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Hi everybody, I'm desultor, a.k.a. Jack Wingard.

I live in California, USA. I hope that's alright... I think I've seen other Americans on here, and the header graphic says you're "uniting LEGO fans around the world." I'll just pretend that Eurobricks refers to the fact that our beloved LEGO was born in Europe and mostly made there still. :wink:

I found your lovely community by following a link from the Brothers Brick to some recent reviews by svelte_corps, and your awesome collection of reviews and thriving forums convinced me to join.

LEGO was my favorite toy growing up, among Matchbox cars, Micro Machines, and Nintendo. My favorite themes were Castle, Space, City, and Technic, which I fortunately kept crated up through the Dark Ages. (Pics of representative cherished sets below.)

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This year I wanted something to do for my morning and afternoon work-breaks. I didn't want to waste time walking away from my desk, and reading at 10 minute stretches didn't work. So I tried breaking out an old LEGO set; instantly re-kindled love!

I'm now MOCing my King's Castle at work, and at home I've built the Medieval Market Village and the $20 clearance Space Skulls. The Hail-fire droid set is up next, and my wife is rationing out a Soldiers' Fort piece each day I work on my master's thesis. The X-pod game is in the mail to complete my collection, and I'm seriously considering throwing down another $100 on Indy's Temple Escape and the new Drawbridge Defense. Clearly I need psychiatric help!

Thanks for reading this; I look forward to meeting and further reading and posting with you fine FOLs!



Welcom to Eurobricks Desultor! :thumbup:

Yes you Americains may join, just keep in mind that Europe is cooler, much cooler then the US. :tongue:

That is a nice collection of classic sets you have there, especially that castle is great. (I wouldn't pass up if i find a good deal on one.)

And you don't need psychiatric help, here we are all alike, some even starving themselves to get a set. :laugh:

If you find any problems posting on the boards, please check out the tutorial index, a link is in my signature. :wink:

Again welcome, and have fun on the boards!


Welcome to Euorbricks!

Of course we Americans are welcome here. If not, I wuldn't be welcoming you right now. X]

And if you are interested in those reviews be sure to check out the Reviewers Academy. :]


Thanks guys!

I totally agree that Europe is cooler. I've gotten soft though, and now prefer the warmer climate of southern California. :wink:

Thanks for your empathy for my addiction - at least we're all in this together! What is it they say... the first step is admitting that you have a problem.


Hey Desultor! Welcome to Eurobricks. I hope you have fun here, though I don't understand why you think you need help *huh* . If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!

Yes you Americains may join, just keep in mind that Europe is cooler, much cooler then the

Yes I always found Europe to be colder than the US. You have to remember to bring a jacket with you everywhere you go...annoying really. :tongue:

Welcome. Always nice to have a fellow Californian here. Psychiatric help is a given here. I can't wait to see some of your work.


No Psychiatric help is needed here. But if you really need to help, I would say go get a motorcycle. How many do you see out in front of a Pshrinks office?

Anyways...Welcome to Eurobricks. There are plenty of us here stateside! Enjoy!

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