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How/Where/Who? 44 members have voted

  1. 1. How did it all happen - Cause

    • Accidental/Y2K-esque
    • Comet Strike/Planet Collision (moon)
    • Artificial Abonimation and Aliens
    • Nuclear War
  2. 2. Location of settlement - <What he said

    • Small ruined town, middle of nowhere
    • Large ruined city, middle of city
    • 0
  3. 3. Who survived - Who, other than regular survivors are around

    • Raiding gangs
    • Mutants
    • Military forces
    • Aliens
    • Other - specify

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Featured Replies

Would there be veichles. because i think an armored school bus would be great :thumbup::cry_happy:

Would there be veichles. because i think an armored school bus would be great :thumbup::cry_happy:


armored school bus is cool yes. (COUGHCOUGHdoomsdayCOUGHCOUGH)

Edited by repubilcFORCES

Corner section - Jumbos watchtower.


So is this along the lines of what you were thinking. This would be a corner section it has the basic wall and a low hillside .

The walls are easy to make and can be made out of anything really. The hillsides should not be made using burps if we go with the idea.


Each section would also have a underground area. Sections should be 16x16.

Edited by Black Rabbit

That looks really nice black rabbit. I've been working on a map the past few days, hopefully I can have it finished tomorrow so I can post it for everyone to check out and critique.

Skinny Boy and I have been talking and think that about 20 or 30 modules that are 32x32 studs would be a good start. Tonight I'm going to try to think of a way to incorporate black rabbits sweet wall design into the layout...


Wow Black Rabbit,

You've built practically what was in my head :O

I love the crane/digger watch tower thing, it really shows off the whole recycling theme.


Wow Black Rabbit,

You've built practically what was in my head :O

I love the crane/digger watch tower thing, it really shows off the whole recycling theme.


Sadly the pictures suck because i was waitng right atfer i built it to recycle it and use the sandbags for my other vig.yep it's all about recycling :classic: .

Thrash what was the module size for the castle layout? I thought it was 16 by 16 witch is a little more managble. What we could do is multiple sizes of baseblates . 16x16 and have four of them made by other people and then pack them together to make a 32 x 32. So i think making some of the section sizes smaller than others might make it easier for some other builders with less peices.

Edited by Black Rabbit

  • Author
Sadly the pictures suck because i was waitng right atfer i built it to recycle it and use the sandbags for my other vig.yep it's all about recycling :classic: .

Thrash what was the module size for the castle layout? I thought it was 16 by 16 witch is a little more managble. What we could do is multiple sizes of baseblates . 16x16 and have four of them made by other people and then pack them together to make a 32 x 32. So i think making some of the section sizes smaller than others might make it easier for some other builders with less peices.

16x16 is a little bit more managable, but I reckon the majority of people have got many more 32x32 baseplates in stock, as opposed to 16x16's. If enough 16x16's are around, I have no problem with using them for the wall/fence sections as you displayed, but the main modules will need larger bases.

Also, Black Rabbit, your hillside method is very interesting, but I just can't see every module incorporating it. A whole lot of pieces would be needed to raise every baseplate a couple of bricks, plus only a few modules could really show the underground features. Though I would love to see a raised section of the town or fence. Maybe one corner of the fence could be a 32x32, allowing the soil level to raise and then lower itself again into the next module. I :wub: the idea of using the higher ground for lookouts, distant contact stations, astronomy etc.

Raising your groundlevel is possible as long as you keep the reli

Edited by Perterz

Sorry for the long wait for a layout, but here is it!


I don't know what each individual place would be, but as a start:

1. Front Gate

32. Town Hall (Old School, Church, whatever that is now used as the main meeting place for everyone)

What do you guys think? It's fairly easy to change it, so feel free to suggest changes and ideas for what each module should be.


What do you guys think? It's fairly easy to change it, so feel free to suggest changes and ideas for what each module should be.


