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C.C remained on the surface.

"What are you doing?" Asked Joe.

"Um I don't think they make wet suits in ferret sizes." C.C replied.

"I think there is a junkyard near here I'll try to construct a submarine I'll meet with you guys later." Said C.C.

"I'll help!" Said Joe coming out of the water.

  • Author
  Bob the Construction Man said:
I think we have a communication problem here...

The base where I am is no where near the water, it's in a desert area.

I was hinting from the first post of this chapter you were underwater, especially the part when I said you look out the window and see some fish swim past. :tongue: Can we continue as it is? That way, what I would like to happen just might. :classic:

JD, that was classic. :laugh: I shall remember this, though. :devil:

I really don't know how to work off of all this, though. Um, this is just a plot filler, I guess... :look:

Underwater, the rest of them tested to make sure the breathing apparatus worked.

So far, so good. thought Garviel.

Oh... Great... thought Jack, moving his line of vision to Melody, who was watching him with wide eyes.

She ran her right index finger across her neck, winked, and turned away.

Aw naw... he thought. Now I'm going to be the target of all the revenge she can muster.

Robert tried to say some words, to test if the equipment had headsets built in.

"Hello?" he said.

"Robert?" Melody answered.

"Cool! These things have microphones built in! We gotta save a few of these..."

"Yeah, yeah. Are we all on the same frequency?"

She could hear Robert stifle a laugh.

"Frequency? These things don't have frequencies. Everyone can hear us. Hey, Garviel, can you hear me?"

"Yah! You?" Garviel responded.

"Same," said Robert.

"Jack, can you hear me?" Melody asked.


"Good... YOU LITTLE-"


Meanwhile, aboveground...

Chris and Joe fumbled with pieces of junk.

Joe began laughing.

"What is it now?" Chris asked, looking up.

"You're really going to make a full sized-submarine out of this junk?"

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong," said Chris. He grabbed some tubing. "I didn't say it was a full-sized submarine."

Chris grabbed Rodriego and put him next to the tubing. He was measuring how long the tubing needed to be.

He pulled out a pocket knife and started cutting.

"You're making a ferret sized submarine?" Joe asked.

Chris looked up again.

"Yep," he winked, and resumed building.

Edited by Striker

When the mini-sub was done the team headed into the water.

" That base is larger than I expected" CC said

" I hope the humans are friendly" said Melody

" If they're alive" Joe said

Actually, only you, Chris, and Rodriego are aboveground. The rest of us are already underwater, I believe. :wink:

A submarine slowly approached the underwater base....."Sir, Submarine approaching!" yelled a liutenant to Bob. "Arm weapons!" replied Bob. Turrets rose out of the sea bed. The approaching sub luanched missiles, quickly destroying the turrets. The sub docked with the base... "Sir, breach in docking hatch 6!" said the liutenant exitedly. "All security to docking hatch 6!" yelled Bob's voice over the com on the entire base. A black figure slaughtered the security personel attepmting to stop him. He left behind him, a bloody and gory mess..... "Assassin X here, am aproaching target..." said the black figure over his radio as he approached the meeting area, where the leaders were still debating......

"I'll deal with it myself, Johnson, Darnk, with me. Send the rest of security and the soldiers to the meeting room. If you don't hear from me in five minutes after I've made contact, evacuate the leaders." Bob said.

"Yes sir." The Liuetenant said.

Bob walked down to where water was seeping in where the assassin first arrived. Blood pools were being overtaken by water, and the mysterious figure exited his shuttle again, with some more equipment. The figure took out his sword, and blocked the two attacks from the two soldiers, throwing his sword at one, and shooting the other with his pistol.

"This is going to be fun. You look like a challenge." the figure said.

"Interesting, it appears that you've killed my two troops." Bob said.

"You won't hold me off for long." the figure added.

He threw a sword to Bob. He caught it.

"I've made contact." Bob said.

