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Woah! When I saw this on the front page I thought it was a MOC. :cry_happy:

I definatly have to get this one! (If I get it you'll be sure that it will be in my "1930's Mafia Game" :cry_happy::thumbup: )

I love the firetruck. And how theres a chef included (with sausage piece!) + the golden fire helmets used there look great. :thumbup:

Im guessing this'll be over $200+ AUSD (?) :hmpf_bad:

Finally we have pictures of this building! It looks very good, but somehow I miss something about it. I find the other modular buildings more appealing. I don't think I'm gong to buy the fire fighters' building.
Hmmm... Although this certainly is a great looking set, I'm not all that impressed with it as I was with the other 2 modular buildings. It's just ttoo flat at the front for me compared to GG and CC and just doesn't strike me as amazing.

I'm 100% with Svelty and Holodoc on this one. It's obviously a nice set, but not as fantastic as anticipated in my opinion. I am certainly very excited to see a review, and to see some of the building techniques used, especially for the ping pong table. :grin:

I'm with these guys on this. At the first glance I wasn't impressed. Some pictures of the inside helped but there's still something missing. I'm a little disapointed actually and I wont be saving up to buy this one yet. I'll probably get it for christmas to complete my layout though.


This must have been what was under the black drape with the question mark on it in the Emerald Night video.

Thanks for the pics!

I can't believe I did not noticed it since now! :oh: I must say it looks very very very well! :sweet: I specially like that lovely and accurated facade with the "1932", the flag, the "helmets and axes" detail... Can't wait for a serious review!

Definitely an emergent classic like all the modular series, a must buy, and a must love :wub::wub::wub::tongue:

Well... I don´t think this set looks SO GREAT but looks pretty cool. What I mean is that it actually is a great set and seems like the TLC really put ome effort in this one but doesn´t looks as amazing and innovative as CC or GG. To me the overall shape of it seems way too blocky, the detais are good but for some reason they don´t look as good on it as they looked in CC and GG. Also for some reason I was expecting a bulding of other "color" if you know what I mean. CC is color red, GG is color green, MS is color blue, after all this different color selection they return to red and tan??? Because of this I think the building don´t look as goos as it may looked in other color.

Methinks this will be a great set for transforming into the Ghostbusters HQ. I see a lot of similarities already.

Also, the brick-built flag is pretty weak and a bit of an eyesore.

Edited by Maegnus

well, there is no point of stopping producing modular houses. :thumbup: I'm certainly going to buy this as well.

After reading through all the posts at this topic, I'm glad to see that most people like the Firestation. But I also see that it is tough to be a Lego designer these days... :wink:

Me too like the old looking firetruck. As was mentioned earlier; we have some new ones from the recent years to replace the old one with if we'd like to.

The only thing I'm dissatisfied with, is the thickness of my wallet...

Module on!!!

Hmmm, I'm in the 'not immediately loving it' camp. It's great by ordinary Lego standards, but it isn't as revolutionary as Cafe Corner or as wonderfully detailed as Green Grocer.

The wide, fat frontage does make it look oddly proportioned compared to its siblings, but I suspect like most sets its needs to be seen in the brick to be appreciated. Some of the detailing looks silly, like the use of those car grill pieces above the windows.

Yes, it's nice to have ordinary dark tan and dark red bricks but for it seems primarily composed of bley. Gold helmets and tan Indy bags are all very well, but they don't justify the building as a whole. The dodgy tree and pixellated flag don't help the overall impression of boxy squareness. It's the Twilight of modular buildings!

I'm trying to figure out why people feel a little letdown by the set:

Personally, I think the ground floor extends a little bit too much compared to the other CC-style buildings.

But that could have been rectified if the second floor was extended two bricks higher. to get the ground floor hight and the second floor hight more in proportion.

More like this:


Also the color scheme is a bit too different between floors IMO.

And they could have hidden the bell tower a bit more behind the top facade. It's a bit too much "in your face" right now, I think.

But I'll like it anyway. It's a fantastic set compared to all the fire stations we have had from Lego. :classic:

Edited by Teddy

Now I just realized what seems to be missing on that building: it's a pitched roof with lots of red or black shingles. The bell tower on top looks a little bit lonely.

