January 6, 201015 yr WOW!!! I think it's funny that TLG makes their "minifig" scaled sets a fraction of what actual minifig scaled sets would be. For example the twilight is only slightly larger than the lego ARC-170(new one) and in the "Clone Wars" the twilight is larger than the falcon. Anyway great MOC .
January 6, 201015 yr WOW!!! I think it's funny that TLG makes their "minifig" scaled sets a fraction of what actual minifig scaled sets would be. For example the twilight is only slightly larger than the lego ARC-170(new one) and in the "Clone Wars" the twilight is larger than the falcon. Anyway great MOC . Could that be why they call their scale 'system'? I don't think they've ever said that the figs and vehicles are scaled. Not even sure they said so about the UCS Millenium Falcon.
January 6, 201015 yr very nice moc. It looks real and I love how the wings have got different sized bricks to make it look like its textured. Great work!
June 10, 201014 yr the construction looks almost identical to mine and dmacs right down to the parts used, and the landing gear!! Oh man, stop writing about "your" shuttle. You have changed few pieces from dmac`s shuttle This is dmac shuttle: Full Gallery Edited June 10, 201014 yr by kris kelvin
June 10, 201014 yr Author Oh man, stop writing about "your" shuttle. You have changed few pieces from dmac`s shuttle This is dmac shuttle: i fail to see the relevance of your post??? there are no instructions for dmacs shuttle so there will be loads of different parts to his compared to mine, hell TLG shuttle looks indentical aswell! stay on topic.
June 10, 201014 yr i fail to see the relevance of your post??? there are no instructions for dmacs shuttle so there will be loads of different parts to his compared to mine, hell TLG shuttle looks indentical aswell!stay on topic. "There Are no instructions"?? Come on man! Stop lying! In his gallery you can find file: sh-sitting.mpd and folder: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=102349 It's enough to build that awsome shuttle. He invented and bulit first, and you copied! Why there are differences between your and his - i think that you don't have enough parts. It's Dmac Shuttle, you just modify it.
June 10, 201014 yr I think they had blue ties in ROTJ but I'm not 100% sure... "There Are no instructions"??Come on man! Stop lying! In his gallery you can find file: sh-sitting.mpd and folder: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=102349 It's enough to build that awsome shuttle. He invented and bulit first, and you copied! Why there are differences between your and his - i think that you don't have enough parts. It's Dmac Shuttle, you just modify it. No matter what you say CaveGod is still an exelent MOCer. He just loosely based it off Dmac's shuttle. Just like he loosely based his AT-AT on someone elses (Can't remember who) And I don't see whats wrong with borrowing techniques and basing your MOC off someone elses. Now lets get back on topic Edited June 10, 201014 yr by BrickClick
June 10, 201014 yr I think they had blue ties in ROTJ but I'm not 100% sure...No matter what you say CaveGod is still an exelent MOCer. He just loosely based it off Dmac's shuttle. Just like he loosely based his AT-AT on someone elses (Can't remember who) And I don't see whats wrong with borrowing techniques and basing your MOC off someone elses. Now lets get back on topic Oh, come on! He still telling "My MOC". Do you know what does mean MOC - My Own Creation. I think that he should called it My Stolen Creation. He should concede that he made MOD of Dmac's MOC. End Off-Topic, if you want to disscus - Private Message welcome :)
June 10, 201014 yr i fail to see the relevance of your post??? there are no instructions for dmacs shuttle so there will be loads of different parts to his compared to mine, hell TLG shuttle looks indentical aswell! ahh but if it was copied it would be the same which it is not,i think that covers it So if it's NOT IDENTICAL, why you are so... nervous? :]
June 11, 201014 yr Nkay, I've moved the posts from the 2010 News & rumor topic here. They were discussing something which didn't belong there. We need to clear this and come to some kind of solution. I'll copy some of the pics and put them side by side so that we can compare and discuss similarities and differences in a better way than they were in the news topic. Only thing I ask is to keep this clean and argumentative. Deal? Pictures: LEFT IS DMAC / RIGHT IS CAVEGOD Pictures are links to high resolution versions...
June 11, 201014 yr Yes, he took inspiration on Dmac's Shuttle. So what ? When I do a MOC, I also look at what other people did. So, I may find good ideas to make my own MOC. I think that Cavegod's shuttle is still a MOC because Dmac did no building instruction. And anyway, did Cavegod deny that he took inspiration on Dmac's shuttle ? Don't know. May be Cavegod should write it in explicitly in the first post. It would calm down everyone. edit : it is written in the first post, so, I don't see any problem. Edited June 11, 201014 yr by Anio
June 11, 201014 yr Those pics added by Kim pritty much proove things. There are only so many ways one can make a shuttle of that size. It's similar, but definately has a lot of strong detail differences. Both are great MOC's. Along with Anio, I'm sure we all look around for inspiration, and it's hard not to take ideas from others MOC's. Both are great original creations - Nothing more to be said.
June 11, 201014 yr To cavegod cause i can't send to him pm. Please, answere in this topic. Your private message: Have you any proof, that DMAC's copied your shuttle?
June 11, 201014 yr Cavegod built shuttle using dmac's mpd file, and changed same decals, and MOC* is finished. * - My Own COPY :D Anyway, dmac designed this shuttle first. Cavegod is a copyist. End of story.
