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I'd like to add one more request to my previous post:

Bluecoats! If not integrated into the main line, then at least make them available as a minifig pack or pick-a-brick at Shop At Home or something.

id like to see a couple of things.

-rerelease of pirate sets like eldorado fortress(so i dont have to pay 150$ US on ebay)

-red coat village

-blue coats

-big boat for red coat/blue coat(either one) thats as big as black seas barracuda

-more variety of different pirate ships(different ships with different captains)

-selling JUST sails for customizing ships(not sails found in sets, different ones because there would be nothing to customize)

If there's 120 soilder in a pack that will be great! People can build their grand armys! :pir_laugh2:

Same here, but it would be better but if 60 of them were bluecoats, and 60 of them redcoats, and the redcoats were besieging a huge bluecoat fort. Then, just to include them, add 10 Spaniards. That would satisfy everyone. Well, a huge ship too, and a huge town, and a, well everything!

If there's 120 soilder in a pack that will be great! People can build their grand armys! :pir_laugh2:

Same here, but it would be better but if 60 of them were bluecoats, and 60 of them redcoats, and the redcoats were besieging a huge bluecoat fort. Then, just to include them, add 10 Spaniards. That would satisfy everyone. Well, a huge ship too, and a huge town, and a, well everything! :pir-tongue:

If there's 120 soilder in a pack that will be great! People can build their grand armys! :pir_laugh2:

Same here, but if 60 of them were bluecoats, and 60 of them redcoats, and the redcoats were storming a huge bluecoat fortress I would like it better. Also a huge ship, and town, and, well everything. Sorry if this pops up three times, my computer is being weird and not posting this.

If there's 120 soilder in a pack that will be great! People can build their grand armys! :pir_laugh2:

Same here, but if 60 of them were bluecoats, and 60 of them redcoats, and the redcoats were storming a huge bluecoat fortress I would like it better. Then, just to include everyone, have some native mercenaries and a few Spaniards. That would satisfy everyone. Also a huge ship, and town, and, well everything. Sorry if this pops up three times, my computer is being weird and not posting this.

- Good battlepacks (not like the one we get now, it is a nice pack, but not so much "battlepack", since you wouldn't want 10 brickbeards in your army for example)

- Also, this counts for every theme, not just pirates: good quality pieces for the "specials" (like battlepacks and tic-tac-toe), not the crappy quality we get now, I wouldn't mind paying slightly more, but I will not pay anything for inferior quality parts, which is the case now with these items.


-Ship side battle

2 ships: :cannon: , plank to walk to enemy ship, treasure...

About 10 pirate figs:5 for each ship

about $129 USD

-pier fight

pier, small hut

2 pirates, shark

about $9 USD

-Treasure island

"temple", pier, small boat

6 pirates

about $59 USD

-ship escape

2 pirates

life boat

about $3 USD

There are my ideas :pir-wink: .

Edited by sologuy369

I would like to see two things from the next release.

1. A civilian ship with 3 civilians, 2 pirates (not the captain), and a different figure head. $40- $50 range

2. A soldier battle pack like the knight or dwarf one with mostly generic figures and perhaps a cabin boy with a new torso $15

Overall I would like more base plates in all the sets.

I don't know if someone has said it or not yet but what about a governors mansion? It could have the Governor plus his wife and maybe feature like a tea party with some servants!!! and maybe a horse with a carriage parked in front that would be cool to me!

2. No stickers! Applying them can be frustrating for both father and son.

I know I'm in the minority, but I kind of like the stickers... they produce decorations that would be impractible or expensive otherwise. And you get the option of having clean bricks if you want to use them for MOCs, if that's where your interest lies.

3. Two words: Ghost. Pirates. One of my sons' favorite sets is the Castle set 7029 Skeleton Ship Attack, particularly the skeleton captain with the gray beard and bicorne hat. TLG may be aware that Fisher-Price's Imaginext pirate line featured a pack of two skeleton figures, which sold so well that it spawned an entire line of skeleton pirates. Mega Bloks and Playmobil have them too. If LEGO were to make Pirate-themed sets like 7029 (a ghost ship, maybe a ghost island), I guarantee my boys would be on them like white on rice.