I think it's perfect and I call square 26!

The outer squares need to have walls on one side , corner squares need to have walls on two sides.

Larger squares should go to more experienced moc makers.

It looks good, but are we building the town from scratch or are we rebuilding destroyed buildings? I prefer the second, and if so, than we should make squares 4,19,12,and 27 just plain walls, perhaps as they were streets once that were blocked off. Also, may I have square 32?

Edit: so most squares are 8x8 studs? If so, then the central square (32) would be 16x16 or 32x32?

Edited by Admiral M

It looks good, but are we building the town from scratch or are we rebuilding destroyed buildings? I prefer the second, and if so, than we should make squares 4,19,12,and 27 just plain walls, perhaps as they were streets once that were blocked off. Also, may I have square 32?

Edit: so most squares are 8x8 studs? If so, then the central square (32) would be 16x16 or 32x32?

regular squares are 16x16 large squares are 32x32

I actually think I'd rather have square 1 if we are doing a settlement made mosty from scratch.

but why would they make it from scratch? They have at least some stuff to work with in a small, ruined town.

Edited by Admiral M

Sorry for double posting, but I did a couple of things-

1: I realized that perhaps our group of survivors took shelter from the fallout in a church 3 miles outside of a town (now ruined), and they are using the material from that town to build shelters. That would make the church more well preserved, and be in stark contrast to the crude shelters surrounding it.

2. I built a small church for this purpose (it's 32x40):


We need more polls and a solid storyline, Only then can we begin work on buildings.

Edit: also, may I have spots 33 and 34? For a church parking lot turned marketplace and a watch tower?

Edited by Admiral M

If it's a nuclear war there won't be any small town all there will be is rubble and people walking around in leather jackets with one sleeve cut off.

Thats a pretty nice chuch you made but it would not fit in with the post apoc theme and in the case of a nuclear war chances are it would not survive :sadnew: . I think it would look great in a midieval village though.

  • Author

Dang. Should've checked this topic earlier. Thanks for that Thrash. Looks great so far. There will be some fiddling with it (though I would like to keep with the whole "castle" layout, since there was some sort of apocalypse, I figured the town hall or whatever the primary buildings are would be a little more scattered. looks good for now). But woops, I already started building my school, but on 2 32x32 baseplates. The facade looks pretty good so far, and I plan to blow out as much of the back and inner walls as possible for visibility (and the whole "apoc" thing :grin: ). I'll probably post a pic or two in the morning, too hard to shoot some now.

The whole issue of rebuilding and such:

The poll says there was a Nuclear war, so, there must have been one. I'm no expert on Wars, epecially nuclear ones, but something wouldn't seem right about only using Nukes. Other bombs that destroy, but not every last little piece could have been used, leaving ruins of buildings. These ruins are inhabited, somewhat fortified with scrap and they all live, happily ever after.

That's my 2 cents.

But here's my fiver:

When I thought of this project, I had never thoguth of something that would fit the purpose of the "keep" from the Castle Build. A town hall might have some guards, but its no place for important people to sleep safe at night. Maybe Admiral M's church could be used for such a place. Or take the high road and send everyone to the safest place in town, The Winchester :laugh:

Black Rabbit: I honestly couldn't see this going places with nothing but rubble to build from. Remember, its a small town. There weren't that many buildings to begin with. :wink:

Oh well, i'll keep building this school whether it fits or not. Having too much fun with it. Goodnight everybody. :sing:

Again, what we need is a storyline. Perhaps we can submit our ideas?

I would love to see how this turns out but sadly will probably be unable to participate. This will however serve as inspiration and I can't wait to see Skinny Boy's school. :thumbup:

Reaper052 :skull:

  • Author
Again, what we need is a storyline. Perhaps we can submit our ideas?

I don't really see that we do. Nuclear war - destruction - people find a town - fortify it - happily ever after. I'd much rather see some building than writing.

