September 20, 200915 yr The airport and the "stand-alone" plane don't look so much different from the old sets, but they are just too big for me so it doesn't bother. The fire copter is awful, I also thought it looks more like Playmobil. And the fire pick-up is not as good as its 2007 counterpart. The small pontoon plane is nice, the tanker too (yet there is only one truck brand in Lego city, trucks all look the same!)
September 20, 200915 yr I still say that the truck goes w/ the helicopter, but that my opinion. And i think you have the wrong pic giorgio
September 20, 200915 yr Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in Town/City this year. I mean, yet another rehash of the fire department and airport? Give us a bank or post office already! I'll wait for the farm stuff myself, though the Octan truck isn't bad even if I won't buy it. Mind you, the airport is better than the last one. Batbrick Away!
September 20, 200915 yr That tanker looks cool, but I'm not so sure of the Heli. It's way too <insert that tiresome argument>
September 20, 200915 yr I'd just like to point out that while everyone is saying that the tanker is awesome, it uses this and this piece for the whole tank .
September 20, 200915 yr I like the new plane & airport. The plane even though looks the same to the last passenger one we got I like this colour scheme better. The airport looks better too. Is that a new piece used for the computer at the check-in desk? (It looks like it has a list of flight details) and did anyone notice the Air-Traffic Control Tower in the backround behind the plane? Its not too tall but I think it might be tall enough. Similar the CG Tower that comes with the big boat. Looks like we're getting a new torso! (female) in the plane set. And that new hairpiece in brown? When I heard "Seaplane" I imagined the Police Seaplane but with no stickers and different colour scheme. But this is way better! It looks like they combined the Postal & Ambulance Planes to make a new, better set. Fire Helicopter: The nose piece is interesting it looks like they combined these two pieces to make the new nose piece. I like the helicopter, I think its one of the first decent Fire Helicopters TLC's ever made! (like fits more then 1 minifig) I like the water gun and seat and that "basket" thing is supposed to drop the water on fires so I like how its realistic too. The tanker is alright. If I get the airport I'll probable get this to go with it.
September 20, 200915 yr what does everyone else think about the pickup? I also agree that the tanker looks nice although it is abit <insert that tiresome argument>, lego has not made this good of a tanker ever! Edited September 20, 200915 yr by Capt. Tavares
September 20, 200915 yr Same old same old, very disappointing. I'll be saving a lot of money. The tanker is nice and the seaplane is awesome. However the seaplane will probably be like $20 considering the stupid little post office one was $15. The Fire helicopter wold be a lot better without that lame new front piece, that looks horrible. The airport looks like a better version of the the last one, but the last one was so bad that isn't saying anything. Edited September 20, 200915 yr by The Green Brick Giant
September 20, 200915 yr That Octan tanker truck is GREAT. Assuming the helicopter front and back parts are 6 wide (and not 8 wide as used on the recent airplanes such as the police seaplane), I want some in some nice colors (Black with smoke glass, white with trans-light-blue-glass)
September 20, 200915 yr Sea Plane Love it! I have 2928 German Promo Set Lufthansa one already. I also have the postal plane as well. So, this is definitely going to be in my collection. Notice, the tail end is also from Lufthansa? OMG I have to have it!!!!! I love love love branded Lego sets, especially Lufthansa plane my fav.......... Helicopter I collect these as well! Love the helicopter. I love the front, the back and everything. I don't mind that it's one piece so as long as it's good looking and that it is different looking than my coast guard copter, otherwise I'd be really dissapointed if it looked the same w/ different colors (you guys should know this has happened many times before). I'm hoping this set is not with the truck, otherwise it's going to be a hefty hefty price. I think the copter alone is about 34.99 to begin with. ONE BIG COMPLAINT, what's with the FOUR rotor blades? My coast guard copter has SIX ! Octan You'll spend a fortune buying the old one on bricklink. Enough said
September 21, 200915 yr Helicopter I don't mind that it's one piece so as long as it's good looking and that it is different looking than my coast guard copter ONE BIG COMPLAINT, what's with the FOUR rotor blades? My coast guard copter has SIX ! That doesn't make sense, you want it to look different, but at the same time make it look the same.
September 21, 200915 yr I only think the Octan tanker and seaplane look quite good to people because the rest of the line-up is so shocking! Put them amongst a year with truly excellent sets - like 2007 or even the transport line-up of early 2008 - and they would look OK, but not amazing. Not a great start to the year for City, I'm afraid
September 21, 200915 yr Regardless of the quality of the new City sets for 2010, I feel there's one thing I'm really happy about - LEGO haven't "gone green" and forgotten about the good ol' gas-guzzling Octan company! And by the way, I'm quite happy with the 2010 City line-up so far. It might be a case of deja-vu for most AFOLs or even TFOLs around here, but bear in mind that kids don't remember how the sets used to look like 10 years ago. I'm sure these new sets will sell great - apart from the firefighter boat perhaps... As for myself, I've only set my sights on the bacon... oops, pig farm - and that means I can go ahead and splash out on the 10197 Fire Brigade and the Emerald Night :] Yay!
