October 7, 200915 yr Parents which buy some of these sets for their kids must be ! What are you, the enemy of fun? Yes this is Lego, and there are some that are hugely proud of it, and view your opinion as a lot of empty talking.Do you really have to throw the content of your stomach out on everybody that has just praised this new Lego line ? Why not spend your time on something you like ? Agreed, I'm all for sharing opinions, but I'm getting sick of Klaus Dieter parading his opinions as facts and putting down others who like the line, despite the fact that they are the majority. But yeah, definitely hope there is a larger Atlantis temple set later on in the year, that would be superb, espeically since the ruins we've seen a pretty lackluster. Definitely hoping for something more. Batbrick Away!
October 7, 200915 yr Some sets are amazing, another are average, but all the minifigs are great. I suppose that 8075 is the best set in this theme. Нmmm...it will be very intresting to compare Atlantis with Aquanauts How will this themes look on one shelf?
October 7, 200915 yr At first I wasn't a big fan of this theme, but boy have I changed my mind! The minifigs are truly lovely. The new diving gear is awesome and I love all of the new heads we're getting. I also quite like the underwater creatures. The sets are for the most part excellent as well. Sure, the colors are a bit flashy, but kids will certainly love them, and I really don't mind them too much. I especially like the new cockpits. It seems like we'll get quite a few new pieces, like those cool new claws. 8075 is by far my favorite, but most of the others are cool as well. I'm certainly going to get most of these.
October 7, 200915 yr Phew, I was getting worried after Phoinix said he actually saw merit in the line, but thank goodness you don't like it! Every line you have hated in the last 3 years has been a huge success for LEGO: Exo-Force, Agents, Power Miners, Space Police etc, I figure as long as you think it sucks then LEGO is on safe ground! Thanks for being consistently dismissive of everything that the company has turned around to now be profitable again and keeping the future of our hobby safe. I appreciate your honesty even though I still can't figure out why you seem to feel the need to tell everyone how much you hate things. Do you work for Mega-blocks or Play-mobil as an internet-viral-attack-mutant? You never seem to have anything positive to say! All you keep saying is 'don't buy LEGO'. Go on, you can tell us, who's paying you to create negative spin?And in repose to Tohst - yep, everyones got an opinion, it's just this guys is ALWAYS negative, and never constructive. How many 'sick.sick,sick' comments has he made on LEGO lines in the past 3 years without ever trying to find a constructive solution bur instead personally attacks those who buy the sets as stupid. well actually if you check the creator, city, and the exclusive sets sections you will find that we like (most of) them! its not like we hate EVERY set of EVERY theme. i my self have a few mars mission and a few exo force sets (and ofcourse the new castle line) but we DO have a right to say that these sets are too violent and too "non" lego-ish i dont know how old you are but i am 29 and when i was 10 the city theme had more to offer than police and the other themes werent so violent with guns and machine-guns and giant bionicle monsters. i know that themes like this one keep the company going and so i have made my peace with most of them The fact that power miners or agents might sell well dosent make me like them more. it dosent go like that.. So i do have a right to give my perspective and opinion on any new theme since i am a member of this forum. Dont you have a theme that you dont like? do you LOVE every lego set or line?? and so that i keep you updated the best selling set in the lego company is usually the fire or police department. You can find that mentioned in lego's annual report. and thank you for remembering our opinions all these years! (and by the way yes this is a line that i find good enough for what lego is doing these days and i look forward to buying a few of these sets!) Edited October 7, 200915 yr by phoinix
October 7, 200915 yr Rant, rant, :sick: rant, rant, rant... Wow. Being negative as usual I see. Seriously, Klaus, it's OK if you think that the majority of Lego themes suck, and it's OK if you tell us that, but it's not to do so in such a respectless tone. Please change that. I figure as long as you think it sucks then LEGO is on safe ground! Yeah, I guess that's true. @ Front: Great job on the diving gear, man! Keep it up! Back on topic: Isn't it strange that we got pics of all the sets besides the giant shark one? I wonder what the reverse side of the pirate-like head looks like. Edited October 7, 200915 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
October 7, 200915 yr Hi Phionix, of course you have a right to you opinions, and although I've disagreed with you in the past, you have always explained your reasoning when asked and that's fair enough (I was born in '71 and when I got my first sets the minifigures had no arms and conflict was never even suggested!) But I also remember what I built as a kid, my cars had chases that ended in crashes, my spaceships had guns and the bad guys often destroyed my castle walls. I think LEGO have just caught up with the way children play. Like it or not. kids work out their frustrations about the lack of control they have in everyday life through conflict play. I've seen my nephew attack an evil character because "he killed my best friend, kidnapped the princess and scribbled on my homework like Danny did!" - one of those happened to him that day, I'll let you guess which one! However I cannot ignore someone who repeatedly directly criticizes people for buying the toys their children want, calling them stupid, and calling LEGO sick for making toys that appeal to children. TLG is paying a lot of attention to the AFOLs these days, (pirate ship anyone?) but if they stop recruiting kids the toy will die, just like other toys that decided to listen only to their fans as they grew old and died off (like Hornby Railways, Scalextic, or Mecano). To criticize a toy company you are a fan of for making sets that appeal to children seems more then shortsighted. But enough, I've slightly derailed this thread, I'll leave you to discuss the leaks in peace!
