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It will be interesting to see what clones and droids we get in these packs, also i wonder what has changed between lego and hasbro to allow fig packs to go ahead.

I still remember when lego first made fig packs and all the hassle that they had from hasbro so it is surprising to say the least.

GG starfighter will be a most welcome ship to the ones that we have now and will be top of my list :-)

Finally after all those recent redesigns were getting new sets and i couldnt be happier.

I can not believe my previous post would have contributed so much to the Star wars lego community especially people like me

Woah, big letters there....

Anywho. I think that TLC might have been given the ok for mini fig packs as the Episode 3 figs have been discontiued.

Kenji you are such a fool (and I'm trying to be polite here !!) !!

Don't write in big and bold its really annoying !!

The AFOL communnity has been asking this foe years so I don't think 1 post made them change their mind especially since your post didn't exist when TLC made the decision to release those sets :-|

Also, If writing a post is a "sacrifice" for you, don't oblige yourself at all to write anything !!

Enough said *sad*

Now on more interesting things. Guys, lets talk about those sets in a price perspective !!

7654 Droids Battle pack

I just would like to add a thought on this 7659 Imperial Landing Craft.

Will it be the one seen in a milli second from ep IV?

Or the one seen in ep. III where the Emeror search for Anakin on Mustafar?

I would like to say the later one.

It is a set from ep. III to go along with the GGS and MF-packs.

Then if I am right, what MF

Looking good with the 2007 collection. There will propably be a few surprises as in 2006, so another good year for SW LEGO. As(s) allways I am not happy about the rereleases: Y-Wing and AT-ST, but I just hope we will get a regular AT-ST driver, and not Chewe this time. The rest of the sets looks good, offcourse I will buy everything Star Wars.


with all my respect, how do you know by the time I posted up that request LEGO has already decided to make those MF packs???

look at it this way, if people all over the world posted to say they don't want MF packs LEGO is not very liekl;y going to produce them right???

where as if people post and stated explicitly that they DO want MF packs (like what I did) then obviously LEGO would have to listen to me (and those who wanted it too) and produce those MF packs if they want to continue to survive in the future toy market.

as for sacrifice, well, i did spent a tidy amount of time and effort composing that topic to convince LEGO that minifigs packs are highly demanded-------->>> and they are convinced since we know that MF packs are coming in 2007.

anyway, i think we are all glad that this is happening.

at last a chance to build up an army without having to confront those rip off seller at ebay and bricklink

I just would like to add a thought on this 7659 Imperial Landing Craft.

Will it be the one seen in a milli second from ep IV?

Or the one seen in ep. III where the Emeror search for Anakin on Mustafar?

I would like to say the later one.

It is a set from ep. III to go along with the GGS and MF-packs.

Then if I am right, what MF

"The Imperial Landing Craft is the one seen for a few seconds in Episode IV. So we'll probably get a few Sandtroopers with it."

Ok. Do you have a confirmation of that Sam?

Well, the one in Ep IV is called an "Imperial Landing Craft", and the one in Epsiode III is called a "Theta Class Imperial Shuttle." So they're both very different ships.

Well, the one in Ep IV is called an "Imperial Landing Craft", and the one in Epsiode III is called a "Theta Class Imperial Shuttle." So they're both very different ships.

The Theta Class Shuttle is smaller and has a round canopy:


(Sam I know you know this. Just clarifying for the other folk. PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!!)

Piture taken from The StarWars.com Databank. Thanks George!

LEGO is doing some great things here. 2007 SW line up is looking great and there is some hopeful possibilities for the rest of the 2007 sets we are privy to thus far. Only one problem... I have not got half of the sets I wanted from 2006 (due to lack of funds, sure I have money, but must pay for food, power, car, petro, insurance, clothing (wife and 2 children))

I am a castle fan, but am passing on the KK sets this year as they are a lot of money for little brick. I hinted strongly to my wife I wanted Jabba's Sailbarge for my b'day in October, so we shall see. I have a few SW sets because SW LEGO is very, very cool (I grew up in the late 70's early 80's and cut my teeth on LEGO and Kenner SW figs.....) I have even bought some city stuff as the vehicles are very nice looking and functional....

