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WARNING: Most of you don't seem to have even the vaguest clue what this game is about, so it's going to be explained in today's opening. In detail. Slow, painful detail. At least 3 times. PAY ATTENTION! A list will be kept, a list of people who don't get it and make comments that violate the spirit of the game, not entirely unlike TheBrickster's "Blooper" concept in Emerald Express. As the violations pile up, one of those people will be randomly punished. One way or another, I'm going to make it clear. :grin:

Galactic Paranoia


Day 6: Black Sun Rising

Each member of the newly formed joint mission team settled in to their quarters, then arrived early for their first briefing in this new format.


"Uh, hello." "Hi." :look:


Initially, they stay completely seperated, Rebels on one side of the room, Imperials on the other. Looks are exchanged, a few forced pleasantries, but there is no mixing of the groups. Clearly, no one is particularly happy about this arrangement, but in time, things will change. They won't have a choice if they want to survive, let alone succeed.


Commander Blazer and Admiral Blaire meet outside the conference room.

Commander Blazer: "Well Jek, this is it, the moment of truth."

Admiral Blaire: "I suppose we'd better get in there and see what happens. I haven't been this nervous since the Assault on Raldir."

Commander Blazer: "You were at Randir? Me too!"

Admiral Blaire: "I was second in command of the occupation forces, it was hell. The commander of the opposing forces kept expecting our moves and countering perfectly. Weirdest battle ever, it was like fighting myself."

Commander Blazer: "Uh, well, that was me." :blush:

Admiral Blaire: "Well, you old gundark!"


Commander Blazer and Admiral Blaire enter the room together, continuing their animated discussion of the past. The conversation seems to be getting heated, then just as quickly, they start laughing like the best of friends.

Commander Blazer: "You know, I never would have believed it, but in the long run, we had the same goals, we just didn't always use the same methods."

Admiral Blaire: "Well, the Emperor was a strange man, cold and vicious, but he led a lot of us to believe that we were fighting for law and order, to keep the uncivilized both safe and under control for their own good. It was a pompous vision of things, but had some merits, if only he had been a good man. We realise now that he wasn't, it's one of the reasons we want peace so badly, there has been far too much war."

Commander Blazer: "I understand completely. Even now, I'm having a hard time convincing them that this is all real. They were born during this war, they've never known anything else, they still can't find trust in their hearts."

Admiral Blaire: "We're in the same position on that as well, but maybe this experience will change that. Maybe it takes having a common enemy to bring people together."

Commander Blazer: "We've certainly got that in Black Sun, I hope we're up to the task."

Grand Admiral Volrik walks in, startling the former Rebels who weren't expecting someone with his kind of presence. Pretty much startling the Imperials, too, and they should be used to him by now.

Members of the two groups look at each other and their reactions and sort of chuckle, then realise, nervously, that they felt the same way. It isn't much, but for a moment, they share a common feeling, an understanding. The stares turn into curiousity as they wonder what else they have in common, and how they will find peace with their former enemies. If they survive that long.

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Let's get started."

Commander Blazer: "We should wait, sir, we're being joined via viewscreen by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Who?"

Admiral Blaire: "Sir? Surely you've heard of Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Don't call me Shirley, and no I haven't."

Admiral Blaire: "That's a really old joke, sir."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Joke? Don't start that again."

Commander Blazer: "I heard this really funny joke about a jedi, a sith..."

Admiral Blaire: "Oh..." :look:

Commander Blazer: "It's a good one!" :sceptic:

Admiral Blaire: "Sir, Luke Skywalker singlehandedly destroyed the first Death Star, his father was Darth Vader. Is this helping?"

Grand Admiral Volrik: "OH! That Luke Skywalker. I was thinking of a painting I once heard of."

Admiral Blaire: "Same one."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "A painting destroyed the first Death Star? I'm impressed. It must have been either really good or really bad."

Admiral Blaire: "Yes sir..."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I knew a watercolour once that caused an earthquake."

Commander Blazer: "I heard about that."

Admiral Blaire: "..." :look:

The Admiral turns on the viewscreen just in time to see the painting of Luke Skywalker appear.

Luke Skywalker: "Let's get started."

Admiral Blaire: "You should meet my superiour first, sir."

Luke Skywalker: "Hmmm? Oh, yes, I've heard about him." *huh*

Admiral Blaire: "Luke Skywalker, this is Grand Admiral Volrik, Grand Admiral Volrik, this is Luke Skywalker."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I'm not stupid, I know who this is."

Admiral Blaire: "But sir..."

Luke Skywalker: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Admiral."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Grand Admiral."

