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I knew this was gonna be a real theme!

I think this is going to give us some great parts to make ornamental figures on ships, finally! :cry_happy:

this theme needs giant penguins, everything does, maybe penguins that fire lasers out of their eyes. If i worked at Lego everything would have penguins that fire lasers out of their eyes by now.

I think this is going to give us some great parts to make ornamental figures on ships, finally! :cry_happy:

Interesting thought... new figurehead contest? :grin:

this theme needs giant penguins, everything does, maybe penguins that fire lasers out of their eyes. If i worked at Lego everything would have penguins that fire lasers out of their eyes by now.

Are you sure you're not

with a penguin fetish?

Edited by Rick

Say, is that a minifig holding the trident?

I think so. Look on top of the box, it looks like one of the minifigs is holding a trident. The fig looks like a blue that sorta blends in with the background. Again though, these would have to be super-duper-fantastically-awesome minifigs to make me buy the sets.

EDIT: If you look closely at the Atlantian, (the one with the trident) it looks like there's a fin on his back. :thumbup:

Thanks for the close-up Striker. :classic:

Edited by Spyder

What's so special about Trikes? (I mean, every kind of three-wheeled vehicle)

I guess the first one came out with Blacktron I, then city had trikes instead of regular motorbikes, then Life on Mars, and then Mars Mission, now this one and I think I missed someone. How come there are so few (if any) in the real world?

(Ok, I know, there seem to be worst things in this theme than a 3wheeler...)

And, again, yes: the whole thing is real, just read here.

I'm hoping it's fake. I have wanted an Atlantis theme forever, I want shark people, and mermaids and an adventure like theme.

This looks like LEGO went "Well Power Miners didn't sell as well as we had hoped, and Aqua Raiders better than we had hoped, so let's make the sets red and make a new theme!"

I hope they turn out a lot better, and will be waiting for much larger pictures.

I messed around with the pixels, and made it a tad bigger.


Thanks for the bigger pic, I have a few observations about the set now.

- I see two silver Mantax claws attached via the old hand piece [pre-2009] to a old Toa/Vahki arm, which then attaches to the main model on either the wheel or directly in front of it - seems pretty likely that this is how the saw blade is attached.

- The vehicle looks to only have one wheel in the back.

- Considering that the trident man is holding what looks to be the same plate-type part as depicted in the corner of the box art, this may be like a collectible sort of piece.

- Definitely two factions in this theme: humans, who are trans-lime, red[dark red?] and black [i'm pretty sure they're human because I see a yellow head in the dome], and Atlanteans, who seem to be gold, light blue, and dark blue.

Edited by WhiteFang
Removed confidential photo

Now that a picture is leaked I can confirm 100% that these are real. I have seen most of the preliminary shots of the sets here at the LEGO Store. All I will say right now is hold your judgements until you see some of the figures, they are awesome.


Great news! LEGO is really expanding minifigures this year to be more than the traditional figures. On top of that the color scheme looks great.

I don't think the Atlanteans are going to be the good guys. They seem strongly inspired by the Cthulhu mythos.

I don't think the Atlanteans are going to be the good guys. They seem strongly inspired by the Cthulhu mythos.

You've got to be kidding me. :hmpf_bad:

As if TLG would ever base a theme on Lovecraft's texts. The story of Atlantis dates back to the antiquity, and it has been written about over and over again ever since that, so pulling the friggin' Cthulhu into this mix is just laughable. :laugh:

And I'm very convinced that this picture is not a fake, since it features totally new pieces, a full boxart on all sides of the box, and most importantly, the green "collectable" thingie, which would surely not appear in a fake. Plus the number on the box (8059) matches with the list of sets, marking it as the "Sandcutter".

You've got to be kidding me. :hmpf_bad:

As if TLG would ever base a theme on Lovecraft's texts. The story of Atlantis dates back to the antiquity, and it has been written about over and over again ever since that, so pulling the friggin' Cthulhu into this mix is just laughable. :laugh:

And I'm very convinced that this picture is not a fake, since it features totally new pieces, a full boxart on all sides of the box, and most importantly, the green "collectable" thingie, which would surely not appear in a fake. Plus the number on the box (8059) matches with the list of sets, marking it as the "Sandcutter".

Although the mer-creature is vaguely seen, the imagery is definitely inspired by the graphic interpretations of Cthulhu which are not by Lovecraft himself, but inspired partially by his writings.

As for the story of Atlantis - as far as I know, before Lovecraft's work it was just about a highly civilized city, which sank to the bottom of the sea. Nothing ominous about it.

Here's an example of a Cthulhu creature:


This seems to resemble the creature in the picture. Of course LEGO would not do a full on Lovecraft theme, since it would be really inappropriate for kids. But as an inspiration, I think there definitely is a bit of Cthulhu in here:


Granted , we have to wait for better pictures, I may be wrong making conclusions based on a blurry shot.


This seems to resemble the creature in the picture. Of course LEGO would not do a full on Lovecraft theme, since it would be really inappropriate for kids. But as an inspiration, I think there definitely is a bit of Cthulhu in here:


Granted , we have to wait for better pictures, I may be wrong making conclusions based on a blurry shot.

