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But anyway, lets try to keep this thread on topic. :classic:

Yes, please stay on topic.

  • 2 months later...

You shouldn't put that much minifigs in the set.

I would love so many, but I don't think LEGO will ever make a set with 7 ringwraiths, or 10 orcs.

The thing LEGO would do, is just put 3 ringwraiths and 3/4 orcs in it.

I like your idea and the sets but the price ratio does not match up. I have heard that lego may make the hobbit lego in 2011 trouble is that they may/may not release LOTR lego because it would have been 10 years earlier that it was created, but we can still hope for both The Hobbit and LOTR theme's. :classic:

  • 1 month later...
I like your idea and the sets but the price ratio does not match up. I have heard that lego may make the hobbit lego in 2011 trouble is that they may/may not release LOTR lego because it would have been 10 years earlier that it was created, but we can still hope for both The Hobbit and LOTR theme's. :classic:

Hi, :classic:

the first hobbit movie will come christmas 2012.

I beleve i have read that is a Familie-Movie. A Movie for all Generations.

I`m not sure but i think a LEGO lotr License is possible because LEGO work with TT-Games and Warner Bros.

-> And Warner Bros. have the lotr License!

Maybe they will give LEGO and TT-Games a License for Toys.

Warner have given a lotr Toy-License so much Toymanufacturers.

->Board Games, Warhammer, Action Figures, and and and....

...maybe LEGO and TT-Games want the lotr Toy-License 2012!?

It `s possible!

With the release of the hobbit coming soon this is a possibility. I might even start a LOTR petition. Anyway these set ideas are great but the fig numbers are far too unrealistic.

I recently discovered this amazing creation by schlimps, a Brickshelf member.


I'm not a castle fanatic but this is.....wow!!!! :oh:


Sorry for the large image. :blush:

A UCS Sauron's Tower would be awesome! Maybe even minifigure scale? :oh:

A UCS Sauron's Tower would be awesome! Maybe even minifigure scale? :oh:

How to build Sauron's Eye? :sceptic:

I would love to see something like this. :cry_happy::thumbup:

It would be kind of cool to have some UCS scale lotr sets like this.



Ps.: Yep, I know I would be broke if I bought the Orthanc but who cares? :tongue:

Edited by Darth Lion

How to build Sauron's Eye? :sceptic:

Loads of normal orange and trans-neon-orange pieces. :thumbup:

Btw, the guy who made that tower you deeplinked has WAY to much free time. :tongue: Pretty awesome though...

Whilst I'd love to see Lord of the Rings sets, Hobbit sets are far more fesable. Theres a movie in 2011, and rumors that Travelers Tales are making a LEGO Hobbit game! That likely means a Hobbit lisence is expected!

P.s - That Minas Tirith moc is fantastic! If only TLC could build something like that!

That Minas Tirith Moc is awsome and insane :cry_happy:

I would definatly want to see a helms deep and minas tirth castle with small sections of builds so you could bake the castle as big as you want with a bunch of figures

Weather top

Bree, the Prancing Pony

The shire released in seperate sets that connec together




Grey Havens

Fangorn including Tom Bombidil and ents

THe Black gate


Battle of the Plennor Fields

That Minas Tirith Moc is awsome and insane :cry_happy:

I would definatly want to see a helms deep and minas tirth castle with small sections of builds so you could bake the castle as big as you want with a bunch of figures

Weather top

Bree, the Prancing Pony

Seems unlikely, but if the line survives (well, it needs to start first, but you get my drift) we could see it in the 2nd/3rd year

The shire released in seperate sets that connec together

We'd likely just get Bag End and (maybe) The Green Dragon


Mabye a small set with Galadriel and her mirror, but anything more that that is unlikley


The tomb is likely, as is the Bridge and the opening door, but nothing else is really 'set worthy'


A council of Elrond is pretty much garentied if TLC pick up the liesence

Grey Havens

Most unlikely as the Grey Havens we're never seen in the books or films, only mentioned

Fangorn including Tom Bombidil and ents

Unlikely as Fangorn only had one moment likely to be seen in LEGO: When Merry and Pippin met Treebeard. Tom Bombidil would never be seen as he was only in the book for two chapters, and never in the films. Or in Fangorn

THe Black gate

Maybe an Aragon meets the mouth of Sauron set, but anything else is unlikely


Would look brilliant, and an Edoras throne room would be a likely canditate for a LEGO set

Battle of the Plennor Fields

Would be possible, but on a much smaller scale than the movies. LEGO Oliphants would look great!

(I've added my responses in bold)

Theres a movie in 2011, and rumors that Travelers Tales are making a LEGO Hobbit game!

Never heard of that rumors. :wacko:

And if I heard them, I wouldn't believe them.

Lego never produced a game which has no series of products.

If only TLC could build something like that!

They can. The thing is the price. I guess, that diorama would cost at least 800$! :devil:

A council of Elrond is pretty much garentied if TLC pick up the liesence

Are you sure?

I'm not. :wink:

This set would include around twenty figures. And the whole fellowship of the ring. Many people buy these sets only because of the figures. Therefore there would be no reason to buy other sets.

