September 29, 200915 yr I'll definitely get flacked for this but, a Disney Princess collection? Small sets, about $20 each, that contains one small scene for every Disney Princess that exists. It could also contain their partners. It would definitely focus on the princess role playing for little girls and provide a handful of minifigs for minifig collectors.
September 29, 200915 yr I'll definitely get flacked for this but, a Disney Princess collection? Small sets, about $20 each, that contains one small scene for every Disney Princess that exists. It could also contain their partners. It would definitely focus on the princess role playing for little girls and provide a handful of minifigs for minifig collectors. somehow... i think this is the most possible idea. the disney princesses are a billion dollar franchise for disney, i can definitely see it being released... but maybe in a belville-style as opposed to system sets. i wish for these figs though. if lego can sell minifig packs of classic disney characters, i would empty my bank account. haha
September 29, 200915 yr I would also like to see a Thunder Mountain set with the new track pieces from the temple of doom. It could be run with some kind of motor but it wouldn't have to be.
September 29, 200915 yr That's a dream right there. Some of your ideas sound good. I honestly don't think TLG will do anymore then TS, PoP, and Cars. They'd be great. I'm hopeing for them but not keeping my hopes up. I can just image the beutiful figures! And don't forget about *stops in tracks*... I NEED THAT DOOFINSMIRTS LABCOAT AND HEAD PIECE!!!! Edit by Hinckley: No no no no no no. No text over size 3 please and don't type in all caps. Thank you. I wonder what just happened? XD I would also like that Rollercoaster seen in the first episode, it would cost $ 100, 6 carts for the the Rollercoaster, EVERY single person you see in the show, a 35 piece track, and a moter! That would be sweet! EDIT: LEGO Phineas and Ferb discussion really needs a seperate topic for us to think about set ideas, set designs, minifigures, and NEW MOLDS! And seriously, the posibilities are endless! With how people are reacting to the cartoon, plus all the stuff Phineas and Ferb do, TLG will really make some bucks, and it will sell rather well. Edited October 1, 200915 yr by Hinckley
October 1, 200915 yr What about, LEGO Club Penguin? I can imagine kids running around with 'bricked' puffle's in their hand in a year or so. It would also be funny to see a Yarr puffle with launching catupult that you could try to aim at and knock out Herbert P. Bear! XD It also wouldn't be violent because of how kiddy Club Penguin really is. It is owned by Disney, though. That means a lot of sets could work out. There's only one reason I would think about first... Herberts gotta look much nicer to get the treatent of a LEGO Minifigure! As you can see by this picture, he'd be a cool minifig! Edited October 1, 200915 yr by BrickMonster MonsterBrick
October 1, 200915 yr Wall-E. Any sets from it. I would buy them. Me too, like pretty much any Pixar set. But it's not likely to happen since, unlike Toy Story and Cars, there wont be any sequel to Wall-E anytime soon, so for now it's a thing of the past and low in demand. Would there really be any minifigs, though? Sorry if that's a stupid question, I never saw the movie. Well, there would be brick-built Wall-E and EVE of course, and then there are the captain and passengers of the AXIOM. They might need to make new molds for their round bodies though. Set Name: Fun in the S'winterTheme: Phineas and Ferb ... Uhm, yeah, that's one of at least 80 possibilities. My point is that every episode features a different setting/vehicle, so there are no iconic ones to be made into sets. Don't get me wrong, a P&F line of sets would definitely be interesting and good for parts etc. but I just don't think it's a very good/realistic idea. A modular house based on the house from "Up." Sounds good. Of course it wouldn't have all the balloons, but it would still be a nice set. I'll definitely get flacked for this but, a Disney Princess collection? Small sets, about $20 each, that contains one small scene for every Disney Princess that exists. It could also contain their partners. It would definitely focus on the princess role playing for little girls and provide a handful of minifigs for minifig collectors. Well, that would definitely be neat. At least better than just minifig packs as tin7 suggested. But I'd rather have sets in "the usual manner", meaning in different price classes and with complete scenery, instead of just a bunch of vignettes. What about, LEGO Club Penguin? Well, considering that I have never even heard of that MMOG, I don't think it's a good idea. Sorry. Loving your avatar btw. Edited October 1, 200915 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
October 1, 200915 yr Uhm, yeah, that's one of at least 80 possibilities. My point is that every episode features a different setting/vehicle, so there are no iconic ones to be made into sets.Don't get me wrong, a P&F line of sets would definitely be interesting and good for parts etc. but I just don't think it's a very good/realistic idea. Yeah, tons of posibilities theyed probably have to do a 6 year license for Disney sets! And thats probably the only theme they'll do if they run out of set ideas in 6 years for every Disney thing. But there would be very good pieces and minifigs in there.
