July 4, 200915 yr Aw man, This is one of those examples of the difference between voicing your opinion and just losing control... Here we call that "asking for it". I know some people think that you guys are stict, but far from it. Unfortunatley some people just don't listen. In regards to the topic starter himself, his claims made me wonder. I kno tht gramer lik this is not allowed, but what about short and grammatically correct phrases like: Great work, it goes nicley with *insert previous moc Here*. Keep it up.Stauder. Are those kinds of short-ish comments allowed? Thanks, and sorry if my question is off topic. Stauder.
July 4, 200915 yr Are those kinds of short-ish comments allowed? Sure. Furthers the conversation and gives a specific comment. We'd like to avoid posts like this: Nice. or Wow! What a great MOC! Only because with as many members as we have it can clutter up a discussion and may turn people off, especially new members, from trying to join or follow discussion threads. But best intentions are appreciated and responding well when staff brings up concerns like "your posts are too short" are greatly appreciated. Remember, if the staff corrects you, we are trying to help out. So, when replying to a MOC thread try to give some constructive feedback instead of a short blanket compliment. If you don't like something about the MOC, try to throw in a positive comment first before addressing the concern in a respectful manner and try to end on another positive note.
July 4, 200915 yr Just as an aside, the Pillage the Village Creative Critic competition was the best benchmark for desirable commenting skills that I've yet seen on EB. It made a remarkable difference to the level of critique made in MOC threads, and I'm pleased to say that I think it's effect is still lasting, judging by the largely nuanced responses to the recent 'Invasion' & Classic Town contests. A brilliant subliminal member finishing school! Kudos to the masterminds.
July 4, 200915 yr Just to make it clear, and with this I intend to conclude my posting in this thread since you seem to be taking this all a bit too seriously - I don't believe that there is anyone among us who would argue about the need for maintaining a proper forum with no off-topic rants and dysfunctional English being utilised. I don't know how anyone got the idea about moaning regarding "not overwhelmingly posting support", if it was from my post, then I think it has been misunderstood. The way I see it, posting a MOC here does not automatically mean "tell me just how cool the thing I built is!", but instead is something more of a request for constructive feedback and criticism from equally devoted fans who can really spot ways for you to improve. The points being made here in this topic all refer to finding the most plausible level of tolerance. And, once again, none of the mods need to feel irritated and/or distort the points being made here by branding them as "silly". Nobody is saying that the moderators are being unreasonable, please understand that - otherwise they wouldn't be visiting this forum, now would they. We're all here for the fun and if some place is no fun, we'd move on. One more thing, since I don't want Hinckley to misunderstand me - I don't have any gripes about anything regarding that incident, I only shared it as an example of what I meant when talking about the level of tolerance. The whole story was dealt with that very same day. What I meant was that someone else in my shoes might not have been all too happy about it, regardless whether that other member had it coming to them or not. Once again, please try to see my point and understand that this is in no way personal and I'm only referring to it as an example.
July 4, 200915 yr One more thing, since I don't want Hinckley to misunderstand me - I don't have any gripes about anything regarding that incident, I only shared it as an example of what I meant when talking about the level of tolerance. The whole story was dealt with that very same day. What I meant was that someone else in my shoes might not have been all too happy about it, regardless whether that other member had it coming to them or not. Oh! Sorry! Now I understand completely. I was a little on the defensive already and misread your original intention. I hope you can find it in your otter heart to forgive me. Packing up to move 2000 miles away and leave my family behind has left me rushed and stressed. Additionally, you make a very good point. Thanks.
July 4, 200915 yr Well I certainly don't want to continue any arguements within this thread, however I would just like to make one point and make one suggestion. When Hinckley said: I want you to be able to discuss things openly with other members and the staff I think that is a very good philosophy to have when dealing with an online community such as this one, however I have found that this philosophy is not always exercised. For example, (not naming names) closing a thread simply because you do not agree with someones opinion certainly does not constitute that line of thinking. I do not want to fire up any arguements with this statement but I would not mind an open disscusion such as the one mentioned above by Hinckley. And now to my suggestion: In future I think it would be a good step for members who would like to voice there opinions to staff on matters such as these to PM them instead of clogging up the boards as some of the Mods, like I do not like. Comments are welcome Edited July 4, 200915 yr by Buttons
July 4, 200915 yr I think that is a very good philosophy to have when dealing with an online community such as this one, however I have found that this philosophy is not always exercised. For example, (not naming names) closing a thread simply because you do not agree with someones opinion certainly does not constitute that line of thinking. I'm happy to discuss that. A specific example is needed, however, in order to address that. I think we've proven in several circumstances we don't close threads in such a manner. So feel free to post a link to the thread here or by PM. Thanks.
