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Murder On the Emerald Express

Chapter 11: Danger Tracks!

The time is now 5:00 in the afternoon. Returning to the fork in the tracks, a tired group decides to explore the Southeast track.

Walking along the tracks, the forest begins to become more dense eventually leading to the edge of a steep mountain. A tunnel cuts through the rock with track that leads into darkness...

It's getting dark... we've just reached a spooky tunnel... we don't know what could be waiting....

Sounds like a D&D adventure plot to me! :sweet: So, shall we go in? I'd like to look around the entrance here for any torches or any sign of someone else coming this way.

It's getting dark... we've just reached a spooky tunnel... we don't know what could be waiting....

Sounds like a D&D adventure plot to me! :sweet: So, shall we go in? I'd like to look around the entrance here for any torches or any sign of someone else coming this way.

I think we should light torches, form a loose circle facing outwards and slowly enter the tunnel with weapons drawn paying special attention to any sounds, traps, or dark areas we can't see completely, those always hold danger.

*rolls an 18*

Okay, let's go inside. I'll take the rear, if that's okay with all of you.

I say we call it quits for today and go back to the Emerald. Townies can have dinner with us OUTSIDE the train and we'll provide sleeping bags and matresses for you to sleep under it if you wish. Then tomorrow we can come back to this here tunnel with torches and the handcart.

Did we ever solve where the knives from the kitchen went?

*Austin had faltered when asked by Eleanor, and let her pass by*

I say we go on! I unnerstand yer fear partner, but we've come far too long to give up now! March ahead I say! I agree with Greasemen's plan regarding the torches.

I think - *spies Eleanor and quickly hushes*

Let us go forth, into the Dungeon Dimensions! *a thunderous pipe organ is heard in the background, as well as a slightly late thunder crash*

While we're waiting to go in, I don't suppose anyone thought to bring any food? Chef, you normally have a ready supply of grub, do you have anything? Even if it's just a packet of nuts or something? I love nuts. :sweet:

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The group has decided to enter the dark tunnel... (musical "DA DA DA" plays in background). With NO torches in hand, and just a small flashlight that Pete carries, they make their way into darkness following the train track. There is very little space between the track and the wall, requiring you to walk atop the tracks. Visibility is very poor aside from the beam of the flashlight aimed toward the forward tracks.

DRIP DRIP DRIP... can be heard inside the damp tunnel...

What else is there to do but go on! Perhaps we'll find some dragon treasure!

I'd like to lead the group deeper, and feel the walls as I go. I'd also like to go slowly, so if there's a pit I won't be taken by surprise.

Edited by Zepher

Uh-oh. This is dangerous. I know it's not likely for a train to come through this town, but one could come into the tunnel and kill us all... we should get to the other end as soon as possible.

I would like to feel the wall along one side of the tunnel whilst someone does the other side. I want to look for any doorways, possibly concealed along the tunnel. Just the place for a super cool secret lair or batcave.

I could go for some nuts Pete, don't hold out now!

I would like to feel the wall along one side of the tunnel whilst someone does the other side. I want to look for any doorways, possibly concealed along the tunnel. Just the place for a super cool secret lair or batcave.

I could go for some nuts Pete, don't hold out now!

I'd like to go feel alongside the other wall. for the same reason :classic: (looking for doorways)

ohhh a secret lair here, that would be cool. :laugh::devil:

Hope theres no booby traps... :look:

Since you two are covering the walls, I'll just feel along over here...


Ow! Sorry Eleanor, I couldn't see. :blush:

OW!! *falls over* Do I look like Eleanor?! :hmpf_bad:

*goes back to feeling the wall* :tongue:



*Attempts to emit bat-like sonar waves to detect any dangers or obstacles in the tunnel*


I wish I had some of spelunking gear, especially my hard hat light. I'd like to stay close to Pete since he is the one with the flashlight. Also, it seems some of our fellow explorers are quiet.

Shmelt, quit the noise and grab me some nuts! I'm still waiting. :hmpf_bad:*Stamps foot*

In other news, who's hand is this? It's starting to creep me out...

Shmelt, quit the noise and grab me some nuts!

I only have chocolate covered peanut M&Ms.

But they Schmelt in your mouth, and not in your hand.

I only have chocolate covered peanut M&Ms.

But they Schmelt in your mouth, and not in your hand.

You make me giggle.. and.. you have food. These are 2 of the reasons I am so fond of you dear Schmelt.

I only have chocolate covered peanut M&Ms.

OMG, gimme gimme gimme!!! We go through bags of those at our monthly D&D meetings. I love those chocolate coated nuts so very, very much. :cry_happy: Even better than plain nuts!

... I'd still like whoever it is that is touching me to please remove their hand... :look:

... I'd still like whoever it is that is touching me to please remove their hand... :look:

It's probably Greaseman, he seems interested in touching anything with a pulse. :laugh:

... I'd still like whoever it is that is touching me to please remove their hand... :look:

Oh, sorry. I thought it was rock...ah, so that's why it was all squishy and moving! :laugh::sick:

*doesn't remove hand* :grin:

I know itis comforting to hold on to a strong, young, handsome lad like me, but I won't be able to swing my sword if you keep holding on to my shoulder so tight. Oh wait, I left that at home... damn. Still, I'm starting to get a sore shoulder; you've got a very firm grip.

It's probably Greaseman, he seems interested in touching anything with a pulse. :laugh:

His hand is probably the one on my thigh... :look:



*Attempts to emit bat-like sonar waves to detect any dangers or obstacles in the tunnel*


"The Bedouin monks of the Al Maghreb mountains developed a system of sonic chanting. The sound of their chanting would bounce back off any obstacles, and using their highly tuned ears they could paint a mental picture of the path ahead. However, you must always sing in E-flat."

Let us go forth, into the Dungeon Dimensions! *a thunderous pipe organ is heard in the background, as well as a slightly late thunder crash*

While we're waiting to go in, I don't suppose anyone thought to bring any food? Chef, you normally have a ready supply of grub, do you have anything? Even if it's just a packet of nuts or something? I love nuts. :sweet:

-"Si vis pacem, para bellum; Sivis pacem, para vellum"

:laugh: Dwarvish insults are my specialty. Did you like that one? I have a very strong faction of NCPs in my game that are anti-gnome. :laugh: We should play, you'd love my factions. I'd like to see your factions too.

I only have chocolate covered peanut M&Ms.

But they Schmelt in your mouth, and not in your hand.

( :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

Not to correct you sir, but technically, the slogan was "The milk chocolate schmelts in your mouth and not in your hand." If you're holding a handful of them at a D&D convention waiting for your fellow players to complete a long dice battle, and they can get pretty lengthy-GLAVIN!!!! the candy shell will actually start to melt in a polka-dot pattern on your hand, especially if the dice battle is a sweaty-palmer! :laugh:

By the way Alex, I would like to push Jethro out in front so he can lead the ways in case of any booby traps. Boobies make me nervous so I'll hang towards the back. In the meantime, I'd like to search for the source of that "Drip drip drip" we're hearing. I would also like to assist my friend Bulldog in molesting the walls of the tunnel for trap doors and hidden passageways, etc. How dorkily exciting! Like a true life D&D adventure! Isn't this the best, Mark?

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