Luke Skywalker: "No, I'm a Jedi Master."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I meant that I'm a Grand Admiral."

Luke Skywalker: "Right. What does it take to become a Grand Admiral?"

Grand Admiral Volrik: "A silly hat."

Luke Skywalker: "You seem to be imminently qualified."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I like you already. Damn shame about that whole Death Star incident."

Commander Blazer: "Should we get started now?"

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Yes, this is a serious matter."

Luke Skywalker: "I'd like to take a moment to address the group, if I may."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Go right ahead."

Luke Skywalker: "Thank you, Grand Admiral." *long pause* "I, like many of you, was born during this war. I grew up hearing the stories, I even wanted to join the Imperial Academy at one point, it was a common dream for a young boy, especially one who didn't see many opportunities in his future.

When my opportunity arose, circumstances thrust me into the Rebellion instead. It was less a choice and more the guidance of the force, I believe.

My father was the Emperor's strongest supporter and personally responsible for much of the evil that was done. He was misled, but he allowed himself to be. He was weak and fearful, and hid that by becoming strong and cruel. He went from being deceived to being deceptive, from being a victim to being a victimizer.

I am my father's son. I am both good and evil, as we all are. I have seen the darkness and the light. Before me today, I see an opportunity. An opportunity to set things right.

Set aside your own weakness and fear, set aside all the lies you've been told about each other. Look at your former enemies and realise that you don't even know each other yet. Talk to them. Eat with them. Break down the barriers.

We came together initially to make peace, and this is the ultimate test of it. We face a common enemy, an enemy that wants to undo all the good that has been done, that wants to keep this war going forever, for in war is profit and profit is all these gangsters crave. Stop them by stopping yourself from being prejudiced and full of hatred for each other. Stop them by being friends."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Thank you, Master Skywalker, those were truly inspired words that I hope our young men and women, er.. woman, will understand."

Luke Skywalker: "Tell me, do you have a qualified mortician?"

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Do I look like I need one?" :sceptic:

Luke Skywalker: "Well... Um. Ours was killed and we have no one who can determine loyalty."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "Yet you people were killing members of the team, night after night, knowing you couldn't even determine if they were loyal?"

Luke Skywalker: "Only once. She deserved it anyway. We assume the rest were done by Black Sun."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I see. Yes, we do have a mortician who can determine the loyalty of anyone who is put to death."

Luke Skywalker: "Excellent. At this point, the team should understand the situation and be ready to stop thinking of each other as enemies, realising that we came together for peace, and peace we will have, as long as we can stop Black Sun from destroying us from within."

Grand Admiral Volrik: "I don't know, they aren't very bright sometimes, I'm going to spell it out in detail for the slow ones.

Listen and listen good!

Put aside your past differences. There is no Empire and no Rebellion here, there is only the side of peace and the side of chaos and war. We came here to end this war. THIS WAR ENDS HERE!

Black Sun has infiltrated both the Empire and the Rebellion and will do anything to keep it going. They will attempt to create distrust between us. It won't be hard, we already have decades of distrust that we can fall back on. We mustn't allow that.

If I hear you people talking about "them", spitting out their names with distaste, it damn well better be directed at Black Sun, because they are the only enemy now.

They have members sitting in this room as we speak. Find them, kill them. End of story. And in the interest of open cooperation, voting will no longer be done in private. You will be expected to make your accusations right here in the conference room. It's about time we saw where people's loyalties lie."

Luke Skywalker: "I agree completely and that about covers it. May the force be with you."

Commander Blazer and Admiral Blaire, in unison: "You have your orders. DISMISSED!"

The Team (In Alphabetical Order)

100_6352_avvie_dead.jpg Adley "Newbie" Ahm (Black Sun Operative) - Played by Adam

100_6366_avvie.jpg Pvt. Terris "Toupée" Bentman - Played by Tim Bit

100_6361_avvie.jpg Pvt. Nester Brand - Played by Natman8000

100_6370_avvie.jpg Pvt. Boden Constrek - Played by Bob the Construction Worker

100_6334_avvie.jpg Pvt. Razak Crade - Played by Ricecracker

100_6343_avvie_dead.jpg Pvt. Darek Dasner (Loyal) - Played by Da Death Star

100_6360_avvie_dead.jpg Pvt. Signicious Drumthwack (Loyal) - Played by Silent-Sigfig