July 4, 200915 yr Unrelated note: I can't discuss the closing of this thread, since it is no longer closed and was only closed momentarily. Anything that was inappropriate with this thread being closed has been fully addressed by the fact that it is open and people are posting in it. I hope that makes sense.
July 4, 200915 yr I have a couple questions for those who continue to raise the issue of certain threads being closed, and. The last time this happened, I posted my personal theory on how these things happen. I'm going to put it here to preface a new question. Steps of "complaint" topics: 1) Individual has beef with something about a forum 2) Individual posts a topic about complaint 3) Forum leaders acknowledge indivudal, but decide/state that the forum is fine the way it is 4) Individual restates original point with more vehemence. 5) Forum leaders repeat original statement along with suggestion that thread is repeating it'self (which it is) 6) Individual repeats complaints, makes statement of their indpendence in thought and speech, insinuates that they are being persecuted and make subtle insults at staff. 7) If thread continues this way, Forum Leaders lock thread and chastise individual. For those of you who post complaint topics, and those of you who have considered posting them. When a complaint is raised, and not resolved the way you want to, what is the motivation for continuing the thread? What kind of satisfaction do you seek by continuing after an issue has been decided in a way that you don't agree with? Is there some hope that continuing the issue will change their minds? Is the goal to convince other members that you are in the right and the mods are not? I ask because quite often, an individual will raise a complaint. The staff will address the complaint, and more often than not, the content of the response will be basically "This is what we have decided. This is what we think will work best for the forum. We are not doing it your way." Yet, the conversation will continue for a few pages, and get more and more negative. Why does it have to be this way? Final thought from me. I think alot of us need to change the paradigm we use when we think of online forums. Think of EB as an "Owned Entity", a home, private school, corporation, etc., etc. I'll use "home" for my metaphor. This home is owned and operated by the Mods and staff. The home is remarkably open to people of all types who are interested in the home. However, remember that the home belongs to it's owners. They have their rules, and guests are expected to follow those rules. Being a "Member" does not confer ownership, only responsibility. Though called "Members", they are essentially are guests in that home. You may not approve of the rules, judgments, and decisions of the owners, but that shouldn't be surprising. It's rare to find two homeowners with exactly the same rules and code of conduct for their homes. Now here's where the good news comes in. If we followed this paradigm, we would be much more civil to each other. I don't know of many homeowners who would tolerate being called a "Jerk" in their own home, and a guest who sneaks in under false pretenses would not usually be tolerated . The fact that members have done these things and not been immediately and permanently discharged from this house is a testament to the toleration and "moderation" (I love a good double entendre) of the owners. Edited July 5, 200915 yr by Eilif
July 4, 200915 yr I'd like to put in a word for the staff here! I think that the staff of this side, while big and while they of course have seperate thoughts, are very fair in all ocasions. I've never seen anyone of the staff ever do anything rude or mean. While I myself have had a thread deleted, it was not left unanswered. The staff took the time to PM me, and answer all my questions that were in the thread. But the staff didn't just have one person do it, within an hour of my orginal post, and within 15 minutes of the deletion of the topic, 2 staff members PM'd me explaining everything. On a site this big, the staff will sometimes disagree. With members, with each other, about whatever. But they never seem to be unfair. Hinckley has kept a calm tone this whole conversation, and has been very fair to everyone, and at the very least listened to everyone's complaints. This site seems to be running fine to me. As for what this topic is really about, I thank you for bringing this to attention. While I'm sure I slip into the "Awesome MOC man." Stage from time to time, I always try to leave something specific about the MOC I like, and it irks me when others don't do the same thing.
July 5, 200915 yr Author I've merged few topics and made them into our new Suggestion topic. In this we'll try to hear out suggestions... but please be polite and not overly debative here. We do try to please most members, but as we know all to well that in pleasing some we probably annoy others. First off, there does seem to be a bit of confusion over short posts; and since it's not actually in our guidelines I can understand this to a degree. First off, why isn't it in guidelines? Mostly because we've found it hard to write something short and to the point. We try to keep the guidelines small so people actually read them, but at the moment they're already a bit too big. Long term it will be in them, but they need to be revised and the recent forum re-organisation has been keeping most of us busy. Anyway, back the the point, short posts are OK providing they are appropriate and you don't make mostly short posts. For example; in the classic MOC comment example... "Nice MOC; I love the walrus!" ...is perfectly OK in itself, but if you made a string of posts like this... "Nice MOC; I love the boots!" "Great MOC; I love the walrus!" "Cool MOC; I love the toilet!" "Incredible MOC; I love the train!" ...then probably not. Also, sometimes short is all that's needed; for example in Birthday or welcome topics.
