Posted July 6, 200915 yr What Non-Licensed Theme do you think will end next year? I know theres a topic about licensed themes ending next year, but how about non-licensed themes? I think, sadly, Agents will end, only if it goes for 1 more year, and also, I sadly think pirates might end, if it goes the ways of AR. What do you think will end in 2010? -Mods, lock this or move it if needed.
July 6, 200915 yr I'm terrified Castle will go away, as that's one of my favorites. I think Space Police is doomed, personally.
July 6, 200915 yr Considering the vast amount of licensed themes next year I suspect will see quite alot of inhouse themes/lines butchered. Is suspect that Belville is over. Agents is likely to go away. Pirates will probably get a few more sets. But the biggest slaughter will most likely be in city. Police will surely take a break and be back in 2011. Firefighters may do the same. Coastguard is gone. At the end of next year we'll probably see the end of Pirates, Power Miners and maybe even Space Police. I kind'a think that Racers are ending too. Sure the sets are great partspacks but it seems like they're really struggling to keep the interest alive. It's starting to feel like the sets are in their third, fourh or even higher iteration.
July 6, 200915 yr Sadly, I think Agents might be nearing its end The 2008 sets really weren't available for too long, and I've never seen little kids crowd around the Agents sets like little kids always crowd around LSW sets. I'm also not sure how long they can manage to keep the PM line fresh. The first and second waves were OK, but I'm not sure how many "rock destroyer thing with a drill" sets they need to make. I hope they decide to end racers. It's repetitive and boring, and it hasn't give us too many useful parts. I would die if they ended Pirates next year. Pirates II has brought us amazing minifigs and parts, and there's still a lot of area to cover.
July 6, 200915 yr I personally think that Space Police will end. I love the minifigs, but besides the fresh selection of figs, i don't know what else is 'new' to the theme. Power Miners are practically over, unless they can create another faction of bad guys. The PMs have fought rock monsters, and crystal kings, what more can you get? Also, they've already created TOO fine an assortment of drills and diggers... more than anyone can ever think of (it's becoming kind of forced.. really... "dynamite tossing"... WOW!). Agents have a lot of potential. TLG can create sets from any campy spy B-movie they can think of. However, I don't think they sell well, the price range is too big, it jumps too quickly from $10-30, up to $60-100. There are no mid-ranged priced sets. Thus, it should end soon, maybe one more year... (I still haven't seen Mission 7 from Agents 1.0 in Canada...), and I'm still waiting for the Agent's Headquarters. I hope Pirates get another year though, we got a lot of stuff on the pirates side (shipwreck, treasure island, raft, pirate ship), but not much on the imperial soldiers (only an island fortress), i still hope to see some form of an "HMS-something" show up to cannonball the pirate ship. City will not end, it generates the most profit, but some of the different sub-themes will go to rest (coast guard, firefighters, farm, police, etc.)... for a while at least. And Castle, they need to have more castle sets, it is the only in-house theme that I hope continues, especially this Fantasy Era Castle theme... there's so much potential (wink wink ELVES! And fairies to if possible!) I never really much cared for Racers though, I've got enough of those 'pull back and go' cars... and tiny turbos... I despise the theme's lack of minifigs. I'm more of a licensed guy, and for me 2010 can't come soon enough, with Disney and Ben 10 (maybe will see prelim pics by Christmas!), and hopefully more Indy, and less Spongebob -- bring back AVATAR! They're making a movie now!. Edited July 6, 200915 yr by tin7
July 6, 200915 yr Racers is the strongest evergreen theme of them all! Kids love race cars. Parents love cheap sets. Win-win situation! They really don't need to re-invent the wheel (so to speak) for this theme. By the time kids buying Racer sets grow out of them and look for something more stimulating, there is a fresh batch eager to gobble them up! This is why the Emergency Rescue sets get an overhaul every 2 or 3 years in Lego City - in that time, unlike AFOLs, you've already turned over a new generation of consumers. Personally I doubt Power Miners will go on unless the theme shifts radically into new territory (maybe they discover dinosaurs at the centre of the earth? It was sort of what happened with Adventurers, mid-period. I think rock monsters are played out.) SP3 will get another year, unless there's some unforeseen conflict with Ben 10 (cool aliens?). I doubt Agents will get another year, this year's releases were pretty uninspiring (apart from the Robo Attack). Pirates will definitely go on for another year or two. If the statement about Elves is true, maybe they should rest Castle for a year. The current releases aren't exactly inspiring and it might give another theme a chance to shine.
July 6, 200915 yr Purely based on the number of people I see looking at them and interested in the shops, I think the new City sets are doing well and I hope that we see more sets along the lines of the City Corner set. There are so many ideas that would be good other than yet more police, fire and construction sets.
July 6, 200915 yr Purely based on the number of people I see looking at them and interested in the shops, I think the new City sets are doing well and I hope that we see more sets along the lines of the City Corner set.There are so many ideas that would be good other than yet more police, fire and construction sets. Cities are doing really well. At my 3 local TRUs, they get the biggest shelves, and are rarely completely stocked, they keep running out...
