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What I would like to see:

Different artillery pieces

Some wagons, cargo and passenger type

Ships both merchant and war

Modular fort parts

1.Pirates version of the Medieval Market Village (could call it the Pirate Harbor)

2.Imperial ship

3.More imperial base (make it so that it combines with the current base for even more playability).

4.More small sets (putting more of the good pieces in the small sets)

5.Compass (even if it was just a printed 2 x 2 round tile rather than the expensive compass piece from the past sets)

6.More accessories of all kinds.

7.Don't bring fantasy items into Pirates

My number one desire would be for a ship for the Imperials. Perhaps it can have some pieces with it for the Soldier's Fort to connect to.

Additionally, I would like some smaller sets that could connect with Soldier's Fort as well, perhaps with two figs. Perhaps two or three different sets in the 8-15 USD range.

I know a lot of people are against it, but I would also like a Ghost Pirates ship, though perhaps that would be best left for a Pirates of the Caribbean licensed theme.

I really wouldn't like to see a Blue Coats faction, per se, but I would like to see the return of Blue Coats. Although, if we had a Privateers faction, I would like them to be Blue Coats. We don't need another organized army/navy faction.

I definitely don't want to see Islanders or Armada. Leave them to a one-shot theme like Vikings.

I want more lego islanders and bluecoats. Also a big exclusive port/dock!!!


Like many others, I'd certainly love to see an Imperial ship. That would be excellent.

I'd also like to be insured of getting some new minifigs. Nothing turns me off of a second wave of a theme like re-used minifigs. Some Bluecoats, a few new pirates and perhaps Islanders somewhere down the road would easily take care of that.

Some civilian based sets similar to MMV in the Castle line would be fantastic. Give me an updated version of something like the Imperial Trading Post, and I will be one happy camper. :pir-classic:

1) I support the idea of a large ship with interior, in terms of size and design build similar to the Cafe Corner, Green Grocer.

2) Small sets of Modular buildings like Tavern, Forges, Gunsmiths, Merchant House, etc to form a town or port.

3) Merchants ships with Civillians minifigs.

4) BlueCoats!!

5) More vessels from all fractions.

6) Land based stuff like Wagons, Horses, Carts, Carriage, etc.

Edited by Xin

For me I want to see

1. A military fort

2. An imperial ship (Providing it has at least 6 guns) :cannon:

3. A large manor for the governor

4. A tropical island as an exra which can be used for pirates refuge or for treasure hiding

I would like to see some small ships, and more islands/temples. (like in lego indiana jones.)

And some houses like a blacksmith, tattoo shop, pub would be awesome!

-New accesoires (like maybe a new sword or gun, a globe, new map print, new animal)

love it! :pir-wub:

And what about a Dutch VOC sub-theme?

A big ship would be cool as well. (If I had more money)

Edited by saberwing


More Variety's of Cannon



Imperial Ship (Similar to Nelson's HMS Victory)

Imperial Palace ( the governor lives)

French 1783 Hot Air Balloon

More swords


Differant Hats for soldiers.

Hills with fortresses

Seaside Hill Fortresses

More bicorners.

New Bicorner Designs.

A globe (18th century style)

New foods (Cake, deserts)

Wine cups.

Well thats all I have now.

Edited by Sir Wellington

small pirate ships

armada ships

large imperial ships

more types of cannons

a set of cannons.

a set of red coats.

more heads.

diffrent hats for pirates (there nearly all dark green bandanas)

sea charts (why are there holy grail maps?)

an imperial fort

smaller custom hull ships

more sail types.

a set containing just plow and stern sections

a set containing just middle sections

avoidence of the pirates seeming too evil.

printed backs and extreme details are nice, but not classic pirates. i think our colors should be more simple. such as yellow for sand, plain old blue for roofs(like soldiers fort has a funny blue roof), the classic red/white, blue/white, red/black stripped torsos on our more peasant like pirates! what im getting at is i want LESS color. i think this will bring a more classic feel to sets. thats why most of my money goes to ebay for older lego pirate sets, and not collecting the new pirate line because i feel if i miss out on buying the new sets its not such a big deal cuz i dont like them as much.

heres an idea! bring back the "legends" theme. fort legoreddo, black seas barracuda, that castle you recently released for like 2 months (NO STICKERS THIS TIME!!!)

  Cap said:
An exclusive set of a ship would be great. A set meant for serious building experience like the Café Corner for 16+

Those sets also contain a lot of useful MOCing parts and are very accurate and realistic. I also think it will sell quite good since a lot of adults collect huge sets like that.

