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Have you ever heard or saw something that destroyed your whole oppinion on something? If so, what was it?

Last saturday I was at my baby cousins birthday. My aunt is Greek, and here parents were here. Me and her father were discussing philosophy, and he said something every time I changed the subject. These thing were about the end of the world, to sum it up: There is going to be know way to stop the world from ending.

That is really making me want to live in the moment :classic:

Posted (edited)

Well, not yet for me, but about that whole world ending, it's been known for a pretty long while. The Andromeda galaxy is coming towards us at some rate that I don't care to know, but it'll collide with our little galaxy and rip everything apart. Ohh, explosions! :tongue:

But you know, that shouldn't make you live in the moment. That's not happening for at least 5,000,000 years. So unless the Earth burns to a crisp, (still couldn't happen for at least another few generations,) you really shouldn't be worrying.

Edited by Darth Legolas
Posted (edited)

Nope, except the thought of making Galidor style Ben 10 sets. :tongue:


As far as the end of the world:

Has anyone noticed how most predictions scientists have aren't true? Way back wehn some guy predicted California was going to sink into the ocean. Forty years later, and guess what! It's still there! :oh:


Basically, almost all predictions from scientists in the past have been wrong, and they most likely won't be true in the future unless a:

"time machine"

... is invented, which could take another few hundred years.

Now, what we would do with this:

"time machine"

... is go fifty years into the future to see what disasters have happened, and be prepared montths before it happens, and get everyone the heck out of there.

Let's just hope to goodness that a nuclear war doesn't begin, that's an end to the world that we would have created. :oh3: Hard to believe that if the world ends, we probably did it to ourselves. :look:


Anyway, seriously, the 9/11 attacks really changed my opinion on our planet; to think that there are people that evil out there, it really is scary, you don't know when the next thing like that will happen. Most important landmarks now-a-days are heavily protected: Fort Knox, the White House, etc. :grin:

Edited by Striker™

This didn't happen to me, but it happened to a friend. He was in 7th grade or so and learning about the effects of alcohol and how bad the school system portrays it. The school also said that alcohol included wine, which he knew his parents drink all the time. From that point forward, he was different.

... is go fifty years into the future to see what disasters have happened, and be prepared montths before it happens, and get everyone the heck out of there.

I hate to admit it, but time travel probably isn't possible. How do I know this? It's simple; we're still around. If time travel was possible then some idiot from the future would have gone back and done something stupid like helping the T-Rex survive and history would have been changed. Even the idea of you-can-go-back-but-you-can't-change-anything makes no sense as they'd be some proof of it by now. For example when John Lennon was shot there would have been thousands of people hanging around waiting for it to happen...

Have I shattered any universes with my opinion? :grin:

Anyway, seriously, the 9/11 attacks really changed my opinion on our planet; to think that there are people that evil out there, it really is scary, you don't know when the next thing like that will happen.

Yeah, but 9/11 is nothing compared to the holocaust. :sadnew: I grew up in Berlin and had no idea what horrible things had occurred there mere decades ago until I learned about it in school. I was shocked that anybody (not to mention almost a whole nation) could have been this heartless and evil. And I am REALLY glad that I was born after these events. It makes me worry, though, that humanity will destroy itself in the end. :sad: However, the end of the world is so far away that I don't really care to worry. NASA and many other smart people are working on solutions to preserve humanity in the case of a possible Armageddon, so I'm sure we'll be fine (or at least I hope so).

So, enjoy life and play well. :classic:


Although I am rather worried.

Some ancient "scientist" from probably a thousand years ago has predicted things that have alreay happened. The rise of Adolf Hitler, and the 9/11 attacks. And the same date that the Mayans predict, as the day the world ends. :oh3:

December 20th, 2012.

Merry Early Christmas! Here's your present; one exploding planet! :laugh:

Although, I don't believe that this is true, the astronomer has been right at least four times before, who's to say he won't be right... again. :look:

Thoughts, anyone?

Basically, almost all predictions from scientists in the past have been wrong, and they most likely won't be true in the future unless a:

You realize that basic laws of physics are also predictive, right? You are essentially saying that all science is wrong. :tongue:


I have given much thought to the topic of "The End". Truthfully, I am and also am not scared. How would the world completely end, is what Im not scared of. The Earth can't just randomly blow up. Is there really gonna be a Nuclear war in which not even ONE person will survive? I doubt it. I read an article just two days ago about some predictions of scientists/religionists: one of them thinks that that the end of the Mayan calendar might not be an Apocalypse. Here is an article:

Author Daniel Pinchbeck popularized New Age concepts about this date, linking it to beliefs about crop circles, alien abduction, and personal revelations based on the use of entheogens and mediumship in his 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl. Pinchbeck argues for a shift in consciousness rather than an apocalypse, suggesting that materialistic attitudes, rather than the material world, are in jeopardy.