Tom Bombidil would never be seen as he was only in the book for two chapters, and never in the films.


The tomb is likely, as is the Bridge and the opening door, but nothing else is really 'set worthy'.

Maybe a set like this. Naturally in the "Lord of the Rings" style. For example Balin's tomb, but also a function, which lets the bridge of Khazad-Dûm fall apart or something....



A UCS Sauron's Tower would be awesome! Maybe even minifigure scale? :oh:

A minifigure scale tower would be gigantic, even as a LEGOLAND Park model. If there were to be a set of the tower, my guess is it would be downsized version of the eye and the black gate.

Never heard of that rumors. default_wacko.gif

And if I heard them, I wouldn't believe them.

Lego never produced a game which has no series of products.

TLG is making a Rock Band game, and as of now there are sets to go with it. There are also a lot of unavailable minifigures in the LEGO Battles game. I would be very surprised if we saw either a game or line of sets based the Hobbit/LotR, but I don't think you can count out a videogame only on the basis that there are no supporting sets.

Maybe a set like this. Naturally in the "Lord of the Rings" style. For example Balin's tomb, but also a function, which lets the bridge of Khazad-Dûm fall apart or something....

Or perhaps a set with a structure similar to the Temple Escape, with the West gate at the front, Balin's Tomb in the middle, and the bridge of Khazad-Dûm at the end.

Minas Tirith: Includes Minas Tirith, The Peleanor Fields, the docks, boats, Gandalf, Merry, Pippen, Disguised Eowyn, Eomer, The Witch-King Of Agamar, King Theoden, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli,

Denothor, Faramir, Gothmog, 30 Orcs, 12 Gondorian Soldiers, 11 Rohirrem Soldiers, 14 horses, 15 of the Army Of The Dead, 13 Civilians, 3 Mumikil, Grond, a Fell Beast, and 1 Warg. $300

Orion Out :skull:

Orion, your ideas make great sense for MOC's, especially this one. While I'd love to see this coming from LEGO or LOTR genre itself, the chances of seeing 94 minifigures in one set are slim to none. Have you ever thought of making any of these sets yourself? Perhaps you should give it a shot if you have time and bricks to do so. Would love to see Minas Tirith.

My idea of minas tirith would be 3 separate £100 playsets that are able to connect.

Set 1: The main Gate and wall- Gandalf on horse, 2 trolls, 5 orcs, 5 gondorians

set 2: The next 2 floors- Witch king on dragon, 1 giant to hammer doen the door, 4 orcs, 4 gondorians

set 3: One more floor and the highest level- Denethor, Gandalf, Merry, Farimer, 2 royal guards, 2 gondorian, 2 orcs

I'd be happy with any Lord of the rings sets.

If LEGO made any Lord of the Rings sets it would be when the Hobbit is released in 2011. They would probably make both sets from the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, just like they did with Indy. Sets I can see being made:

Bag End - either from the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings (most likely)

Brandywine Bridge


Troll Attack (from the Hobbit scene where the trolls turn to stone)

Balins Tomb

Gollums Lair (from the Hobbit)

Mirkwood (from the Hobbit would include spiders)

Smaug and the Misty Mountain (Big set from the Hobbit)

Thats from wave one at least

I'd love to see LotR sets.

Especially the witch king in minifig scale :classic:

There will a "The Hobbit" movie.I think if lego will make sets from the movie-it will be great :thumbup:

I don't know if there's any other topic about this so if there is can someone merge this with it? Anyway, I came up with the set ideas for The Lord Of The Rings sets (If they ever make it) a while ago and finally decided to post them. Here you go:

Wave 1:

Balins tomb: Includes a dwarf sized skeleton...

Even though I don't really like Lord of the Rings very much, I would certainly buy that set, if only for the dwarf-sized skeleton which would be fantastic for MOCs. I could always use the parts for MOCs too.

While these are great ideas, your set size/minifig count to price ratio is way off. Lego would never release an $80 set with 20 minifigures. Lego has released very few sets with 20 figures. The only one I can think of was the Minifigure scale Death Star...

What about Grand Championship Cup, the Trade Federation MTT, 2006 Community Workers, 2005 Community Workers, 1996 Community Workers, 1985 Community Workers... The list is endless!!!! Well, actually, I lie. That is the end of the list. But the point still stands! Forgive me if this has already been said, as I just cannot be bothered to read three pages of posts.

  • 2 months later...

Hi, :)

here are my Ideas for the first wave:

Wave 1: "The Fellowship of the Ring " (12 Play and Exclusive Sets + 1 UCS Set)

-Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All... (5 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

Battle of Dagorlad/(7 Minifigures)

With Souron, Elve King Gil-galad, 2 x Elves-warrior (Noldor), 1 x Númenor-warrior, 2 x Orc-warrior

With rocks and ruin.