100_6364_avvie.jpg Pvt.Wedge Durnkist - Played by Wouwie

100_6353_avvie.jpg Widanko "Wiseguy" Fenk (Loyal) - Played by Whitefang

100_6350_avvie.jpg Edner "Eddie" Flak - Played by Escape the Fate

100_6369_avvie.jpg Pvt. Pepper Fletchman - Played by Professor Flitwick

100_6337_avvie.jpg Pvt. Al Iztad - Played by Alice

100_6363_avvie.jpg Pvt. Drake Knator - Played by Dragonator

100_6368_avvie.jpg Pvt. Danko "Whatshisname" Legovski - Played by Darth Legois

100_6344_avvie.jpg Pvt. Quincy J. Mann - Played by Quarryman

100_6367_avvie.jpg Pvt. Trent "Madman" Maverick - Played by Trexxen

100_6359_avvie_dead.jpg Pvt. Zariah Phervik (Loyal) - Played by Zepher

100_6357_avvie_dead.jpg Sarge (Loyal) - Played by Stash2Sixx

100_6333_avvie.jpg Sgt. Tong Pincer - Played by Tiny Pies R Us

100_6335_avvie_dead.jpg Pvt. Hincklina Ross (Unknown Allegiance) - Played by Hinckley

100_6349_avvie_dead.jpg Pvt. Ivy Shadowspark (Loyal) - Played by Imperial Shadows

100_6351_avvie.jpg Dayton Stern - Played by Sir Dillon

Where the hell did all the beautiful women go!? *huh*

Well, hello everyone, I'm Drake Knator. :classic: Glad to meet you all, although I was certain there were more women with the rebellion. Ah well, can't have everything. :look:

So, you guys have some Black Sun bastards with you as well, do you? Sounds like they've been causing a fair bit of trouble over the past few years, I'm looking forward to killing a few. :sweet:

Where the hell did all the beautiful women go!? *huh*

Well, hello everyone, I'm Drake Knator. :classic: Glad to meet you all, although I was certain there were more women with the rebellion. Ah well, can't have everything. :look:

So, you guys have some Black Sun bastards with you as well, do you? Sounds like they've been causing a fair bit of trouble over the past few years, I'm looking forward to killing a few. :sweet:

Hi Drake. I'm Al. Our beautiful women are dead. One died at the hands of our night killer and the other by vote. We investigated Ivy and found her to be loyal. I suspect they were both loyal to the Rebels and they were really hot. One of our pilots is a traitor. We aren't sure which one because we lack an investigator and the one night the investigator was available to us, our liason chose to investigate someone dead rather than living. I have my suspicions about which pilot is a traitor.

I completely and fully trust Dayton. I think he is definitely loyal to not only the Rebels but also the peace that we have agreed to. Of course, I probably shouldn't fully trust anyone because the unknown alien who spoke to us talked about The Black Sun spreading. I also think Eddie is innocent of these charges. I'm not as sure about him as I am about Dayton, but I am fairly sure. Just call it a superhero's instinct. That leaves Adley. Adley is new and the most likely to be a traitor. I don't know how to pin it down because its mostly by process of elimination. I can tell you this. If we don't vote for him tonight, another innocent member will die.

And Helloooo Pepper!!! :wink:

Hello everyone! My name is Boden Constrek, but, you can call me Boden.

I personally don't have any leads, however, I think that we should go and look for the inactive people first. Maybe their silence means that they are hiding something?

Personally, I think that the two sides, the Imperials and the Rebels, can work together to purge the Black Sun from us. Who's with me!?

Greetings gentleman and lady. I'm Nester Brand, but you can call me Nas. I don't we've been anymore successful than you have for rooting out spies. So lets get cracking! Boden, you bring an interesting point in the inactive players. One could keep a closed mouth for quite some time and keep their secret hidden. They should say something at least.

Hm.. welcome, it's good we put differences aside inorder to co-operate and destroy a bigger threat. And hellllooo Al... :wink:

Where the hell did all the beautiful women go!?

:angry: Right here!

Hello everyone I'm Terris Bentman.

We have also done a pretty crappy job of finding traitors.

Let's hope now that were together we can do a better job.

Hi everyone, I'm Pvt. Razak Crade. I personally have my suspicions with Eddie, and think getting rid of him would help us greatly.

Well, hi'ah everybody! I'm kinda new here. That's why most people call me "Newbie." :look: I'm a pilot!

Hm.. welcome, it's good we put differences aside inorder to co-operate and destroy a bigger threat. And hellllooo Al... :wink:

Hi! My name is Adley, not Al. :sweet: You're hot. I said that correctly, right? I never talked much to girls, so I have trouble hitting on people. :blush:


Oops. :blush: That wasn't me. It came from over there - where I'm not. It did, right?

