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Mark was now gone, semi-bad

"Was that Adam?" Joe asked. " I thought he was your friend!"

" He was!" Zack said.

"So what do we do now." " I thought that the base was safe." said Melody

" We'll have to leave this beach Adam's coming." Said Bob

"Wait.." C.C mumbled.

"what?" Said Zach.

"I think I found something useful." Said C.C.

"But what is it?" Said Joe interested.

"During the cyberpunk revolution we colonized on a large island that surfaced out of the ocean during an earthquake when you all were around 6." Said C.C.

"What does that have to d with anything?" Asked Joe.

"On that island there was a new type of fuel was discovered and we started mining for it immediately." "That is what fueled the wormhole generator." Said C.C.

"So?" Said Melody.

"I spent a long time in the cyberpunk revelution during my time travel days." "If I had gotten a shard of that crystal zerbite I could have gone back home ." Said C.C.

"And..?" Said Melody.

"The detectix is fueled by zerbite." Said C.C." Said C.C.

"And? And I have a plan!" Said C.C.

"If the detectix fueled by zerbite then it can track it and if we can find some and if we find some then..." Said C.C pausing for effect. "We can send adam into the future where we wont have to deal with him! But here is bad news." Said C.C.

"What?" Said Jack.

"That island is on the other side of the world." Said C.C. "And that is the only place we can find the crystals."

  • Author

"Nadaa. I ain't doing any time travel buisiness. To complicated, and for another thing, he won't be dead." said Zach

"Fine. I suppose he could cause a lot of damage further on."

"Lets go help out the leaders!" said Melody, bounding away with Zach in tow.

Broadcasting live from the planet Mars...

... It's the J. Z. Cassidey Show, brought to you by Homegrown Honey!

"Welcome, everybody, this is J. Z. Cassidey, coming to you tonight from over a million light years away. Boy, have we got a show for you tonight!" Viewers everywhere, but over a million light years away, watched eagerly.

"With us tonight are author Mike Howard (Earth - Is it a Threat?), political expert Patrick McKizzley, and, although he can't be here in person, investigative reporter Adam! Before we go into further discussion on tonight's topics, let me present you with some numbers: Earth's population was nearly 7 billion before the initial invasion, but is now under 250 million. Rogues, however, have spiked from approximately 20 thousand to about 1 million. It would appear that as the amount of people on Earth go down, the amount of Rogues on Earth go up. Mike, thoughts?"

"Well, J. Z., we've known about the existence of Rogues on Earth for only 20 years, and as such, we still don't know much about these hybrids. Early estimates suggested that they might be even worse than the humans - if, of course, you hold the opinion that humans are destroying their planet, and although this may be likely, their extinction can't be the best possible solution."

"I don't know, Mike," Patrick McKizzley put in, "this is our third clean-up job, and look at how much good we've done on P-61 and Gammus. These tactics worked there - admittedly, neither of those planets were as advanced as Earth is, but still..."

It was Adam's turn now: "Pat makes a good point. We know that this is the best route to take. Remember what happened on Gammus before we sent the robots in? The Ambassadorial Programme? That was a full-blown disaster. After carefully observing Earth's politicians, haven't we come to the conclusion that they are even more corrupt than the Gammeasians?"

"We had a different president back then," Mike said flatly, "and -"

J. Z. held up his hand. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! That's a whole other issue."

Edited by Adam

  • 2 weeks later...

"Well there might be other things that could help us there." Said C.C.

"How would a stupid island help us?" Said Zach. "Not to mention we have no idea what it's like now after all you haven't been there for like 18 years!"

"Okay never mind." Said C.C getting ticked off at Zach's close minded responses.

"Well we have to try something." Said Jack.

"Yeah what are we going to do?" Said Melody.