Playset (7-12): [Limited Edition]

Mount Doom/(2 Minifigures)

With Elrond (warrior), Isildur

With crater and bridge

Playset (7-12):

camp of tents/(5 Minifigures)

King Elendil, Isildur, 1 x Númenor-warrior, 1 x Númenor-sergeant, 1 x Númenor-warrior with horse and armed with a lance

With tent for two Horses, tent for King Elendil, tent for warrior and wooden fance

Battle of Dagorlad [battle Pack 1]

1 x Númenor-warrior, 1 x Númenor-warrior with horse and armed with a lance

2 x Elves-warrior (Noldor)

Battle of Dagorlad [battle Pack 2]

3 x Orc Warrior, 1 Troll

With small Catapult

-The Shire (2 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

A Long Expected Party/ (10 Minifigures)

Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, 5 x Hobbits (2 x musicians)

With tents, kitchen, dishwasher, tables, benches, tree and Gandalfs rockets

Exclusive-Set (12+):

At the Green Dragon/ (5 Minifigures)

Rosie, Sam, Frodo, "The Old" Took, Hamfast Gamgee,

-Old Forest (2 Sets)

Exclusive-Set (12+): [Limited Edition]

Tom Bombadils home/ (2 Minifigures)

Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Playset (7-12):

Bucklebury Ferry/ (5 Minifigures)

Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Nazgul

-A Knife in the Dark (2 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

Weathertop/ (4 Minifigures)

Frodo, 3 x white Kings (Nazguls)

Playset (7-12): (Movie-Version)

The three Troll-Rocks/(5 Minifigures)

Frodo, Strider, Arwen (brown-dress), 2 x Nazguls

-Flight to the Ford (1 Set) (Book-Version)

Playset (7-12):

Frodo, Glorfindel, 2 x Nazguls

River with water-horses

-Ultimate Collector Series:

Exclusive-Set (16+):

The Argonath

-A very big LEGO UCS Modell

Edited by Elander

I don't know if this tread is in the right place, but the battle packs would be a hit. The Rohirrim would offer dozens of horses, and Gondor soldiers awesome new armor and weapons, possibly some ballista or trebuchet. The orcs would be a great good ramble of randomness, but awesome randomness. XD

Hi friends,

and here are my Ideas for the second wave:

Wave 2: "The Fellowship of the Ring" / "The Hobbit" / "War of the Ring" (14 Play and Exclusive Sets + 1 UCS Set)

-The Fellowship of the Ring- (4 Sets)

-Rivendell (2 Sets)

Playset (7-12): [Limited Edition]

Bilbo's Gifts/(2 Minifigures)

Frodo (Mithril robe), Bilbo (older and have two faces (evil and frendly))

Frodos room

Playset (7-12):

Elronds house/(6 Minifigures)

Elrond, Arwen (white dress), 4 x Elves

-Isengard (2 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

The Caverns of Isengard/(6 Minifigures)

Lurtz, 2 x Uruk-hai, 2 x Orcs, Orc with warg

weaponry, warg cage, mud and rocks ^^

Playset (7-12):

Saruman the White/(2 Minifigures)

Saruman, Gríma Wormtongue

A room with Sarumans throne, desk and palanthir

The Hobbit (6 Sets)

-The Shire (1 Set)

Playset (7-12):

Bag End/(6 Minifigures)

Bilbo (joung), Gandalf, Thorin Oakenshield + three dwarves

-Misty Mountains (2 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

Gollums cave/(2 Minifigures)

Bilbo (joung) and Gollum

Playset (7-12):

Goblin Town/ (6 Minifigures)

Gorkil the Goblin King, 2 Trolls, 3 x Goblins and 1 x Warg

caves, dungeons, Gorkils thron

-The Mirkwood (3 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

Spider attack/(3 Minifigures)

created Spiders against 3 dwarves

Exclusive-Set (12+):

Main hall of Thranduil/(6 Minifigures)

Elve King Thranduril, Legolas, 4 x Elves (2 x musicians)

Thranduils throne, Legolas throne, trees in the wall, Tables and instruments

Playset (7-12):

Thranduis dungeons/(4 Minifigures)

2 x Elve warrior (Sindar), 2 dwarves

guardroom and dungeons

War of the Ring (4 Sets)

Playset (7-12):

Battle of Osgiliath/(10 Minifigures)

Boromir (surcoat), Faramir (surcoat), gondor-warrior, gondor-warrior sergeant, gondor-warrior with horse and armed with a lance, Orc general, 2 x Orc-warrior, Orc with Warg, Troll,

ruin, guard tower, wall, orc belfry, orc catapult,

Playset (7-12):

Battle of Moria/(12 Minifigures)

King Balin, 2 x kingly dwarve-guards, 2 x Dwarve-warrior, 2 x Goblin, Goblin clan chief, Orc General, Orc with warg, a Troll and the Balrog

Gate of Moria and battering ram, King Balins hall with throneorc, Balrogs cave

Battle of Moria [battle Pack 3]

3 x Moria Dwarve-warrior, 1 x Dwarve-warlord

Battle of Moria [battle Pack 4]

2 x Goblin, 1 x Orc, 1 x Orc with warg

-Ultimate Collector Series:

Exclusive-Set (14+):

Souron Sculpture

Edited by Elander

I'd be well up for this set

Smaug's kingdom

500 pieces 60.00

Lots and lots of treasure

Minifigs: Smaug Bilbo Fili Thorin Kili

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