June 9, 201014 yr That TRU truck looks nice, as does the mini TRU. Now all I need to do is win Lotto so I can afford the typical TRU rip-off pricing they tend to charge for exclusives (such as Squidman Pitstop, Home One, TS3 garbage truck etc) :) Doubly so if the public transport set is a TRU exclusive too.
June 9, 201014 yr 7848 TRU Truck Thanks for the long awaited pic, whung! I love the small store, but the better truck is the LEGO one! (and selling guns is a bit ... disturbing?)
June 9, 201014 yr Thanks for the picture of the new truck, whung! The mini TRU store would certainly look great built into a larger structure. I too however am a bit scared of what is being sold in the store. Those weapons certainly seem like a pretty bizarre choice! In an case, it's a lovely set.
June 9, 201014 yr Excellent job, whung! Thanks for sharing this image with us, and now I am really looking forward to both truckers. I do hope the TRU Truck will be available at all TRUs worldwide.
June 9, 201014 yr I like them both but more to the toysrus, the TRU one has a TRU shop which is really cool!
June 9, 201014 yr There both alright (i don't really have a preference and probably won't but either) but why would TLC release 2 of basically the same set?
June 9, 201014 yr Awesome, thanks for the picture whung!Huh? The trucks seem to be identical, but for the colour scheme. That's peculiar, considering that TRU already sells the yellow truck. What's that in the shop windows? A teddy bear and swords and guns?? So for $AU 10 more, we get a small shop with some nice accessories, plus an extra minifig? Not bad I suppose. I wonder how that will translate in British pounds. Personally, I think the mini TRU should have more mini LEGO sets in place of the guns. Also, I wonder if the set comes with mini marked-up price tags to put on the toys. After all, no TRU I know of is complete without inflated prices. -Toa Of Justice Edited June 9, 201014 yr by Toa_Of_Justice
June 9, 201014 yr Toys R Us truck. We get blue doors (only used ones on Bricklink) and blue mudguards (a first)
June 9, 201014 yr I love coming home from work, checking out Eurobricks expecting to see another Star wars competition and hey presto, a new truck for our lego city which I did not expect to see Is this likely to be an internation TRU product or just in the USA?
June 9, 201014 yr i actually prefer the blue truck. i know, the yellow one is part of a classic line of yellow lego trucks, but i'm kinda tired of yellow trucks... it's nice to have a different color for once... the model itself is not all that great though... the wheels are too small, imo....
June 9, 201014 yr Awesome, thanks for the picture whung!Huh? The trucks seem to be identical, but for the colour scheme. That's peculiar, considering that TRU already sells the yellow truck. What's that in the shop windows? A teddy bear and swords and guns?? So for $AU 10 more, we get a small shop with some nice accessories, plus an extra minifig? Not bad I suppose. I wonder how that will translate in British pounds. Yes, they do seem to be the same... Possibly a limited edition version available at Toys R Us? That looks like a rather big bear... Edited June 9, 201014 yr by Delta 38
June 9, 201014 yr Isn't Small TRU an oxymoron? Lego hasn't done anything with any companies in a long time except for minis and keychains, so this is interesting. The guns would make more sense if they were orange or yellow, then we could actually tell they were toys.(unless they aren't supposed to be toys... )
June 9, 201014 yr I don't really like either of the trucks so can't muster much enthusiasm for this new set. I also think the idea of guns in the shop is not a great idea. At least the blue truck isn't yellow (or orange). No new minifigs and presumably stickers too. It's a no from me.
June 9, 201014 yr I kinda like the lil ToysRUs. On the guns issue, I think a lightsaber (LEGO Star Wars reference) or a Castle sword (like a foam Nerf sword) or maybe an Atlantis trident would all been better alternatives, but I don't mind. Is that a big ol Teddy Bear in the window I see? Does this mean we will get a big LEGO store as a set?