The two engaged in combat.

" Hey CC?"

" Yeah Joe?"

" This Bob guy you were telling me about, do you think he could be in this base?"

" I don't know." answered CC

"I'll try to scan for him with the detectix." Said C.C.

"And?" said Joe a few minutes later."

Well he's their along with many others." Said C.C in a worried tone.

"And what's is the problem?" said Joe.

"all the the other beings are either dead or something much worse non-human when I scanned the creatures biosignature it had no record of that creature ever existing." Said C.C.

"Which is..."

"Bad very very bad." Said C.C finishing Joe's sentence.

Just scooting up the story. :wink:


Edited by computerbug

Meanwhile, underwater...

The group was almost to the base, chatting it up.

"I just remembered something," said Garviel.

"What's that?" Melody responded.

"We're going to have to walm around soaking wet when we get there."

"Why's that?"

"Because we couldn't bring our stuff down here! Which means we're going to have to walm around in these supid outfits, soaking, shivering, and we'll probably have a lack of energy," Garviel sounded disappointed.

"I'm positive they'll have a change of clothes for us, and some towels, and maybe some nice showers. I need some conditioner, man, I'm sick of these tangles," she said, rolling her eyes.

What a drama queen, thought Robert.


"Hey, Jack?" Mark said into his headset.

"Yah?" Jack responded.

"Once we get to this base, you think they'll have a buffet lined up for us?"

"... Sure? If not, we can probably get them to. It's most likely a paradise down there."

Oh how wrong you are, Jack!


Down in the base, the leaders of the world were sitting in their seats, fiddling with their fingers.

They heard loud clunking and crashing, and an occasional scream.

The President of the once United States sat staring into nothingness.

"Mr. Presiden-" one of the last guards began.

"What?!" he said rather loudly.


"Sorry, I'm kind of, well, scared right now. Our final moments could be these. And it's... frightening. It's a sad thought. We've done all this, came all this way for nothing. And if we die... the rest of the living people may, too."

The young guard stood there, taking it in.

The rest of the leaders stared at the two.

"Well? What are we supposed to do? Just sit here and see if Willians comes back alive?" one of them said.

"And what it's been 10 minutes and still no word other then his "I've made contact" thing, and I'd prefer to get out of here," another said.

"I know, I know. Me too. But this is for the sake of the rest of humanity. We can't let them down, or that's it. The human race dies..." said the President.


The group reached a platform of the base.

"How do we get in?" Mark asked.

"Not sure," responded Garviel.

"Maybe we should just open this hatch?" Jack said, laughing.

He twisted open the hatch, and the group swam in. Water flooded the room. There were senors to tell when the room was filled, so that the room could be drained.

Once the room was filled, and the team was in, Jack put down the hatch and closed it as tight as he could.

There was a beep from a sensor, and the water began to drain. Once the water was gone, each one removed their breathing apparatus.

Jack walked over to another hatch, this one the size of a regular door, and opened it.

To their suprise, there was nobody there.

"Where is everybody?" Garviel asked, stepping in the hallway.

"I don't know..." said Melody.

First, silence...

And then a cry of pain.

"What's going on here...?" Jack said.


Chris and Joe had finished Rodriego's ferret-sized submarine.

"I can't believe you did that in ten minutes," said Joe, grinning.

"Don't ever doubt me. I can do things the rest of the team don't even know."

"Such as?"

"It's a secret. It wouldn't be a secret anymore if I told you," Chris said, and winked.


"Alright Rodriego! Prepare to go where no ferret has gone before!"

Chris placed the submarine in the water gently.

The mini-sub went below the water.

Chris and Joe looked at each other.

"Well, I guess we should start going," said Chris, pulling out two breathing apparatus for them. He handed one to Joe, and they put them on, and dived into the murky water.

Edited by Striker

Bob kept fighting him, blocking his every move, while his opponent blocked his. The two clashed their swords at each other, while the security running down there kept getting slashed down. Bob had almost told them to stop, but he figured not to. Their deaths might distract him.