I look forward to the possibilities in the fig packs(GO LEGO!!) and to see if the Grevious starfighter has the 4 armed fig I don't yet own.....

Well with Anie's JSF was also present a vulture droid !! And that droid was made of a reasonable amounts of parts So its definitly not that small.

Considering the shape of GG's starfighter, it effectively could be made of fairly large parts

Droids Battle Pack (7654) - EUR 12.99

Clone Troopers Battle Pack (7655) - EUR 12.99

General Grievous’ Starfighter (7656) - EUR 25.99

AT-ST (7657) - EUR 24.99

Y-wing Fighter (7658) - EUR 45.99

Imperial Landing Craft (7659) - EUR 64.99

The prices is mentioned in € and if you look at other sets we got today, the GGS is in range of

the B-Wing. There fore I think this set might be quite good.

The Theta-class shuttle seen in E3 is NOT a landing craft, its a fully-fledged intergalactic shuttle in its own right. Its a predesessor to the Lambda-class shuttle as seen in E6 and was part of Imperial Inspection.

If you want a Theta-class shuttle, it should be really easy to MOC from the Lambda-class one. Then just add a Darth Vader from Darth Vader Transformation (pre-transformation, obvioulsy). Follow it with a V-Wing. Robert is your dad's brother!

The Theta-class shuttle seen in E3 is NOT a landing craft, its a fully-fledged intergalactic shuttle in its own right. Its a predesessor to the Lambda-class shuttle as seen in E6 and was part of Imperial Inspection.

If you want a Theta-class shuttle, it should be really easy to MOC from the Lambda-class one. Then just add a Darth Vader from Darth Vader Transformation (pre-transformation, obvioulsy). Follow it with a V-Wing. Robert is your dad's brother!

It has a different canopy to the Lamda Class though.

God, we're such nerds.

What? No pictures.

I will have to wait for some actual details before I get excited. I really haven't liked many of the SW sets since the 1999-2000 series so hopefully these sets will be nice. New figures would be especially great. Blue senate guards, new jedi, magna guards or any new character would be perfect. Hopefully, we see plenty of them too. The current prices for SW figures is becoming quite insane. *wacko*

What? No pictures.

I will have to wait for some actual details before I get excited. I really haven't liked many of the SW sets since the 1999-2000 series so hopefully these sets will be nice. New figures would be especially great. Blue senate guards, new jedi, magna guards or any new character would be perfect. Hopefully, we see plenty of them too. The current prices for SW figures is becoming quite insane. *wacko*

You're a hard man to please SuvieD.

Ooo, a new AT-ST, that will be nice.

What's an Imperial Landing Craft?

*googles Imperial Landing Craft*

Eww, that's ugly!!!

what grevious starfighter? 8-|

This grievous starfighter


k thx. that looks awesome! *y*

i wonder if the clone battle pack will be EP2 or EP3 or a mix of both.

Let's hope that it are all Ep. 3 clones, they rock!!! *sweet*

Well, this is good news, and bad news. I was finally gonna give up on collecting SW since it was becoming more and more expensive. But I can't refuse something like Grievous' Fighter. I always loved the medium-sized ships like both Jedi Star Fighters and the Hot Rod Speeder.

Battle packs...I don't know what to expect of these. Sounds like MF packs which are gonna be sold out very, very fast and then put up on BL for twice the price. I hope TLC won't sell them for BL market price though...

The AT-ST and Y-wing were probably the only ships they hadn't redesigned yet. The AT-ST needs a redesign so I'll get that. I'm not too sure about the Y-Wing though.

The Landing Craft sounds pretty neat, but I'll wait untill we get pictures.

Now then, time to start saving and making more shelve space :-P

By the way, where did those prices come from? Amazon?

Whoever in the Lego company decided to do battle packs is now my hero! :-P

I wonder what they will do with them. Perhaps small packs with a few troops and a vehicle (like a speeder) or bigger sets with an At-Rt and a large squad of troops! Maybe even the clone tank from the star wars: clone wars game (forgot the name.)

Greivous's ship sound interesting to!

If the landing pack comes with lots of stormies then I will definately get one.

I want the At-St redesign but I already have the latest Y-Wing and don't need another...

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