Greetings everyone, I'm Quincy. I have a great beard, don't you all think it's magnificent? :blush:

Hi everyone, I'm Pvt. Razak Crade. I personally have my suspicions with Eddie, and think getting rid of him would help us greatly.

Have to agree there, I also have my doubts about Eddie, he seemed way too eager yesterday to accuse other pilots, looked like an attempt to look less suspicious himself to me. So if we're voting for one of the pilots my vote goes to Eddie.

Hello my name is Eddie, and I think we should vote for inactive players since they do us no benefit.

and I think we should vote for inactive players since they do us no benefit.

At least they do us no harm. And, what is a "Player", when there is only one lady left?

And, what is a "Player", when there is only one lady left?

By that logic, I'm afraid we're all inactive players. :cry_sad:

Thanks for the support Al. If you Imperials don't have someone you're particularly suspicious of, I hope you will join us in voting off one of the other pilots. Which one, I'm not sure, but I know Hincklina wanted to kill of Eddie, and I myself am leaning in that direction.

Thanks for the support Al. If you Imperials don't have someone you're particularly suspicious of, I hope you will join us in voting off one of the other pilots. Which one, I'm not sure, but I know Hincklina wanted to kill of Eddie, and I myself am leaning in that direction.

I can't think of anyone I'd like to vote off right now, so I can support this. :classic: Sounds to me like the only solid lead we have...

Hi! My name is Adley, not Al.

I wasn't refering to you, I was talking to Pvt. Al Iztad.

I never talked much to girls, so I have trouble hitting on people.

Yes dear, I picked up on that. :tongue:


Disgusting :sick:

Yes we'll should vote for one of the Rebels, but which?

  • Author

Commander Blazer and Admiral Blaire call a quick meeting to share newly gathered information.

Commander Blazer: "We've called you together because we've intercepted a Black Sun communication."

Admiral Blaire: "Cryptography is still decoding most of it, but the bits we have are very revealing."







Commander Blazer: "Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves, we need to get back to work."

Someone has been converted to the Black Sun's side who was once loyal to us! :look:

The main lead that I have heard so far is Eddie. Eddie do you have any defense against these accusations. Like I said earlier, I'm not entirely sure that you are a traitor, but I also have no evidence to counter that. It seems that Hinckalina made the accusation and then the next thing we knew, she was dead, which builds a pretty strong case against you.

Someone has been converted to the Black Sun's side who was once loyal to us! :look: The main lead that I have heard so far is Eddie. Eddie do you have any defense against these accusations. Like I said earlier, I'm not entirely sure that you are a traitor, but I also have no evidence to counter that. It seems that Hinckalina made the accusation and then the next thing we knew, she was dead, which builds a pretty strong case against you.

If Hinckalia really thought I was suspicious he would have investigated me, but like the rest of us she did not have much evidence, so decided to investigate one of the dead, ivy I think, so my question is whose idea was it to kill ivy shadows, that's who we should go after.

If Hinckalia really thought I was suspicious he would have investigated me, but like the rest of us she did not have much evidence, so decided to investigate one of the dead, ivy I think, so my question is whose idea was it to kill ivy shadows, that's who we should go after.

You don't really make that much sense. Give us a good reason for us to believe that you are loyal. Cause right now, you got a lot of people on your head!

What can I say that has not already been said, just look at the previous days, for I have continually argued that I am innocent, Hinckalia did apolagize for accusing me at the end of day four, I don't blame you for being suspicious, but since we are desperate for a victory over the black sun we may have become a little paranoid, and condeming an individual with circumstancial evidence is unreasonable.

Vote: Edner Flak/Escape the Fate

The only way that we're going to get any solid leads is if we vote you off. If you are innocent, then we know to investigate or kill another pilot tommorow. Maybe we're going to wrong way with the pilots in general.

Anyway you see it, your death aids us...unless you are innocent and in which case we are down another loyal person. If what has been said is true, then we will be down one Black Sun member. However, If you can prove that you are not a Black Sun member, then I will revoke my vote.

However, If you can prove that you are not a Black Sun member, then I will revoke my vote.

That's assuming you can. I too will Vote: Edner Flak/Escape the Fate, though.

I think the fact that everybody is suspecting him for numerous reasons means that there is no doubt in my mind that you will be voted off, Flak. You have been suspected in the past. And with you giving no evidence, I now suspect you.

Vote: Edner Flak/Escape the Fate

Or it could be that someone took the chance to kill Hinckalina since they knew we'd think it'd be Edner....


Vote: Edner Flak


Hello everybody! I'm Pvt. Wedge Durnkist.

So we're all against Eddie?

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