"Hey look!" shouted one of the leaders

"Finally!!!" shouted the prime minister of the U.k

"Ok guys, listen up..." said the American president

"Listen to what?" asked John

"DOES HE ALWAYS INTURRUPT PEOPLE?" shouted the president

"Ok, well..." said the president

"Im sorry man" said John

"Just shut up John for a second" demanded Zach

"Anyway, you will assist 5 leaders through the country all the way to our main headquarters at the coast of California. Simple as that, just a couple of miles"

"Why do we need to get from Orlando to California?" asked Eskallon and Garviel at the same time

"There are a further 16. leaders we need to talk to about the matter and it is your job to get them to sign the peace treaty and call us and following this we will send a helicopter to retrieve them. Here is a list of there names and locations!"


1. King Kalorda-Off the coast of georgia

2. Prince Kalorda-Off the coast of georgia

3. Queen Kalorda-Off the coast of georgia

4. Princess Kalorda-Off the coast of georgia

5. Taltano-Jackson

6. Taltono Juinor-Jackson

7. Taltono's wife-Jackson

8. Taltonakto-Jackson

9. Taun Talton Taun-Jackson's outskirts

10. Tony Blunt(Leader)-Dallas

11. Unknown (Son)-Dallas

12. Auther(king)- Kansas

13. Megan(wife)- Kansas

14. Rachel(daughter)-Kansas

15. David-Denver

16. Edward-Denver(Well known and thought to be located on the edges of Denver)


"Ok we'll prepare and leave at dan tommorrow then!" said Zach

15 years into the future, in a place called InSats City, one of the first floating cities to hover inside the clouds, something's happening. Drug dealers all over the corrupted city have gotten their hands on a rather popular drug; Sky-4.

The drug can kill you if you were to take too much; the detectives of the city try to scope out the drug dealers all over the city while going undercover. They must find evidence that these people really have Sky-4, considering it's the only priority illegal drug in the city. Doctors in InSats City's clinic's have discovered Sky-4 in people's blood. Once inhaled, it can make its wat into the bloodstream, creating a virus, that can eventually kill you at a much younger age than the average human.

Currently, Detective Robert Smith and Detective Millie "Mel" Owens are on a case in the InSats vehicle junkyard, the West Yards to be exact, searching with the help of James Guitierrez, an ex-accomplice of the drug dealer in question, Derek Matthews.

One thing that was always noticed about Owens was her gun; it wasn't the uniform "Wolf" PL53 assault SMG. It was an alien blaster from back in the days of the what was now known as the ZS Age, which she refuses to talk about. Not much is known about Owens' past, except the scars and her missing right eye are because of some man named Brian Wells, whom apparently attacked her and her friends somewhere a few years back. She wore an eyepatch now. She also walks with a limp these days because of an event back in the ZS Age, where a survivor base was destroyed by a traitor amongst their group and a monster.

Smith himself was just your typical detective, cunning, witty, and knows how to smooth-talk his way out of anything. Smith didn't have anything happen to him like Owens before; and he hoped nothing would.

Guitierrez, Smith, and Owens walked over to a wrecked WS-0183 Mercedes-Benz roadster.

Mercedes-Benz had since filed for Chapter 11, but still loved to turn the vehicles into some of the fastest flurries in the city.

"Flurries" was the term the InSats PD used for the heavily modified vehicles that they're uniform Nissan cruisers couldn't catch up to, seeing as it was a very short pursuit, usually.

"Such a shame; I used to drive an M-class myself, but it wasn't anything like these babies," said Guitierrez.

Owens looked down at her watch.

"Two minutes until Matthews arrives. You got the briefcase?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mel. Right here," said Guitierrez, holding up the brown briefcase.

The plan was for Guitierrez to walk over to Matthews, exchange the briefcase full of cash for the Sky-4, prove that Matthews really was selling Sky-4, arrest him, and throw him in the slammer.

That was the plan, anyway.

Owens and Smith sat down behind the cover of the Benz.

"Alright, he's here," said Guitierrez.

"If anything goes wrong, remember, we're right here," said Smith.

"Got it," said Guitierrez, strolling over to the crashed freight-truck.