"You are a formidable opponent." the figure said.

"As are you." Bob replied.

"But I am better!" he said as he slashed down another soldier.

The two continued to fight, swords meeting each others. before long, a rather large soldier simply jumped at the man, throwing him off balance. The assassin stabbed him in the chest, but it was too late. Bob finished the duel by stabbing the assassin in the chest, the mysterious man fell back, dead.

"It's okay. He's dead." Bob panted to the conference room.

"Congratulations General, now you can add saving the World Leaders to your resume." the president said.

A marine shuffled up to Bob.

"Sir, we have more intruders."

"Where?" Bob said, exhausted.

"Docking Bay 94 sir."

"Come on Marine." Bob said.

Another group of troopers and Bob ran off to the area.

As Jack, Melody, Garviel, and Eskellon walked down the hallway they heard voices.

" This is are only chance to save the human race Bob,"

" This is it Mr. president."

Before they could open the door they heard a gun click.

They all froze immediately.

Eskallon bravely turned around.

There, ten feet behind them, Bob and a marine had appeared out of a hallway, and were pointing guns at them.

"Oh, thank God it's you! I was worried I was going to have to face a whole group of assassins!" Bob said, jogging over to them.

H led them back to the hall he had entered and began his story.


Five minutes later, Jack piped up.

"You still got it, Bob," he said.

"Haha, I just stay fit," he said, half-smirking, half-smiling.

When they entered the meeting room, the leaders of the world stood up.

Bob nudged Jack with his elbow.

"Huh? Oh, sorry."

He saluted them all.

The team looked et Jack, and decided they should be respectful.

The rest of the team also saluted.

"Bob, are these the people you were telling us about? The ones that were helping you?" the President of the US asked.

"Yes, Mr. President," he nodded.

He looked at the rag-tag, soaking wet group.

"Hard workers. I like it. Bob, you obviously did a good job leading them."

"Actually, Mr. president, that would be Zach Smith, who's currently in our infirmary..."

"Oh. I see. Well, anyway, you still have all done a very good job. Thank you for all you've done. But now, we must get down to business."

"Right," said Bob. "What happened while I was away?"

Melody glared at Jack, frowning. He blushed, then turned back to Bob.

"Wait, where's Chris and his ferret?" Bob asked.

"All three of them stayed behind to make the ferret a mini-submarine..."

"Wait, the three?" Bob asked.

"Yes, that's right, you weren't with us... Uh, we ran into another guy. His name's Joe Stoltz," Jack said.

"Ah... I see! Well, that's always good to know, you know, that there's actually more living people out there," said Bob.

"That's for sure," said Eskallon.

"Bob, can we all get a change of clothes?" Garviel asked.

"Yeah, and do you have any fully-equiped bathrooms with showers and bathtubs?" Melody asked, hopeful.

"And maybe some rooms for us to stay in?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, we have those. You'll have to steal the clothes from the deceased troops' rooms, but we have rooms and showers."

"Excellent!" the three said at once.

"Can we please start this meeting now?" the President asked, starting to get annoyed.

"Yes, sir, sorry," Bob said. "Alright, guys, take a seat..."

I'd prefer to have Bob post next, and have him do his thing here. He's the one who knows what he wants to do. :wink:

As the conference continued, a figure clad in black slowly skulked off with the body of the Assasin.....

Later, in a dark room, a shock sprang a robotic body to life. A figure stood nearby. "Hmph." said the figure, watching as the robotic body rose. "Where am I?" said the mechanized voice, obviously on the alert. "I have brought you here." said the figure. "Oh. It's you." replied the mechanical voice. "You have failed me." said the figure. "And you would have been dead if I hadn't retreived your body." continued the figure. "I will not fail you again." said the robotic voice. "Good." replied the figure. "You must assasinate Bob Williams. He might be of inconvenience. "Why don't you do it? You're one of the world leaders, it would be simple." "Ah, yes, but we must make these events, the death of Bob Williams, and the takeover, look unrelated. Then I will gain the political support." "And my money?" replied the robotic voice. "You will get it when you kill Williams." said the figure darkly.

