughby in the distance.

Anyone notice how much longer it has taken ridin' this here handcar, when we all could've walked back to the train and been there hours ago? But, I guess we are explorin' so...let's find somethin' worthwhile.

WOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like ridin' this hand car thingy!

Woo-wee! I would like to explore and find interesting things and clues. :sweet:

That's right, who is really in a hurry to get back to the lunatics on the train anyway? Besides Mark, there isn't too many people that I have time for.

Inspects Herman's underwear WOW wee, what do you know! still not dry enough to put back on yet Herman.

Lets check out the "small switching tower" then

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The group stop the handcar outside a small switching tower where the tracks cross a road. There's a sign on the right side of the road that points to Willoughby.

As you look toward the switching tower, you can see some glowing red and green lights coming from the 2nd floor.

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