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Im kind of impartial to this set. To me I would buy some elements of this set, but not all of it.

I like the bus and the street cleaner. I do like the tram but I would have to see how it works before purchasing.

To me this set seems like a mish mash of parts that is less than the sum of its parts.

Ill be saving my money for the two new trains that were announced and HOPEFULLY modular police station and hospital.

At times like this I hate myself for sticking to the 6-wide cars, 8-wide trucks scheme instead of the classic 4-wide cars, 6-wide trucks.

This set is a real beauty, but I could never ever use it for my tabletown layout. What a shame.

Wow! :oh:

My first opinion of the set is that it is definitaly not what I expected.

I simply love the vehicles, they are all amazing! :wub:

But as others have said the building, bus stops ect they look tacked on to increase the piece count.

Nevertheless I shall still buy it.

Wow, color me dissappointed. I don't care about specific parts or lego men heads/torso. I was looking for something cool from this vote and I feel let down atm.

This could have been so much better as a Truck Stop, but we get this. 6 or so little sets combined under a $100 US Pricetag. Hopefully this will get the same 30% off as the TRU SW Exclusive has, so I can think about buying it.

The bus(couch) reminds me this bus for some reason.



Ich habe vom Österreichischen Toys"R"Us eine E-Mail erhalten.

Dort werde ich daürber informiert wann es kommt. Den Preis konnten sie mir nicht nicht sagen.


Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.

Der gewünschte Artikel (925268 8404 GR.BUSSTATION EXC) wird voraussichtlich Ende Juli in unseren Filialen erhältlich sein.

Leider habe ich derzeit noch keine Preisangaben zur Verfügung.


From the Austrian Toys"R"Us Shop I have got a e-mail. There they say me when it ist coming in Austria. They didn´t know the price.


Thanks for you question.

The ordered thing (925268 8404 GR.BUSSTATION EXC) will be avaible in the end of July in our shops.

Unfortunately I don´t have a price yet.

This E-Mail is translated from the German orginal by me.


To tell the truth, I was hoping for a monorail set :cry_sad: But a tram will do nonetheless.

I feel that as a 'Public Transport Center' set it should have more stuff which is related to public transport. I would swap the street cleaner vehicle and car for a ticket booth and better bus/tram stop and maybe add a taxi into the mix. Plus to make it very exclusive TLG could add a trishaw (or 'beca' in Malay) as per the hand drawn picture.

The yellow sports car and the street cleaner vehicle can be sold as a separate set.

I predict some ingenious person will mod the tram to fit into their monorail system! :tongue:

I will surely get this set due to the amount of window pieces on the bus and tram.

Interesting Australia must wait again a month after Europe get it, well in less than two months someone would have done a review and that will now be a long wait.

On another thing - 8403 in Oz will be an exclusive to Toyworld in August, so this might also mean exclusives else where in the world.

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

BIG NEWS I have offical confirmation from TRU customer service, here is the email from them......

'I believe this is Skn 340332 – Lego City Public Transport MFR# 8404 ($159.99) which will be arriving in stores late August.

At the moment we can only assume what is on the packaging is what is in the item.'

This only appeared in my inbox 35 minutes ago and I just logged on to get it.

I'm a conformist! everyone ! :sweet:

I am not sure about the price. US$159.99 is even higher than the MSRP for 10184.

On the other hand, back in a few months ago when 8404 was discovered as "Fans Choice" without details from South African LEGO sales website, I recalled the price for 8404 was stated as cheaper, than 7744 for comparison purpose, at that website, which sounds more reasonable.

It really should not be a lot more then City Corner.

If we compare 7641-8404


Bus station=Tram station

Bike shop=Kiosk and bus stop

Tram=Pizzeria (OK, it's not directly comparable, but amount of used bricks is similar)

Plus we get sportscar with minifig (7euro) and small sweeper (comparable to 7638 which costs 10euro).

So, whole set should cost no more then 70 euro (52+10+7)

Given the size of it and that it is six minifigs, I would expect it to be €60 to €70, admittedly maybe the latter.

This has to be a £60 set tops, there is less to it than the new airport.

