August 3, 200915 yr @Admiral: I can tell that is not a real Redcoat. A real redcoat would not obey a Bluecoat rule. They would be proud to die by a shot in the head.Ah, but here is the thing... there is a chance of survival when being keelhauled. So would you want to get shot in the head and die.. or take that chance that you might live? Or is it just too much for you little brain to think about? Firstly, It would be less painful to be shot in the back of the heaad. Secondly, Keelhauling would not be a good choice especially since most Marines cannot swim. Thirdly, Once his back up, Your gonna kil him anyway. So its an extremely obvious choice.
August 3, 200915 yr Firstly, It would be less painful to be shot in the back of the heaad. Secondly, Keelhauling would not be a good choice especially since most Marines cannot swim. Thirdly, Once his back up, Your gonna kil him anyway. So its an extremely obvious choice. Who said I would shoot you in the back of the head... I might just shoot you in the legs until you couldn't stand up.. then I would still throw your limey a*& over and keelhaul you... And you would not have to swim, because your arms are tied and you are being PULLED under the boat by the men holding the other end of you life line and by the boat itself.. so swimming is not necessary.
August 3, 200915 yr Who said I would shoot you in the back of the head... From your exact words: "Now jump! Or I put a grapeshot in your head!"
August 3, 200915 yr From your exact words:"Now jump! Or I put a grapeshot in your head!" Good one. Got me there. Well I guess if the threat of pistol shot in the head didn't work I would just simply pust you overboard.
August 3, 200915 yr Before Anchors were taken into use in the Bluecoat navy, they had to be stress tested.Normally this means they hoist the new Anchor to a height and then drop it on a hard object like a cannon barrel. If the Anchor didn't show cracks or stress, it was approved by the Master. Today me and Admiral Bejaune decided to have a little fun and stress test our new Anchor on a fresly captured Redcoat. Look at the Redcoats scared face as the Anchor hangs above his head: The entire Anchor testing rig: The ''Executioner'', waiting for a command to drop the anchor: Needless to say that the Anchor was approved and that this redcoat is no longer in the service. :pir-skull: Bring it on Red's! Fantastic idea! Well executed... ~LW8~
August 4, 200915 yr Looking good boys! I think we should be able to take these red coats with out a problem
August 4, 200915 yr Yeah swim ya bloody Redcoat haha! Well executed comic Admiral, all the scenes just look amazing. From your exact words:"Now jump! Or I put a grapeshot in your head!" It is common knowledge that Redcoats have their brains in their megablocks, that would of course be what he would be aiming for. Head is French for brain, did you not know that?
August 4, 200915 yr Another great example of the socalled bravery of the bluecoats - torturing prisoners. I just called my friends at the UN and AI to tell them! I guess you will end at the International Court in Den Haag... BTW: You know the reason why our comrade didn't choose the easy way? Beeing keelhauled, he bite chunks of your rotten and wormy planks out of your ship, now it will sink and the waters will be poluted with Blood, Tears, Urine and Vaseline from the Bluecoats Body Holes - because sharks don't eat them with all those slime and dead frogs inside. ;-) Regards, Jan
August 4, 200915 yr Looks great Admiral, as well the new pics of the ship! I'm so eager to see the finished product... I like the way you keelhaul the silly Redcoat, they deserve it. It should be an honour to be keelhauled under the Sang Royale's keel. :pir-skull:
August 4, 200915 yr Ecologic Patrol boat Opposite the the bluecoated scum, Redcoat HQ were investigating how we could use those millions and millions of prisoners we took. The Research and Developmant found an animal which shared our aims - to get rid of the blue pest: The big white (ok, nearly white) shark. For motivational reasons, a Bluecoat Soldier was cleaned and after his allergic reaction to soap diminished, we used him as a bait for our new prototype of an C-SAR Patrol Boat for the TUEV. Unfortunetaly, driven by his pure hate against the bluecoats, the shark snapped a little peace of the bluecoat. He got ill and to prevent further harm, we stopped this project and now working on other prototypes. Although this project didn't work out, it is good to know that even sharks don't like Bluecoats. Yeah -but who does it anyway, beside themselves... Regards, JanSued
August 4, 200915 yr Hilarious! I love the steampunk feel. Perhaps what we need is a robot shark that won't get offended by the bad bluecoat taste. Admiral B - Nice a real classic that looked great. The only thing I like better than seeing your ship would be seeing your ship under the guns of Fort Monck with redhot shot dropping through her decks.
