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Arin and Pete begin looking at the various tools within the 2nd floor main room. There are saws, picks, and bands used for "logging" but nothing stands out or is of particular interest. Adam starts to hum the song, "For Your Eyes Only"... Austin enters the room after climbing up the ladder.

Ah, "Fer Your Eyes Only", one of my least favourite Bond films. My ma could never stop singin' that song, would drive me crazy!

I thought your fiance was hit by the horse carriage that Austin was driving??? Who's wedding dress did you leave on the train? Are you sure you don't want to play the explosive tossing game?

I must admit I barely remember that terrible night. Only recently have I begun ta realise that it mighta been more serious than I first thought...

I'll also help Herman build tihs dynamite wife, sounds like a fun game we used ta play back in Texas; dodge the dynamite! We had great fun back in those days, 'cept fer George who didn't quite unnerstand the rules the first time!

Ha! I'm just kiddin' fellas. I'm not too comfortably around dynamite, so I'll sit this one out and join Mark in lookin' for interestin' tools in the drawers. Perhaps we'll find that johnson rod we've been lookin' for eh? :grin:

Ha! I'm just kiddin' fellas. I'm not too comfortably around dynamite, so I'll sit this one out and join Mark in lookin' for interestin' tools in the drawers. Perhaps we'll find that johnson rod we've been lookin' for eh? :grin:

Now wouldn't that be a turn of luck for us? I truly do hope I lay my hand on a long hard Johnson Rod while rummaging blindly through the drawers which I don't know exist yet. That would really change our luck for the better. :sweet:

I'd like to look for anything of interest in any shelves or anything and I'd also like to feel the walls and floor to see if there is any hidden compartments around.

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Mark looks closely at the cutting tools. They appear to be the "run-of-the-mill" woodworking tools -chisels, small saws, files, manual drills, nothing of interest. Mark and Austin then have a close look at the benches. There are no drawers, and nothing special about the benches. There is a small kerosene lantern on one of the benches.

Schmelt continues to look outside the windows as he envisions himself in a Davy Crockett beaver hat floating down the river on a wooden raft. No lights are to be seen, just a glimmer of moonlight as it bounces off the waves of the river.

Pete looks closely at the dynamite barrels. There is no gunpowder within the barrels or nearby.

Max begins checking the floor and walls of the 2nd floor main room and adjacent room with woodworking tools. Nothing is discovered.

The room is becoming very dark inside...

I would like to take the kerosene lantern, light it, and then carry it around with me. I would then like to thoroughly search any corners or floor spaces that haven't been looked at yet, as well as looking under everything and pulling down all the various tools to make sure none of them are levers for anything. I would also like to look at the ceiling and out any windows that can be opened, looking under the sills and up above the windows. Once I have done this, I think I'll head back downstairs, as long as I don't find anything.

Surely there must be something up here!! :sing:

I would like to take the kerosene lantern, light it, and then carry it around with me. I would then like to thoroughly search any corners or floor spaces

Be sure to get a really close look at the dynamite, I'm sure something is hidden there.

Be sure to get a really close look at the dynamite, I'm sure something is hidden there.

Sure thing, I'll also go take a close look at the dynamite, ensuring I have the lamp handy to make sure I don't miss anything in the dark. Perhaps I should take some out of the barrels to see if there's anything else in them? I'll also check around and under the barrels. :sweet:

*Yawn* It must be almost time for us to get some shut eye. I brought a couple of packs of cards if anyone is interested in a game before we camp out.

Sorry, I was just havin' a cat-nap...


Dynamite?! How'd you pronounce it? 'Cos if it's pronounced Deena-Meat-Ay then we're okay :grin:

I'd like to check the dynamite for any labels concluding it is Deena-Meat-Ay, the No.1 meat sauce from Deena Ay & Co.

Shouldn't we really be getting to sleep? I'm still quite weak, so any time for healing would be great! I believe that's what the great voice in the sky wants us to do.

Yes, time for beauty sleep! Where is my fresh cucumber and yoghurt face mask? Ha! This mint raita which I made to go with last week's goat curry will have to do.

Where shall we rest our weary heads? Call me crazy, but spending the night locked in with a bunch of yokels and live dynamite doesn't inspire much confidence. Pehaps we should draw up a roster to keep an eye on each other. Using the 92-sided die we can randomly allocate watch shifts to minimise the chance that whoever is awake is a Town Council member. Let's start drawing up Round 1 using the logarithmic root of pi as a base to --

*suddenly drops to the ground where he stands and starts to snore softly*

I'll take the first watch. :classic:

I'll take second watch, Just poke me with a stick when your ready. :sweet::tongue:

I'll take the third watch.