Bus nice

Roadsweeper nice

New bike nice

Very european feel to this set giving TRU is more popular in the USA

Lots of stickers ..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Toy story sets all have nice printed pieces, why not town sets? After all, the prices are going through the roof

You know I have just had a thought, this is the middle set between a truck stop and city square.

The bus goes to the truck stop before it's big country trip and the tram ends up at city square, make sense does it - what do you all think ?

I totally agree with you, lightningtiger!

We know for sure that there'll be another TRU set - 7848 - but we unluckily don't know yet what it'll include.

Since we already have the 3221 Lego Truck, a set which contains nearly the same truck (in different colors and maybe with different minifigs and accessory) would imo make not much sense and would surely even sold only very difficulty.

But adding a small TRU store and/or a truck stop to it would surely make it selling.

So I bet that 7848 will be a truck stop. And the City Square will supposably be released in fall 2011.

Like already mentioned, I hope that the roadside structures of the Truck Stop and the City Square will be much more decent: e. g.

Truck Stop - closed truck, open truck, big shop with cashpoint, fast food restaurant with terrace, motel, minifigs

City Square - car with roof, rickshaw, TRU truck, toy/TRU store, cafe, boutique or grocery, minifigs

As for the price of 8404:

It can't be more than 100 Euros/Dollars (like 10193 Medieval Market Village). For more than hundred Euros/Dollars it had to include more and more decent roadside structures and more minifigs.



Ich würde mir einfach mal eine richtige Bank und ein richtiges Restaurant wünschen. Es sollte aber in der City Serie kommen. Wir brauchen nicht immer so viele Fahrzeuge. Wir brauchen Gebäude.

Was denkst du?


I would like to have only a real Bank and a real restaurant. But the sets should be in the City line. We don´t need so many vehicles. We need Buildings.

What do you think?



Ich würde mir einfach mal eine richtige Bank und ein richtiges Restaurant wünschen. Es sollte aber in der City Serie kommen. Wir brauchen nicht immer so viele Fahrzeuge. Wir brauchen Gebäude.

Was denkst du?


I would like to have only a real Bank and a real restaurant. But the sets should be in the City line. We don´t need so many vehicles. We need Buildings.

What do you think?


Totally agree. And it is not necessary that they are huge modilar buildings...

Another note to 8404:

The tram surely won't run on regular train wheels since its lower part is much too low. Maybe TLG uses car wheels without tyres.

But I could even well imagine that they use those round flat rounded 2x2 bricks (which were used e. g. on the bottom side of (smaller) ships).


Ich würde mir einfach mal eine richtige Bank und ein richtiges Restaurant wünschen. Es sollte aber in der City Serie kommen. Wir brauchen nicht immer so viele Fahrzeuge. Wir brauchen Gebäude.

Was denkst du?


I would like to have only a real Bank and a real restaurant. But the sets should be in the City line. We don´t need so many vehicles. We need Buildings.

What do you think?


Totally agree. And it is not necessary that they are huge modilar buildings...

I totally agree with you both, greeny010 and Night City Dream!

We really need more decent non-emergency non-CC-styled buildings for our cities!

The new 8403 City House is really amazing - but it's until now the only decent City building of which we know for 2010.

A two or three floors big bank with security transport car, a security officer, a banker, a civilian and a bank robber would be a set which would very much please us AFOLs (because of getting another decent and realisitic building) as well as JFOLs (because of the many and exciting playability).

So would a post office with post van, post bicycle, two post officers and a woman. A huge post truck could be sold seperately.

And so would even a grocery or supermarket with delivery van and many minifigs.

At least for these three types of buildings there is really no need to release them as exclusive sets since kids would surely like them very much, too.

So let's hope that either the rumored TRU shop will come with 7848 or let's hope that the City Square will already be released this year!


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I love the vehicles. Any new City vehicles are good as far as I'm concerned. The design trend we've had since 2005 has really gripped me as a consumer.

I think the tram would have looked better with another carriage but Lego always give trains too few. This doesn't look too hard to replicate and extend though.

The bunny ear coach looks great. Nice fresh colour scheme. damn shame this wasn't a separate release.

Street sweeper truck is quite cute and is at least in a similar colour scheme to the garbage truck although it appears to have garage markings rather than the recycle signage of the garbage truck.