October 7, 200915 yr WOW the new Atlantis sets look darn good! looking forward to them The figs coming in these sets look Great CommanderFox
October 7, 200915 yr Wow. Mr. Negative strikes again. Seriously, Klaus, it's OK if you think that the majority of Lego themes suck, and it's OK if you tell us that, but it's not to do so in such a respectless tone. Please change that. And attacking him and calling him names is the epitome of respectfulness I presume? We all have our opinions, and people display these opinions in different manners; asking someone to conform to a certain way of proclaiming said opinions seems a bit counterproductive in the grand scheme of things, don't you think? As for the line itself, I couldn't care less for the big, red vehicles and brick-built monsters. They all seem to look the same to me, so I'll probably end up skipping most if not all of these sets. Some of the figs do seem special, however, and I could definitely incorporate some of the new heads into Castle/City MOCS. I'm not much of an underwater MOCer, so I'm not sure how much usefulness I could get out of the scuba gear; it would be nice to collect at least one of each of the Atlanteans, though.
October 7, 200915 yr Honestly, people, you should all know by now that unless a set has a vehicle 4-stucks wide, in primary shades of yellow, blue and red, and features a civilian bank or cafe, it is unlikely to please Klaus-Dieter Yes, I sometimes wonder too why he likes posting comments in new themes threads when it's pretty clear what his response will be, but he does have the right to an opinion. Since that opinion is predictable to most of you, I suggest you just shake your head a little, take a deep breath, and move on Please DO NOT respond in thread with personal comments, and if you feel that the discussion or a particular post is overtly personal, use the REPORT button to alert a moderator. Thanks! On another note, I think it's great that EB attracts visiting designers from TLG, and really adds to the discussion. Having gone through design review panels and so on, I'm sure they're relatively thick-skinned when it comes to people criticising their products Bearing in mind that they may be floating around is no reason to censor your comments, but an additional reason to make them thoughtful and well-reasoned.
October 7, 200915 yr These sets look interesting, but the best part is the new figs! The scuba diver impulse looks great but the other one with the 5-6 piece rock is kinda underwhelming But the figs are fantastic!
October 8, 200915 yr oh man I love this theme. I realy dig the unique minifigures. the way their torsos epitomises decay is truely grasping, and the diver vehicles are very sleek, if not streemlined. the large turtle beast was an unexpected surpise, but I beleive it to be a grand one. the manta person is FRIGIN AWESOME and so is cthulu. I like the shark (especialy the torso) but I would rather a more deverce selection of sea creatures. I think it would be cool if the shark man had the merfolk tail. I like the giant sea creatures (squidys). are we still getting the epic giant black shark? Ps; disregard my previous post, there is no black fig, The picture was lit poorly, and it was actualy the manta guy. Edited October 8, 200915 yr by dannylonglegs
October 8, 200915 yr I just had a look at the new photos. And it didn´t change my mind: The complete theme is not doing it for me. - we have seen something similar (power miners combined with aqua raiders) - the color scheme. Lime/gray? - the minifigs. We have seen the shark-fig in Harry Potter sets, the other "aliens" look like they're from aqua raiders (see above) and the other figs are nothing really special. I mean, we get new faces (again), what more is it about? - the vehicles: Bad use of colours - you can see technic bricks in gray next to the red shape. Some cars look like they put leftovers together. All in all a boring theme which will last for two years and then it´s gone again. On the other hand it saves me money, so why should I complain at all?
October 8, 200915 yr Author Stop moanin' y'all. It's looks like a FAR better theme than Power Miners or Agents. SP III is better, but not by far.
October 8, 200915 yr Loving the Stingray man and especially Cthulu, hope there are more Atlanteans to come in the second wave. Some very nice new pieces, particularly the shields and diving suit. The minifigs look odd with no hair. I hope we get a classical temple. It would have been nice to have some small building modules that could combine to make a bigger ruins scene. When I think of Atlantis I am thinking mainly cool ruins, not underwater SP, ther is so much untapped potential. It's pretty creative that some of the vehicles are based on odd-number widths. I'm open minded on the vehicles, especially if they have some nice functions like PM, but can't get excited about the creatures. The big squid and crab (and shark? here is a link to the shark http://www.flickr.com/photos/9824337@N06/3...in/photostream/ ) are too much like aqua raiders - but hurray for the big scary porcuturtle. It's lovely how the humans and Atlanteans just get along together... Edited October 8, 200915 yr by robuko
October 8, 200915 yr Interesting theme. Obviously another vehicle/play based theme that will not please alot of AFOL's, but I must say that I am very pleased with the figs, especially the Atlantians. I'll withhold final judgement on the vehicles until I see them in person, but the follwing sets are on my "Must Buy" list. 8072 (the mini underwater scooter) 8073 (mini set with atlantian) 8057 (scooter and sharkman) 8061 (sunken temple with cthulu man) It's nice that the temple is tan and grey based, so it -and possibly future structures- will at least be made of colors that I like to MOC with. Also I'm very glad to see that the swim fins are not a translucent color. I view this new theme the way I view Power Miners and Space Police. The vehicles inspire varying degrees of interest (from "cool" to "meh") and I'm not interested in collecting the entire series, but I'm pleased to see new and interesting figures and accessories that will have use elsewhere. I do like that this particular incarnation of LEGO's underwater world is giving us a more fantasy vibe, rather than the more naturalist or sci-fi feelings of previous incarnations. There's also the great potential for AFOL's to MOC in this theme and come up with some great underwater vehicles. Much the same way that there have been some amazing AFOL Power Miner MOCs. Even if the rest of the theme were rubbish (which I don't think it is) the atlantean figs alone would be enough for me to say "Thanks TLG!" for thinking ouside-the-box and giving us something new.