I've just had a cat-nap, so I'm all refreshed and ready for fourth watch :classic:

What I'd do for a stick of Deena-Meat-Ay...

I'll take the fifth watch if its no problem...

Now wouldn't that be a turn of luck for us? I truly do hope I lay my hand on a long hard Johnson Rod while rummaging blindly through the drawers which I don't know exist yet. That would really change our luck for the better. :sweet:

There aren't any drawers? We'll you know what I mean man! :blush:

I'll take the first watch. :classic:
I'll take the fifth watch if its no problem...

Awww dang! Watches were my idea!

I would like to take the kerosene lantern, light it, and then carry it around with me. I would then like to thoroughly search any corners or floor spaces that haven't been looked at yet, as well as looking under everything and pulling down all the various tools to make sure none of them are levers for anything. I would also like to look at the ceiling and out any windows that can be opened, looking under the sills and up above the windows. Once I have done this, I think I'll head back downstairs, as long as I don't find anything.

We'll, if yer goin' ta sleep Mark then may I use the kerosene lamp? I wish to explore further round the tool room as well as other rooms if that's okay by you?

Awww dang! Watches were my idea!

Really? Wow, I really admire you, you invented watches! :hmpf:

We'll, if yer goin' ta sleep Mark then may I use the kerosene lamp? I wish to explore further round the tool room as well as other rooms if that's okay by you?

That lamp would be helpful to those on watch duty - of course, if any of us had a match.

That lamp would be helpful to those on watch duty - of course, if any of us had a match.

I have already lit it sir, and am currently using it. We shall see what happens to it when I am finished looking around, thank you very much.

Now, back to my investigation...

I have already lit it sir, and am currently using it. We shall see what happens to it when I am finished looking around, thank you very much.

Oh yeah, let me use that for a second.

*grabs a paper wrapped candle from the box marked DY???ITE and sticks it's wick in the flame, then watches it burn for a few seconds*

Well, that isn't putting out any light.

*tosses it out the window*

You burned the Deena-Meat-Ay? But it's AMERICA'S NO.1 MEAT SAUCE!!

Lorraine storms off towards the window to retrieve the dynamite (deena-meat?) but thinks better of it when a grazing sheep outside gets disintegrated.

Wow, that sauce is a-spicy! It burned a sheep!

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I would like to take the kerosene lantern, light it, and then carry it around with me.

You take the lantern, but unfortunanely, it has no kerosene. None of you have matches to light it either.

I would then like to thoroughly search any corners or floor spaces that haven't been looked at yet, as well as looking under everything and pulling down all the various tools to make sure none of them are levers for anything. I would also like to look at the ceiling and out any windows that can be opened, looking under the sills and up above the windows. Once I have done this, I think I'll head back downstairs, as long as I don't find anything.

Interesting... Nothing is discovered upstairs; but as you go downstairs, back to the main room, you do have a closer look at the floor. Realizing that the group initially saw a trail through the saw dust, you decide to follow it. It leads into the adjacent room toward one of the many piles of wood and sawdust. As you sweep the sawdust off the floor, you realize a trap door in the floor...

I'll also go take a close look at the dynamite, ensuring I have the lamp handy to make sure I don't miss anything in the dark. Perhaps I should take some out of the barrels to see if there's anything else in them? I'll also check around and under the barrels. :sweet:

Nothing irregular about the dynamite or the barrels.

I'd like to check the dynamite for any labels concluding it is Deena-Meat-Ay, the No.1 meat sauce from Deena Ay & Co.[/i]


I wish to explore further round the tool room as well as other rooms if that's okay by you?

Nothing is dicovered in your search.


The group is getting a bit sleepy and has decided to spend the night in the mill. Before some "shut-eye", you may explore one additional place in the mill, before closing this chapter and starting Chapter 12.


I would like to hook the end of my axe around the handle of the trap door, then stand as far back as possible and pull it open. Then I'll point my flashlight downward until I can see exactly what's on the floor and walls of the chamber.

Hooray, we finally found something! Let's go through the secret hatch and see where it leads us. :wink:

I'd like to go into the secret trap door as well to see whats in there, if anything.

I'd like to go through the trap door as well. It's getting dark and since we don't have any matches and no one here breathes fire, we should probably go to bed and explore a bit more in the morning.

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