Posted July 21, 200915 yr After carefully searching through this subforum I am yet to find a single topic about which cartoons and anime you like, apart from the seperate show specific topics that seem to get locked or just slowly die. This thread is for you to post about your favourite cartoons and anime, you can just make a list or you can give them a synopsis or a review, whatever you feel like. Discussion is welcome but no flaming/mean replies if you hate the series, film or OVA or whatever. You can say negative things about a show if you have to but no simply complaining about shows you don't like because it degenerates into personal insults... I hope no one is "upset" by these guidelines but I'd like a nice place where I can discuss some 'toons I like and maybe find some who are familiar with the them, you can discuss MOCs you'd like to make from the series, characters you want to make custom figures of, anything as long as it is civil. So, after that: I like Robotech, X-Men, Ruby Gloom, Storm Hawks, Batman Brave and the Bold, Astro Boy, Macross,most anything by Studio Ghibli and lots of others I can't list. So yeah, post etc, enjoy.
July 21, 200915 yr First things first; I always really enjoy your Media topics Peppermint_M, so thanks. Also, you get extra points for linking to TV Tropes, I love that site. I too love Batman: The Brave and the Bold, it is a hilarious yet exhilarating series that alternates between downright funny, awesome, serious and other emotions. Plus the references are great. The most recent episode When OMAC Attacks was really enjoyable. By extent I really love Batman: The Animated Series for being such a great show, again with a wide range like TBATB, but while that is the lighter version this is the equally important darker version. Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, JUstice League Unlimited and Batman Beyond are all great too in my eyes, JLU being the best of the DCAU for me. I really enjoy British telly, even as an Australian I find no funnier humour. Spaced and its sister show Black Books are outrageously good, while Red Dwarf is the best Sci-Fi comedy I've seen. Alternatively, I really enjoyed Doctor Who as a child for many years and have recently gotten back into it. Dilbert is pretty great too, and I'm sure more shows will come to me. On the anime side Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo are brilliant, and I'm also really enjoying Death Note right now. To the Brickmobile!
July 21, 200915 yr I haven't really been watching too many cartoons lately, the only ones I watch on a regular basis are South Park, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken On the Anime side, I'm a long time Gundam fan. I'll also watch the Bleach anime when it's on.
July 21, 200915 yr Cartoons? Mostly, The Batman and Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Also, X-Men and some Nickelodeon ones. ( ) As for Anime? Never liked it.
July 21, 200915 yr Author Well, now that I am at home after work and not missing breakfast and nearly leaving late I can post a better list with a few reasons for liking the series: Astro Boy: Astro Boy is an amazing anime, I caught the 2003 series and loved it, I am very lucky that CBBC aired every episode, I now have it on DVD but in the wrong region so I don't get to watch it as often as I like. They are making a movie in 3D, I am very much looking forward to it. Batman: I like most of the series, from the very first to BatB but The Batman wasn't my cup of tea until the later seasons (Yay, Oracle!). Brave and the Bold is the wonderful silver age I like, the refined, less camp silver age that DC revived a while back my only nerd rage was how the Outsiders were portrayed (but then I may have missed them being teen emos in comic). Ghost in the Shell: I have it all, apart from the manga. I enjoy this series a lot, it's the one that stopped my mum calling anime cartoons and dismissing them as childish. It has densly plotted story arcs, cool characters and excellent animation. The philosophies and theories engage me and its one of my top 10. Justice League: Its epic, it had nearly all the heroes DC had on offer (by the end, with one character I would have loved to have seen: Animal Man) it had famouse story arcs and loads of nods to the DCU. Macross Plus: Before I bought Robotech, I bought this as it had been used it as source material. I love the mecha designs and the Top Gun-ish plot. Medabots: One of the first anime I watched, back before I knew what anime was, it was entertaining and cool (plus I secretly wanted one for real) I wish it was on TV more often. Monster Rancher: The second of the two major anime series I watched before my major nerdage, again, it was set apart from other 'toons on TV and was really good. Ruby Gloom: Its quirky, its entertaining and I do like the mildly gothic "look" of the whole thing, fun and not to taxing on the brain. Robotech: I first got into anime with The Big O, before that everything was just 'toons and I was a bit childish to be 15 and still watching them. Once I got into anime Mecha was my thing. A magazine I read had an article on Robotech