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Asked through Steve by D2C(Direct to Consumer Merchandising Team). The PAB is still based on availability and that they can only get what they can get.

And it´s the on-line one, not the ones found in the parks!

We are in the process of updating the PAB assortment for next year. We would like to get some input from the community on what they would consider an optimal assortment in terms of percentages by element type (ex. 20% plates, 40% bricks, 5 % wheels, 10% door & Windows etc.) Is this something that you would like to ask the community about and get back to me with input so we could influence the assortment where possible?

Your thoughts :sweet: ?


I would love some inhuman minifgure pieces!

Some pirates hats or torso's would be cool :classic:

Definetly pirate hats, Tricornes, shakos, and bicornes. and red empulettes. :classic:

Only need more minifigure pieces. Considering the price will go through the roof again all I'm looking for is minifigures.

Also more food like hot dogs.

Edited by The Green Brick Giant

And some blue base-plates please :grin:

I would love to have a lot more color choices for roof elements...all the various peices not just the main slopes. I would escpecially like to see them in dark and light grey. I would also really like to have dark and light grey slopes 1 x ans 2 x in the 75 degree and the 50? degree (basically all the peices used for building rocks. I would really like to see many more dark red tiles and dark red bricks and plates same comments for dark blue peices. Blue base plates! Pirate them minifigure parts and accessories....especially and if they can only do a couple...shakos, epaullets, cannons and cannon bases. I could go on and on but I am sure others will add plenty more too.

Minifig parts are a must.

Oh, and cheese wedges various colors!

All I want is more colors of existing pieces.

The selection of pieces available is good as is. The percentages seem fairly optimal to me.

Edited by Klonoa

I just want to say first that regardless of what mixture of pieces is available, it is price that will ultimately determine the number of purchases and the amount. I get the whole profit portion of business but 3 basic bricks for $1 is entirely overpriced unless they are huge bricks. Please reconsider and establish fair prices for each and every piece.

With that out of the way, I am most drawn toward specialty, minifigure, and hard to find parts. The standard bricks, plates, and slopes are less interesting and I have many of them especially in the classic red, blue, yellow, black, and white. What I would like to see is an expanded availability of sand green, dark green, dark blue, dark red, dark teal and lime green.

I have no interest in standard wheels, doors, or windows as a castle and space fan. I would like to see transparent windows in anything but smoke, clear, light blue for space and moonbase themes. For castle it would be nice to have accessories for peasants and townspeople including things like flags, coins, and especially animals. In fact I would love to see a great increase in the animals and animal accessories on PaB.

10-15% minifigure, 20% accessories, 5-10% animals, 15% bricks, 15% plates, 10% slopes, 15-25% other.

Also, a huge selling point for me would be the availabilty of parts in current sets or in sets in general. I want parts in colors I can no longer get in sets or that were never in sets in the first place far more than I do the parts currently available in several sets. Old parts on new colors or hard to find parts from expensive sets such as the new cows.

I wouldn't like to see any drastic change to the distribution of parts, I haven't found it particularly unbalanced and while I'm sure it can be improved, I would worry about any wholesale skewing of proportions of different types of part.

E.g. while more minifig parts may sound attractive, I'm not sure I would want many more as it would simply mean less of other parts.

45% minifig body parts (torsos, legs, heads and hair)

25% accessories for the upper and lower part (I know... :hmpf:)

15% food

15% windows and doors

OR! Anything in rare colours. :grin:

20% minifigure parts (heads/headgear, torsos, legs)

20% various small speciality pieces and rare elements (like food, animals but also speciality bricks, clips, hinges.. Or 15%-5% if you take 5% for speciality bricks on their own..)

15% accesoires (tools, various weapons, backpacks, shields and armor..)

15% tiles

10% slopes

10% bricks

5% plates

5% windows/doors/wheels/tires

Preferably some more pieces in dark blue/red/green/tan/brown :cry_happy:

Edited by Perterz

More colors like dark tan and dark red, and more minifigures/minifigure accessories. More things like indy fedoras or nazi torsos, and some pirate minifigures. Maybe even a pirate ship hull. Oh, and blank torsos in different colors are always good, too.