July 6, 200915 yr Power miners for sure, they've milked that cow dry. I too want agents tol go on for at least another year, and hope they'll choose racers to go though, or at least update it, like Svelt said. Maybe make some futuristic cars, or Indiana Jones-ish old cars. And I wouldn't care if they got rid of pirates, but it seems like they didn't go for very long. Edited July 6, 200915 yr by cole
July 6, 200915 yr I have heard rumors of more PF trains that were under embargo (so no details could be given), but from very reliable people. So the train will probably stay for a while this time. I think the green and white/red train will go. In fact the green one is already gone at Shop@Home.
July 6, 200915 yr Lets see... Is it Star Wars? Then there is a chance it will end next year. Agents will probably end. I don't mind because I can keep on MOC-ing it. Bellville will more than likely end because anything specificaly for girls sells poorly. City is evergreen. Something city will always be there because it always sells. I'm sure that if Lego ended all of their regular themes there would be outrage. It is unfortunate that some of the best themes Lego have done are being ignored in favour of the Mass Media appeal. (See, when I was a kid Star Wars was a blip on the SF radar... but that is another story) That's how the world goes.
July 6, 200915 yr That's a great and very interesting topic, just2good! I think that Agents and Power Miners will end in 2010 since they already have two waves this year. And since there are that many new licensed themes next year TLG has to reduce the number of non-licensed themes and sets. But the most important is that City (with new themes), Star Wars OT (with some ESB sets) and Pirates (which I don't buy but it's nevertheless great to see these lovely sets) will stay! Klaus-Dieter Edited July 6, 200915 yr by Klaus-Dieter
July 6, 200915 yr My guess is that we'll see the end of Agents (the 2.0 selection is rather small), Power Miners, and probably Pirates. I think that it is also likely that Space Police will be put on hiatus. I have no idea how well Bellville is doing, but I suppose that is a good possibility - though having a girl-oriented theme is not a bad idea at all.
July 6, 200915 yr You guys are sure quick to snip out themes that have only been around this year. Of course they aren't going to end Pirates after just one wave of sets! And Power Miners and Space Police, too? After just one year? I don't know about Agents, either. It's only been around for two years, but if they run out of ideas, then I guess they could end it. But I'd rather they focus and expand on the existing themes rather than bringing us new action themes with the same basic vehicles every year. I'd also like more buildings, more civilians, more animals, more monsters and more sets that can be combined with other sets. And if they retire castle next year, I'm going to fly to Denmark instantly and rally outside TLG's offices until they bring it back!
July 6, 200915 yr You guys are sure quick to snip out themes that have only been around this year. Of course they aren't going to end Pirates after just one wave of sets! And Power Miners and Space Police, too? After just one year?I don't know about Agents, either. It's only been around for two years, but if they run out of ideas, then I guess they could end it. Power Miners and Agents have two waves this year. So I think that it is and there won't be more sets next year. And if they retire castle next year, I'm going to fly to Denmark instantly and rally outside TLG's offices until they bring it back! Since there are so many people which want elves (which I personally do really not understand) I bet that we'll see an elven theme in the "Castle" line next year. Since there are so many people been interested in that fantasy stuff (me excluded) it would be a big fault if TLG releases no new "Castle" sets in 2010. But I'd rather they focus and expand on the existing themes rather than bringing us new action themes with the same basic vehicles every year. I'd also like more buildings, more civilians, more animals, more monsters and more sets that can be combined with other sets. I totally agree with you, Sandy! Every year that many new themes which are more or less the same than the themes from the years before (e. g.: Where is the big difference between Mars Mission and Space Police?! Or between Exoforce and Power Miners?! ) I'd like to see more long-living themes, too! Instead of releasing such many licensed themes next year and supposably a theme similar to the last ugly Aquazone theme TLG should better release more City sets and some new Wild West sets! Klaus-Dieter Edited July 6, 200915 yr by Klaus-Dieter
July 6, 200915 yr Agents. The first wave was really great, but I only ended up getting one set, and the second wave doesn't interest me at all. Most of the sets (especially the non-vehicle oriented ones) are lackluster, and I don't think there is much that the TLG can do except have the good guys beat the bad guys at the end of every wave, and bring the bad guys back at the beginning of every wave. It's the way of almost every childrens T.V. show/ comic/ other. I think that Agents will go down as another one of those spy-action type themes, with only a few waves of sets. Power Miners could also be close to it's end. Yes, it was just released this year, but what else an they do with it? There's been plenty of digging and drilling vehicles, an underground base or two, and even a giant rock monster. What else is there? Not that this isn't a good theme, though. I think that Pirates has lots left in it, though. There's only been a single wave of the new Pirates so far, and it is an evergreen theme. If Castle has lasted this long (and hopefully for many years to come), then Pirates should do just as well.