Matthews was walking to Guitierrez, looking him up and down, as if trying to make out if this was a trap.

"James, old friend, whatever are you going to do with all this Sky-4?" said Matthews, grinning. He didn't really care, because he was going to make a fortune off of the drugs.

"Actually, it's for a couple of friends. I personally don't like the stuff myself, but they sure do need it," said Guitierrez. He wasn't lying. It was for his friends. And they did need it. But they weren't going to use it.

"I see. So, do you have the money?" Matthews asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep! Right here," said Guitierrez, lifting the case on to the hood of the frieghter.

"Excellent. How much?"

"Thirty-thousand. Plus a little bonus."

This is for sure the best deal I've ever had, thought Matthews. A case of Sky-4 for 30,000 Rollers!

"So, we exchange now, correct?" asked Matthews.

"Sure. Let me see what I paid for, don't disappoint me, Derek," said Guitierrez, handing Matthews the money.

Matthews handed him the Sky-4 briefcase. It was a dark red, with a symbol on it that liked like the sign that most people associated with nukes. The briefcase smelled awful, making Guitierrez feel like he could faint at any moment.

Blech, thought Guitierrez. Who can stand this stuff?


"Hey, Mel, I'm gonna take a peek at what's going on, okay?" said Smith.

Smith stood up to peek over the hood, but accidnetally shoved his hand down on to the shattered glass of the windshield.

"YOWCH!" he shrieked. Blood poured from his hand. There were at least five large shards shoved deep down in his flesh.

Owens knew that their cover had been blown.


Matthews heard someone shriek, and looked over towards the Mercedes. He saw a man jumping up and down, screaming in pain. The man's hand was soaked in blood.

Then he saw a woman pop up with a dark red blaster.

"You set me up!" Matthews shouted at Guitierrez. He pulled out a knife, grabbed Guitierrez's hair, pulled down, and slit his throat.

Guitierrez fell with a thunk down on the gravel. Blood covered the ground.


Owens tried to fire at Matthews, but her gun wasn't loaded.

She swore, and looked down at her gunbelt. She grabbed an ammo cartridge and began loading it into the gun.


Smith saw Matthews charging towards him with his knife, and knew that he couldn't react to this one in time.

It was all over within seconds.

He felt a sharp pain in his neck, and he fell to the ground.

Everything went black.


Millie didn't load her gun in time to save Smith. She saw Matthews cut his neck open, and watched blood dribble down her friend's chest.

She finished reloading her gun, pointed it at Matthews, and fired five times.

Blood splattered over the side of the Mercedes, Matthews landed with a loud clunk on the hood, and laid there.

It was over.

One less drug dealer, but two less PD employees.

Grief was the only thing she felt right now, but fought back tears,

She slid her radio out of her belt, and called for help to come and get her.

Mission: Failed.

"But where will we stay tonight?" Asked C.C. "No place is safe here. But maybe I could double check with my scanner."

"Find anything?" Asked melody getting impatient after about 3 minutes.

"Well there is one place I've found but you guys wont like it." Said C.C.

"What is it?" Asked Jack.

"tthere is a large cave over there concealed with tree roots but there is some inhabitants there." Said C.C.

"Like what." Said Jack.

"Urmm nothing much just bats probably." Said C.C.

"Bats?!" Asked the president. "I am not staying in a bat infested cave!"

"Okay suit yourself" said C.C activating the mechanical arms to pic him up for the long walk. "But let me tell you there are creatures out here worse than bats and bigger than your ego so I'd come if I were you"

"Okay." Grunted the president.

"Assassin X to Black Leader, come in," said Assassin X into his comlink. "Gah..." He grunted as he deactivated it. He was approaching the shore. He slowly walked up the shore. The soilders didn't see him. Assassin X was relived. He sneaked up on the leftmost soilder, and, with a display of strength, grabbed him and grabbed his neck. "SNNNAAAPPP" echoed through the dark night. "Rick, that you?" said the rightmost soilder. No response. Quickly, he fell backwards, a knife in his back. Assassin X cackled, then moved toward the cave currently housing the World Leaders.....