October 1, 200915 yr Yeah, tons of posibilities theyed probably have to do a 6 year license for Disney sets! And thats probably the only theme they'll do if they run out of set ideas in 6 years for every Disney thing. Exactly, so keep dreaming. But there would be very good pieces and minifigs in there. Pieces, yes (Lego platypus! ), but minifigs... not so much. A lot of the characters have very oddly shaped heads (especially Phineas and Doofenschmirts), so they would have to be Toy Story style specific new head molds and wouldn't be very reusable. Btw, if you want a labcoat, you can just print out a decal from the Minifig Customization forum.
October 1, 200915 yr Yeah, tons of posibilities theyed probably have to do a 6 year license for Disney sets! And thats probably the only theme they'll do if they run out of set ideas in 6 years for every Disney thing. But there would be very good pieces and minifigs in there. You really think the Disney license is going to last 6 years? I give it 3, than LEGO moves on to a different cow de cash. And if TLG does a Phineas and Ferb license, I wont buy any LEGO for the rest of that year! Edited October 1, 200915 yr by Emperor Claudius Rome
October 1, 200915 yr Now that Disney bought marvel... LEGO Marvel! I agree. Since there is (almost) no hope for the return of Batman, I would not mind Fantastic Four Lego, or the return of Spiderman.
October 1, 200915 yr You really think the Disney license is going to last 6 years? I give it 3, than LEGO moves on to a different cow de cash. And if TLG does a Phineas and Ferb license, I wont buy any LEGO for the rest of that year! No... but I was just saying it as a joke. Lets just say it was sarcasm. And Oky Wan Kenobi, FYI... the secret agent Perry would be a minifig, while the 'regular' pet platypus would be brick-built. I know that LEGO Phineas and Ferb would never happen, but just a dreamy dream of the awesome minfigs and peices their could be. As of LEGO Club Penguin... their could be alot of posabilitys for a good 2 and a half years of sets. Herbert, Klutzy, puffles, penguins, Gary the Gadget Guy, Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, Cadence, Pizza Penguin... we could get some great minifigs and models... ecspecially with Disney telling LEGO what to do! Edited October 1, 200915 yr by BrickMonster MonsterBrick
October 2, 200915 yr As of LEGO Club Penguin... their could be alot of posabilitys for a good 2 and a half years of sets. Herbert, Klutzy, puffles, penguins, Gary the Gadget Guy, Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, Cadence, Pizza Penguin... we could get some great minifigs and models... ecspecially with Disney telling LEGO what to do! I used to go on club penguin back in 2006. But Disney turned it into a cash cow just like the other Disney stuff.
October 2, 200915 yr I may have gone overboard with the LEGO Club Penguin thing, but I think it would sell rather well. I don't care if I'm an adult, Club Penguin is for everyone. And Disney didn't totally ruin it, they saved it and made it better. Next post will have my tons of set ideas. *Thinks into La La Land* Club Penguin, oh sweet Club Penguin... penguins.... don't go... NOOOOOOOOOOOO! (As you can see, I like everything penguin, penguins are the best animal ever, I collect penguin things) Edited October 2, 200915 yr by BrickMonster MonsterBrick
February 4, 201015 yr I just wanted to get this in now - I know that nobody will believe me as nobody can confirm anything but come the summer you will hear that one of the big lego licensed themes for 2011 will be ...... pirates of the carribean. You will see some sets from the first 3 films and then big sets in the summer for 'On stranger Tides' part 4, following the toy story release structure. Again I know there is not one shred of evidence - but just come back to this post later in the year p.s they are starting to put deals in place for a range of licensing. Edited February 4, 201015 yr by achris
February 4, 201015 yr I just wanted to get this in now - I know that nobody will believe me as nobody can confirm anything but come the summer you will hear that one of the big lego licensed themes for 2011 will be ...... pirates of the carribean. You will see some sets from the first 3 films and then big sets in the summer for 'On stranger Tides' part 4, following the toy story release structure.Again I know there is not one shred of evidence - but just come back to this post later in the year I wouldn't exactly be shocked by this news if it ends up being true Also, kris abel said there would be a new line based on a Pixar release for 2011. Any ideas what that is?