"Well, I propose we get down to business." the President said.

"What do you mean?" The French President said.

"I'm proposing total world unity."

The room up roared.

"That's preposterous! After a year of nuclear fighting we just unify!" the Japanese Prime Minister said.

"It could work, I agree with it." The British President said.

"Never! Never ever!" Said the Australian Prime Minister.

"China will never ally with Japan or Australia!"

"I approve of this motion!" The Russian President said.

"Order, order now!" The President said.

"We must unify, it is our only chance of survival at this stage." Bob said.

"Who the hell are you? You are just some General." An Italian official shot to Bob.

"Do we really need to go over who he is again? He just saved your lives." The president said.

"This is what we must do. If you do not approve, all of our governments will simply fizzle out and die. Anarchy will reign!" Bob said.

"I agree, this is what we must do." A Canadian man said.

"All in favor of unionizing?" The President asked.

A few group members raised their hands. As time went on, a few more cautiously raised their hands up. Caving to pressure, all the ambassadors, leaders, and officials raised their hands. All fifty countries in attendance would hereby unify.

"Congratulations gentlemen, we are no longer Canada, the United States, China, or South Africa even. We are all now people who reside on the Planet of Earth, our countries name shall hereby be Earth." Bob said.

"Now, let's get down to work on the technical business." the President said.

"Excuse me." Jack spoke up.

"Yes?" The president said.

"I'd like to go see my friend."

"I'll escort them sir." Bob said.

"Go, go." The President said.

Suddenly the shadow sparked back to life then started having a seizure but he seemed to be changing suddenly the shadow soaked into the floor.

"Where did he go?" Said the robot.

"Right here" The walls said echoing in every part of the sea base.

The specter then came out of a wall right next to the robot.

"I feel different... I feel more powerful!" Said the specter. "I seem to have changed into a new form a very ghost like form." Said The specter

"I can transform too." Said the specter shaping into a strange looking monster.


With this new found power I can kill Bob and his friends too!" Said the specter. {insert evil cackle}

Zach awoke when the group walked in.

"Guys... I guess I saved you, huh?" he said weakly, grinning. "But... Why are you all in swimsuits?"

The group looked down at themselves, and remembed that they still hadn't changed.

"Uh... We didn't exactly have any way of transportation... so we had to swim," said Jack.

"You held your breath all the way down here?" Zach asked.

"Nope," Jack held up his breathing apparatus.

"I didn't know we brought those along..." Zach said, looking mildly confused.

"Neither did we," said Melody, walking over to his bedside and sitting. "Jack got a little too comfomfortable back at camp, didn't you, Jack?"

"Hey! It was an accident!"

"Accident?! Yeah right!"

"Hey, just because you're too lazy to close the ten-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Bob shouted.

Melody and Jack looked at Bob, and back at each other. They hung their heads like guilty puppies.

"Zach, are you doing alright?" Bob asked.

"I'm better than I was. I lost that pulsing pain in my head," Zach said.

"Excellent. We'll have the doctor come in and check on you... Wait, did the doctor survive?" Bob asked.

Everyone looked at each other. A couple of them shrugged.

"Hrm. Zach, are you in a lot of pain?" Bob asked him.

"Not much. Why?"

"Because I don't know where the pain killer medicine is."

"Oh. Let's hope I don't hurt myself again, huh?" Zach mumbled.

"For your sake, yes. And that goes for the rest of you, too," Bob told them all.

At that moment , a big black monster crashed through the room window and landed on Mark.

"AAAAHHH!" he screamed. He pulled out his light sword, switched it on, and stabbed it in the eye.