I would love to see how this turns out but sadly will probably be unable to participate. This will however serve as inspiration and I can't wait to see Skinny Boy's school. :thumbup:

Reaper052 :skull:

Thats too bad that you might not participate. But I do hope we can inspire you. :classic:

Ok folks, time for a new topic, and to really get things moving, i'll post every proposed building/module/scene/whatever, along with the current map. After some calculations, Thrash can mix the map up a little. New topic Away!

Looks fantastic mate, excellent job you've done. I'm guessing the main colours we're going to be using are greys and browns with a little tan? Because I've got a heap of each. If I'm doing that wall section I'll be sure to make it a wall interspersed with a broken down building that has been fortified.

Yep, so again just confirming a few things. I'm guessing those colours are fine yes? And also that the "rules" are very lenient on what we build so long as it is post-apocy and fits in with the map?

To the Brickmobile! :devil:

I was working on a heavy weapons team. wanted to make it heavy artillery, but didn't have any suitable pieces and came up with this instead.


I don't have a baseplate, but if you guys think that's suitable for this build, I could try making a baseplate out of my plates. I have mostly red, yellow, black and white pieces unfortnately.

I think we really need a storyline to base this all on, so I thought up my own:

One year ago a terror began, Japan saw parts of Russia releasing poison into the air and needed to stop it, the world has been visited by all sorts of strange things. First on 12th of July 2012 an alien ship crashed into Paris there were no survivors of the incident. Next in 2015 a scientist created a giant killing robot with many defensive systems, it was brought down in New york and its current position is unknown. On top of this global warming caused parts Africa,North America,Russia,Spain and small parts of Britain to fall undersea, the North and south poles are now water..

Last year the worst happened though to stop Russia from poisoning our skies a nuclear warhead was launched without full granted permission from the military. It hit its target and Russia thought it was Americas Goverment so they fired 3 warheads straight into washington. With the president dead everyone in the country got out of the big cities but it wsn't over. America had weapons aimed at every country and in below an hour they had started war. Britain joined America. Africa and Europe were on seperate sides. 2 days later planes were flying up and down carrying bombs. Just as people finished making the secound Efiel Tower a warhead hit it. Someone even knocked off the head of the statue of liberaty, unfortunatly it was found with a spear through it in China.

The year is now 2020

The population of the world is around 50 million. We are based in an old town, south of where London used to be, it was once a military base. It was never bombed but the French military invaded back at the beggining of the war. It was then deserted but their were some supplies left. Their is a forest 1 mile away and a river nearby. Now the war has ended we are making this our groups main position and will be rebuilding it to the best of our abilities. We must keep out any other raiding gngs and we know exactly what they want, our food and supplies. We welcome new people if their is space but they must prove themselves worthy(excluding children under 9 they can come in for free).

Thanks feel free to comment on it and say if their is anthing you want to change :classic:

I think we really need a storyline to base this all on, so I thought up my own:


Thanks feel free to comment on it and say if their is anthing you want to change :classic:

Sounds cool, Eskallon! Might as well continue this topic, since we really haven't started a story line yet. So here is what I propose:

In the year 2010, a worldwide drought has caused many of the world's breadbaskets to fail. Across the world, people begin starving. Russia, who's growing capabilities are slim, quickly sees it's people starving. It's relatively new democracy fails. Order quickly becomes chaos. Dimitri Mabus, a man who's name would become infamous, becomes the leader of the UN. He promises that within 5 years, His home of Russia, and all the world, will have recovered and will be stronger than ever. Millions flock to his cause, and quickly all the world is his stage. He even helps the israelites repair their great temple!

But soon after, things begin taking a turn for the worse. Russia begins building a new army, as does the United States. Mabus has become president of Russia, but his country, and all the countries, are split between those in favor of Mabus and those against him. Mabus declares that all peoples of faith are members of the Right, the people who shall inherit the earth. Entire countries unite under Mabus, who now rules over a massive empire. Mabus makes Jerusalem his seat of power, and his palace, The Third Temple of the Right.