to promote the re-mastered releases and I ate them up. Storm Hawks: Nerd Corps were already known to me for Dragon Booster (I liked that a bit) and I loved the way it looked, the atmos, the airships and the sky rides. The characters were funny and the plot good enough to keep me watching. The Big O: "Paradigm City, a city without memories." So went the Toonami promo after an episode of Teen Titans. I had long loved SF, dystopic after the end settings and robots. The giant robots, the noir-esque visuals and the excellent music attracted me, I loved it, The Big O was my first anime, it made me buy the manga and I hunted it down on DVD. I adore this series and always hope for some sort of ending to happen at some point down the line (we are only a few years of its 10 year anniversary!). X-Men: I like all the 'toons I have seen since the 90s (but the newest one seems to have passed me by...) I really tried to get into the comics but I prefer the animated series. Zoids: Another great series, I first came across Zoids from a 1996 Zoids 2 model kit (I have been a real construction toy nerd since I was old enough to have a preferred toy) and when the new wave and the anime hit western audiances I loved it, I have the chronologicaly (in universe) first two series. Great robots and a plot that has room for humour and drama. Well, that's about all for now. I am happily stop to watch these when they come on TV, I look out for DVDs and always recommend them to others. I like many many other series that I'll watch and even hope to buy but these are the "defining" series for me, super favourites that in some cases I wish were better known. Ho hum.
July 21, 200915 yr First of all, thanks, Peppermint, for creating this topic! Finally the Multimedia Forum is getting somewhere. It's topics like this or like the Harry Potter one that deserve to be pinned instead of, say, the long outdated TFU topic. Secondly, let me say that I'm a cartoon addict. The only thing I watch on TV is cartoons, and I enjoy them so much that I will keep watching most of them, even if they are something as mediocre as Family Guy. Sounds very geeky, I know, but that's how I am, and I'm sticking to it. That said, I have watched a lot of cartoon shows in the past 4 years, so get ready for a long post! I enjoy modern superhero shows, especially if they involve science fiction. (Again, very geeky, I know ) Batman: The Animated Series and its sequels (The New Batman Adventures, Batman Beyond) are some of my favorites for their dark tone and good storytelling. In fact, B:TAS is my definition of Batman. Anything that deprives from it is not "batman enough" for me. The latest show, The Brave and the Bold, is fun to watch too, but isn't nearly as intriguing as the originals. And I don't know what it is about The Batman, but I didn't really like that show. Teen Titans, despite its Anime influence, was a rather good show too. Too bad it didn't last too long. Ben 10 is a good one too, although I don't like Alien Force as much as the original show. And although they are not TV shows, the Ultimate Avengers and Hulk VS. movies were awesome! Haven't gotten around to watching Justice League yet, but I'm sure I'll like it. I am a big fan of Gendy Tartakovski's work. The Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack, and especially Star Wars: Clone Wars may all have a slow pace, but their action scenes are simply awesome! And they just have a certain charm to them. The new Clone Wars cartoon isn't nearly as good as the old one, but still very enjoyable. There were some short lived shows which I enjoyed: Tranformers Animated, Kids Next Door, Storm Hawks, Robotboy, and Sonic Underground. There are also shows that I like which are somewhat mediocre, but have great humor, like Phineas & Ferb, Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, or The Penguins of Madagascar. One of my favorite cartoon shows of all time is Avatar: The Last Airbender! It had a very epic story, good animation, and nice humor. And I will never forget the good old Disney cartoons with which I grew up with: Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, TaleSpin, the Gummibears, and Rescue Rangers. I'm sad that they stopped releasing these on DVD. Aladdin, Kim Possible, and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command were great Disney toons too. Pinky and the Brain is also a favorite classic of mine. There are also a few of the "adult" cartoons which I like. My favorites are South Park, Robot Chicken, and Venture Bros. However, there are quite a few which I don't like, simply because they are just so dumb. Sometimes I wonder how these shows can appeal to supposedly mature people. As for Anime, I'm sorry, but I just can't stand it. The animation is very limited and the voicing is just so bad most of the time. And things like Pokemon are just plain stupid. No offense, I respect it as an alternate form of cartoon, but that's about it. The only Animes which I found watchable were Lupin III and Cowboy Bebop. Those are good. That's all I can think of right now. I hope I didn't offend anyone, I don't mean to flame. Thoughts or comments?