While I do quite like the idea of a single ghost ship, I wouldn't want to see an entire line of them. If you do that, soon you'll have mermaid islands and before long pirate lego has gone the way of Castle lego, and the realism is diluted. Just one ghost ship and a haunted base of some sort would be fine.

4. Jungle islands of all sizes with ruins and traps, like 6278 Enchanted Island or 6270 Forbidden Island. 6253 Shipwreck Hideout is one of my favorite sets because of the many action features.

5. A lighthouse. For pirates, imperials, or even -- heh -- ghost pirates. There's been watch towers and crow's nests but never a lighthouse.

Yes to both of those. This might sound odd, but I really like the idea of 'modular islands', which can be rearranged in all manners and added to.

6. Louisiana or bayou-inspired sets (maybe even as a modular New Orleans-style port town): gaslit docks, swamp shacks on stilts, voodoo witch doctors, alligators, and so on. I've tried this with my own MOCs but I'm terrible; I'd like to see LEGO's take on it.

YES!!! I'm picturing this in my mind and it's brilliant. In fact, I feel an MOC coming on right now. I hope you don't mind if I steal your idea.

7. More Spanish features and details, specifically breastplates and morions to make conquistador skeletons like the one in 7196 Chauchilla Cemetery Battle. Armada fans could use them on the regular imperial figures to make Spanish armies.

I never had any Spanish sets before and to me they always belonged to an entirely different era... but I guess I wouldn't mind seeing another distinct faction besides pirates and soldiers.

8. New heads for the imperials and torsos for the pirates, yes, but variety could be enhanced by adding brown/black minifigs to the mix (historically it's been estimated that pirate crews were often 25 percent non-European). This is something I'd like to see across the LEGO spectrum.

Absolutely. And this gives me an idea for another faction: Singapore pirates. Yes, I know Singapore pirates and voodoo witch doctors have both been used in lots of other stories like Pirates of the Caribbean and Monkey Island, but they really do belong in the pirate world - that's why they're used so often!

I find it a little bizarre that so many AFOLS fixate on bluecoats, a minor variation on redcoats, when there are so many other possibilities... Singapore pirates, racially mixed pirates, swamp villages... Lego should be looking to new ideas for the future, not old ideas.

Edited by David Thomsen

Oh no! Nobody has said the return of the Imperial Armada!

I'm just reading this thread and until now I was wondering that nobody has mention the glorious Armada! I was thinking that I must mention it, because nobody has mentioned it yet. I'm glad that you havent forgotten about this lego faction.

I definetely want to see it in the next year/s.

Of course, TLC could make Imperial ship and a set just like MMV.

Edited by FlyChicken

I'm just reading this thread and until now I was wondering that nobody has mention the glorious Armada! I was thinking that I must mention it, because nobody has mentioned it yet.

oh really? :pir-wink:

-Imperial Armada

The armada are probably the best faction, I really hope they bring them back.

oh really? :pir-wink:

Sorry I don't know if you have understood me. What I mean in my post is, that I read thread from its begging and until I got to the Mister Phes's post, noone has mentioned about Armada. I mean between the begging of the thread and Phes's post was no mention about Armada, and in this time I was wondering.:)

Then I kept reading and after his post, of course, some people remembered Armada and wrote something about them....

So my post is reaction to his post in the exact time he wrote it, when there weren't any mentions about Armada. :pir-blush: ----> So, I will no longer reply to "very" old posts and make mess. It's crazy to explain it, but I hope you understand what I mean.

So sorry for misunderstandig, it will not happen again.

Edited by FlyChicken

:pir-sceptic: No Pirate V.s pirate theme.

Most members of Classic pirates are fans of the Imperials. Lego would lose sales if they did that.