June 11, 201014 yr What cavegod sent to Undead Army Officer is one of main reasons why we got so angry about that. It is not about copying MOCs - multiple people have copied my a-wing, mcm, power driller, someone is now trying the Battlecruiser with my help (and he assured me that he will include credits). We share our ideas and update someone's designs very often, sometimes enchancing an already great model to a purely awesome one. All that, however, with giving credit to the builder. After all - it is not a shame. Actually I think that updating a design that come from a hand of lego master is a mighty achievment. Cavegod, however, choose a diffrent way. Silently copy the model then claim that this design is his one, Lego ripped their set out of HIS work, and that "you will find that dmac copied my shuttle". Again - it is not about copying, it is only because of cavegod himself. Those pics added by Kim pritty much proove things. There are only so many ways one can make a shuttle of that size. You see, you have all the data required, but the interpretation is wrong. Do not look at details. Look at more obvious things. Dimensions, for example. If cavegod done all of designing job by himself, even if he used exactly the same references, some dimensions would be diffrent, because everyone inteprets the sources a bit diffrent way. Wings being one stud longer. Cockpit shorter, some angle diffrent, distance from the hull to the place where wings bend diffrent... and such. Even more, why did he choose the same exact scale? There goes question #1 to Cavegod: If it is you who designed the ship, what references did you use? Photos of original ILM models? Sketches from the Guide to Star Wars Vehicles book (whatever it is called, there is just one such book)? Other sources? Proof #2: Dmac made several mistakes in his design. Many things can be done better, but there are things that are outright wrong. Somehow, exactly the same problems appear on Cavegod's ship: -Nose is WAY too long. Biggest and most evident design flaw. -Lower wings are too wide (the distance between front and rear edge of the wing). -Holes around each of white 40-tooth gear (lower wing supports) could be easily hidden with some basic arches. And now about Cavegod's changes: look at dmac's model and the original ILM one. All Cavegod has added are some unnecessary greeble panels under the cockpit or above the top wings. The only one part that was made better in my opinion are engine exhaust ports. If all this, but mostly repeated mistakes, are not a proof, then what would be? Edited June 11, 201014 yr by Jerac
June 11, 201014 yr What is there to argue here? Cavegod couldn't have copied Dmac's shuttle. He had no instructions. Just because they used the same general design doesn't make it a stolen creation. A stolen creation would be if Cavegod copied a picture of Dmac's shuttle and advertised it as his own, but he's built his own separate creation. He even said in his first post, "Inspired by Dmac on Brickshelf."
June 11, 201014 yr I'm just happy that the various guys who built UCS AT-TEs haven't created a bitchfest like this.
June 11, 201014 yr What is there to argue here? Cavegod couldn't have copied Dmac's shuttle. He had no instructions. Just because they used the same general design doesn't make it a stolen creation. A stolen creation would be if Cavegod copied a picture of Dmac's shuttle and advertised it as his own, but he's built his own separate creation. He even said in his first post, "Inspired by Dmac on Brickshelf." The fact he has no instructions does not prove anything. Reverse-engineering someone's model is easily possible. Just look at the photos - and dmac's are good ones - and build the same. I could copy any of his work (that is, build a model that looks identical) given I have needed parts. Interior might be diffrent but on the outside, it would be identical. It is as "inspired" as Chinese fake "lego" bricks are "inspired" by original Lego bricks.
June 11, 201014 yr The fact he has no instructions does not prove anything. Reverse-engineering someone's model is easily possible. Just look at the photos - and dmac's are good ones - and build the same. I could copy any of his work (that is, build a model that looks identical) given I have needed parts. Interior might be diffrent but on the outside, it would be identical. It is as "inspired" as Chinese fake "lego" bricks are "inspired" by original Lego bricks. I realize that the exterior would be relatively easy to reverse-engineer, but the interior would have to be Cavegod's own design. I'd be almost 100% sure that the Technic supporting structure is different in the two models. Admittedly, however, I see your point about the 'inspired' thing. I think what this whole argument boils down to is that Cavegod copied (not stole, because he still built it himself) the exterior design of Dmac's shuttle, and attached it to an interior structure of his own design. Dmac (and followers/supporters) shouldn't accuse Cavegod of stealing and Cavegod should change his statement to 'Credit to Dmac on Brickshelf for Exterior Design'. I think once that statement is made, (and I don't see any reason not to) there won't be anything to argue.
June 11, 201014 yr Let`s just end this. I think everyone can judge who copied from whom. Edited June 11, 201014 yr by kris kelvin
June 11, 201014 yr Let`s just end this.I think everyone can judge who copied from whom. Agreed. It's kind of obvious that Dmac's was first. Just one more thing in Cavegod's defense: I'm not saying that Cavegod's design isn't like Dmac's. I obvious that the exteriors are alike. My point was that Cavegod didn't steal the design.
June 11, 201014 yr I'm just happy that the various guys who built UCS AT-TEs haven't created a bitchfest like this.
June 11, 201014 yr obviously it is not finnished yet i am waiting for a few parts, it was again inspired by Dmac on brickshelf. This final comment in the first post says it all to me. It's inspired by DMAC's model/design and nothing's wrong with that. No ownership over design is claimed and inspiration is noted. Now I can understand (and see) that a lot of Polish members stand up for what they think is right, but since the inspirational source has been noted in the first post and since the exterior details are not entirely similar, then how about we leave it at that? An inspired model, but not the same entirely?
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