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:'-( Unfortunately our power outage claimed two lives:


The blue tang seen in the background, and my favorite fish, the madarin gobie in the foreground, curled up in the leather coral.

It was really sad to see such a beautiful fish bloated and being eaten by bristle worms when the lights came back on. We had the blue tang for four years...the gobie was thriving despite the fact that the particular species doesn't normally do well in reef tanks. 53 hours with light or fresh oxygen was too much for either one. (we replaced some water and blew bubbles into the tank with a hose, but it wasn't enough :'-( )

We are trying to nurse our rainbow wras back to health and it looks like we will lose the leather coral, too.

I know it's silly, they are just fish, but I really do miss them... :'-( :'-( :'-(

Not silly one bit! I have fish also! But freshwater fish, and slightly smaller, but recently two of them (Blue neon Tetras passed away... :-( , I was sad as those are really neat looking.

I know it's silly, they are just fish, but I really do miss them... :'-( :'-( :'-(

No its not silly at all !! THose were beautifull fishes.

As a kid when my 2 gold fishes died, I was so sad I never wanted another live animal !!


I know it's silly, they are just fish, but I really do miss them... :'-( :'-( :'-(

It's not silly at all! I used to have a beautiful Beta fish, Rusty, that I had for five years. He was a beautiful rusty orange with red and blue fins. Becuase of his coloring, his eyes really stood out, and it always looked like he was watching you. I miss him. :'-( So, do not feel ashamed to mourn your fish!

Posted (edited)

Aw! So cute! I love cats, I'm a real cat guy. And your dog, whoa! Cute, but freaky eyes in that pic! I have a tabby cat, Dylan, at my dad's, who's quite the fatty. :-P He's really heavy, with a tiny head compared to the rest of his body. If you tickle his tummy, he'll hook your arm in with his claws on his front legs, then kick away with his claws out on with his back legs, all whilst biting your hand. He doesn't like tummy rubs. X-D He used to run around, gracefully jumping onto tables and window ledges, but now he just lies around, and whenever he jumps off a table you hear a loud 'thunk'. And he's only about 3 years old.

My other cat, Smudge, is a short haired tortoise shell. I called her Smudge because she's just a bunch of colours smudged together. :-D She likes to lie in front of the heater and twist around in all sorts of freaky ways. She's a weird one. She' very tolerant, and likes to crawl under your bed covers at night, pushing yo to the side and sleeping in he middle the bed. She has lovely yellow-green eyes. The only problem with her is she tends to vomit quite a bit. :-( And I have to clean it up. :-X He's the same age as Dylan.

No pics for now as I'm using my sister's laptop because my computer is currently down.

And Hinckley, your dogs are adorable!

Edited by iamded

Hey thanks guys! :'-) Just to let you know, the rainbow wras made a full recovery and the corals have bounced back too. I really want to get another gobie. Now we have a generator if the power goes out! *sweet* The fish store had a green gobie and a mud skipper but I like the blue. It may be too soon anyway :-$


My fishies!

The 10 gallon tank... newly refurbished:


2 of the 6 fish...lovely tetras:


(TOP)The oldest fish in my tank, around 3-4-5 years old.

(BOTTOM) Those two same fish from above ^ :


Hey! Get out of their algae eater, you're not 'sposed to eat the live plants!:


He was tricky, but I got my Bala Shark whose name is Starks, in the first picture, he is the big blur:


Can I consider my Morning Glories pets as well? Since there is no place to share them, they'll go here!


Same one


This picture is HUGE, at 2000 pixels or something, THIS big as to maintain a clear, cut picture and to MAXIMIZE it's beauty. So ye be warned, please click it though, it's very pretty!

Cute little fishies! Beautiful morning glory as well; hey, I'd consider it a pet, too, it's still alive, you know! :-D

Hehee, thanks. I'm going to have to bring them (both plant and fish) over here to my new location. Transporting them is gonna be a bit hard, hope they make it!

Posted (edited)
Cute parrot! Now you just gotta learn her some basic words and sentences.. Like "LEGO", "Megabloks suck" Megabloks suck!", "Bley makes me puke! Aark!" and so on.. X-D

Ok everyone, Autumn the Parrot can officialy say 'Lego'! Yup, she finally picked it up, she's only said it a few times, but pratice makes perfect! X-D



Edited by SirNadroj

Awesome! Talking parrots promoting Lego ON! :-D

Here's one of my cats, I don't have a pic of my other cat, just picture a really fat yet small tabby, and you get Dylan. :-P

So, here's my cat, Smudge. X-D


Her name was derived from her look, a mess of colours smudged together!


She tends to twist around in weird ways... she's a weird one...