Here is another article that calmed me down...or rather excited me about this "New Age":

Jenkins suggests that the Maya based their calendar on observations of the "dark rift", a band of black dust clouds in the Milky Way, which the Maya called the Xibalba be or Black Road. Jenkins claims that the Maya were aware of where the ecliptic intersected the Black Road and gave this position in the sky a special significance in their cosmology. According to the theory, the Sun precisely aligns with this intersection point at the winter solstice of 2012. Jenkins is credited with the premise that the classical Mayans anticipated this conjunction and celebrated it as the harbinger of a profound spiritual transition for mankind. New Age proponents of the galactic alignment theory argue that, just as astrology uses the positions of stars and planets to predict the future, the Mayans plotted their calendars with the objective of preparing for significant world events.

Critics suggest that the alignment in question takes place over a 36-year period, corresponding to the diameter of the Sun, with the most precise convergence having already occurred without incident in 1998. Also, Jenkins himself notes that there is no concrete evidence that the Maya were aware of precession.

^These were two of the many article I have read, and at the end of the articles, there was a critical summary on the 12 articles. Each and every one said either that these "Prophecies" never mentioned 2012, or that it is completely ridiculess(spelling). So, having read these articles, I must say that I am not scared at all.


No end of the world worries from me. Partly due to my religion (not the forum to post about this really) and partly because all the other theories from nutters and scientists alike either don't happen, aren't as bad as predicted or some many unfathomable centuries away that unless I become immortal and eternaly young I won't be affected by.

Speculative fiction's predictions and ideas all have an end but also an "after the end", situations which I prefer to the current state of things... But then I am weird.

Posted (edited)

One thing is for sure, about 5.000.000 years from now this tiny beautifull globe will be gone anyway, when our precious sun decides to die. It will take gigantic proportions before it shrinks and implodes (supernova), the sun will get as big as it would swallow (burn) all planets in the entire solarsystem as it grows. You would be 'save' on Pluto tho as that will be the only 'planet' left in this solarsystem to survive from this phenomenon.

My guess is we won't even make it that far, as mankind is perfectly capable of destroying earth and every living creature known + there's something like 'dangerzones' we (the earth) have to pass through from time to time. It are asteroidbelts that lay on our path through space. Unluckey that time is VERY close. Remember what happened with the Dinoaurs 60 milion years ago afterall..

Edited by Perterz
I hate to admit it, but time travel probably isn't possible. How do I know this? It's simple; we're still around. If time travel was possible then some idiot from the future would have gone back and done something stupid like helping the T-Rex survive and history would have been changed. Even the idea of you-can-go-back-but-you-can't-change-anything makes no sense as they'd be some proof of it by now. For example when John Lennon was shot there would have been thousands of people hanging around waiting for it to happen...

Silly man, you're ignoring the obvious. Have a look around at this wacky, crazy Earth we have for a second. Think about the old Douglas Adam principle, because someone probably already HAS gone back in time and made this! Who killed the dinosaurs? Time Travellers :tongue:

To the Brickmobile! (Before Sinner fries me with his Science Vision!) :oh3:

One thing is for sure, about 5.000.000 years from now this tiny beautifull globe will be gone anyway, when our precious sun decides to die.

To combat the supernova; we build three giant engines on one side of the planet, and blast away from the sun! Or a way that wouldn't drain Earth of it's resources anyway would be to make space travel possible. If it is possible, then I'm sure that people will get away from the planet so that they don't get killed.

EDIT: Was it Nostradamus?

I think that's who he's talking about. I recall the word is that he made his predictions vague to prevent him being seen as talking with the devil... but I have the book in question and I think it's non-sense. My version was printed in the 80s with several forward predictions and loads of reverse "predictions". 25 years later I can now say that none of the predictions were correct... :hmpf:

Now, what we would do with this:
Time machine

... is go fifty years into the future to see what disasters have happened, and be prepared montths before it happens, and get everyone the heck out of there.

Why don't you just go back in time and kill Andromeda while he's sitting on the crapper?

In all honesty, I've never been afraid of the world ending. Mainly because I doubt it'll happen for another 5 billion years. I mean if I saw Andromeda colliding with Earth right now, I'd be really freaked out. But seeing as I doubt it happening in my lifetime, I just live life without the paranoia or fear, it works! Try it for $9.99!