The monster howled, and began saying words that they couldn't understand. Bluish blood drained out of the socket.

John and Melody pulled out their guns and began shooting it.

John shot a direct bulls-eye in it's head with a charged shot.

It's head exploded, blue blood splaterred all over the room, covering the team.

In the background, Garviel vomitted, wiped his mouth, and acted as if he hadn't.

"Well... didn't see that coming," said Jack.

"Mark, you okay?" Melody asked as she ran over to him, pulling him up.

"Yeah... wow... that thing was scary..."

Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound.

Another window was broken... And the monster was gone.

Edited by Striker

*In the distance, "IT'S A TRAP!" can be heard.* :grin:

"What was that?!" asked Zach.

"Dunno.."Jack replied.

"Maybe it was an assassin of sorts here to kill us." Bob said. :look:


"Who do you think would've sent it, maybe that Assassin X guy..."

"Who in the what now?"

"Someone called Assassin X came to kill me (obviously) earlier, I handled him though."

"It does seem likely he'd send backup if he was killed."

Hooray for letting other people finish my post! :laugh:

Edited by YG-49

Following Strikers post.

"We are recieving a transmition!" said one of the marines.

Then from the marine's walkie talkie came a blurry panicy voice.

"Ahh! Open the air lock it's me C.C! Now let us in hurry!" Screamed C.C through the walkie talkie.

"Okay lets go!" Said Melody.

They rush to an elevator type vehicle that traveled on a cord like a sky-wire. Mark clicked the button labeled "Airlock room."

Then they all walked to the airlockand pressed a big button.

C.C Joe and rodriego all tumbled into the building tangled in squid tenicles but then a shark came and started chewing on the squids head.

"Shut the door! Shut the door!" Screamed C.C.

"Uhhh... Okay!" Said melody pressing the button again causing the shark to get decapitated when the door shut.

When joe and C.C got untangled Joe walked tward the the group ut C.C walked backwaeds nervously then bumped into Mark and yelped.

"Thank goodness we are here!" Said Joe.

C.C staggared over to the mini sub and let rodriego out.

"Zach are you able to get out of bed" asked Eskallon

"Yeah sure" replied Zach as he jumped out of bed

"How about we go get something to eat" suggested Garviel

"Yeah but lets change clothes first" replied Joe

Once most of the group had gotten into new clothes, one was taking a bit longer then the others.

Zach, Eskallon, Jack, and John all were waiting at the greenhouse, which was just down the hall from the bathroom stalls.


"I wonder what's taking her so long?" Jack asked.

"Remember, Jack, she's a girl. They take a long time for everything," said Eskallon.

Jack was fed up.


"Mel, get out here! Now! What is taking you so long?!" Jack shouted off to the stalls.

"Alright! Alright! Hold on," she replied.

"I swear, why didn't we just stick to an all male team?" Jack asked himself, rolling his eyes.


And then, she strode down the hallway wearing a dark red dress.

The group did a double-take.


"Why are you dressed up so fancy?" Zach asked.

"Well, if we're going to dine with the leaders of the world, I should look good, shouldn't I?"

"True... but where'd you find the dress?" John asked.

"I have my ways. I did what Bob said; I went through the rooms," said Melody.

"Er... We were supposed to take the clothes of the dead soldiers, not steal from important people," said Jack.

"Yeah, that's true. And it's itchy, too..." she said, scratching her back. "But as long as I don't look like..."

She looked them over.

"As long as I don't look like you guys, I'm in the clear," she said, and winked.

"Come on, let's go. I'm starving..." said Eskallon, walking off down the hall.

Everyone agreed to head for the meeting room, where dinner was being served.



The two staff members watched as the five people walked away. Soon, they had disappeared down another hallway.


"Did you see that chick? Dude, she stole that dress I bought for my girlfriend!" the geeky younger man said.

"Oh, suck it up. She looked hot, though..." the bearded man exclaimed.