July 21, 200915 yr Cartoons: I have allways been a big fan of Spongebob (I tried watching the 50+ hour marathon last weekend, but my mind would have turned into a sponge). I also watch both the Tartakovski Clone Wars series and the new Lucas cash-cow. In terms of more "mature" cartoons, I watch Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, Futurama, Robot Chicken, Superjail, Metalocalypse, and the Simpsons. Anime: The only real anime that has been able to hold my attention is Neon Genesis Evangelion (probably because it has only 26 episodes). I also watch Robotech, but I don't necessarily consider it to be an anime (just an American adaptation).
July 21, 200915 yr Oh yes! How could I forget Futurama! Futurama is awesome! Or at least it used to be. I wasn't very impressed by the movies. Hopefully it will return to its original greatness when continue the series. Superjail is... interesting. But nothing great.
July 21, 200915 yr Clone Wars- Loads of epic battles and huge explosions.... perfect for guys like me. Simpsons- Very funny programme, with good storylines. It just gets annoying watching repeats. Futurama- " " Robot Chicken- Adult humour: you cannot beat it. Thats it at the moment... Looking at your lists mine is tiny, but I loved a lot more when I was little. Like Tom and Jerry, The Mummy, Pinky and the Brain, Spongebob, Transformers and Jackie Chan Adventures. Man, they were awesome. Especially Jackie.
July 21, 200915 yr I love Cartoons. Nice way to get away from the real world. One of my Faves (when it was still on) was Transformers Animated. Good stories, funny, and serious when needed. This series also gave some of the best toys in terms of design, strength and fit and finish. Very well made figures. I'm very partial to Family Guy. Unlike the Simpson's, its still funny and they keep coming up with original material. I like a show that has this kind of staying power and can keep the audience entertained yrs after its start. Old Nickelodeon shows were great. Some of my faves were Hey Arnold!,Ren and Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life. I loved episodes that focused on Rocko's dog Spunky, and the Big Heads. Great stuff. For Anime, does the Boon Docks count? They were kinda drawn in anime fashion. As well as Afro Samurai That was one bad A$$ dude! AFROOOOOO!!!!! I almost forgot my current Favorites. Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Adult humor at its finest! Master shake is great! Pure comedy every time he opens his mouth. Squid Billies- Early is great! I love his hats! Metalocapase Good humor, animation and killer music! Can't wait for there second album to come out this September! Oky Wan Kenobi said: There are also a few of the "adult" cartoons which I like. My favorites are South Park, Robot Chicken, and Venture Bros. However, there are quite a few which I don't like, simply because they are just so dumb. Sometimes I wonder how these shows can appeal to supposedly mature people. While i see what your getting at, this could be said about any adult liking any cartoon. It has nothing to do with being mature or not. What apeals to one person does not nessasaly going to apeal to the next person. Its all about personal taste. Edited July 21, 200915 yr by 5150 Lego
July 21, 200915 yr 5150 Lego said: For Anime, does the Boon Docks count? They were kinda drawn in anime fashion. As well as Afro Samurai That was one bad A$$ dude! AFROOOOOO!!!!! Oh yeah, forgot about those too. Those are some great exceptions for Anime as well! I love the Boondocks! 5150 Lego said: Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Adult humor at its finest! Master shake is great! Pure comedy every time he opens his mouth. While the general concept of this show is dumb IMO, I do agree that Master Shake is a rather amusing character! The same voice actor does an excellent job voicing The Alchemist in the Venture Bros. as well. The Mooninites are also funny. 5150 Lego said: While i see what your getting at, this could be said about any adult liking any cartoon. It has nothing to do with being mature or not. What apeals to one person does not nessasaly going to apeal to the next person. Its all about personal taste. Well, that's my opinion about some shows. As I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just afraid that the intellectual standard of people is dropping these days, that's all.
July 21, 200915 yr Oky Wan Kenobi said: Well, that's my opinion about some shows. As I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just afraid that the intellectual standard of people is dropping these days, that's all. Hence the popularity of movies such as "Meet the Spartans" and "Mall Cop"
July 21, 200915 yr Arthas said: Hence the popularity of movies such as "Meet the Spartans" and "Mall Cop" Exactly. And the "[insert genre here] Movie" movies. Anyway, back on topic: Another great short lived cartoon, as many will agree, is Invader Zim! What a crazy, twisted, stylish show!