I know you've been dying for updates on my dogs :-| Anyway remember when Hinckley revived this thread and I found a picture that I thought was lost of my puppy, charlie? It's earlier in this thread, anyway here's an update! Charlie (and Magic, my favorite who I've had since second grade) got their hair cut and nails trimmed today! Magic loved it (she knows when she looks good), but charlie hated it :-D Poor puppy

First Charlie:


That's his "Huh?!" face. He's a very inquisitive dog, and understands almost as much English as I do :-D When he was just 5 weeks old he untied a knot when his leash was tied to a chair leg when he was being house trained *wub* He knows how to play people for food real bad too

Then there's Magic:


She's my absolute favorite and always will be. Despite always being the smallest dog in the house, she's always been the boss (even of the humans :-| ). She's been around the block more than once, and she actually trains a new dog when he comes into the house X-D She starts off by walking up to them, looking them over, then giving them a quick bite on the nose :-P that's my little girl *wub*

I know you've been dying for updates on my dogs :-| Anyway remember when Hinckley revived this


comes into the house X-D She starts off by walking up to them, looking them over, then giving them a quick bite on the nose :-P that's my little girl *wub*

*wub* *wub* *wub* Thanks for the pics J, your dogs are beautiful! I just want to give Charlie a big kiss on the forehead and give him a steak! The pretty ones are always the best at playing humans for food. :-$ You told me once that you've had Magic since 2nd grade. Now I'm not a math whiz but does that make her 18 years old??!! Either way, she's beautiful! *wub*

EDIT: HA! :-D look at me. I can remember what you said 2 seconds ago... :-D :-D :-D

That's his "Huh?!" face. He's a very inquisitive dog, and understands almost as much English as I do When he was just 5 weeks old he untied a knot when his leash was tied to a chair leg when he was being house trained

...and I hope bet you can't untie yourself from a chair like that!


She starts off by walking up to them, looking them over, then giving them a quick bite on the nose :-P that's my little girl *wub*

Did she learn that from her daddy? :-P


*wub* beautiful dogs, J. Our dog is getting a little bit on age, too. When I told my parents I wanted a dog, I told them "I've been wanting a dog my whole Life !!"

Mind you, I was five then. :-$ :-D

I just want to give Charlie a big kiss on the forehead and give him a steak!

He'd love you forever :-D I warn you though, he's a big dog but he's such a baby. When he gets scared or just wants a hug, he goes up to the nearest person, regardless of who they are, how long he's known them, or gender, and buries his head in their crotch. Just a warning :-D

You told me once that you've had Magic since 2nd grade. Now I'm not a math whiz but does that make her 18 years old??!! Either way, she's beautiful! *wub*

Well there were 10 more years of regular school, then 4 years of college...so she's between 14 and 15. We don't know for sure since we got her as a little puppy from the pound.

...and I hope bet you can't untie yourself from a chair like that!

I guess you'll just have to find out about that :-|

Did she learn that from her daddy? :-P

Nah, I don't bite on the nose 8-|

*wub* beautiful dogs, J. Our dog is getting a little bit on age, too. When I told my parents I wanted a dog, I told them "I've been wanting a dog my whole Life !!"

Mind you, I was five then. :-$ :-D

:-D :-D Awww

He'd love you forever :-D I warn you though, he's a big dog but he's such a baby. When he gets scared or just wants a hug, he goes up to the nearest person, regardless of who they are, how long he's known them, or gender, and buries his head in their crotch. Just a warning :-D

Well there were 10 more years of regular school, then 4 years of college...so she's between 14 and 15. We don't know for sure since we got her as a little puppy from the pound.

Okay, I thought you were 25. Our yellow lab-Snickers (fostered for 14 months, actually, now back home with my sister :'-( ) does the same crotch thing. Hard! I don't know how many times I got nailed in the balls by that dog during thunderstorms... :-X

The Rottweiler, Reese, is the bigger baby though (also fostered for 14 months and back home now :'-( :'-( :'-( ) She leans on people when she's excited they're there or she can tell they are about to leave. And she leans hard! You can see her tilted when she does it. She will also sit on your feet...

She and the shepard, Riley (my baby-always at home with us *wub* ) are both herding dogs. Reese barrels into other dogs sidestepping and Riley bites at haunches 8-| . Riley is a baby girl and she will also put her head in your lap when she wants to be petted. When she is excited to see you she does a leapy jump dance in a circle around you. When Jocko goes to the store, she sits at the end of the driveway with her ears straight up waiting for him to come back...well, she does it whenever one of us leaves and she's outside. It's sad when Jocko goes to the airport and she sits there, waiting... :'-(

*wub* doggies!

Okay, I thought you were 25.