Little did Assassin X know that someone was watching him. This person didn't know what was in the cave, but he knew that Assassin X wasn't human. That was all he needed. He pulled the pistol out of the holster on his belt, and aimed at the figure. "Bang!" Assassin X fell down. The person walked towards the body. At that moment it jerked up and hit him hard in the chest. "Who are you?!" the assassin yelled. "Ben. Ben Tennant." Ben gasped, winded. Assassin X kicked him in the head. Ben grabbed the rifle. He shot X. And again, and again. "Why won't you die?" Ben held the trigger down. A controlled laser beam was knifing into Assassin X, who seemed unaffected. Ben grabbed his pistol, shooting Assassin X with that at the same time as the laser. Then Assassin X looked at him directly. "Wait. You're the one at that-" A sudden realisation hit Ben hard. He felt sick. "No... No!" He fell to his knees.

He was facing the thing that had killed his family.

He leapt up and punched X hard. With a newfound power in his hatred, he whacked the monster with his pistol, then shot him in the head. He kicked him, and threw him to the ground. Assassin X went limp. "That should stop you... For a while." Then Ben heard shouting. He turned to the cave, where a group of people stood. "What the-?!" "Another survivor?" "Which side is he on?" "He's cute!" Various members of the group cried. Then one walked forward. He wore a cloak, was carrying a gun and had various bandages. His face was beaten, but he looked glad to see another human. "Zach Smith," he said, holding out his hand. "And you?" "Ben Tennant." They shook hands.

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

Ben looked at the rest of the group.

"And who are you guys?" Asked Ben.

"Greetings I'm C.C I'm the gear head of the group." Said C.C smiling.

Ben looked over at the slouched figure with blackish brown hair and goggles.

"Umm yeah... Hi C.C." Said Ben. "what a freak." Ben thought.

"Hi I'm Jack."

"And I'm Melody."

"I'm Joe."

"I'm Bob."

And then everyone else introduced themselves.

"Anything we can help you with?" Asked C.C.

"I'd like some food." Said Ben.

"Wouldn't we all." Said Zach.

"Well here you go Ben." Said C.C tossing him two pieces of bread and a can of tuna.

"You have food?!?" Asked Jack.

"Yeah lots of it!" Replied C.C.

"And you didn't tell us this why?" Asked Jack.

"Nobody said they were hungry or asked I've had food from that bot-factory we hid in from the Scrappers for a couple months now good thing it's all non-perishable." "Here" Said C.C.

He handed each of the group members a candy bar out of a pouch on his belt.

"Plenty more where that came from. But sorry Rodriego ate all the jelly beans." Said C.C.

"Maybe this kid aint so bad after all." Thought Ben.

Ben wolfed down the food hungrily. "So... C.C," he said, looking up at his bizarre goggles. "What'ya got there?" He pointed at the square device C.C held.

"This, this is the detetix. It can find anything, anyone, anywhere."

Ben nodded. "You invent that yourself?"

C.C beamed. "Yep, my invention."

"So, you could locate aliens with that thing?" Ben asked him again.

"What's with all the questions?"

"What's with the attitude?"

"What's with the comebacks?"

Melody slapped both of them. "If you two could please shut up, we've got to get back to the world leaders."

Ben giggled stupidly. Melody slapped him again. "Your welcome." he sighed. "Blimey, take out a techie robot assassin ninja and what do I get?" Melody kneed him. "I'll shut up now."

"You do that."

Ben Kenobi :pir-vader:

Edited by Ben Kenobi

  • 1 month later...


Sam looked around. A new guy. Tennant. Hmph.

Ben walked toward the cave. It had been a while since Ben's conquer of Assassin X, and Ben made sure X didn't escape. He didn't. He just lay there, still and unmoving. Ben walked into the cave.

"Argh! Quit moving, we'll never get any sleep!" Sam said, grumbling. "Whatever." was Ben's only response, and finally, Ben drifted off to dreamland. Sam sighed, relieved, then himself went to sleep....