October 8, 200915 yr I want to state my apologies to everyone that might have been offended by my rant a couple of pages back, especially to Klaus-Dieter. We should all be able to give our view on matters here, without being shouted at by others. And I have to admit that I acted agressive. I have a limited view on the atlantis sets at the moment. I have kind of learnt through the huge amount of 2004-2009 sets that I've built, that you can't really know what a set will be like, by looking at the box. Sometimes I've been plesantly surprised by the building experience, the final look or the neat functions. At other times it has been just opposite, the sets may have lacked a lot in final looks, or been kind of boring and uninspiring to build. What I do like though about sets, are the bricks they are made of. I really like a lot of the different bricks that are currently in productions. There are quite some that I don't like too, but they are surely outnumbered by the good bricks, and in such a way that most sets tend to be a delight from a pure brick-perspective. Not that all sets are equal, regarding value of bricks versus set price. Definately not. But I like the amount of cool new bricks that this new theme presents. I am surely getting multiple of some of the sets for that reason alone. I could also see myself trying to create one big bad-megablocks underwater base moc for the humans. As I could with the Aqua Raiders theme. I love that yellow colour scheme, and like the few sets I've built (I have all sets, but not built). I kind of like to have the bricks of a set in my hands, before I comment. Or at least see the building instructions, or a detailed review here on EB. Train sets are cool, because they have train drivers and tracks. Star wars sets are cool because they've got clones and guns. Bionicle is cool because they got balls. Underwater themes are not un-cool, just because they haven't got indians. Edited October 8, 200915 yr by Front
October 8, 200915 yr Appologies if this has been mentioned before (I'm not going back through 30 pages, sorry). Anybody else think that Squidman from SPIII could have a lot of uses in Atlantis?
October 8, 200915 yr Appologies if this has been mentioned before (I'm not going back through 30 pages, sorry).Anybody else think that Squidman from SPIII could have a lot of uses in Atlantis? I totally agree with you, he is going to fit right into my vision of Atlantis. I'm not sure if it has been mentioned in this thread, but the Octopuss King has been mentioned in the Space Police Sets thread as a possible Crime Boss Mastermind! I also think the green SPIII alien with 4 arms might also blend in well. We are having some great characters given to us through this theme (and SPIII), I am so looking forward to our first reviews now.
October 8, 200915 yr I was so excitded when I heard the news. I was so disapointed when I saw the pictures. It makes me feel sick. It offends Greek mythology.
October 8, 200915 yr I was so excitded when I heard the news.I was so disapointed when I saw the pictures. It makes me feel sick. It offends Greek mythology. Funny how many people think that Antlantis is part of Greek Mythology... It's actually just an invention created by Plato who just wanted to illustrate a point to the state of the society of his time. It doesn't even take root in any Greek lore or tradition and he certainly never intended for it to be such a big deal and story and legend and whatnot. So basically, you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, Greek Mythology can still sleep soundly And I for one, am pretty excited by what TLG pulled of. I don't care that much about the vehicles but I like the underlying idea behind the ruins and the minifigs. I just hope they'll go way farther in that direction for the next wave... and if we get rid of the divers, we can even mix it with the Pirate theme for a touch of PotC like fantasy
October 8, 200915 yr Funny how many people think that Antlantis is part of Greek Mythology... It's actually just an invention created by Plato who just wanted to illustrate a point to the state of the society of his time. It doesn't even take root in any Greek lore or tradition and he certainly never intended for it to be such a big deal and story and legend and whatnot. Thanks for the Info, I love learning about ancient history. I think that there is some kind of caste system going on with the Manta guys as more expandable soldiers, sharks as elite guards, and octopi as the rulers. I hope to see more species of monsters though.
October 9, 200915 yr Funny how many people think that Antlantis is part of Greek Mythology... It's actually just an invention created by Plato who just wanted to illustrate a point to the state of the society of his time. It doesn't even take root in any Greek lore or tradition and he certainly never intended for it to be such a big deal and story and legend and whatnot. Heehee, thank you for that. I will be a bit disappointed if there is not a large, actual Atlantis building based set, but i can still deal with it; the awesome red pieces will make for a great spaceship. Batbrick Away!
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