What is that first thing, Hannibal Lecter the Ood?

I personally don't see any resemblance between it and the Cthulhu thing - the Atlantean's head looks like a trans-light blue diving visor attached to Dracula/Joker hair, and I see a dark blue torso and black hands in that pic as well. It seems more sci-fi than Lovecraftian horror, in my opinion.


Two observations about that pic:

1. The fig seems to have normal legs, not the mermaid fin. :sad:

2. The fig looks shiny, so let's hope it's metallic blue! :sweet:

1. The fig seems to have normal legs, not the mermaid fin. :sad:

Maybe it will be the new longer legs from the Toy Story theme? This would certainly be a good and unique use for the piece, which won't have much use elsewhere...

Made it bigger:


*LEGO Premlininary set image removed*

Edit by WhiteFang: The image contains "Confidential" and Eurobricks doesn't authorise this image to be deeplinked or published.


This set looks cool now that I can actually see it!

EDIT: Just noticed that double-lined oval that goes around the vehicle.

Edited by WhiteFang
Removed confidential LEGO set photos

Well, although the words "power miners underwater" were not the first thing that popped into my head, I must say that I'm not too excited about the picture. Honestly, the design looks rather bad and uses Bionicle pieces in an unimaginitive way (which I oppose, even though I'm a fan of the line). And with Power Miners seemingly continuing in 2010, all I really have to say is... why? :sceptic:

I fear this will be just like the Power Miners theme with human heroes plundering the locals of their resources :hmpf:

Okay, I'm really getting sick of people using comments like this to describe Power Miners, whether they mean it or are just posting a tongue-in-cheek message. The official comics posted in the lego Magazine clearly show that the humans are only venturing underground because of strange surface rumblings on the surface that are threatening to shake the planet apart. After they travel down and find that the Rock Monsters are causing this, it's only natural that they would want to keep the crystals away, as those are the source of the Rock Monsters kinetic energy. Not once do the Power Miners ever hurt a Rock Monster, even as their foes are smashing their vehicles and trying to destory them.

Seriously, I know I'm being rather passionate about this, but this misconception is really starting to get on my nerves. Research people, research! :tongue:

Edited by Grevious

- Considering that the trident man is holding what looks to be the same plate-type part as depicted in the corner of the box art, this may be like a collectible sort of piece.

It's probably the Atlanteans sign of peace and love. They probably have a cult, too. :laugh:

Research people, research!

Hey, that's my line! :grin:

Edited by Striker

I guess... this means no Stargate Atlantis theme. :cry_sad::tongue: (They could still do SG-1....)

Atleast we a get a new water/diving theme. :classic:

I hope it will have mermaids! And maybe some fishies!

Okay, I'm really getting sick of people using comments like this to describe Power Miners, whether they mean it or are just posting a tongue-in-cheek message. The official comics posted in the lego Magazine clearly show that the humans are only venturing underground because of strange surface rumblings on the surface that are threatening to shake the planet apart. After they travel down and find that the Rock Monsters are causing this, it's only natural that they would want to keep the crystals away, as those are the source of the Rock Monsters kinetic energy. Not once do the Power Miners ever hurt a Rock Monster, even as their foes are smashing their vehicles and trying to destory them.

They throw dynamites at them, imprison them, and possibly even use saws and drills on them. How is that not hurting them? :hmpf: Also, by stealing the crystals, the only thing the rock monsters eat, they will starve them to death eventually. :sadnew:

Luckily, this Atlantis theme doesn't seem to be that brutal since the humans seem to be merely after the Atlanteans' treasure. :thumbup:

Don't blow it up so much, Striker!

Now we can see the 'Confidential' watermark which means it will get taken down :laugh:

Don't blow it up so much, Striker!

Now we can see the 'Confidential' watermark which means it will get taken down :laugh:

Wow, you saw that?

I didn't. :wacko:

I guess that means I should remove it from my BrickShelf and this thread...?

Too late now! Let's just keep on talking and hope noone notices :look:


Well, new minifig parts or not, I find this theme completely disappointing. And yes, I'm going to base this opinion off the one pic we have and all the vehicle-related set names! :laugh:

Change the colour scheme and this could too easily be another Power Miners set - small stubby vehicle with giant wheels and useless claw and blade pieces.

As someone pointed out earlier, why does an undersea craft have wheels? :wacko:

I was looking forward to a more fantastic, underwater city type theme but I guess I was living in la-la land :hmpf: More giant vehicles and mutant creatures! At least the 2007 Aquaraiders sets were somewhat brickbuilt with nicely designed sea life (esp the squid and shark) but I don't have any confidence that we will see similar pseudo-realistic creatures here - they just don't seem to fit with the aesthetic.

^That's the main problem, if i was good with photoshop I could make the set lime green and add a rock monster and you would have a fakePower Miner set. LEGO needs to do different things and not just "Let's just through flick missiles and some Bionicle weapons on something and call it a day". I know children today suck, but new theme should mean do new things not just new/different colors.

Also the humans will be the good guys and whatever lives under the sea will be the bad guys. That's how it always works.

Edited by The Green Brick Giant

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