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My friends and I are trying to build a Lego military, and I was wondering if you guys would like LEGO to produce a military line for collectors and army builders. I wonder what you guys think?

I personally would love to have a military line, providing it was detailed and accurate.

The chances of there ever being one are really, really slim though. :thumbdown:

Armies and military were one thing LEGO never wanted to do, and never will, sorry. :sad:

Although, in the great words of Captain Green Hair, why do you need LEGO to make sets for you? All you need is part and your imagination. :classic:

Although, in the great words of Captain Green Hair, why do you need LEGO to make sets for you?

Because some parts are not made by Lego, or some designs not printed. (Yes, I know there are decals for some things)

Example: If I was a purist, and a perfectionist, it would be very hard to find a suiting German WWII helmet for a minifig, right?

Because some parts are not made by Lego, or some designs not printed. (Yes, I know there are decals for some things)

Example: If I was a purist, and a perfectionist, it would be very hard to find a suiting German WWII helmet for a minifig, right?

I was going to say this in black but the holes at the top kind of mess it up. :tongue:

Might be hard from the purist point of view but the Indy line and the new Rebel torsos from the Star Wars line has some decent military torsos.

i once had contact with TLC and they told me:

"LEGO doesn't produce any military or war themes....no violence..."

so i don't think, that there is any chance.

even tough, castle, pirates, star WARS is not the most peacefull toy one can have :tongue: so it's kind of ridiculous, but still their philosophy...

Lego is a European company with many European customers. World War II was not that long ago and I doubt that there are many Europeans that have fond memories of it. I am an American living in Italy for a few years. As I travel around Europe and stick my head into toy stores, I notice a distinct lack of military related toys. Lots of police, fire, and racing die cast vehicles, etc. but almost no military items. We can find plenty of violence in the various Lego themes but a military theme -- no way.

Don't forget that even recently TLG toned down the Dinosaur line for Europe, and while the Agents sets had decently realistic guns in the prototypes, but ended up with fire hoses in the production version.

I think you'll be waiting a while; at least another 10 years.

while the Agents sets had decently realistic guns in the prototypes, but ended up with fire hoses in the production version.

Ooh, :look: please show.

Ooh, :look: please show.



But they're only the Batman rifles.

As I travel around Europe and stick my head into toy stores, I notice a distinct lack of military related toys. Lots of police, fire, and racing die cast vehicles, etc. but almost no military items.

We have plenty of war-toys here (those cheap, plastic models) in Finland, and the army is considered a place for "true men", so there are plenty of military-fanatics and warmongers here.

But as far as LEGO producing a military theme, I wouldn't appreciate it at all. There's that one clone-brand that has such a theme, and I just saw a huge collection of those in Brickshelf. Let me dig it up for you...

Here you go!

But they're only the Batman rifles.

:look: What did you expect; custom parts in a prototype? The significant thing is that they even used them when the fire hoses (and revolvers) were already available. To me this means they were considering making new modern looking handguns... but it could just mean that the photographer was lazy! :laugh:

We have plenty of war-toys here (those cheap, plastic models) in Finland, and the army is considered a place for "true men", so there are plenty of military-fanatics and warmongers here.

I believe that is the first time that I have seen "Finland" and "warmonger" used in the same sentence, but I have not been there and will defer to your local knowledge. I'm in agreement with you that Lego should never produce a military theme. Even at it's most "violent" (pirates, castle, agents, Star Wars), it's still difficult to get past the "cuteness" factor of the little yellow people. Having served in the military (but not in a war) there is nothing "cute" about it.

I really think there is no chance of this. TLC is dead set against a military theme. In the beginning, they did not even produce bricks in green because the owner didn't want children to make tanks out of them. Although this could have been because World War 2 had only ended 10-15 years before. You'll notice that lately almost all of themes have conflict, but that conflict is generally a "good side" (human) vs. a "bad side" (some other species). So, TLC will not promote violence between people and they will also not create a theme that depicts something terrible that so many people in the world were, and still are, affected by.

I believe that is the first time that I have seen "Finland" and "warmonger" used in the same sentence, but I have not been there and will defer to your local knowledge.

Well, Finland is one of the few countries in Europe that still has an obligatory army for all men that lasts from 6 to 12 months. (you can choose the 12-month civilian service as an option, though). And all soldiers are considered heroes by their own right here, as well. We haven't been in a war for nearly sixty years, but still many people insist we keep our army big and our defenses high.

And the fear some people have for our neighboring country Russia is inconcievable, it's like they think Russia would just attack us any day now. :hmpf:

You can probably tell that I'm a pacifist, so I don't have much respect for the army-people. It's nice to be defended, but most of the times it's just blown out of proportions by people who are still caught up in their childhood soldier-plays. I can't believe adult people think that the countries of the world can still be divided into "good countries" and "evil countries", when each country has it's own problems!