September 21, 200915 yr same old same old!! couldnt they come up with a better idea for an airport? it looks exactly like the last one! and this one is much more <insert that tiresome argument> i am sooo dissapointed at lego city this year.. a huge step back for lego if you ask me. and that fire plane thing? whats that all about? horrible front piece.. and the octan set..the front is nice but the back is just what? 6 pieces? is this duplo?? come on lego you can do better than this.. did someone quit there job on the design team so they had to copy every passed set?? i am still keeping my fingers crossed for the second half of this year but if it looks anything like this i would have saved enough money to finally get green grocer! (still hoping castle isnt as bad as city is this year) :thumbdown:
September 21, 200915 yr Now that I see the Airport, I am very disappointed. The revolving glass door is back and it looks more ugly than ever. That same over-used coffee maker is back [for the fourth or fifth time, no less] albeit with a few bricks changed around. The structure is, once again assembled of glass panels and a few white bricks. To add injury to insult, the second floor [how do I say this] isn't even complete, with a few gaps on the side and in various other locations. The roof isn't complete either Why is there ladder pieces on the front top of the building? I wouldn't call this an airport, I would call it shopping plaza or a badly designed restaurant. :thumbdown: Sorry if this sounds a little dumb but is the red airliner included with the airport? The control Tower isn't much better. It looks like TLG took the Tower from 7739 Coast Guard Patrol Boat & Tower, , removed most of the pieces, and stuck some windows and plates on top of it. In short, it simply looks bad. The Yellow seaplane is average in a sense that I can't see what you're supposed to do with it. Am I missing something here? Nonetheless, since I love Lego aircraft I will probably buy it. The Octan Tanker is great. I love it. Especially the trailer and the gas pump. The fire helicopter looks a awful. Looks like the current Police Helicopter times ten in red. I like the new panels on the back of the plane that can be opened.. But the rest is just boring and <insert that tiresome argument> , another rehash of those awful big ugly nose and tail pieces. As an AFOL aircraft fan I must say I am disappointed with the new airport sets, except for the yellow seaplane. Edited September 21, 200915 yr by Legoliner Pilot
September 21, 200915 yr I'm not interested in anything on that table but the Octan truck. It fits in with my layout perfectly. The fire vehicle looks like every other fire vehicle that size, and the fire helicopter looks like one big moulded piece. I haven't bothered with aircrafts since they started making them out of large pieces, and I'm obviously not going to get the airport if I don't have any planes for it. None of the other themes on the table interest me, I mean Toy Story looks cute and Prince of Persia has some interesting minifig moulds but I like my collections to expand over the years rather than just exist for one year. Atlantis doesn't appeal to me at all, expecially since they discontinued Pirates and ran with this instead. What the? So, Octan truck it is. Edited September 21, 200915 yr by David Thomsen
September 21, 200915 yr Now that I see the Airport, I am very disappointed. The revolving glass door is back and it looks more ugly than ever. That same over-used coffee maker is back [for the fourth or fifth time, no less] albeit with a few bricks changed around. The Yellow seaplane is average in a sense that I can't see what you're supposed to do with it. Am I missing something here? Nonetheless, since I love Lego aircraft I will probably buy it. i thought the revolving door was great in the first set it was in, the train station, however it's gotten to the "ehh" point. i do like the sliding door, that's really neat. The coffee machine is classic part of LEGO, I remember having one in the early or mid 90s. :) The yellow seaplane is nice because it mixes new pieces with the old fashion style, plus out of all the crap we have seen that is clearly the best.
September 21, 200915 yr Awesome! Thanks for those pics!! The airport is ok, nothing too great but nothing terrible Inside details are interesting, but I probably won't buy it I still don't like the large bulky airplanes though The octan tanker is very cool Hope we actually get a gas station for it to refill I like the seaplane, nothing much to say there However in all I am slightly disappointed as I was hoping for more civilian sets I hope we see some more in the future Right now the only things that are awesome and I will buy are the pig pen and octan tanker
September 21, 200915 yr Awesome! Thanks for those pics!!The airport is ok, nothing too great but nothing terrible Inside details are interesting, but I probably won't buy it I still don't like the large bulky airplanes though The octan tanker is very cool Hope we actually get a gas station for it to refill I like the seaplane, nothing much to say there However in all I am slightly disappointed as I was hoping for more civilian sets I hope we see some more in the future Right now the only things that are awesome and I will buy are the pig pen and octan tanker There is already an Octan Gas Station in 10184 Town Plan.
September 21, 200915 yr Legoliner, don't fret. I am a huge aircraft fan as well. When I saw the sea plane, I was so happy. I'm happy with just one decent plane . I also like the helicopter as expressed earlier and will definitely get it. I fly rc helis :D like e-flite's mSR anyways, so can't drop out on the fire helicopter. Happy 2010 to come
September 21, 200915 yr Legoliner, don't fret. I am a huge aircraft fan as well. When I saw the sea plane, I was so happy. I'm happy with just one decent plane . I also like the helicopter as expressed earlier and will definitely get it. I fly rc helis :D like e-flite's mSR anyways, so can't drop out on the fire helicopter. Happy 2010 to come On second thought, I think I was too hard on the airport. It is just frustarating to get another airport which frankly doesn't look like an airport. I have the 2006 airport and no offense but that airport stunk. It had almost no interior and the control tower was facing the wrong way. This one is a little better. I will definitly get the fire helicopter just to hang it up in my layout. It looks like it will look really good next to the Coast Guard Helicopter. I have one minor quibble, though: where is the back landing gear?
September 21, 200915 yr There is already an Octan Gas Station in 10184 Town Plan. I want a $150 gas station!
September 21, 200915 yr On second thought, I think I was too hard on the airport. It is just frustarating to get another airport which frankly doesn't look like an airport. I have the 2006 airport and no offense but that airport stunk. It had almost no interior and the control tower was facing the wrong way. This one is a little better. I will definitly get the fire helicopter just to hang it up in my layout. It looks like it will look really good next to the Coast Guard Helicopter. I have one minor quibble, though: where is the back landing gear? Landing gears! I never even thought about it for some reason . Oh I'd love to have those . I guess we have to bricklink those to get that done . I second your thought about the 2006 airport *pee yew* I have it as well b/c I wanted the red Lufthansa plane so badly Indeed this airport is better but could be even better Edited September 21, 200915 yr by legobear
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