Posted August 3, 200915 yr Today me, my mom (lalande), and my girlfriend (honeydew) had a contest to see who could make the coolest looking custom elf. Honeydew and I both designed our decals on the computer, while lalande drew hers on paper with paint and ink, scanned it, and then printed out a decal. All hairpieces, the wings, and the tail are custom made out of sculpey. Who do you guys think made the best one? Elves Brickshelf ~Thrash Edited August 3, 200915 yr by Thrash
August 3, 200915 yr I think the wood elf is the best. It has a very elfish vibe to it, and the decal look great. The ears, however could use a bit of work. Also it's torso is hot fantastic is design...
August 3, 200915 yr I like Noble the best, but I think that Drow is the most elf-like of these. They are all very cool though.
August 3, 200915 yr I think these are great! I like those custom hair pieces and elve ears. The middle one is a perfect choice for an elve
August 3, 200915 yr I personally think that Wood is the best, and the most Elfish. She looks like an Elf princess actually. (Off to play Zelda for some reason...)
August 14, 200915 yr WOW. Theze are really amazing. This is pretty hard for me to choose the best. I think the wood elf has the best looks. It has that kind of elfish feeling to it. Edited August 14, 200915 yr by saberwing
August 14, 200915 yr Amazing MOCs. Its hard to choose between the Drow and Wood elves but if I must then I think the Drow is marginally better than the Wood elves but there are all great. I need to find out how to do create and apply these custom decals because I'll love to have the Drow in my collection. Only question is aren't Drow's complexion suppose to be shades of grey? Doesn't matter since all fantasy series seem to have their own definition/take on fantasy creatures. Great Work!! Oh! Maybe someon can add a poll to this thread so that we can keep track of which elf got the most vote.
August 15, 200915 yr I'm digging the Wood Elf the most, she's so beautiful! The flowing red hair compliments her skimpy attire perfectly. The other two are certainly not bad at all, I love the long braid and the wings on the Noble Elf (I just think you should've helped your mom by digitally drawing the decal she designed for her), and the Dark Elf looks quite menacing. A fan of elves approves all three creations!
October 19, 200915 yr Drizzt Do'rrdn FTW!!! Oh wait it's a girl Soon to be Drider FTW!!! oops I just realized that this topic is realy old. srry if I reannimated it Edited October 19, 200915 yr by dannylonglegs
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