But now I'm talking politics, which is a no-no here, so I'll shut up. :grin:

In the beginning, they did not even produce bricks in green because the owner didn't want children to make tanks out of them.

Wow. Is this true?

And I agree that Lego likely will never make a military theme. It's just too grim. But I think the past few years has seen a real wealth of torsos and weapons to build your own.

Strangely I think there were more military toys in Irish toy stores when I was a kid. GI Joe and all that kind of thing. Of course, the demographic that went for that now goes for violent videogames (age ratings are largely ignored, or more particularly circumvented by soft/lazy parents, and the full range of video games is present on the same shop floor in ordinary toy stores).

I don't think Lego would necessarily make much money on a military line, certainly I would expect it to be of more limited appeal than City or Star Wars (the latter is a good mix of action/fighting without resorting to stark war re-enactment for kids).

I wonder if the toy scene in the UK will change at all with the quite cool-looking and realistic models that the actual military there are releasing (HM Forces or something like that). A rather odd step that seems a bit like that film "Small Soldiers".

I think asking for a full camo-green Lego tank with spring loaded gun is definetely a no-no. But if we are asking for an Agents bright blue colored tank against say, another evil (Dr. Tanker?) villain in his super-awesome demolisher bright orange tank maybe there is still a chance. I mean if we can have a Bat-tank, what's to stop an Agents-tank?

I believe all of you want a realistic military tank in some way or another, be it a City type tank or a full blown Technic masterpiece (very very unlikely). So asking Lego for an Agents tank with spring cannons (like the bat-tank?) and flik fire missiles and threads like the crawler crane is the best way I think we can get a military tank. The tank is going against Dr. Tanker, not innocent civilians. :classic: We already have our giant robot of death, now its time for a giant tank to crush ppl under our threads!

Lego can and have the capability to build a fully functional Technic tank with gearbox, engine, 360 rotating turret, spring loaded cannon, full racks of flick fire missiles and automation only an expert MOC can dream of (with pneumatic, LA, lights, sound), just that Lego decided not to make one due to their company policy. To me I think they dun really need a military theme to make a great set, as some of the sets have shown; agents, star wars etc. There is enough violence in those fantasy realms already, no need to bring them to the Lego CITY; or rather the high number of police shows how Lego City really is :vader:

P.S: If you want a "Lego" tank, Megablocks did make an M1 Abrams and Leopard tank with about 500 pieces. Those Chinese and Korean clones also produce a military theme, as if they are cashing in on the theme which Lego refuse to make. So there are choices out there if you want a military Lego.

Edited by paanjang16

I mean if we can have a Bat-tank, what's to stop an Agents-tank?

The Bat-Tank didn't even had a turret; it was more of an ATV than a tank. All it had for weaponry were the two FFMs on top. :wink:


Don't say the accursed word here! :laugh:

You obviously don't care about mxing the cheap, brittle, plastic bricks with LEGO, do you? They will haunt your dreams, I swear. I got some years back, and they're multiplying. :cry_sad:

Edited by Strikerâ„¢

I think this topic comes up pretty frequently. There are actually lots of aftermarket military items from Brick Arms and Brick Forge and Brickmania. There is no question that there is a market for these types of Lego sets but I think Lego will stick to their guns (sorry couldn't resist) and never produce a modern military line and good for them to have that value and honor it.

I think Lego does violence very well in the historic, fantasy, action/adventure fiction arena and I would be perfectly happy to see it stay about the same.

After doing alot of LEGO research, including the research of the Civil War, I have noticed that the Western series' Calvary mini-figures do have a very large resemblence to real Civil War time Calvary men.

Now, since this is a topic for historic themes, I am going to raise this question here: If there are Civil WAR LIKE (remember not whole Civil War, LIKE :sadnew: ) mini-figures, what can't LEGO make a line that includes WWI and/or WWII sets?

See, many MOC-ians (funny word, huh :classic: ) have created what they would want WWII sets to look like....

Now, it is not impossible to create your OWN WWI/WWII collection from your own pieces at home, as I am going to, as soon as more bricks come avaliable, but what about people that want to have an accurate model in their hands? :sceptic:

I believe LEGO should look at these MOCs of Civil War, WWI, WWII, and even American Revolution, and put them on the drawing board for Summer 2010, or January 2011. It would be cool to see them listen to us! :cry_happy:

You mean like Indiana Jones? Because those technically have Nazis. But, while I would like a WWII theme, it will never happen. Maybe we could get large scale models of the planes, but I doubt it.


Sorry, but from what I've heard, LEGO has a policy that they won't make any realistic war vehicles. I personally don't mind though, I like other LEGO products. Then again, I could see a little kid begging his mum, "Can I get da new war legoz? Hitler's Throne Room looks real cool!" Mum: :sceptic:

I will move this discussion to "Other Themes" since this is inclined towards military.

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