July 22, 200915 yr Oky Wan Kenobi said: While the general concept of this show is dumb IMO, I do agree that Master Shake is a rather amusing character! The same voice actor does an excellent job voicing The Alchemist in the Venture Bros. as well. The Mooninites are also funny. I really don't think there is any real concept to speak of. Its justmindless entertainment. Oky Wan Kenobi said: Well, that's my opinion about some shows. As I said, I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm just afraid that the intellectual standard of people is dropping these days, that's all. I don't believe you offended anyone. (at least not me) Personaly, i think we need shows like this in life. Like i said about about AquaTeen,its just mindless entertainment. No real story, plot, no real point. Just entertainment. Sometimes after a long day at work dealing with customers, and busting my head with wiring diagrams... Its nice just to laugh.
July 22, 200915 yr Author Well, my goal of civil discussion seem to be in progress. I know anime isn't everyones cup of tea but Pokemon truly is not a representative sample (an issue I had with my peers in school), Cowboy Bebop and Lupin III are fantastic the film with Keanu Reeves shouldn't happen . I don't really count Robotech as anime, but it is just in my list of animation I like. I forgot to add Megas XLR another show that ended too soon and was epic fun. I don't watch "adult" cartoons, they are, IMO, falsely "adult" using vulgarity. I don't watch them but my 16yo brother likes them a lot... I think certain anime (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed) fill the more grown-up cartoon slot. I am also not fond of the 'toons that seem to focus on bodily function jokes but are super popular with children today...
July 22, 200915 yr Peppermint_M said: I don't watch "adult" cartoons, they are, IMO, falsely "adult" using vulgarity. I don't watch them but my 16yo brother likes them a lot... I think certain anime (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed) fill the more grown-up cartoon slot. I am also not fond of the 'toons that seem to focus on bodily function jokes but are super popular with children today... Agreed, I find children's cartoons to often be far more mature than "adult" cartoons, with the exception of a few. Family Guy is one example I personally loathe, because it is simply pop culture referencing and has little to no plot. Agreed on Keanu Reeves to, no way should he be Spike Spiegel. Also, love Simpsons seasons 1-8 as well as the good episodes that followed, along with Futurama. KImpossible I really, really like, since it does such a hilariously good job of lampooning spy movie conventions. To the Brickmobile!
July 22, 200915 yr Peppermint_M said: I don't watch "adult" cartoons, they are, IMO, falsely "adult" using vulgarity. Quote Agreed, I find children's cartoons to often be far more mature than "adult" cartoons, with the exception of a few. Family Guy is one example I personally loathe, because it is simply pop culture referencing and has little to no plot. This is exactly why they are labeled adult. Due to there "mature content". It has nothing to do with a more mature story line/plot. There made to make you laugh, not think. Now this if course is purly subjective. What some find funny, others may not. As far as no real plot to Family guy, i'd agree with that. But the same could also be said for the Simpsons.
July 22, 200915 yr Author Don't like Family Guy, South Park or The Simpsons. I did enjoy Futurama for the nerd bonus (I liked the comics too). I think I have seen far too many cartoons for my own good, but I will watch anything once. I have seen most 'toons that have been on TV (at least one episode) since around 2001... Daria is another series I loved, it was very influential on me during my formative teen years... (Yes, I often dress like a 90s counter culture cartoon character...) and probably counts as "mature".
July 22, 200915 yr I've not seen Daria for ages, i preferred it to Bevis and Butthead. Anyway some of my cartoon choices [most of these are late 90's and early 2000's]: Cartoon Network only: Dexters lab. Powerpuff girls. Old Clone Wars. Johnny Bravo. Nick: Hey Arnold Angry Beavers Adult swim/ "mature": Futurama Harvey Birdman Sealab 2021 Quote I don't believe you offended anyone. (at least not me) Personaly, i think we need shows like this in life. Like i said about about AquaTeen,its just mindless entertainment. No real story, plot, no real point. Just entertainment. Sometimes after a long day at work dealing with customers, and busting my head with wiring diagrams... Its nice just to laugh. ATHF does have its moments, (bad replicant for example) but it's a bit too random for the sake of being random which i hate. I don't find the new family guy and simpsons entertaining, but i like the older ones.