TLC could try it. Some people forget that pirates would board enemy pirates ships and battle, stealing enemy loot. TLC might pick up a couple extra fans.

I'm a citizen!

TLC could try it. Some people forget that pirates would board enemy pirates ships and battle, stealing enemy loot. TLC might pick up a couple extra fans.

I'm a citizen!

They never boarded other pirates ships. Pirates had somewhat of an honor code. And it was against the code to attack a fellow pirate vessel. You watch a lot of POTC dont you? :pir-sceptic:

And why would TLC trade some of they're long time imperial fans, for some young pirate fans?

They never boarded other pirates ships. Pirates had somewhat of an honor code. And it was against the code to attack a fellow pirate vessel. You watch a lot of POTC dont you? :pir-sceptic:

Of course pirates boarded other pirate's ships. To state that they never did that is just rubbish because pirates have existed in thousands of years we can not know for certain all what they did in these years. But to say that they had some "code" that they followed is much more POTC to me than that they did attack each other. Sure, some might have had a code but by far from all pirates had one.

And why would TLC trade some of they're long time imperial fans, for some young pirate fans?

Well, TLG's main target is kids aka. young pirate fans...

Imperials might be popular amongst AFOLs but for kids I believe it's the pirates that are most important in the theme. If TLG comes up with two clearly different pirate factions (e.g. ghost pirates vs. regular pirates) I think it has as good chances of being a successful theme for the kids as the current one.

But personally I prefer the pirate vs. soldiers theme so don't give them this idea, Bonaparte :pir-tongue:

I like Mr. Phes' idea of merchant vessels and having merchants as another "team".

Pirates don't go after imperial ships; all of the booty is in merchant vessels and merchant shops.

I would like to see some merchant shops too.

There could be various types of shops that includes one robbing pirate, one imperial guard catching the robber, and at least one shop owner/customers.

how about a Bluecoat or redcoat Privateer ship, (privateers are pirates recruited by a nation to raid an enemy port, they then came back to port and split the treasure like pirates but the governor also got a share).

Also a Lighthouse that works could be good with electric motor which turned on the light and turned a gear constructed of lego which turns the light

Bring back the Imperial Armada! Bring back the Bluecoats! More ships! I'll calm down now. :pir_laugh2: But really, Bluecoats should be brought back. The Redcoats are getting tired of standing around in their fort. :pir-hmpf_bad: We need enemies to fight. ~LW 8~

Sorry I don't know if you have understood me. What I mean in my post is, that I read thread from its begging and until I got to the Mister Phes's post, noone has mentioned about Armada. I mean between the begging of the thread and Phes's post was no mention about Armada, and in this time I was wondering.:)

Then I kept reading and after his post, of course, some people remembered Armada and wrote something about them....

So my post is reaction to his post in the exact time he wrote it, when there weren't any mentions about Armada. :pir-blush: ----> So, I will no longer reply to "very" old posts and make mess. It's crazy to explain it, but I hope you understand what I mean.

So sorry for misunderstandig, it will not happen again.

I understand :pir-wink:

I would have thought of it without the mention of the armada in mr.phes's post, but his post probably inspired some others (which is a good thing, since imperial armada should come back, it was such an underdeveloped sub-theme/faction, there are tons of possibilities for sets left).

They never boarded other pirates ships. Pirates had somewhat of an honor code. And it was against the code to attack a fellow pirate vessel. You watch a lot of POTC dont you? :pir-sceptic:

Nope, I haven't seen it at all. Except for a small part of one of them. I just thought that it was in their history.

Like everyone else has said Bluecoats,a pirate/or imperial town (pirates!) a sub theme (islanders) a mid sized pirate ship and a full sized imperial ship and a mid sized imperial ship! that is all! :pir-skull:

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  • Eurobricks Emperor
Would a bayonet, and a few fancy wigs for women and men and some news hats, a few creative guns, be too much to ask?

In this thread you can ask whatever you want :pir-wink: and all your idea's will be going to the LEGO Group after the month has ended.

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