"True. Hey, what's that clunking?"

"What clunking?"


They both stood still, screaming, watching as a giant monster raced to them, preparing to dine. It's too bad they weren't smart enough to run... Not that it would have made much of a difference.



The pair were dragged off into the greenhouse, and were torn to shreds.

Blood splattered the wall, the creature ripped through the fence, taking the two men with it.


It was undeniable.

There was a monster on the loose. And only one man could figure out how to stop it.

Zach Smith.


"I could be eating with World Leaders and Ambassadors, but instead I'm eating with ragtag fighters, and a no-name leaders." the President of the U.S. said.

"Think about it this way, would you rather be proper and eat with a bunch of stuffy leaders, or us?" Bob asked.

"You, I suppose." he said as he took a long sip of his drink.


"You know, you didn't need to take that dress." Zach said.

"But, don't I look fabulous?" Melody asked.


"And that's when I realized I wasn't going to have a good day." Mark said.

"How unfortunate" Jack replied.

"Well of course you weren't going to have a good day, you were stuck in a factory of homicidal robots!" Garviel said, not understanding the joke.


"So, I was stuck underground with Bob over there, and then guess what happens." Bob's brother said.

"What?" asked the Russian Ambassador.

"Some guy hits me over the head!"

"What happened next?" he asked.

"I don't remember, I was knocked out cold."

"You know, you look a lot like your brother over there."

"I get that sometimes."


"This clam is gigantic!" Eskallon said.

"Yeah, but it still looks good." Robert said.

"Err...you want it?" Eskallon asked.

"Sure!" Robert exclaimed, happy.


"Sir, we have a problem." the butler said.

"What?" Bob asked.

"We've found the bloody remains of two crew."

"Lock down the site, I'll be there in a few minutes." Bob said.

"I suppose I'm going to go eat with the rest of the leaders?" the President asked.

"Yes. It is for your own benefit." Bob said.

"Come on everyone, get your weapons too, we might need them." Zach said.

This is for you Striker, post your MOC from the previous post and put the battle there.



Sorry if your character is not included or wearing the wrong thing in my photos as I only have a limited amount of figs.


"Everyone there are Aliens on board in large groups along with terrible monsters!!" cried the chef

"Then a guard entered and calmly said" Don't worry people we have locked all the doors in this room, you are safe"


Just then a type of alien came through the vent and attacked the president of the USA and making him unconscious.


"Team shoot that alien!!" shouted Zach

"I was beggining to miss the action :tongue: " said John

"For, god sake the alien won't die!!"

"Lets get out of here before the alien makes us unconscious too" shouted Eskallon above the noise of the guns

"Head through the vents!!" shouted Joe


"Here we go, ohh nice butt Melody" said Bob :tongue:

"Shut up and stop staring or I will blast off your head" screamed Melody from Inside the vent


"I wonder if the leaders are ok" said Bob

"Well they might not even be alive" answered Garviel

"The look on there faces though when the alien appeared though" giggled Sam

"Yeah, that was pretty good, but we are lucky that most the leader's are dining elsewhere" said Zach



The president of the USA shot the alien to its point where it could take no more, unfortunately his vice president was dead along with the Belgium leader and the leader of Canada.




The President came down and then said "I was going to tell you at dinner but here is the news."

"What news" asked John as he interrupted

"Let me finish" said the President

"Ok sorry" interrupted John again

"Well, we want to disscuss further about what the arrangment's would be for this world union. We will hold a meeting later about this and we can disscuss all the details"

"Few, I thought you were gonna tell us something important like we were going to England, ha that would be funny :laugh:" said Melody

"Well that was my original idea :blush: " said the President

Edited by Eskallon

"So they're going to a meeting, eh?" said the robotic voice of Assassin X, hiding behind the door. "Then maybe they'll run into some unexpected trouble. Hehehehehehehe....."

Edited by Zapper Brick

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