More colours and minifig parts and accesories, oh, and specialized pieces

Edited by prateek

I would like the old castle walls in the PAB (from the 80ies)

Blue slopes.

cows :wub:

I would like to see:

-More colors

-More minifigure heads

-More minifigure accessoires

-Some Alien heads from SW or SPIII

-Some special pieces like the Castle dragon pieces to get more dragons

-Rare pieces are needed aswell

-Animals such as sharks, fishes, crabs...

-More food, possibly hotdogs!

-Clonetrooper minifig parts

-Normal green big leaves, not just bright green

-Capes in many colors, and some hood pieces (from Star Wars)

I hope to see some of the things I wrote back in PaB.

[by the way, yesterday I placed my first PaB order... more will follow, especially with more pieces!]

General Magma

more colors of the one already available.

More windows/cockpits and rare pieces

cheaper is always nicer but the price is ok at the moment, although bigger brick are way to expenive.

I would like to see the following parts:

30% Slopes (most of them should be 1x1 slopes in different colours)

30% Tiles (most of them should be 1x1 tiles in different colours)

40% basic bricks and plates...


More animals- Cows, horses, sharks, fishes, crabs, snakes, Stingrays...

New horns

Orc Shield

Alien heads

More food- Hot dog, fish, bread, pizza, icecream

Rockmonsters- Small and big ones

Edited by Lordofdragonss

I like to see some standard fare for the kids. But also mini fig stuffs, hats, accessories, stuff like that. Also the stores in VA. they have not changed parts in over 2 years!! I mean come on. At least every quarter change the parts out. Once in a while they will get some new parts that last a few weeks but then it back to the same stuff. More change up of parts. Make more available.

SAVE money. Get rid of the plastic bins and use paper boxes like in the holidays. I keep my bins and use them over to save my 50.cents but if using paper brings that down more. go for it.

Spanish Armada helmets

Mutt hair in other colors (dark brown is a MUST, possibly tan/dark tan)

Few more heads (possibly from the fireman from 7241 fire car)

Flesh heads (Starkiller face, rebel with beard, etc.)

1x1 round plates with holes (like in the new board games)

Yellow torsos (no print, with print, whatever)

Yellow pants (yes...)

Normal black hair

Suit torsos

Shirt torsos

Fedora hat in different colors than brown

2x2 round brick brown (chocolate brown please)

Laptop piece from Agents


Satchel in other colors than brown

Flesh torso with sixpack printing

New baseball cap in blue and black

Obi-Wan and Anakin hair


Black fire brigade helmets!^^

I think the distribution is fine but there are a few parts I'd love to see in PAB.

- Baseplates in tan and blue

- Mermaid Fins

- Black Fedorras

- More torsos from other themes, like castle, pirate, or Indiana Jones

Thanks to TLC too for asking our opinion. :cry_happy:

30% Minifigure parts, especially Space Police, fedoras, etc.

25% Minifig Accessories

20% Animals

5% Animal Accessories

20% Vehicle parts, Example: Front Grille, Chrome exhaust pipes, 1-Piece full Vehicle Interior

  ImperialShadows said:
OR! Anything in rare colours. :grin:

But then they would not be rare, now would they? :grin:

Percentage is alright, colour selection is alright (I am not for freaky colours but that's just me). Perhaps a few more tan parts.

A few more technic pieces would be alright, not many but some perhaps to make builds more complex.

And PLEASE more minifig parts. Not only the usual technican/ policeman/ dustman/ fireman torso. I guess people have them. A lot. Also no Stormtrooper or Clonetrooper parts. What for? We got battlepacks. What we need is more variety in civilians, like a black suit torso (wasn't there one not too long ago?), castle civilian torso, Mutt hair in black and brown, blond female hair and what we really really need is a fleshy head. I would prefer Bruce Wayne face, cause it is my favorite one - versatile for so many figs! I don't see any use of minifig parts from Space Police, Miners etc. These are too special. Right now we have the torso from Mr. Crabs in PaB. What exactly are we supposed to use this for? For most there is no use for too many of these parts, and if we want a Squidman we buy one set, right?

Thanks a lot!

Oh and guys & girls around here - don't forget to write on your calendar to get a PaB on the last days this year - who knows what parts will be erased...

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