That would be awsome! A hugh and very highly detailed pirate ship with 4 very tall masts and mind boggleing rigging and sails that can be stowed away, lots of cannons, working rudder and anchors, upper and lower deck and at least 2500 parts (and maybe a slighty smaller version for the good guys!) . That would be sooooo cool! :pir-wub:

I'd like to see:

A "treasure" set--just a cave with a ton of treasure in it.

A harbor set with civilian shops and a small ship--it would be awesome if the set came with both Soldier and Pirate flags/sails so the ship could be either attacking or defending the port.

A series of larger sets aimed at adults...a huge Soldier ship, a giant Pirate island, stuff like that.

A chess set.

A ghost ship...I'd really like one of these...maybe we could get one the next time we're due for a big pirate ship?

More reissues of Classic Pirate figures and sets...I would definitely buy a reissued Smuggler's Shanty or a vintage Pirate minifigure pack.

A decent sized soldier fort like the Eldorado Fortress.


De-lurking, but long-time Pirates fan (still have my original BSB) and I have just a few wishes:

More parrot colors! Red+blue, blue+yellow, etc. I'd love a "parrot pack" full of different colors. (I always wonder why the original parrot with printing was never molded in blue or green, just the red)

A really big military ship. Don't really care which nation. I've always thought a military should be able to acquire bigger, better-armed ships than pirates. At least 3 center-sections, preferably 4. Lots of cannons of course. Detailed cabin/sterncastle---put the parts count into there, not making gimmicks/action-features. Sails everywhere, as many as possible--and please make them "generic" sails---no logo/insignia, just simple broad stripes like the BSB or Caribbean Clipper, so they could easily be used on any other ship.

And along the same lines as above-----a sail pack, including sails in the common shapes and sizes found on the BSB, SES, etc, with generic decoration that could be used on any ship---no logos, just stripes, or plain white/canvas color.

Finally---if skulls and crossbones are to be used on sails and flags---make them more detailed/realistic, not so "cartoony".

As almost everybody has said, the Imperials need a ship. I'd like to see a big one, that could match Brickbeard's Bounty, but that would be expensive. But they definitely need one.

An add on to the Soldiers Fort would be nice too, to help really build upon it's fort-iness. A Barracks, some bigger buildings and such would be a nice way to expand upon it, and perhaps even offer a small ship to go with it.

Speaking of ships, I'm not sure how viable this would be, but I've always thought it'd be great to see Lego package two small-mid sized ships together in some weird mega battle pack. Two ships about the size off the Renegade Runner, one for the Pirates, one for the Imperials, say two men for each side. It'd be a very enticing pack for kids/parents, as they instantly get two ships of equal standing to battle with, and parents would feel like it's more bang for their buck (even if it was overpriced) and for AFOLS, they'd be given a plethora of sails and hulls to work with. Sure the ships wouldn't be insanely detailed, but it would sort out a lot of issues, and I'm sure it'd sell well.

For the Pirate's, there could be a little stronghold like some of the small Imperial bases from the original series, that could come with a jail and little lookout and living quarters, coupled with a rowboat. And maybe a small cave set with treasure for pirates to explore to round out the smaller sets.

I'd like to see the Reds get another series to themselves before Lego introduces the Bluecoats, because there is still a lot that they need, and if the Bluecoats come in straight away, it takes away from it. Perhaps give us another Redcoat rank and some new pirate designs so we aren't just getting recycled figures, and if we are given a civilian set or merchant set, we can get some new figs that way. Even if there was a set made where a merchant area was attacked by pirates, that would be nice for some diversity.

Down the track, I'd love to see a sub-theme with the Spanish invaders of South America. It's been touched on in the past, but they never really went for it. There are some amazing possibilities there if done right.

-a port as an exclusive set: a sort of mix between 10193 and 6277;

-a subtheme for the Dutch East India Trading Company;

-a merchant ship, maybe a Dutch East Indiaman;

-an Imperial ship, the bigger the better;

-buildings and guard towers to build a fort (Soldiers Fort isn't worth the name). Like the smaller soldiers/guards sets from Pirates I.

How about some new elements:


Swivel gun

Mortar cannon (for land bases)

Cuirass (or reprint the old one)

Bayonet (or connector for knife and muskets)

Cup hilt rapier

Swept hilt rapier

Sabre (longer version of cutlass)


Renegade runner size/style privateer ship

Imperial ship

Port city

Large kraken attack

Uncharted island set/base


Arabic/Far East style faces and torsos

More maidens!