Adam moved quickly. Up the shore. Someone had already taken care of the guards. Wait, a robot? Lying near a cave? Adam kicked the robot. A whirring sound softly purred through the night as Assassin X opened his eyes, slowly. He saw Adam standing over him, and on reflex stop up his leg, hitting Adam where you would otherwise discover the groin. But not on Adam. Adam didn't even flinch as X's robotic foot shot between his legs. He grabbed X's foot, and swung him into the air. X bearly managed to catch himself, landing on his feet. He swung his fists at Adam's head. Adam grinned and shot forward with his own punch. X was knocked back, but was on his feet in seconds. "I like your style." said Adam with a hideous grin. "You....are after the World Leaders?" Adam said cooly.

"....Maybe." X responded. He didn't trust Adam. "Well then, maybe we can...join forces?" replied Adam.

X considered it. He could use an ally, if just a temporary one. "Very well." said X, suspition in his black, robotic eyes. "We'll kill them in the morning." Adam said, gesturing toward the cave. "NO! We'll take them now!" X both yelled and whispered, to keep the Leaders from hearing him. "I give the orders." Adam said sharply. X relaxed a bit. "Yes, sir." X said with some scoff in his voice....

I'm afraid due to Ben Kenobi's ban, we're probably going to have to kill Ben Tennant... :sceptic: Sad.

The group slept through the night, almost peacefully for once. It was a tiring journey so far.

Mark, laying in his sleeping bag, zipped so tight he looked like a head in a sock, zipped down the bag lightly, and looked at his watch. 6:43 AM.

He hated waking early, but he knew he probably wouldn't fall back asleep, and if he could, he shoulfn't. He had a strange feeling he needed to keep an eye out for the sleeping group. But seeing all those closed eyes, and soft snores, his eyes felt heavy.

"Maybe 30 more minutes wouldn't hurt," he said, and zipped himself backed up. Within seconds, he was back asleep.


Adam knew what had to be done.

An evil grin spread across his face.

"Time for the revenge I deserve. X!" Adam called.

"What?" said X.

"I'll take Zach. Go ahead and do what you want with the others. But leave Zach to me. It's personal," said Adam, looking fierce. A firey look in his eye spoke "Revenge! Sweet bloody gory revenge!".

"That sounds good to me..."


6:59 AM.

Sam was asleep, as well as the others.

A whirring sound slightly awoke him.

His back to the noise, he opened his eyes.

Click. Click. Click.

The tapping of walking, almost.

Ben had fallen asleep though... which meant...

Sam had a horrifying conclusion to this.

Assassin X was awake!

Sam shut his eyes, and pretended to roll over in his sleep. Just to make it look like he wasn't awake.

He opened the eye closest to the ground just to the point where he could catch a glimpse of X. And there he was, walking across the room towards Jack.

What can I do? thought Sam. The only other way to awake all the others at once would mean screaming as loud as he could.

He sat up.

Assassin X stared, standing stock still, at him.

Their eyes met.

Sam sucked in a deep breath...

"AAAAAAAARGH!" he shrieked.

Everyone immediately jumped out of their sleeping bags, but Mark was still fussing with his. Zach pulled out his rifle, but he was still so groggy, he wasn't sure what the source of the scream was. Everyone was running around frantically. And in the midst, was Mark hopping around like a sock. Swearing, and shouting, and then he plopped on the ground. Zach rubbed his eyes, and saw Adam at the opening of the cave.

He grinned evilly.


Jack was at one wall. The confusion was starting to hurt, at this time of the morning. Why was everyone so scared? But then he saw Adam and the assassin they had seen in the sea base.

He called to Ben, and he ran over.

"What, Jack?!" he said.

"Ben, I need you to-"

But then, Ben's head hit the cave wall, and there was a ninja throwing star in his cheek.