Mabus's banners fly all over the world, and it's neo-facist regiem reaches from Siberia to New Genea to Sudan to Poland. The western world looks on in fear as millions of soldiers, thousands of ships and vehicles, and hundreds of warheads are built. The Free World, including Western Europe from Germany to Spain, Britian, Ireland, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, The United States, Canada, and the rest of Australia, North and South America still stand against him. Tensions continue to rise, and then, on December 21st of 2012, the winter solstice, Mabus's massive army mobilizes.

Warheads are launched at Washington, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Seoul, Beijing, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Tokyo. The earth's major cities are reduced to rubble within 24 hours. Over 3 billion people die on this day, eventually to be called Judgement Day.

But the war was not to end. People are still fiercely loyal to one faction or another.The armies of Mabus attack Germany, Australia, and Alaska, quickly overwhelming the allied defences there. The blitzkriege continues, Mabus's armies making it all the way to California and France. Biological warfare, along with the moving armies, fleeing civilians, and crumbling infrastructure caused massive outbreaks of smallpox, anthrax, and other terrible diseases that were almost unstopable. Mabus's armies left a trail of utter destruction in their wake. It appeared as though the free world would crumble under it's might. But somehow, the scourge of death, the armies of Mabus, began to fall. Falling back across the Urals and the Bering straight, their territories were failing. Finally, in 2039, the armies assembled in a massive battle at a valley just out of range of the once great capital of Mabus's evil empire, Jerusalem. The greatest battle of all time had begun. The Battle of Meggido.

For 3 months, the forces of good and evil fought in massive numbers. Tanks and trucks rumbled across the landscape, and in the skies the planes of both armies were blasted into submission. Mabus's soldiers fought like demons, their eyes were dark as night. The allies continued the fight, but were quickly loosing ground.

Then, on december 24th, a new star appeared in the sky. It was bright, and clear, shining overhead. It came closer and closer to earth, and one could see it take human form. It was a the image of a group of people, so bright they could not be looked at. Then, up from the shining spires of the 3rd temple, came a dark shadow. It spread over the city like an eclipse. The sky grew dark as it spread out over the landscape.

Then, at midnight on december 23rd, a great bellow echowed over the landscape, as from the angels came a furious strike of lightning. It collided with the temple, and exploded, a huge eruption of fire coming from it's wake. Mabus was dead.

The destruction was immense. The nukes had caused much of the polar ice caps to melt, causing mass flooding. The skies filled with dust, the earth cooled down, leading to a nuclear winter. Most of the land was now infertile. The war was over, but no one was happy.The men of the enemy's army fell to their knees, their eyes clear. Every man broke down crying, crying for all those loved ones who lay in the rubble. Everyone had been tricked by Mabus, who had promised them a better world, had ended up destroying it.

Now, in January of 2040, a group of refugees from all corners of the world sat in a convoy of trucks, on a small highway in eastern North America were moving from site to site, looking for a home. Finally, they find a small, ruined town, with a stable climate and several bunkers with supplies. There are several houses that are still mostly intact, and decent growing space. The survivors get out of their trucks, and begin to rebuild their lives.

Long, right? Questions, comments? Ways to improve it? Though a story isn't as important as building, you still need to have one.

Edit: Note: everyone on Mabus's side was under the control of The Evil . I am not racist.

Edited by Admiral M

I was working on a heavy weapons team. wanted to make it heavy artillery, but didn't have any suitable pieces and came up with this instead.


I don't have a baseplate, but if you guys think that's suitable for this build, I could try making a baseplate out of my plates. I have mostly red, yellow, black and white pieces unfortnately.

Lego40k, I believe you should move your MOC to the build thread. I like it very much, it really is a cool design. :classic:

Edited by Admiral M

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