August 5, 200915 yr This is one of the best so far. I love the use of that huge shark. It's about time we put those useless bluecoat prisoners to work.
August 5, 200915 yr I like how one of your "women" has a beard. The truth comes out about you all being cross-dressers and/or trannies.
August 5, 200915 yr I like how one of your "women" has a beard. The truth comes out about you all being cross-dressers and/or trannies. We hire Circus Freaks! Thats a bearded lady I will have know! Her husband is the Circus's "Worlds Strongest man", so Id be aware when insulting her:
August 5, 200915 yr We hire Circus Freaks! Thats a bearded lady I will have know! Her husband is the Circus's "Worlds Strongest man", so Id be aware when insulting her: Now THERE is a good come back!
August 5, 200915 yr My team member Ynykle has gone on holiday for 2 weeks and has asked me to post his entry for him. Yes, he was cool enough to send it to me before he went on holiday. He has build this, i'm not playing for another member or team like the Redcoats like to do. So with no further ado: Yeah eat that reds!
August 5, 200915 yr That's a good team member! Nice work very funny. Actually seems like a good way to clear out the dead wood. Even the Royal Navy has a few malcontents we like to "discharge" for the sake of the service.
August 5, 200915 yr How the hell did 7 bald men get into the 1 stud cannon in the first place? And who loaded the shot, fuse and waded it.
August 5, 200915 yr How the hell did 7 bald men get into the 1 stud cannon in the first place? And who loaded the shot, fuse and waded it. So... you have only 1 cannon aboard... That's interesting... :pir-skull: And if there are 7 men sleeping in the cannons, the other ones can prepare it to fire right? Or are there only 7 men aboard? That would be even more interesting! I think YnyklY just owned the megablocks out of the Reddies! In a well deserved way. :pir-skull: BUT, who is going to clean the mess on the Bluecoats once the Reddies splash against the broadsides?
August 5, 200915 yr You don't have to worry Blackmoor. I can't imagine we were firing at Blue ships. Must have been gun exercises. Everyone knows the Blues love to build beautiful ships but are too afraid to ever leave port.
August 5, 200915 yr You don't have to worry Blackmoor. I can't imagine we were firing at Blue ships. Must have been gun exercises. Everyone knows the Blues love to build beautiful ships but are too afraid to ever leave port. We woul'nt need to fire on Blue Ships. I havent actually seen one within months...
August 5, 200915 yr We woul'nt need to fire on Blue Ships. I havent actually seen one within months... Ok, time to modify my MOC it seems.
August 5, 200915 yr Drunkenness had increasingly become a problem in the Bluecoat ranks. Who can blame them with all the victories the Glorious Redcoats have been winning of late? So, the fiendishly clever undercover redcoats division have decided to take advantage of this situation... Hahahahaha, imbeciles! (Went for a minimalist build)
August 5, 200915 yr Ok, time to modify my MOC it seems. I can't wait to see this thing! You'll be making a little blackcoat appearance in my next Vig. Excellent job Talon. Looks like Armendariz finally peed himself! You guys are clearly destroying the Blue Petti-Coats! Keep it up. Edited August 5, 200915 yr by Commodore Hornbricker
August 5, 200915 yr We woul'nt need to fire on Blue Ships. I havent actually seen one within months... We're just waiting behind the horizon, thanks to our fast frigates we know your exact location and wait for the best moment... Nice MOC you've made there Talon Karrde, I like it. That Redcoat soldier looks quite drunk too. And are your weak special forces disguised as woman? You cowards know we never fire at woman! Be a man and stand up to fight a fair fight.
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