Blood gushed out, and the look on Ben's face was traumatizing. His mouth hanging open, with blood coming at the front, and inside, of his mouth.

Wait.... a ninja throwing star? This assassin was really old school...

Ben slumped to the ground.

Jack, unable to tell whether Ben was dead, or just unconcious, ran off to find Zach.


Zach walked over to Adam.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Zach.

"I explained it to you earlier. I hate all of you, and you deserve to die. Simple," he smirked.

"You're gonna have to do better than a robot henchman."

"Oh, I told him to take care of the others, but leave you for me."

"Is that SO!" Zach threw a punch as hard as he could into Adam's face.

A searing stinging pain came into his knuckles. That's right, Adam was a robot! But what is the weakness to a robot?

Adam just stared at him blankly, then grabbed his arm, and tossed him across the room into one of the cave walls.

"Unh!" said Zach, as he landed on the ground. His hand was bleeding where he had hit Adam.

But there was a small dent in his cheek, but Zach doubted any number of hits were going to stop Adam.

"They just don't make metal like they used to," he muttered, and grabbed his rifle, and fired a shot in Adam's stomach.

Another dent, just a bit bigger this time.

"Ohhhh! Ouch! You got anything else, Zac-OOF!" Zach had jumped Adam, knocking him to the ground.


Jack noticed Zach and Adam fighting.

Best leave them alone, he thought.

Mark had finally gotten out of his sleeping bag, and grabbed his light sword. But was so stressed, he was fiddling with it, just trying to turn it on.

"Mark!" Jack called.

"Yeah! What?"

"Toss me that light beamer thing!"

"Are you sure, I mean, you probably don-"

"Mark, darn it, just give me it!"

Mark tossed it, and Jack caught it.

Which to kill first...?

... Assassin X asked himself!!

"How about me?" asked Eskallon as he ran towards the assassin guns in hand, Bang,Bang went the gun and the bullets smashed into assassin X's stomach.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha, you think you can kill me old fool, I am more than you will ever be and you cannot possibly stop me." Assassin X walked towards Eskallon not noticing that Jack was behind him.

"Well, try taking this Assassin!!" shouted Jack as he smashed the torch into his head then into his man parts. Assassin X disappeared like a hologram and then reappeared outside the cave but all Jack and Eskallon could see was the assassin running away on the beach.


"So Zach, you will die today, how do you feel!" asked Adam

"If he dies we die to" shouted Sam as the whole team ran forward protecting Zach

"Ok then you will all die today" replied Adam as he pulled out a bomb and dropped it on the floor before vanishing.

"I always knew Adam was a complete idiot, he never turned on the bomb" said John

"Few, I was really scared there!!" said Melody

"Oh I think we were and thanks for sticking up for me" replied Zach

"Well we couldn't let you die, we would argue too much over who could be the leader" stated Eskallon

"Yeah :laugh:" said Zach


"Look, helicopters to pick the rest of us up!!" shouted the President

"Hah, they fell or the Holographic projectors." snorted X. The "dissapearing act" and the "bomb" were all holograms. "Yes, and now, we'll pursue them with a little invention of my own..." chuckled Adam evily. They were crouching near the cave, waiting for the helicopters carrying the World Leaders to depart. "We'll shadow them...quietly, with out them knowing." Adam said in a whisper. "I want to kill them!" snorted X. "No. You'll get your chance to gut Ben Tennat later." Adam said in a controling voice.

X grunted a "yes" and they watched the helicopters disappear in to the distance.....

Edited by Zapper Brick

"Ok well we have our job too guys, we need to move out" said Zach

"But do you know where we are going?" asked Melody

"Well I do guys, we need to head for that snowy moutain in the far distance" replied Ben

"Ok, lets move out" said Garviel

"Thats my line mate" said Zach

"Oh you two stop that and lets just go" shouted Eskallon over there voices


"Hear that, they are moving out" crackled Adam

"Lets follow" snorted X

"No, lets wait a while till we can have some distance between them" said Adam confidently

"I want to see him be tortured though" furiated X

"Well resist my friend, we must progress slowly" said Adam

"You know what he did to me though, the evil man made my whole life ruined, he was the cause for me becoming a no-one and he will PAY" Shouted X at the top of his voice

"Shut it fool" Whispered Adam as he pushed X off the side of the rock to prevent them being found"

The two swan round a little then got out before seeing the team had walked off.