July 5, 200915 yr I have a complaint. This site doesn't have enough mean mods and staff. You know the kind, they yell at you, send you nasty PMs, and make fun of your MOCs and posts. My suggestion is to institute a single dictator-mod who would go around bossing everybody and having tantrums. Let me know what you think. Or better yet, go all crazy and yell at me and call me names.
July 5, 200915 yr Hi! I have a complaint. This's got nothing to do with the mods or anything, you've all done a great job! Recently, in a few topics, including THIS ONE, there's something wrong with it and when viewed in Outline form (my form of choice,) the posts are invisible! Please help me with what is causing this! I don't want to switch back and forth each time. So far it's only been two topics, this one and the decal index! Thanks!
July 5, 200915 yr Author Or better yet, go all crazy and yell at me and call me names. Screw you hippy; not a chance! Recently, in a few topics, including THIS ONE, there's something wrong with it and when viewed in Outline form (my form of choice,) the posts are invisible! Please help me with what is causing this! I don't want to switch back and forth each time. So far it's only been two topics, this one and the decal index! As a guess, it's because this is at least five topics merged. It doesn't really matter much though as if you're right this is a board issue and probably not an easily fixable one; but I'll look into it just the same.
July 5, 200915 yr Hi! I have a complaint. This's got nothing to do with the mods or anything, you've all done a great job!Recently, in a few topics, including THIS ONE, there's something wrong with it and when viewed in Outline form (my form of choice,) the posts are invisible! Please help me with what is causing this! I don't want to switch back and forth each time. So far it's only been two topics, this one and the decal index! Thanks! You're in outline mode. Choose Options in the upper right hand corner and switch to standard mode...
July 5, 200915 yr Author You're in outline mode. Choose Options in the upper right hand corner and switch to standard mode... But didn't he say he wanted it that way? Are you complaining about my help?
July 5, 200915 yr This reminds me of the Starwars4j controversy. At least all the staff is united in this issue so half of them wont run away and start a new forum. We have had issues in the past with the staff being a bit too (how do I say this) eager to jump the gun? Maybe this has to do with the fact that most of our staff comes from a LEGO background and not an online moderating background, they kind of had to learn as they go. I personally haven't really had a problem but I can see where people are coming from.
July 5, 200915 yr Yes, clearly. Your help sucked. Go suck a clam. Jeez Hinckley, after all that posting trying to get people to be mature. For the record, Darth Legolas said he likes outline mode, so I believe it was your "help" that sucked.
July 5, 200915 yr Since I believe that this is the right topic to suggest something ( I don't have any complaints so far ), I 'll just throw an idea. If it has already been discussed in the past, please ignore it. I would really like to see the evolution of Eurobricks. It would be really nice if there are screenshots or "printscreen" images from the layout over the past years. For example, the first day of Eurobricks "on air", how all started or even memorable moments during all those years. Something like a....hmmm.....museum. I know that there was a banner request some months ago, so I'm not referring only to banners. I don't know if that's feasible or even a good suggestion, but I gave it a shot.
July 10, 200915 yr I've merged few topics and made them into our new Suggestion topic. Perhaps then this topic should get pinned...
July 10, 200915 yr Jeez Hinckley, after all that posting trying to get people to be mature. For the record, Darth Legolas said he likes outline mode, so I believe it was your "help" that sucked. As much as I love clams, I'm sorry Hinckley, but they are right. I like Outline mode, because my computer can load it so much faster and I only have to look at the posts I think are worth reading (I mean, no offense to anyone I scrolled over .) But whenever I put it into my good ol' outline mode, all of the posts on r the first page of certain topics (including this one!) disappear! Like the ghost that mixes pieces up in my attic, which I later found out was my fan on heavy-duty! EDIT: I've got an idea! Would you like me to take a screen shot so you can see what I'm talking about instead of trying to comprehend my terrible describing skills? Edited July 10, 200915 yr by Darth Legolas
July 10, 200915 yr Author Perhaps then this topic should get pinned... We've actually found that pinning a topic achieves nothing but have it at the top; that is people often ignore pinned topics. For this reason we try to keep pinned topics to a minimum in the hope that they will be noticed. EDIT: I've got an idea! Would you like me to take a screen shot so you can see what I'm talking about instead of trying to comprehend my terrible describing skills? Yes... but I'm not convinced it's anything we can "fix".
July 10, 200915 yr My EB paycheck is late this week. I've already called EB International Bank and they assure me it's a clerical error and will appear shortly, but shortly doesn't pay the bills.
July 10, 200915 yr Author My EB paycheck is late this week. I've already called EB International Bank and they assure me it's a clerical error and will appear shortly, but shortly doesn't pay the bills. Do what I do; sell the wheels to Jipay's Ferrari; he soon pays up.
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