February 5, 201015 yr yes, it's Cars 2. Also look out for news of Newt and Lone Ranger for 2012, these 2 are my opinion and my source only, my post before is fact I will know more about these at Octobers Licensing Show
February 5, 201015 yr Disney might get back the liscense for POTC from Megablocks, and if they give it to Lego, that would be awesome. Plus it gives and excuse for more pirate stuff.
February 5, 201015 yr Toy Story Green Army patrol , 59,99€: A Green Truck , like the one of Indiana Jones in 7622 Race for the Stolen Treasure , with these minifigs : - 3 Green Army Soldiers , with new torsos like this but in green . - 1 Green Army Medic , with a helmet with medic cross and also a torso with medic cross . - 1 Green Army Commander , with the hair of Dollar Bill and the head of german mechanic in green . - Zurg . - 2 Little Green Aliens , one with Zurg's symbol .
February 5, 201015 yr Can LEGO make Kingdom Hearts sets with the Disney license? Or does Square Enix only have license to use the Disney characters? Even though I haven't played those games, that might be pretty lucrative as those games are quite successful and the characters potentially span lots of different interests (classic Disney to Final Fantasy). According to Greg Farshtey, Lego tends to stay away from video game licenses, due to the extreme marketing and competition that comes with it. This is why you don't see Lego Halo. And this is why we won't see Lego Mario or Zelda. And no Lego cannot make KH Lego as the non-Disney characters are not owned by Disney and are strictly copyright of Square Enix. They can make Mickey, but not Sora. Anyways I'd like to see a Castle-esque theme that involves the Disney Princesses/Princes with the Villains. Like the castle in Sleeping Beauty covered in thorns with Maleficent and a sleeping Aurora. -Omi
May 19, 201014 yr I just think the Lego group doesn't want to pay Disney what they want for licensing. Latest construction toy licensing for Disneyland Parks. As already mentioned Diablok does the brick sets of the park. Now K'nex is doing the rides. Motorized and musical Dumbo the flying elephant and Space Mountain are out already!
May 21, 201014 yr Knex apparently has a Disneyland License Space Mountain Dumbo Ride Damn now a LEGO Space Mountain Roller Coaster would have been cool Also the knex figs look familiar
May 21, 201014 yr And to think we could have gotten those mickey mouse heads for Lego figs... Oh well. Maybe some day. I have been thinking about the future of Disney licensed sets lately, and here is what I figured: They might do another wave of PoP, considering the theme's popularity, but after that, I think, there wont be much left from the movie for them to make sets of, and it's rather unlikely that they'll do any sets based on the games, so the PoP theme will probably be on hold until a sequel comes out (IF there will be any). I could imagine that the rumors of a PotC theme are true and that it will replace the PoP theme by next summer. As for Toy Story, I fear there isn't much they could make sets of here either. Maybe we'll see another wave (I really hope we do), but as soon as the excitement of the third movie has calmed down, I'm afraid it's over. The question is, what will take it's place? I think there is a good chance we might see System "Cars" sets to coincide with the sequel next summer. It's the only thing that makes sense. I'm still hoping that there will be sets based on Disney Animation Studios films, especially the classics, and the release of their adaption of Rapunzel (stupidly renamed to "Tangled" for corporate reasons ) this November would be a good chance to do so, but if TLC was planning to do so, I think we would have heard something about that by now. But one can always hope and wish upon a star! Any thoughts? Edited May 21, 201014 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
May 21, 201014 yr This will probably never happen, but Disney Lego sets I'd like to see include: Cruella DeVille's car, Tron Lightcycle, King Louie's temple, Dumbo's flame covered clown act tower, Monstro (With Gepetto on his little boat inside.), The Nautilus, The boat from Steamboat Willie, Malificent's castle and dragon form, Captain Hook's ship, vehicles from Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers... There are a lot of other things I'd like to see, and I've seen a lot of you mention some good stuff, but these are things I don't remember seeing mentioned in the thread.
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