"There look!" Said X

"Well done, lets follow the rascals" replied Adam


"Are you sure you guys didn't hear someone back there" Said John

"Yep, lets just carry on walking, it was most likely your imagination" said Eskallon

  • Author

Nobody kill Ben Tennant! I think Ben may join us on EB again soon, so lets not do anything drastic. :classic:

"How you holdin' up?"

"I think I'll be okay." replied Ben to Zach. Ben's whole face was wrapped in bandages.

"That little concoction I made back there should heal the wound up quickly." Zach said, smiling.

"I hope so. It's starting to itch...."

Ben raised his hand to scratch but Zach stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that." he said, and started walking faster to catch up with the others. Mark sidled up to Tennant.

"So, you still got that 'Ninja Star'?"

"Sadly, yes. It's in my backpack. Why?"

"Just wondering. Perhaps we could find out more about Mr. X with it..."

Thank you for reviving the game. :thumbup:

Nobody kill Ben Tennant! I think Ben may join us on EB again soon, so lets not do anything drastic. :classic:

That's why I said that Jack couldn't tell if Ben was dead or just knocked out from the sheer knowledge of that ninja star on him. :tongue: Sorry about that. Let's just say the injury wasn't bad... :wink:

Mark asked Ben if he could see the star.

Ben pulled it out and handed it to him.

"This thing is so cool!" exclaimed Mark.

"It's not so cool when you're the one who was hit by it," said Ben.

"Yeah, sorry about that. You'll be better in no time, believe me. Zach's apparently got an extensive knowledge of medical remidies," said Mark. (:tongue:)


"Hey, Zach, at least we managed to lose Adam, and that assassin," said Jack.

"Well, I'm positive we'll run into them soon enough. Just like every other time," said Zach.

"Sadly, I think you're right. When we learned Adam was a traitor, then at the sea base, then the submarine, then the cave, and who knows where next time will be."

"Hrm. Let's just hope we don't lose anyone next time."

Im glad this is back up!

"I wonder if we could find out anything about the star" said Mark

"Use the detex" interrupted Eskallon

"Do you really think it can scan weapons?" asked Garvial

"Well it works on everything else, just scan it and see what happens!" replied Eskallon

"Ok then" said CC as he started scanning the star

"Well?" asked Zach as CC read info on the Detex

"Read this:


"Ben, why didn't you tell us!!" shouted CC as he jumped onto him pinning him to the ground.

"CC let go of him" demanded Eskallon

"Fine but tell us why then" shouted CC as he stood up.

"I have only known you for a while and I thought you might try to kill me if you knew" said Ben

"Why would we kill you, you could have told us" said Zach

"Im sorry, I wouldn't want you guys to get killed, if you want I can leave you?" repplied Ben

"No, you can stay, you are part of our team but just don't lie to us" said Zach

"Is there anything else we shoud know?" asked Melody"

Edited by Eskallon

  • Author

"Not really...I suppose."

"Well, next time, tell us a bit before we get attacked."

"Sure, sure. Whatever..." replied Ben

Jack rolled his eyes, in the process catching a glimpse of something behind him. He twisted round, but there was nothing there. Zach saw him.

"Got the jitters?"

"No. I saw something behind me, but it vanished."

"Probably just your eye playing tricks on you." said Melody

"I'm not sure it is. I keep noticing something in the corner of my eye, every few minutes or so." said Zach looking round

"I suppose it must just be an animal." said Jack, and walked on.

Zach was concerned.

"Hey, C.C?" said Zach, "Can those goggles of yours detect heat signatures?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I think we are being followed."

Edited by Jammiedodger714

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