I think that's who he's talking about. I recall the word is that he made his predictions vague to prevent him being seen as talking with the devil... but I have the book in question and I think it's non-sense. My version was printed in the 80s with several forward predictions and loads of reverse "predictions". 25 years later I can now say that none of the predictions were correct... :hmpf:

Yes, I was talking about what's-his-face. :tongue: You sure do know a lot about "The End of Everything". Are you some sort of telekinetic walrus or something? :laugh:

B) nothing

Hrm, I choose door letter "B"! :grin:

Posted (edited)

I think that we will create robots, who will rebel causing a nuclear war. Then aliens come and try to make an Empire on Earth. :tongue:

On a more serious note; I think ultimately we will destroy ourselves. Through war, or not bothering to change our attitudes. Frankly, unless we all have an apifony (jeez I spelt that wrong :laugh:) we will be in trouble in a few hundred years time. And, all the humongus disasters like planets colliding, the sun expanding and so on are all predicted to be in thousands or even billions of years time, and by then we will hopefully be safe on other planets. But, other natural disaster's like Yellowstone erupting will be in our lifetime, or our children's. But, Britain is safe if that happens. The worst of it just misses us. :tongue: So, come here now before you go bang! :classic: Ofcourse, we will be affected by food shortages and disease! That leads me to another point- if there is an uncurable, unstopable virus that is fatal, I expect that may lead to catastrophy. :sceptic:

The future is a little bleak atm...

Siegfried- Maybe there is no time machine in that future, so they cannot come back now. And maybe they have been back here and changed things but we don't know. :look:

Edited by Jammiedodger714
Posted (edited)
I hate to admit it, but time travel probably isn't possible.
Go away. :cry_sad:
How do I know this? It's simple; we're still around. If time travel was possible then some idiot from the future would have gone back and done something stupid like helping the T-Rex survive and history would have been changed...For example when John Lennon was shot there would have been thousands of people hanging around waiting for it to happen...
Good point. Oh, and by the way, I would be one of those bystanders watching John on that sad, December 8th, 1980 day.
Why don't you just go back in time and kill Andromeda while he's sitting on the crapper?
Because the ''Telekinetic Walrus'' just told us it's not possible. :cry_sad:

EDIT: Finally! I just realized I caught the NeoWalrus making a reference to the Original Walrus! (John Lennon) Sorry for all the names, Siegfried. Couldn't help myself. :blush:

Edited by booger540
I hate to admit it, but time travel probably isn't possible. How do I know this? It's simple; we're still around. If time travel was possible then some idiot from the future would have gone back and done something stupid like helping the T-Rex survive and history would have been changed. Even the idea of you-can-go-back-but-you-can't-change-anything makes no sense as they'd be some proof of it by now. For example when John Lennon was shot there would have been thousands of people hanging around waiting for it to happen...

Have I shattered any universes with my opinion? :grin:

Have you ever thought that some idiot form the future went back and made sure all the Dinosaurs were dead! It's pretty funny isn't it, how every other kind of creature on the planet survived but not them?

Maybe time-machines in the future are not a easy to get your hands on item, like not everyone owns their own Jet but they exist and it makes travel really easy, but we can't all jump into one whenever we want and go wherever we want. Maybe the futuristic time-machine cost more than your average Round-The-World plane ticket making it near impossible for unexplained flash-mobs to crowd up significant events in time.

But meh! what do I know. :tongue:

Good point. Oh, and by the way, I would be one of those bystanders watching John on that sad, December 8th, 1980 day.

Because the ''Telekinetic Walrus'' just told us it's not possible. :cry_sad:

I'm not sure if it is possible, but my quote was an Austin Powers reference.

But if it's possible, I'll take a DeLorean as my time machine format.


I hate to admit it, but time travel probably isn't possible. How do I know this? It's simple; we're still around. If time travel was possible then some idiot from the future would have gone back and done something stupid like helping the T-Rex survive and history would have been changed. Even the idea of you-can-go-back-but-you-can't-change-anything makes no sense as they'd be some proof of it by now. For example when John Lennon was shot there would have been thousands of people hanging around waiting for it to happen...

Have I shattered any universes with my opinion? :grin:

As far as my knowledge extends, if there was ever a time machine, we could only travel back in time until the first time machine was used. It has something to do with it being the first time the time space continuum was folded and such, but I could also just be talking a load of hocus pocus. In reality I don't think anyone knows the true answer to that one, but in any case, I think we can say it's unlikely.

I grew up in Berlin and had no idea what horrible things had occurred there mere decades ago until I learned about it in school. I was shocked that anybody (not to mention almost a whole nation) could have been this heartless and evil.

Think about the Crusaders, they where just as bad, they even had the same agenda! :laugh: To exterminate 'lower breed humans.' From time to time people do these things. :hmpf: If I was living in those times, in those places, I would probably be doing the same thing. :grin:

Some ancient "scientist" from probably a thousand years ago has predicted things that have alreay happened. The rise of Adolf Hitler, and the 9/11 attacks.

Woah! I bet goober quid that guy did nothing of the sort! That can't be, no one could have predicted 9/11 or Hitler's Germany. ~LW 8~

My guess for 2012 is that

A) humanity makes contact with life from outside our solar system

B) nothing

C) peace in the Middle East

Peace in the Middle East! :laugh: The only way to make peace is to wipe out all extremest Muslims! Even then, a determined ancestor of theirs will rally more extremists. Or their fellow Muslims will be outraged at the massacre of their comrades. ~LW 8~

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