Well close, I'm 21 for the next 7 days X-D

The Rottweiler, Reese, is the bigger baby though (also fostered for 14 months and back home now :'-( :'-( :'-( ) She leans on people when she's excited they're there or she can tell they are about to leave. And she leans hard! You can see her tilted when she does it. She will also sit on your feet...

Yeah, Charlie does that leaning thing too. I actually heard you're not supposed to allow it since that's them trying to show dominance...but I don't care, it's a hug *wub*

When Jocko goes to the store, she sits at the end of the driveway with her ears straight up waiting for him to come back...well, she does it whenever one of us leaves and she's outside. It's sad when Jocko goes to the airport and she sits there, waiting... :'-(

:'-( She sounds so cute. So you have three in all? Must be fun! Who's the ultimate boss among them?

Well close, I'm 21 for the next 7 days X-D

Yeah, Charlie does that leaning thing too. I actually heard you're not supposed to allow it since that's them trying to show dominance...but I don't care, it's a hug *wub*

:'-( She sounds so cute. So you have three in all? Must be fun! Who's the ultimate boss among them?

Yes, we allow Reese to hug, but she does think she owns the place.

We had all three for 14 months, but Riley is ours. It has been 9 months since I had to give Reese and Snickers back :'-( :'-( :'-( I miss them a lot. Reese, the rott was always the boss. Riley dominated Snickers and Snickers basically ran into walls trying to get to the door or the food before anyone else. They used to play this "game" where they would each stand in a circle, basically, growling and barking at eachother and then ocassionaly lunge forward to bite or tackle. Well, Reese and Riley would, Snickers would just find a ball or rope and try to get them to play with it. She'd literally try to place the rope in their mouths while they were barking at eachother. When they'd turn on her to play the barky-growly game, she'd back slowly out of the room! :-D :-D

:'-( She sounds so cute.

She is so cute!


see? she loves to play fetch with snowballs but can never figure out where they go... :-D


my favorite picture of her, Snickers is in the background :-$


barking at a wave that surprised her...


confused by a monkey puppet and Jocko


protecting Jocko while he sleeps :-$

By the way, can you use your mod powers to correct the title of this post to read "Post pics of your pets, please!" That'll make my life a little happier, thanks :-$

Posted (edited)

:-D I like the snowball pic. Our Gadget does the same thing. Then, she gets tired and sleeps the rest of the day.

Gadget gets WAY overexcited when we tell her the "let's go!" words, and jumps around everywhere, barking her head off. She tore her ACL doing just that, by slipping on the hardwood floors. We've recently allowed her to resume her car-riding duties. Now, so excited to go with us again, she gets even more crazy. :-/

She also goes nuts with new people. Often, the postman will back away when she comes flying into the halls. X-D She weights about 80 pounds, it's kind of intimidating.

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian
Posted (edited)

see? she loves to play fetch with snowballs but can never figure out where they go... :-D

Yeah, I've done that to Charlie and Magic too. Charlie will look until he finds an actual ball buried in the snow. Magic will kinda look in that direction, figure it isn't worth her time, and go back to sleep. I've also manager to get charlie inside when it was late with a game of "catch the laser" :-$ Pointing the laser at the ground (never in his eyes of course) I point it in front of him. He follows it right into the house and up the stairs :-D He'll get it one day *wub* Charlie also does this thing...it's kind of sad when you think about it, but when I would be away at college the poor pup wouldn't have anyone to play with (Magic looks down on toys) so...well, he learned to play with himself. Not like that of course, but if he's bored he'll get a ball, and throw it at the ground with his mouth, then try to catch it. He's pretty good too


protecting Jocko while he sleeps :-$

Aww, that picture's adorable *wub*

By the way, can you use your mod powers to correct the title of this post to read "Post pics of your pets, please!" That'll make my life a little happier, thanks :-$

Sure thing ;-)

Edited by Starwars4J
Sure thing ;-)

Thanks buddy! :-$

Riley does this thing where if you don't take the ball back from her and throw it fast enough, she jerks her head back and let's go of the ball, essentially throwing it to you. It has landed in my lap several times. My mom always says "How are they so smart? How do they figure these things out." and I always tell her "They have nothing else to do but try and figure these things out..."

*wub* dogs...

Thanks buddy! :-$

Riley does this thing where if you don't take the ball back from her and throw it fast enough, she jerks her head back and let's go of the ball, essentially throwing it to you. It has landed in my lap several times. My mom always says "How are they so smart? How do they figure these things out." and I always tell her "They have nothing else to do but try and figure these things out..."

*wub* dogs...

Gadget, being a herding dog, had no time to figure these things out. She spends eight days a week herding us around. *wub*

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