Finally the green bicycle! well, if it is actually green by the time the set arrives. we can only hope it isn't yet another red one.

The bus stop and tram stop look ok. they do what they're supposed to. it's the little shop that's disappointing. everybody loves the little shop and this is just too small and under developed. Could have been a decent small building with a public toilet on the side. surely even lego minifigs need to go before a long journey on a coach?

The car. another yellow car. would it really be too much to ask for a non primary colour car? dark red or dark blue. nougat even. anything but red yellow or white.

Whinges and whines aside I do really like this set. I'll buy this if I can. It'll all look great in my tabletown. With modifications.

i have the feeling there are no wheels on that tram. just round tiles on the bottom of the plates.

i have the feeling there are no wheels on that tram. just round tiles on the bottom of the plates.

Well, lets hope not, because that would be a shame if that was the case. Still, it's a tram, which is a first for LEGO, and something I seriously didn't expect from this set. So it's a very nice surprise.

I really like the rest of this set as well, and will seriously consider purchasing it.

No way would the tram NOT come with wheel of some sort, so it can roll and maintain some form of control - no Earth made tram has a repulsorlift ! :grin:

Can't wait to download the instructions to see how it's being done and also BUY it ! :laugh:

In the little shop or should be called 'kiosk' what appears to be coffee marker or is it a cash register, I wonder what it's also ment to sell - in a few months maybe 'The Brickster' could run a contest to do with 8404 eh ?

I'm a conformist! everyone ! :sweet:

i have the feeling there are no wheels on that tram. just round tiles on the bottom of the plates.

I don't think so. I've just thought about how I would build such a tram: I would try to hide the wheels with plates/tiles, and then I saw this:


Maybe the wheels are hidden behind that brackets? Would also explain, why the seats in the tram are in the middle and not direct to the windows (like in the bus), because the wheels need place.

btw: The set is really cool :wub:. It's that, what I've expected (okay, I wished there are some special roadplates with rails in it, but i knew this is very unrealistic).

By the way, you can see in the high-res picture that the battery box in the

two train sets is not the same as rechargeable battery box (item 8878)

as previously thought.

Presumably then, this battery box is rechargeable only if you put rechargeable

batteries in it.

In any case, both train sets look awesome, I can't wait to get them. I'll probably

run them with a 9V motor on 9V track, sell the RC track, and then use the remote

control power functions to power various things sitting next to the track, though I

haven't decided yet what that would be (perhaps I'll build a remote controlled

crane, and a remote controlled switch point).

How could I miss this? 7 pages later... :grin:

I am slightly disappointed however. It is not the Airport shuttle Monorail remake that i hoped for but it is still nice :grin:

Good things:

Tourist or long distance travel bus :wub: Very nicely designed and I love the lime green/white color scheme.

GREEN bike, *passes out* and I had hoped for a new color bike too in my last comment, boy I am good :laugh:

Sweet yellow sports car!! That is awesome and just what I had also wanted, I didn't want to say sports car again because we had gotten the red one already and did not want to have bricks thrown at me :grin: :Looks like a really nice design. and also 6 wide!!! The other red sports car was 4 wide, blah :sceptic:

Cleaner truck is very nice addition, although I wanted a delivery truck this is equally as great.

Best for last, Tourist t Gift shop :wub: :wub: :wub: Simple design but awesome!

Ok things:

Tram, not what I was expecting, bit short they could have extended a little. middle section is just ridiculous :hmpf:

No track included I have no idea how I would incorporate the tram in my city


Green recycle bins everywhere.

Things that could have been better

Bus stop, pretty weak but functional

Tram stop, same thing

figs, only one new torso?

Overall I give it the above average rating :grin:

I will probably get this because it is still awesome.

and thanks for pics :thumbup:

Here's the happy snap of the 8404 Lego set...

(Ooops sorry the pic was too large)

Here's the link to itLego set 8404

Enjoy :classic:

That looks like a great set. I imagine it could be combined with various other sets to make a large city. Unfortunately, I won't get it, because it's too far out of my price range.

The yellow car looks similar to the red version, but I can see some changes.

OMG, actually the things that are sold in the store are 4548 regulator and bulldozers, not newspapers...

I asume that it is a mini version of lego store than...

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