July 7, 200915 yr Space Police III has only been out for less than two months and you're already saying that it's going to end after only one line-up/wave? Not likely. Although I can't see much more Power Miners, or Agents, honestly. Like what's been said before, there's only so much you can do with a drill and a couple of wheels. It was a great theme, I got all of the first 6 sets(Which made me broke, mind you. ), and still love the to this day. Especially the Crystal Sweeper and Thunder Driller; best sets of the first wave, IMO. And as far as Power Miners goes, there's still a couple of sets they haven't released yet. Now, we'll move on to Agents. It's an awesome theme with great sets, but honestly, this year has been a bit bland except for 4-Wheeling Pursuit and Robo Attack. The first wave was perfection. Not one complaint. And the thought of an elite spy team is great, too. But still, they need a new enemy. Dr. Inferno can only be the enemy for so long, and at first, I thought this year's main baddie was Dr. D. Zaster. But no, Dr. Inferno still reigns king of crime. The first line of vehicles was nice, too. A spy car, a giant truck, a motorcycle, a jet fighter, and a "jetpack". This year, the vehicles were just small(Except for the helicopter and huge jeep), and rather boring. And now I think I should talk about how some themes will not die out... City is a theme that will never get old. There's so many possibilities! A few little different houses, maybe a whole neighborhood(What an expensive set that would be! ), random civilian cars, more impulses of just regular minifigures without theme(As in Fire, Construction, Police, eyc.) and just civilians. That's the one thing City is missing; more civilians. And that's what this year has been good for, the Camper, the Sports Car, and City Corner. And I also enjoy this new addition to the Transportation theme, the Tow Truck, Helicopter Transport, Garage, etc. Racers is one theme that's going strong; I have a couple of friends that only collect Racers. The Tiny Turbos are a nice sub-theme of Racers, and there's still many possibilities. LEGO usually releases two waves of Tiny Turbos per year, correct? Than my point is proven! My local(By local, I mean a half-hour away.) Wallie-World has half a shelf just for the Racers line. And about one hundred Tiny Turbos mini-canisters in stock at least every time I go there. Pirates still has much more momentum in it that could boost it at least for another year or two. More ships(Preferrably Navy ships.), less islands, more impulses, and a new sub-theme; Islanders! The return of a dearly missed theme, it would be great to see our cute little Islander friends return. Castle. What more to say? It's still got a great variety of sets that could still be released; there's subthemes that can be returned, Forestmen, Fright Knights, etc. There's still lots more fun to be had with this theme. And LEGO would be making a huge mistake for axing this theme next year. And now for Creator. Creator has so many possibilities. In fact, too many possibilities. And that's a good thing, so LEGO should start working on whipping out more Creator sets; they're the perfect parts-pack. I personally think the Town House is the best Creator set thus far. ----- By now I'm sure you get my point, but this is where I'm supposed to say that "LEGO needs to think outside the box." ... Well, not literally, but you get my point. LEGO has so many options for themes and sets and they don't even put them into action! Thanks, -Striker Edited July 7, 200915 yr by Strikerâ„¢
July 7, 200915 yr If they're not coming out with elves to refresh the castle line, then that's probably going to go away. I think Agents is gone. This second wave hasn't been nearly as good as the first wave, and I think they're either running out of ideas, or winding the set down. Coast guard as well, is slowly being phased out. I'm not sure about Power Miners, but I'm guessing there'll be a smaller third wave, and that'll be all. There are certain themes that aren't going anywhere, but won't get another wave for a while. Pirates I think is one of them, as well as police and fire. I think it's about time they retire Belville and replace it with modular town, but I'm not going to hold out on that happening. It's been around for 25 years, and if TLG was going to get rid of the line, they would've done so years and years ago.
July 7, 200915 yr I think it's about time they retire Belville and replace it with modular town, but I'm not going to hold out on that happening. It's been around for 25 years, and if TLG was going to get rid of the line, they would've done so years and years ago. Haha, where did you pull that number? Belville was first released in 1994, which was 15 years ago. I personally think it's both outdated and low quality, so they would do well to axe it and replace it with a new theme more oriented to girls. Preferably a System-theme with proper minifigs, like Paradisa.
July 7, 200915 yr And if they retire castle next year, I'm going to fly to Denmark instantly and rally outside TLG's offices until they bring it back! I'll join you on your quest. I collect Indiana Jones but I get some Castle sets because I just love those knights. I just wish the King and his army would fight other knights instead of trolls and zombies. I also agree Pirates, Space Police, and Power Miners have atlest another year to prove themselves a sucess. I only have 1 pirate set but I'm planning on some more.
July 8, 200915 yr Haha, where did you pull that number? Belville was first released in 1994, which was 15 years ago. I personally think it's both outdated and low quality, so they would do well to axe it and replace it with a new theme more oriented to girls. Preferably a System-theme with proper minifigs, like Paradisa. Oops! Good catch! That's what I get for being lazy and not spelling out the number; one wrong key and it's suddenly 10 years older.
July 8, 200915 yr If they're not coming out with elves to refresh the castle line, then that's probably going to go away. I'm guessing that Castle is probably going to continue in some form or another. After Steve's comments though, I'm not betting on Elves. I'm not certain if the Castle theme is particularly popular with children (it certainly is big with AFOLs) but it is certainly unique. The Castle theme is one that LEGO constantly drops only to resurrect shortly thereafter. It almost seems like a waste to simply drop the line again given that it will inevitably end up coming back anyways. Outside of Town, it seems to be one of the most consistent non-licenced themes LEGO has.
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