Corvus Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 :-D I like the wave one. Gadget doesn't like water, but every once in a while she'll go wading in our pond, snapping at the water skaters. There's no need to call me by my full name. I realize it's a bit long... :-D
Hinckley Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Cool, I shall call you MM. Riley actually barked at that wave, it was so funny. :-D You can see she's in quite the defensive stance. It really scared the poor girl. Can you believe that is on Lake Michigan? We get some really big currents down here at the southern end of the Great Lakes...
ghoulrealm Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 (edited) Here is my girl. She was a rescue from the grooming shop where I use to work. Her name is Silhouette and she is a Chihuahua/minpin mix. She is at my side every second and even goes to work with me *y* She is afraid of the LEGO clicking sounds and esp. the shooting parts :-D. She is so spoiled she probably thinks I'm her pet. X-D (but she might be right 8- Edited July 24, 2007 by ghoulrealm
Corvus Posted July 24, 2007 Posted July 24, 2007 Cool, I shall call you MM. Riley actually barked at that wave, it was so funny. :-D You can see she's in quite the defensive stance. It really scared the poor girl. Can you believe that is on Lake Michigan? We get some really big currents down here at the southern end of the Great Lakes... Just don't call me Mandy. X-D I've always wanted to go to the Great Lakes, must be fun to live there.
Lt. Col. Thok Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Introducing... Quills! Quills... (ignore the last photo) Quills is a year-old African pygmy hedgehog.
Grand Moff Viceroy Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 (edited) Quills is nice. You should have named him Supreme Commander of the Droid armies or Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Edited July 25, 2007 by Grand Moff Viceroy
captaintau Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 This is Boba, my long-haired Syrian Hamster. Isn't he gorgeous? Now look at that posture; arms crossed, covering the midline, jaw tucked, body turned oblique. He's obviously been studying Wing Chun while I've been at work :-D
Hinckley Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 This is Boba, my long-haired Syrian Hamster. Isn't he gorgeous? Absolutely! And he seems to know it, too! LT Thok, sweet hedgehog! *sweet*
SavaTheAggie Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 Here's our dog, Sienna Rita: We named her Sienna because we were struggling with a name, but given her color was a reddish brown, 'Sienna' fit. She got the name 'Rita' because only a week or so after we got her, we had to evacuate Houston because of Hurricane Rita, and spent 46 hours non-stop in the car with her. (I'll save the story of the 46 hours in the car for another time, perhaps) She's been through a lot, not only the horrible evacuation from the hurricane, but also getting lost for a week in the back-woods of Arkansas. You can read more about that HERE. --Tony
SirNadroj Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 This is my Parrot, Autumn. She is an 8 month old jenday conure. She says 'Hello', 'Step Up', and a slew of other adorable noises. She is the funniest! :-D
UniqueBuilder Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Cute parrot! Now you just gotta learn her some basic words and sentences.. Like "LEGO", "Megabloks suck" Megabloks suck!", "Bley makes me puke! Aark!" and so on.. X-D
SirNadroj Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Thanks! I actually tried to teach her "Lego" but she hasn't picked it up yet! X-D
Corvus Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 (edited) What a beautiful Senegal! (She is a senegal, right? I used to have another parrot, Snowy. He was (obviously) white, with some light brown. He knew 'whatcha doin'?', 'here kitty, kitty!', the baseball jingle, 'do do DO do DOO! Charge!', and a few other jingles that I don't remember. Sadly, he was lost after he panicked and flew away. We only had him a year. :'-( Edited July 31, 2007 by Mr. Mandalorian
SirNadroj Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 She is actually a Jenday Conure, but Jenday's are related to Senegals. I'm also sorry to hear about your parrot, he seemed really nice. :'-(
Corvus Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Conure! That's right... *wacko* Sheesh, how did I mix that up? He started a biting habit before he flew away, but it was still sad.