Oh, boy. Where do I begin? You know what? I'll make a list:

1. printed walls, NOT stickers

2. more variety for the colour scheme of the parrots

3. brick-built palm trees

4. Islanders and Imperial Soldiers a.k.a blue coats

5. more ships, rafts, etc with real old-time-y string rigging

6. more & larger island sets in the style of Rock Island Refuge (i.e. plenty of rope bridges, BURPs, docks, cannons, traps, and 3-D baseplates)

7. more & larger fortress sets in the style of El Dorado Fortress (i.e. plenty of 3-D baseplates, cannons, soldiers, docks, and prison cells)

8. more sea creatures

9. bring back the tiny, two-man sail boats

10. bring back the Legends theme and fill it with old Pirates sets, among other things

I think that about covers everything. Now hop to it, ya dogs! Ye'd be wise ter obey the cap'n!


  TalonCard said:
I'd like to see:

A "treasure" set--just a cave with a ton of treasure in it.

A harbor set with civilian shops and a small ship--it would be awesome if the set came with both Soldier and Pirate flags/sails so the ship could be either attacking or defending the port.

A series of larger sets aimed at adults...a huge Soldier ship, a giant Pirate island, stuff like that.

A chess set.

A ghost ship...I'd really like one of these...maybe we could get one the next time we're due for a big pirate ship?

More reissues of Classic Pirate figures and sets...I would definitely buy a reissued Smuggler's Shanty or a vintage Pirate minifigure pack.

A decent sized soldier fort like the Eldorado Fortress.


Oooooh a ghost ship! thats a great idea could be really dark and spooky with loads of skeleton minifigs and such. :pir-wub:

I know a lot of these ideas will have already been suggested, but I'm thinking the more people suggest them, the more likely they are to happen.

  • First off, an Imperial ship... I almost didn't mention it because it's so obvious, and almost certainly in the works already.
  • An 'exclusive' ship, something big and expensive for adult collectors. It could be a big navy frigate, for example, with multiple rows of gun ports. Something with 2000+ pieces.
  • More fort parts to add on to the modular fort set I've already got.
  • A civilian port, the pirate equivalent of the Medieval Market Village.
  • A civilian ship, something for the pirates to raid, or to trade with the previously mentioned civilian port. Actually, I'd like a whole sub-line of civilian stuff, instead of the Islanders. I wouldn't mind the Islanders, but I'd much prefer the Civilians.
  • No blue coats. Why does everyone want blue coats? They've gone with red coats, I'm happy for them to stick with that and not confuse things.
  • Someone mentioned a ghost ship? I really like the sound of that... just one though, I wouldn't want a whole sub-line of undead pirates. That kind of spoiled Knights for me...
  • A large island playset. It could be four large rearrangable baseplates covered in foliage, jungle pathways, hidden treasures, a cave and a hut on stilts for the castaway to live in.
  • Lots of new pirate heads, torsos and hats. New treasures, like gold plates, goblets and tiaras. Silver coins???
  • Land-based units, like horses and carriages.

Edited by David Thomsen

More Redcoat sets. I'm thinking a large fort (think castle sizes, people!), a defensible lighthouse, a port, and, of course, a ship. Or two. And, for the kiddies, a kind of duel set between Redcoats and Pirates or Bluecoats(does the opponent really matter? I think no; they're both the same thing...)


I would really like to see some smaller add-ons in the style of the Soldiers' Fort; that way, they could be connected, or just used separately. Things like a tavern would be great, as well as maybe some house-type buildings.

More pirate torsos would also be good, or even the inclusion of the torso from the Pirate Building Set in some regular sets, or the current green-striped shirt in different colors.

A smaller $50-ish ship would also be wonderful--preferably either Imperial or merchant.

And, while making civilians may not exactly be practical, LEGO could do what they did in some of the Pirates I harbor sets, and give us a few minifigs that aren't necessarily pirates, but may just be regular sailors.

I'd love to see:

- marmaids as a separate fraction

- some kind of natives (like old Islanders)

  szww said:
I'd love to see:

- marmaids as a separate fraction

I think I'd have a heart attack if TLG gave us an army of Mermaids. That idea doesn't appeal to me too much. :pir_laugh2:

I'd definitely also like to see some new hairpieces and hats. Getting some new weapons like UsernameMDM suggested would be excellent as well.

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