Also for some reason I was expecting a bulding of other "color" if you know what I mean. CC is color red, GG is color green, MS is color blue, after all this different color selection they return to red and tan??? Because of this I think the building don´t look as goos as it may looked in other color.

I agree on that, the building would look more appealing at once if it had the colours of green grocer or cafe corner.

But none the less, I like that fire station :wub: Like i said, there has to be some change to the usual pattern from time to time, or things get boring.

This is one great looking set!

I´m definatley getting one of these.

Might just add one or two floors to it.

Thanks a lot for posting this!!

What's up with the oldy fire mobile? Anywho, this is quite an amazing looking set! There really should be a second floor, but I'd like to know, where do they store that car?

there is a second floor, just no pics of it , and the truck goes in the garage (in the driveway in the middle of the building, beside the fire pole

Actually there is only one floor, since ground floors don't really count as real floors. but i think there maybe also some kind of roof storage room maybe, since i spy another stairway on the upper floor.

Depends on your defenition :wink: :

In British English, in reference to typical buildings, the "first floor" is the first floor above the ground; but in American English, it is another name for the ground floor.

Link to wiki page

I went back to look at the video from the Emerald Night and this was certainly what was under the cloth. I'm like 905 sure. Nice to finally know but now there will be no more surprises.

Wow, I have to say that this set looks amazing. It looks like it fits really well with the other modular sets.

I might have to get this (or maybe Green Grocer/the Christmas house set, but probably this, as it will be new) instead of the Venator (if I can even get one, since there's so many things that I want)... :laugh:

Edited by ILikePi

Methinks this will be a great set for transforming into the Ghostbusters HQ. I see a lot of similarities already.

I had exactly the same thought.

I'm happy. I like seeing these top out around $150 and it's a lot of building for that price. The framework is there, it'll take some adjustment and modification to make it great, but it won't be hard to do.

Great job, TLG! :thumbup:

This is indeed one of the best news ever, for City Modular collectors. This is one impressive looking vintage design fire station. In fact, I find its color scheme pretty pleasant and I can't wait to get my hands onto this beauty. What a great start, to have this set adding into my collection and my very first fire station indeed. :wub:

One thing that bothers me, is the gold helmets. I'm not really sure why they are there, and apart from look nice, they have use. In all the pictures of fire houses (and even old one) there has never been any sort of little 'display' of fire fighting tools. Well, if they insist on have them, the axes and hammers should be gold too. Now that would be awesome.

Would you rather not have gold helmets at all...ever

Edited by Oswald the Rabbit

Would rather not have gold helmets at all...ever

How come? At least they can be used for something else.

One thing that bothers me, is the gold helmets. I'm not really sure why they are there, and apart from look nice, they have use. In all the pictures of fire houses (and even old one) there has never been any sort of little 'display' of fire fighting tools. Well, if they insist on have them, the axes and hammers should be gold too. Now that would be awesome.

In some fire department agencies/counties, fire departments use gold colored helmets. There not always Red, white or silver. But i have to say i don't agree that the rest of the equipment should match as I've never seen gold axes, shovels etc. in a fire house. Now silver would have been cool.

Would rather not have gold helmets at all...ever

If it adds to realism, then I'm all for it. Even if its more athstetically pleasing. When it comes to these module buildings, its all about the details.

One thing that i noticed is that this is the first time we've gotten doors on both sides for the fire truck bay. Though i would have preferred a standard role up door in the rear instead of the barn style to match the front, but at least its closed off. Kudos's TLC.

I love it, but liek the rest, it's just too much.

Sadly I was layed off around last Christmas when Amazon USA had the other $100+ sets for really really cheap.

After reading some comments and looking at Green Grocer, this set does look a bit underdetailed on the outside. Hopefully the interior makes up for it!

By the way, when it comes out, can someone who posts a review of this set also show some comparison pictures of the other modular buildings (if they have them)? :sweet:


It is by first impressions, a must have set when it comes out. The price tag seems abit "eek" tough...

Too bad there are no pictures of the top floor.

The Gold Fire Helmets look really cool!


Are you kidding me?

In Canada you get 900 more pieces for 150$ less dollars (compared to dropship, but that set is notoriously expensive)

This is amazing!!!!

Is this set really that amazing that people are complaining about the flag and the tree? Those are probably the easiest things in the world to remove. I guess everything has to be criticized >.>

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