June 9, 201014 yr (and selling guns is a bit ... disturbing?) I guess military sets are bad, but selling guns to kids is OK Seriously, what is LEGO thinking? This is utterly stupid and I hope people complain. I wouldn't mind if they had used a novelty piece (like the new space ray piece) but the standard long rifle is just sick. As for the trucks... I do like the blue and white one better more than the bright yellow version.
June 9, 201014 yr Hey gang Brickshelf has gone down, can someone post a picture of the TRU truck etc., - dam it why didn't I stay awake another hour ! I'm a conformist! !
June 9, 201014 yr Yes, they do seem to be the same... Possibly a limited edition version available at Toys R Us?That looks like a rather big bear... The bear is from Belville (I'm pretty sure), hence its size. I don't know about the guns. It's a pretty silly design decision, but hey, so was the turkey drumstick in the BBQ Stand impulse, where a hot dog would have made more sense. But any ideas that people will be offended by the guns seems awfully premature. I've seen plenty of instances in the BIONICLE fandom where people had the idea that some set or another would be "controversial", and as far as I can see the only "controversies" about any of those sets were the ones that online fans fabricated to give themselves something to worry about, complain about, and make fun of. Fact is, it's a toy store-- it's plenty obvious from context that it's supposed to be a toy gun, and without the context there's nothing more controversial about these guns than the ones in a Pirates set. In fact, since it's the Pirates flintlock rifle, it's even more obvious that it's not real-- what modern-day place besides an toy store is likely to be purveying those from a barrel? Yes, we live in a world where silly lawsuits over kids' toys do in fact happen. But there's no way LEGO or TRU is likely to pick up any flak from this. It's just not a real, legitimate problem. Meanwhile, it'd be cool if there were a set of a LEGO store, but until there are more of those than there are now it's very unlikely. I've never been to a LEGO store that wasn't inside a mall or a LEGOLAND park. So a LEGO storefront might be kind of cute, but for many kids it wouldn't have the same "taken straight out of real life" feeling as a Toys 'R' Us. Edited June 9, 201014 yr by Aanchir
June 9, 201014 yr I agree with the above. Plus it's only LEGO. Poeple make MOCs with blood and guts everyday and even TLG make sets with guns and swords eg Pirates, STARWARS, etc etc and none complains about that so I don't see whats wrong with this. Now I'm gonna go get some sleep I've been on EB all day it's half ten at night and I got up at three in the morning Edited June 10, 201014 yr by BrickClick
June 9, 201014 yr I think the controversy is more along the lines of... TRU sells a lot of different toys, and it doesn't seem in the best interest in promoting either Lego or TRU, to show the store stocking all these weapons. In the set, we have some boxes of Lego, a small car, a bear, and a barrel full of weapons. It just seems that a different type of toy could have been chosen over guns and swords. Maybe the set is part of some sort of alternate reality city theme, in which brightly coloured bears are terrorizing everyone, and stores (even ones like TRU) have taken to selling guns to be able to fend off the animals?
June 9, 201014 yr I don't understand the big deal. If the gun were the standard rifle, I would understand, but its just the musket. Clearly it is supposed to be a toy. -Chewk
June 9, 201014 yr Now there's a surprise, the same truck in a different colour and you could fit the whole shop in the back of the truck - 18 wheeled overkill ! Still the shop is nice....very nice.....we did have some TRU express stores around years ago which were 1/4 sized TRU's, but I'll make a TRU for my son, and for me change the truck to a refridgerated truck and the toy shop into a Toyworld for New Mannum - dam I'll have to put my grocery store somewhere else now. Besides I don't see a problem with pirate musket rifles and swords as a real TRU sells these things in the dress-up/role play departments. Images of other styles of toys is to be expected as this is not a Lego-only shop ! Funny, where's this truck stop still eh ? - I'll bet it's next year ! Also note in the voting of April '09 a toy shop was shown in the image of city square.....remember ! Can't wait for this one to come out ......I'm a conformist! everyone !
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