July 23, 200915 yr I watch almost every cartoon, becouse I am cartoon maniac at all, I must say a lot of new cartoons sucks, but there is some special ones... Cartoon Network: Almost all old cartoons, I used to watch them in English when I was young... Chowder and Flapjack(for oldcartoonslike-gags, and for Schnitzel!) Secret Saturdays- Enjoyable series Transformers animated- The best Transformers series Yet Storm Hawks- for great animation and fabulous script. Nick Spongbab Hey Arnold Ren and Stimpy Rocko's Modern Life Catdog Anime Luckystar -I just love this anime about normal Girl live. Konata is Epic winner. Ever. Ouran- Yup, It's almost yaoi xD But I enjoyed it a lot (Especialy Hikaru and Kaoru) Pokemon- Its better and better nowadays + Polish dubbing is awesome Digimon- Awesome plot, monsters and Deviwomon . Still better than Pokemon... Monster Rancher- Pokemon like anime, more brutal but still fun to watch.
July 23, 200915 yr Normally, you don't see me posting my thoughts in this part of the world, but cartoons and anime are one of my fave things while I am a child and even now. Recently, I have been watching those Transformers cartoon that was in the 1980s from my collection, watching from Season 1 to Season 4 all over again, with the Transformers movie in between. This is still an ongoing process, and I haven't watch finished. Look the whole transformers characters back then, and was more familar to them rather than the animated, energon and beast wars version. The furtherest I ever watched for Transformers, was up to Star Saber, and perhaps Michael Bay Transformers I and II. As I watched, another one of my fave was M.A.S.K cartoons, and was a toy collector too. Those good vs evil thing glue myself in the seat, watching those actions and storyline. It was like a great feeling seeing Rhino, Condor, Razorback, Wildcat and many others fighting against the Venom. Sounds like those kind of G.I Joe cartoon. Reaching to the early 1990s, X-Men and Spiderman came along and I sticked to those. As the early 2000s, I supposed I don't watch anymore cartoon and watched anime instead such as Naurto, Bleach, Death Note, Slam Dunk and stuff like that. It's quite a big change. However, saying all these, those 80s cartoons work the best for me and there are still many great cartoons back then.
July 25, 200915 yr Oky Wan Kenobi said: Another great short lived cartoon, as many will agree, is Invader Zim! What a crazy, twisted, stylish show! Agreed! I got every episode (Including the pilot) on DVD for only $20.00! That's a steal if you ask me! According to a quiz I took it said I know everything about that show that there is to know. Scary. It's probably just because I used to visit this site every day as a kid and memorize all the information. Wow I had alot of free time as a kid. And don't ask me why but Zooglodon was always my favorite character!
July 25, 200915 yr computerbug said: And don't ask me why but Zooglodon was always my favorite character! I liked Invader Skoodge. Too bad the final season was never made, for if it did, Skoodge would have been assigned to help Zim on Earth. That could have been funny!
July 25, 200915 yr Oky Wan Kenobi said: I liked Invader Skoodge. Too bad the final season was never made, for if it did, Skoodge would have been assigned to help Zim on Earth. That could have been funny! [/quot] Skoodge is my favorite Irken. But there was also going to be an episode called "the trial" that sounded pretty cool it was supposed to have two more tallest named THe tallest Spork and tallest Amyuki and it was also supposed to have nearly every invader such as Skoodge Spleen Larb Tak Zim Skutch and many others. Wow I sound like nerd.
July 30, 200915 yr Here are the cartoons I like: SpongeBob SquarePants - what I like most about this show is the humor, and the title character's cheerful disposition. I also like the way that SpongeBob's friend, Patrick gets him into trouble without really trying to. Squidward has also been known to trick SpongeBob, at his job at the Krusty Krab, in return for annoying him. Sandy Cheeks has been known to push SpongeBob to his limits, like in the episode, "Pre-Hybernation Week." The crude humor in this show is reminiscent of past Nicktoons, like Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life. Danny Phantom Rugrats/All Grown Up! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 original) Speed Racer Speed Racer: The Next Generation CatDog CatScratch Rocko's Modern Life Inspector Gadget Jimmy Neutron The Penguins of Madagascar
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