Scouty Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Warning, this is a sad post. I had 8 fish...all in an incredibly dirty tank that was because I was away from it...I cleaned it...I put the fish back in...5 of them died the same day...I put them in the flussher and gave a salute to them (literally)...another died today...I have 2 fish now...on that has lasted over 3-4 years...and one that is algae eater...why had he not gone...I don't like him... Especially since the previous algae eater I had, which was quite large... died in my absence...and upon my arrival, turning on the bright lamp...I gazed into the dirty tank...there he was...a skeleton...completely decomposed, shining in the light....that was horrible X-O . :'-( :'-( So, I have 2 fish, alive. in a 10 gal tank.
SirNadroj Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Conure! That's right... *wacko* Sheesh, how did I mix that up? He started a biting habit before he flew away, but it was still sad. Yeah, my jenday bites a little, but she's only 8 months old, so hopefully it is like she is 'teething', or as I call it 'beaking' since birds don't have teeth. She especially likes to get into my mouth and bite my teeth, as if she was a dentist cleaning my teeth. :-X It is so funny! :-D She also lays on her back in my palm, and she folds her feet together like she's praying! :-) She's a character all right.
Corvus Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 Tucker, my cockatiel (before snowy, and he is still with me), is pretty quiet. He only makes noise when he wants attention, which is... all the time. He doesn't like lying on his back, but he just *wub* being scratched on the neck! He'll walk up to me and put his head down and wait, which is a sign to start petting! He is very gentle, and never bites. He does this little 'peck' when I pick him up, and that consists of a little squawk and dragging the top of his beak along my finger. When you don't know him, it looks like he's trying to attack you, but he's not. It's his little dominance display, and it's as far from pecking as it can be. Tickles, more like it. *wub*
Zarkan Posted July 31, 2007 Posted July 31, 2007 (edited) Here's Misty, my family's cat. She may look cute, but don't be fooled: she's lazy and hates strangers. Fortunately, she likes me best, so I enjoy her SOME. :-P Edited July 31, 2007 by Grevious
SirNadroj Posted August 1, 2007 Posted August 1, 2007 (edited) Your cat looks possessed from the picture! :-D ;-) Edited August 31, 2007 by SirNadroj
LordGalewind Posted August 4, 2007 Posted August 4, 2007 Here are thumbnail images (not my actual animals, my camera is broken...), but these are pretty close to what they look like. These frogs are pretty cool, they live entirely in water. They can live up to 15+ years in all. As you can see, the female is very fat, lazy, tends to eat...........alot, anything she can fit in her mouth(she even will eat her own children after they hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The male is more exciting, and about four times slimmer. He is a guy, and is only concerned about himself and fathering children....alot. Rather interesting creatures, very intelligent, and as their name says they do have claws, only on their bottom 3 rear foot toes.
xbloodyfangs Posted August 22, 2007 Posted August 22, 2007 This is my African-Sideneck turtle, Jub-Jub. He is very lazy, but can be really quick and vicious when I give him some fish to eat. He's also very shy and scared of everyone else except me. X-D
Hinckley Posted August 26, 2007 Posted August 26, 2007 :'-( Unfortunately our power outage claimed two lives: The blue tang seen in the background, and my favorite fish, the madarin gobie in the foreground, curled up in the leather coral. It was really sad to see such a beautiful fish bloated and being eaten by bristle worms when the lights came back on. We had the blue tang for four years...the gobie was thriving despite the fact that the particular species doesn't normally do well in reef tanks. 53 hours with light or fresh oxygen was too much for either one. (we replaced some water and blew bubbles into the tank with a hose, but it wasn't enough :'-( ) We are trying to nurse our rainbow wras back to health and it looks like we will lose the leather coral, too. I know it's silly, they are just fish, but I really do miss them... :'-( :'-( :'-(
Stauder Posted August 26, 2007 Posted August 26, 2007 Im sorry for your loss Hinck. They look so beattiful too :-(
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